20:56:00 RRSAgent has joined #sdwssn 20:56:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-sdwssn-irc 20:56:02 RRSAgent, make logs world 20:56:02 Zakim has joined #sdwssn 20:56:04 Zakim, this will be SDW 20:56:04 ok, trackbot 20:56:05 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 20:56:05 Date: 25 October 2016 20:56:15 present+ ahaller2 20:56:51 phila has joined #sdwssn 20:57:34 regrets+ SimonCox, Scott Simmons 20:57:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:57:43 present+ 20:57:49 chair: Armin 20:57:57 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:SSN-Telecon20161025 20:58:12 regrets+ Scott, Simon 20:58:38 DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdwssn 21:00:41 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:00:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-sdwssn-minutes.html phila 21:01:15 kerry has joined #sdwssn 21:01:28 s/Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference/Spatial Data on the Web SSN Subgroup Teleconference/ 21:01:33 present+ kerry 21:02:11 present+ DanhLePhuoc 21:03:00 Roba has joined #Sdwssn 21:03:37 Just lurking without webex as i travel.. 21:04:10 scribe: phila 21:04:13 scribeNick: phila 21:04:23 https://www.w3.org/2016/10/11-sdwssn-minutes 21:05:26 approve last meeting’s minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/10/11-sdwssn-minutes 21:05:31 +1 21:05:33 +1 21:05:34 Topic: Approval of previous minutes 21:05:35 +1 21:05:37 +1 21:05:48 patent call: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 21:05:49 RESOLUTION: Minutes approved 21:05:53 Topic: Patent call 21:06:26 ahaller2: Reads patent call 21:06:35 Topic: Group members' capacity for Ontology work in Nov/Dec 21:06:40 agenda: Group members' capacity for Ontology work in Nov/Dec 21:06:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:06:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-sdwssn-minutes.html phila 21:07:09 ahaller2: We're supposed to have produced a 2nd iteration by now 21:07:16 ... Need a new WD by the end of the year 21:07:25 ... Need volunteers for diff parts of the doc. 21:07:31 ... The new SSN Ontology is the obvious one 21:07:41 ... Already have some text that is different from FPWD 21:08:03 ... But questions around import, new concepts, so there are some open issues around forecasting, alignment to Time 21:08:15 ... Need someone to volunteer to do the modelling 21:08:28 ... means coordinating the work on the new SSNO 21:08:48 q+ 21:08:48 ... Need to coordinate introduction of new terms, maybe loosening semantics of old terms 21:08:57 ack k 21:09:20 kerry: I'm prepared to put some effort in. By mid-Nov I can work on it more intensively than I can now. 21:09:41 ahaller2: OK, let's put your name down for coordination from mid-Nov. 21:10:08 phila: Is the 8th mid-Nov? 21:10:13 kerry: No, more like 15th 21:10:34 ahaller2: I think there are more pressing issues around other parts of the ontology. 21:10:39 kerry: I agree and yes 21:10:49 ahaller2: So the more pressing parts really are in the core. 21:10:53 q+ to suggest weekly meetings? 21:10:58 ... Quite a lot of work to be done to build the alignment to the new SSN 21:11:14 ... Need to coordinate with person doing new SSN and align. 21:11:27 ahaller2: I was about to volunteer for that but it would be nice of someone else did it. 21:11:41 ... Simon has already proposed something wrt alignment. 21:11:59 ... I'd also like to propose some changes to the core. Some things missing as identified in Lisbon. 21:12:10 ahaller2: Labels for the terms still under discussion. 21:12:41 ... Can't use the same label as old one referred to DULCE and we don't want to use the same label as that. 21:12:46 q+ to comment on dolce terms 21:12:47 ... That's something to coordinate. 21:13:04 ... If I volunteer, DanhLePhuoc, what's your availabvility 21:13:20 DanhLePhuoc: I have a little bit of time from 2nd week of Nov to 1st week of Dec to do some work 21:13:41 action: kerry to coordinate adjustments to "old" ssn to bring to next pwd 21:13:41 Created ACTION-211 - Coordinate adjustments to "old" ssn to bring to next pwd [on Kerry Taylor - due 2016-11-01]. 21:13:42 ahaller2: Can you use that time to work on the doc in this period? 21:13:51 ahaller2: I know Roba is lurking... 21:13:53 ack kerry 21:13:53 kerry, you wanted to suggest weekly meetings? and to comment on dolce terms 21:13:53 ack k 21:14:41 kerry: This might not be the time, but I have some concerns... the DUL alignment is just part of that. One one the implications is not to have DUL comments. Not sure I agree with that in all circumstances. 21:14:43 ... They can be useful. 21:14:48 q+ 21:14:57 ... We can add extra annotation, and change the old ones slightly 21:15:02 Im go8ng to be pretty much maxxed out on qb4st... 21:15:07 ... To say why DUL terms are recommended. 21:15:28 ack ahaller2 21:15:53 ahaller2: There's agreement in the Wg that we shouldn't rely on the DUL import in the new SSN 21:16:04 ... I agree that DUL helps to explain. 21:16:39 ... Maybe in the labels, sometimes it refers to DUL but we can still use the label from DUL without referring to it except in the alignment. 21:16:55 kerry: I mostly agree with you but some of the terms are pretty hard to explain. 21:17:10 ahaller2: Maybve we discuss this when we get to the individual labels. 21:17:46 s/Maybve/Maybe 21:17:48 ahaller2: We don't have anything yet in terms of actuation. 21:17:54 action: danh to work in late Nov/early Dec on pwd for ssn 21:17:55 Created ACTION-212 - Work in late nov/early dec on pwd for ssn [on Danh Le Phuoc - due 2016-11-01]. 21:17:55 ... DanhLePhuoc Was just offering to help with the doc 21:18:14 ... We can ask KJ what he can contribute 21:18:14 agenda: Volunteers for collating existing implementations https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/83 21:18:25 s/agenda/Topic/ 21:18:46 ahaller2: We still need agreement on the alignment. 21:19:21 ... We can use old implementations and use that as evidence. 21:19:32 q+ 21:19:36 q+ 21:19:41 ack a 21:19:47 ack kerry 21:19:50 ack k 21:20:10 kerry: I remember someone telling me that they were doing this for a paper. But I can't remember who it was. Might have been at UPM (Raul?) 21:20:28 ahaller2: I can follow up with Raul if it's him. 21:20:41 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:20:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-sdwssn-minutes.html phila 21:20:43 ack phila 21:21:30 phila: you need to prove that people are using what your stndard says 21:21:41 s/stndard/standard 21:21:42 ...you can use old implementations iff they match the document 21:22:09 ...if the implementation differe from the original ssn but is the same now then that's ok 21:22:25 ....but not subclass differences etc. you need impls of what is in the doc 21:22:28 and nothing else matters 21:22:45 armin: if the only difference is the namespace then you can use the old term 21:23:15 ...needs equivalence statment and it must be normative 21:23:31 ...but it can go in the aliggnment as long as alignment is normative 21:23:58 .....if put in new ssn would necessarily introduce dolce into new ssn and also all the equivalence axioms 21:24:05 s/aliggnment/alignment 21:24:11 ....would prefer to avoid it due to modularisation. 21:24:26 phila: then you need to show new implementations that do not use the dolce 21:24:45 .....it can be that this is simpler and more practical and we have implementation proof of that. 21:24:50 q? 21:25:28 DanhLePhuoc: If no one else is doing it, I can do a survey and list the implementations 21:25:59 ahaller2: So preliminarily, I'll put you down for that but I'll aslk the list first as I also can recall someone saying they were doing it already. 21:26:09 ahaller2: OK, we'll put you down as a coordinator 21:26:22 q+ 21:26:32 action: DanhLePhuoc To coordinate the collection of implementations 21:26:32 Error finding 'DanhLePhuoc'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:26:41 action: Danh To coordinate the collection of implementations 21:26:41 Created ACTION-213 - Coordinate the collection of implementations [on Danh Le Phuoc - due 2016-11-01]. 21:27:06 kerry: If you follow that link in the action, there are links to style on how other people have done it. 21:27:24 kerry: Follow the links to the issue in the tracker 21:27:43 http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org 21:28:15 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/83 21:28:16 issue-83? 21:28:17 issue-83 -- collate existing implementations -- raised 21:28:17 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/83 21:28:24 https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/ORG_Implementations. 21:28:46 agenda: Introducing Model Actuation in SSN (Scope, Volunteers) 21:28:55 s/agenda/topic/ 21:29:05 ahaller2: We closed the issue in the UCR talking about actuation., 21:29:18 ... I think everyone agrees we need actuation in SSN. 21:29:42 ... TYhe question is whether we have examples in implementations. I think Maxime had one, and you, DanhLePhuoc? 21:29:49 q+ to speak on actuation 21:29:52 ... SO again we need a volunteer to work on this. 21:30:01 ack k 21:30:01 kerry, you wanted to speak on actuation 21:30:05 ack kerry 21:30:06 s/SO/So/ 21:30:28 s/TYhe/The 21:30:36 q+ 21:30:41 kerry: I did some work in that area 8-10 years ago but I doubt it's the way we'd go. Payam/Surrey are doing something along that line but we'd need a review of the space 21:30:45 ack d 21:30:47 ack DanhLePhuoc 21:31:02 DanhLePhuoc: Before the review, I keep asking the WoT IG for help with reviewing 21:31:14 ahaller2: A requirement? 21:31:21 DanhLePhuoc: We could involve them in the discussion. 21:31:31 q+ 21:31:45 q+ to suggest a sub-subgropu meetings schedule for this 21:32:01 ahaller2: There's this req... it would be good to align with the generic sensor API 21:32:14 ... If we can align with WoT and GSA, good 21:32:43 ahaller2: We're only three people - any vols or should I write to the list? 21:32:45 ack kerry 21:32:45 kerry, you wanted to suggest a sub-subgropu meetings schedule for this 21:33:09 kerry: I think it will go too slowly if we just meet like this every 2nd week. I'm tempted to make a sub sub group meeting with some WoT people 21:33:14 s/sub-subgropu/sub-group 21:33:25 ... Maybe physical meetings every week outside this cycle. 21:33:54 ahaller2: Are you proposing a meeting for the editors, or this meeting every week. 21:34:07 kerry: I think I was thinking of a set of meetings just on that topic. 21:34:16 ahaller2: I think we need the weekly cycle between now and December 21:34:51 ahaller2: I'd think just the editors would be enough. WDYT? 21:34:54 DanhLePhuoc: OK 21:35:34 action: ahaller2 to arrange meetings for SSN editors on weeks when there is no SSN sub group meeting 21:35:35 Created ACTION-214 - Arrange meetings for ssn editors on weeks when there is no ssn sub group meeting [on Armin Haller - due 2016-11-01]. 21:35:45 ack me 21:36:26 phila: Do you need special meetings with GSA and/or WoT? 21:36:48 ahaller2: Tobie was agreeing to change a term to observation, Otherwise I think that's enough. No need for a meeting. 21:37:01 ... For WoT, I think DanhLePhuoc is well linked in. So we just send them a proposal. 21:37:05 DanhLePhuoc: OK, I can do that. 21:37:26 ahaller2: So we have a method. Do we know who would coordinate the work around actuation. 21:38:54 ahaller2: I'll write to the list 21:40:30 ahaller2: So we're done with the agenda but... 21:40:36 Topic: Imports 21:40:53 ahaller2: How do we import ontologies in general, do we always agree on importing the ontology? 21:41:12 q? 21:41:25 ahaller2: I always import ontologies that are referenced but not everyone does. A re we saying you must import the ontology? 21:41:26 q+ 21:41:27 q+ 21:41:31 ack kerry 21:41:33 ack k 21:42:19 kerry: I think there might be specific cases where I thinjk differently, but if SSN is an exemplar, aligning with DUL was good, importing DUL was a bad thing. SO I'd argue against the import of ontologies that use external terms. 21:42:24 ack DanhLePhuoc 21:42:28 ... It creates problems in understanding. 21:43:03 DanhLePhuoc: You say importing only when we define new terms ... it's up to the tool chain. They normally import recursively which is usually a bad thing. 21:43:17 ahaller2: The tools will generally import an ontology if you use an external term. 21:43:32 q+ 21:43:32 ahaller2: I think you should import which is what the tools do. 21:43:44 ... There's the question of what part imports what? 21:43:53 ack kerry 21:44:29 q+ 21:44:36 kerry: A good counter example, is the references to the old SSN for implementation experience. Importing the old into the new is not a good idea. 21:44:51 ack ahaller 21:45:15 DanhLePhuoc: schema.org is very careful not to introduce anything that might lead to recursive processing. 21:45:31 ... There are a lot of people using ontologies without knowing about importing. 21:46:13 ahaller2: This is why I was in favour of putting the equivalence relations in the DUL alignment, not the main ontology. 21:46:34 ... The old SSN imports DUL, so if we import that we get everything. 21:46:41 ... Tools will do that. 21:47:17 ahaller2: So we don't want to import DUL or the old SSN in the new SSN. 21:47:20 +++++1 21:47:24 +1 21:47:41 DanhLePhuoc: Yes, but if you don't import, that needs new implementation, no? 21:48:26 +1 21:48:32 q+ 21:48:33 ahaller2: That's where my proposal comes in. If we say that the DUL alignment is part of the normative doc, then there's no need to import. 21:48:37 +1 21:48:39 ack kerry 21:48:42 q+ 21:48:46 kerry: That works for me. 21:48:55 ... But, can we go one step further. 21:49:30 ... The DUl alignment exists and we'll have that. The equivalence triples could go in a third file, not necessarily in the DUL alignment. 21:49:42 ... If we're OK with that then maybe a 3rd file might be cleaner. 21:49:54 ahaller2: That's a good proposal. Maybe the old to new alignment? 21:49:56 kerry: Yes 21:49:57 s/DUl/DUL 21:50:10 ... And if we do that, I don't think the DUL alignment has tro be normative. 21:50:15 s/tro/to/ 21:50:28 ack me 21:51:59 phila: Suggests that as soon as we have docs to point to, we seek a view from the Director, not just me. 21:52:08 q? 21:52:23 ahaller2: I think it's a generic problem so the Director's view will be of interest beyond SSN. 21:53:01 q? 21:53:04 ahaller2: I think we have an agreement on what we import in the new SSN. If the new SSN imports the core or some other modules, we can discuss this at a futire meeting. 21:53:12 s/futire/future/ 21:53:17 KJanowic has joined #sdwssn 21:53:34 present+ kjanowic 21:53:53 KJanowic: we are just closing the meeting 21:55:27 ahaller2: Recaps some of the discussion with KJanowic 21:55:36 Sounds great 21:55:48 21:00 UTC 21:55:48 perfect for me, thanks a lot (2pm) 21:56:29 KJanowic: I agree with the editors having extra meetings 21:57:38 I would be more than happy to work on the core or basically any of the task that are havy on ontology engineering and alignment 21:57:56 Sure, I can do that 21:58:29 action: KJanowic to coordinate modelling of actuation in SSN 21:58:29 Created ACTION-215 - Coordinate modelling of actuation in ssn [on Krzysztof Janowicz - due 2016-11-01]. 21:58:57 q+ 22:00:47 I cannot hear KJanowic 22:00:52 KJanowic: DO we havea any updates on the role of SOSA/SOSA Core 22:00:58 And I am afriad I must leave 22:01:02 Bye! 22:01:06 bye 22:01:23 s/DO we havea any updates on the role of SOSA\/SOSA Core/Do we have any updates on the role of SOSA\/SOSA Core 22:01:41 okay, thanks a lot. I am super interesting to continue the SOSA(core) work and hope it to be part of the normative work. I also have time to put work into this 22:01:57 Thanks a lot for the update and sorry again for joining late! 22:01:58 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:01:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-sdwssn-minutes.html phila 22:02:12 thanks, bye 22:02:12 ahaller2: OK, we'll carry this on next week 22:02:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:02:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-sdwssn-minutes.html phila 22:02:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 22:02:56 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:02:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-sdwssn-minutes.html ahaller2 22:37:56 ahaller2 has joined #sdwssn 23:32:38 ahaller2 has joined #sdwssn