12:02:38 RRSAgent has joined #rax 12:02:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/30-rax-irc 12:03:02 Meeting: RAX CG 12:03:20 Chair: philr 12:03:44 rrsagent, make log public 12:03:55 scribe: philr 12:06:46 Timea has joined #rax 12:08:25 Labra has joined #rax 12:08:38 Timea has joined #rax 12:09:02 regrets Christian and Felix 12:10:10 svasil has joined #rax 12:10:16 https://www.w3.org/community/rax/wiki/Draft_Material 12:11:56 qreul has joined #rax 12:18:39 What is the difference between Use Cases and Best Practices? 12:20:02 Nam has joined #rax 12:25:26 https://www.hl7.org/fhir/ 12:26:14 We should consider to contact fhir as they are active in the use of RDF and XML 12:26:40 Eric Prud'hommeaux 12:26:45 and Harold Solbrig 12:27:22 Labra has had initial contact with the people above 12:27:59 iMinds joined the group during the week 12:28:20 They elected Anastasia 12:28:48 iMinds work with a lot of publishers 12:30:59 Some of us would present at BDVA Summit 12:31:19 Is anything specific related to RAX Community planned? 12:34:43 Nam gave a presentation of work that he is doing in the area of data formats 12:34:58 Presentation is recorded 12:35:38 ...IFC to RDF conversion 12:36:33 ...many XML formats in the building industry 12:37:03 ...common building entity data model 12:41:34 ...interesting use case, mapping XML to RDF 12:43:44 many others are converting through XSLT 12:44:06 ...are others using Java as the conversion mechansim 12:44:07 for collections in OWL / RDF, you may want to look at https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/#ch_collectionvocab 12:45:25 ...complex XML which have many elements and attributes 12:46:38 for representing addresses in RDF, you may want to look at vCard (https://www.w3.org/TR/vcard-rdf/) or GeoName (http://www.geonames.org/ontology/documentation.html) 12:47:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:47:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/30-rax-minutes.html philr