16:53:12 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:53:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/10/27-aria-irc 16:53:14 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:53:16 Zakim, this will be 16:53:16 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:53:17 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:53:17 Date: 27 October 2016 16:53:22 chair: Rich 16:53:30 RRSAgent, make log public 16:53:33 Regrets ShaneM 16:55:13 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Oct/0096.html 16:57:47 present+ 16:58:14 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:58:57 tzviya has joined #aria 17:00:24 present+ janina 17:00:29 jamesn has joined #aria 17:01:18 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:02:15 present+ 17:02:30 present+ 17:04:18 scribe: jamesn 17:04:31 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Oct/0096.html 17:04:44 TOPIC: News from Rich 17:04:53 RS: retiring from IBM at end of year 17:05:05 clown has joined #aria 17:06:19 RS: will be continuing in the WG - looking into affiliations etc. 17:07:57 RS: not leaving web efforts 17:08:10 RS: continuing with knowbility 17:08:28 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:08:41 present+ JamesNurthen 17:09:43 RS: not leaving the group 17:09:51 TOPIC: Status of Meeting with the Director on ARIA CR advancement 17:10:11 \o/ 17:10:16 RS: https://twitter.com/w3c/status/791685843358318592 17:10:18 https://twitter.com/w3c/status/791685843358318592 17:10:59 MC: has been on the home page - and a link on twitter... note to AC. WAI IG list hasn't had note yet 17:11:40 RS: close to getting DPUB ARIA module soon 17:11:48 MC: goal by mid nov 17:12:14 mck has joined #aria 17:12:18 Stefan has joined #aria 17:12:23 present+ matt_king 17:12:35 present+ Stefan 17:12:40 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/CR-wai-aria-1.1-20161027/ ARIA 1.1 Candidate Recommendation 17:13:08 -> https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/5912?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=wai-aria-1-1-is-a-candidate-recommendation W3C announcement 17:13:12 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 17:13:29 TOPIC: Logistics end of the year (when will be off and when will start in 2017) 17:13:47 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 17:15:19 No meetings Thanksgiving, Dec 22 and Dec 29 17:15:44 RS: will be on vacation for a few weeks. MC will be chairing 17:15:56 TOPIC: ARIA 2.0 Triage and ARIA 1.2 requirements 17:16:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/wiki/ARIA_2.0_Issue_Triage 17:16:26 "This page was last modified on 23 September 2016" 17:16:33 Issue-719? 17:16:33 Issue-719 -- Create new ARIA Features to support Drag and Drop -- raised 17:16:33 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/719 17:16:42 issue-388? 17:16:42 issue-388 -- Need to add clipboard operations to drag and drop model. -- raised 17:16:42 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/388 17:18:12 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/editing.html#drag-and-drop HTML 5.1 Drag & Drop 17:18:26 JN: HTML5 has some drag and drop stuff so this fits into the equiavlency 17:18:48 MC: maybe triage as 1.2 with the proviso that it might need to be pushed back 17:19:05 https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/editing.html#drag-and-drop ? 17:19:17 RS: some people are using it at IBM 17:19:41 MC: do we need an APA review of Drag and Drop in 5.1 17:20:16 RS: if APA wants to look at the feature and come back to us about our issues 17:20:30 JS: the maturity question is a reasonable one 17:22:47 JN: prefer to have in 1.2 with and at risk 17:23:05 RS: adding a note - waiting for requirements to have in 1.2 from apa 17:23:19 if no need to address this in 1.2 timeframe will move to 2.0 17:24:32 RS: when do we start looking at 1.2 17:25:14 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/products/52 17:25:56 RS: do we want to do PW in 1.2? 17:26:07 +q 17:26:09 JN: we have to if we want parity 17:27:24 -q 17:27:29 MC: I am hearing motivation to discuss in the 1.2 timeframe 17:27:40 issue-512 17:27:40 issue-512 -- Clean up relatedConcept references; XForms and DAISY could be outdated or otherwise not useful, others as well -- open 17:27:40 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/512 17:27:51 q? 17:27:53 q+ 17:28:25 issue-335 17:28:25 issue-335 -- Consider a breadcrumbs role -- open 17:28:25 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/335 17:29:16 RS: move to aria 2.0 17:29:48 MK: 388 tied to 719 17:30:03 issue-501 17:30:03 issue-501 -- Allow menuitemcheckbox to have a group parent like menuitemradio and menutiem do when in a menu role -- open 17:30:03 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/501 17:30:16 issue-634 17:30:16 issue-634 -- Video and audio roles (simple groups, not full functionality apis) -- open 17:30:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/634 17:31:19 issue-1050 17:31:19 issue-1050 -- Revisit normative ref to ui events keyboardevent key values when it hits rec -- open 17:31:19 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1050 17:32:24 issue-55 17:32:24 issue-55 -- Host language should have default mappings to ARIA roles (or vice versa) -- raised 17:32:24 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/55 17:32:59 issue-409 17:32:59 issue-409 -- ARIA 2.0 should consider providing roles that match some or all of the HTML 5 new input types (e.g., color picker, date picker, etc.) -- raised 17:32:59 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/409 17:33:16 issue-539 17:33:16 issue-539 -- aria-valuestep -- raised 17:33:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/539 17:34:02 q+ to say there is a @step attr in HTML5 17:34:14 q? 17:34:20 q- 17:34:23 ack me 17:34:23 clown, you wanted to say there is a @step attr in HTML5 17:34:53 issue-1049 17:34:53 issue-1049 -- Remove seemingly normative statement in aria-valuemin re: "allows alternate devices to react to arrow keys" -- raised 17:34:53 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1049 17:35:44 RS: looks like a manageable list 17:36:11 MC: 2 new issues lists to be aware of 17:36:21 -> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22ARIA+1.2%22 17:36:29 in cleaning up GH issues - created labels for 1.1,1.2 and 2.0 and moved stuff 17:36:29 -> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22ARIA+2.0%22 17:36:59 RS: we should move over 17:37:11 RS: who can take an action to move the issues to GH 17:38:00 MC: not something that will happen right away 17:38:10 action: cooper to migrate issues from Tracker to GitHub 17:38:10 Created ACTION-2127 - Migrate issues from tracker to github [on Michael Cooper - due 2016-11-03]. 17:38:18 clown: could be lazy and move as we discuss them 17:38:30 MK: seems reasonable 17:38:40 MC: if people want to do that then fine 17:40:30 MC: links to APG - can APG keep up 17:40:40 MK: think should keep the action to do that 17:41:43 MK: widgets and landmarks are our priority 17:42:22 JN: if we do put something like Blockquotes in it would be very lightweight sections 17:42:47 TOPIC: Testable Statements (Coordination), test case Authoring, and automation 17:42:56 waiting for UIautomation and mac mappings 17:43:19 shane is going to do the bridge from IA2 17:43:32 RS: have 1 for MSAA not for that though. 17:43:40 ... Joanie has linux one working 17:44:08 JD: mozilla has been fixing some of the 1.1 fails so there will be more passes soon 17:44:34 I haven't added the new realsitons to ATK yet - but will get to it soon 17:45:25 TOPIC: SVG2, DPUB-ARIA Accessibility Update 17:45:33 RS: anything to cover 17:45:44 Tzviya: when get mappings good to go 17:46:04 RS: we have dependency to KB events... we don't care what the values are - we will follow them 17:46:21 ... they took out space - but we have addressed that 17:46:28 ok 17:46:38 they won't get it done in our timeframe 17:46:54 MC: will have difficulty but not going to give up on it yet 17:47:05 RS: SVG2 - that TF has not met yet 17:47:32 essentially the SVG2 spec went to CR - the browsers are looking at what should come out as they don't want everything 17:47:51 the intent is to get SVG2 done... will affect minimally the mappings guide 17:48:24 FE has been chairing the TF... had connectivity issues accessing IRC from the job.... suggested to do it on a mobile device 17:48:30 have not met in a few weeks 17:49:04 automation of the test harness will help with SVG2 17:49:08 q? 17:49:41 MK: seems instead of labels for things we could consider using milestones to organize issues 17:49:51 MC: was doing what was quick and easy 17:49:59 +1 to milestones 17:50:44 MC: discuss at next editors proposal 17:51:48 rrsagent, make minutes 17:51:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/27-aria-minutes.html jamesn 17:52:43 zakim, please part 17:52:43 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been MichielBijl, MichaelC, Joanmarie_Diggs, Stefan_Schnabel, Jon_Gunderson, jongund, ShaneM, Joseph_Scheuhammer, matt_king, 17:52:43 Zakim has left #aria 17:52:46 ... Rich_Schwerdtfeger, janina, tzviya, JamesNurthen, Bryan_Garaventa 17:52:53 rrsagent, make minutes 17:52:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/27-aria-minutes.html jamesn 18:14:43 Rich has joined #aria 18:23:35 fesch has joined #aria 18:25:41 fesch has left #aria 18:34:16 tzviya has joined #aria