IRC log of auto on 2016-10-05

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:01:54 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #auto
00:01:54 [RRSAgent]
logging to
00:02:18 [junichi-hashimoto]
junichi-hashimoto has joined #auto
00:07:07 [junichi-hashimoto]
hi, we are waiting paul?
00:08:53 [hira]
How many minutes shall we wait for his coming?
00:12:13 [wonsuk]
wonsuk has joined #auto
00:15:32 [hira]
Kaz is now trying to call Paul by phone.
00:15:47 [kaz]
rrsagent, stop
00:28:16 [kaz]
Meeting: Automotive WG
00:28:58 [kaz]
present: Kaz_Ashimura, Junichi_Hashimoto, Rudi_Streif, Shinjiro_Urata, Wonsuk_Lee
00:29:47 [kaz]
topic: WG Charter status
00:30:03 [hira]
I can not join?
00:30:14 [kaz]
-> proposed Charter
00:31:01 [kaz]
kaz: got approval of W3M
00:31:19 [kaz]
... will work with the W3C Comm Team to make the AC announcement
00:31:47 [kaz]
... now generating some text on the history about the changes of the deliverables
00:32:31 [kaz]
... would like to send this out today
00:32:52 [kaz]
rudi: questions?
00:32:54 [kaz]
00:33:00 [kaz]
topic: TPAC 2016
00:33:18 [kaz]
-> TPAC 2016 minutes
00:33:24 [kaz]
rudi: any update/question?
00:33:45 [kaz]
junichi: we fixed a lot of topics on service spec
00:33:58 [kaz]
s/service/the service/
00:34:03 [hira]
Could you tell me how to join
00:34:41 [kaz]
rudi: also made lot of updates
00:34:47 [kaz]
... updated the repository
00:35:39 [kaz]
wonsuk: regarding VSS, we need to describe attributes for body, chasis, etc.
00:36:06 [kaz]
... need to know what the exact format/style
00:36:19 [hira]
I did it!
00:37:14 [kaz]
... how to delete children based on the event exchange between the client and the server
00:37:51 [kaz]
rudi: if you use the wild card feature, you need to respond all the tree structure
00:38:09 [kaz]
wonsuk: like body.*
00:38:27 [kaz]
rudi: you should respond everything
00:38:42 [kaz]
wonsuk: we need to clarify what to do
00:39:07 [kaz]
... body.* includes all the information under the tree
00:39:51 [kaz]
rudi: "." notation should be straight forward
00:40:41 [kaz]
urata: we can't tell under what the specified "body" belongs
00:40:42 [rstreif]
It would be Attribute.Body.* and not Attribute.children.Body.*
00:41:04 [kaz]
wonduk: how can we make doneNotification?
00:41:14 [kaz]
urata: we can omit children
00:41:28 [kaz]
rudi: "children" is a keyword for JSON
00:42:01 [kaz]
... but not a keyword for the "." notation
00:42:13 [kaz]
wonsuk: ok
00:42:34 [kaz]
... I raised an issue related to WebIDL during the f2f as well
00:42:49 [kaz]
... subscribe VSS
00:43:30 [kaz]
... WebIDL is used to define JavaScript API
00:43:47 [kaz]
... not JSON messages or data itself
00:44:00 [kaz]
rudi: right
00:44:23 [kaz]
... but WebIDL could be used for simple definition of JS methods
00:44:36 [kaz]
... it's rather simple APIs like get/set/subscribe
00:44:47 [kaz]
present+ Tatsuhiko_Hirabayashi
00:45:11 [kaz]
... WebIDL could be used to define data types
00:45:50 [kaz]
junichi: do you have any candidate other than WebIDL?
00:45:56 [kaz]
wonsuk: JSON Schema
00:46:22 [kaz]
... for JSON messaging
00:46:30 [kaz]
... syntax definition
00:46:43 [kaz]
... we can define JSON message structure
00:46:50 [kaz]
... would be right direction, I think
00:47:08 [kaz]
... what is confusing is that WebIDL has its own data structure
00:47:12 [kaz]
rudi: true
00:48:06 [kaz]
... in VSS, we use simple data types like uint16 which could be simply converted to any programming language
00:48:31 [kaz]
wonsuk: also looking at OCF's work
00:48:49 [kaz]
... they're defining some data structure based on JSON Schema
00:49:07 [kaz]
rudi: maybe would be a right direction
00:49:21 [kaz]
00:49:50 [kaz]
ack k
00:50:07 [kaz]
kaz: WoT IG has been also seeking possible data type definition mechanism
00:50:25 [kaz]
... we might want to survey existing examples
00:50:30 [rstreif]
00:50:49 [kaz]
urata: there are examples like JSON Schema and
00:50:53 [kaz]
00:51:39 [kaz]
wonsuk: some of the W3C specs just use some tables
00:51:59 [kaz]
kaz: some limited vocabulary?
00:52:03 [kaz]
wonsuk: right
00:52:08 [rstreif]
00:52:32 [kaz]
wonsuk: one benefit of JSON Schema is possible synchronization
00:52:59 [kaz]
... validation tool for JSON Schema could be applied to our messaging mechanism
00:53:16 [kaz]
s/one/one possible/
00:53:29 [kaz]
rudi: I'm supportive
00:53:49 [kaz]
wonsuk: I can make some examples based on JSON Schema
00:54:08 [kaz]
action: wonsuk to generate some examples of JSON Schema usage
00:54:09 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-26 - Generate some examples of json schema usage [on WonSuk Lee - due 2016-10-12].
00:54:41 [kaz]
urata: there was discussion on the RESTful APIs
00:55:09 [kaz]
... in the new Charter document, the word "RESTful" is replaced by "advanced protocol"
00:55:45 [kaz]
... as the starting point, WebSocket is enough, I think
00:56:39 [kaz]
rudi: we're focusing on Web browser/runtime
00:57:09 [kaz]
... so this is sufficient for the moment
00:57:26 [kaz]
... and eventually JS library
00:58:07 [kaz]
... applications could be going to use RESTful interface, etc., in the future
00:58:44 [kaz]
urata: it's ok by me to mention only WebSocket and concentrate on it at the moment
00:58:51 [kaz]
wonsuk: yes
00:58:58 [kaz]
... we're concentrating on WebSocket
00:59:10 [kaz]
... but we're open about the possible protocols
00:59:22 [kaz]
00:59:39 [kaz]
... if there is any good approach, we can extend the capability
00:59:46 [kaz]
urata: one of my concerns is security
01:00:13 [kaz]
... when we use other protocols, e.g., HTTP, the security model would be different very much
01:02:11 [kaz]
kaz: so the text on the Charter itself is OK?
01:02:13 [kaz]
urata: ok
01:02:56 [kaz]
kaz: btw, theoretically, WebSocket simply provides a TCP/IP socket capability and we could use HTTP/HTTPS or whatever on that transport mechanism
01:02:59 [kaz]
urata: ok
01:03:23 [kaz]
... another question of Hashimoto-san was Genivi's timeline?
01:04:03 [kaz]
... GENIVI All Member Meeting schedule
01:04:17 [kaz]
junichi: security meeting on Tuesday
01:04:32 [kaz]
... want to confirm the schedule
01:05:06 [kaz]
-> GENIVI AMM schedule
01:06:00 [kaz]
01:06:00 [kaz]
10/19 - Security Arch
01:06:00 [kaz]
10/20 - Morning - W3C Status to GENIVI
01:06:00 [kaz]
10/20 - WG/BG Meeting - Agenda TBD
01:06:00 [kaz]
10/21 - WB/BG Meeting - Agenda TBD
01:06:01 [kaz]
01:06:13 [kaz]
i/[[/kaz: basic schedule:
01:06:28 [kaz]
wonsuk: we need to clarify the details esp. Thu/Fri
01:07:07 [kaz]
kaz: let's continue the discussion by email
01:07:39 [kaz]
wonsuk: btw, who is attending the AMM?
01:07:39 [kaz]
kaz: me
01:07:41 [kaz]
rudi: me
01:07:50 [kaz]
junichi: me
01:08:00 [kaz]
wonsuk: me
01:08:18 [kaz]
hira: me
01:08:25 [kaz]
urata: me
01:08:36 [kaz]
... arriving on Tue.
01:08:40 [kaz]
wonsuk: good :)
01:09:11 [kaz]
urata: wondering about Kevin/Adam
01:09:18 [kaz]
rudi: don't know...
01:10:51 [kaz]
junichi: there was a doodle poll
01:10:59 [kaz]
-> doodle poll on f2f attendance
01:11:39 [kaz]
kaz: the doodle poll doesn't include Kevin or Adam
01:11:43 [kaz]
rudi: will check with them directly
01:11:46 [kaz]
kaz: tx!
01:12:11 [kaz]
... let's continue the discussion by email!
01:12:14 [kaz]
[ adjourned ]
01:12:21 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
01:12:42 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
01:12:42 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
01:13:08 [wonsuk]
wonsuk has joined #auto
01:13:24 [kaz]
Chair: Rudi
01:13:26 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
01:13:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
05:02:45 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #auto
06:38:46 [kaz]
kaz has joined #auto