20:56:42 RRSAgent has joined #sdwssn 20:56:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/27-sdwssn-irc 20:56:44 RRSAgent, make logs world 20:56:44 Zakim has joined #sdwssn 20:56:46 Zakim, this will be SDW 20:56:46 ok, trackbot 20:56:47 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 20:56:47 Date: 27 September 2016 20:56:53 chair: kerry 20:57:11 regrets: rob_atkinson 20:57:20 present+ kerry 20:57:51 rrsagent, make logs public 20:59:16 DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdwssn 20:59:25 ClausStadler has joined #sdwssn 20:59:45 present+ JoelRamsay 21:00:20 Nope 21:00:53 the link only points to a booking for Tuesday, October 4, 2016 | 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-04:00) | 1 hour 21:01:26 SimonCox has joined #sdwssn 21:02:03 ChrisLittle has joined #Sdwssn 21:02:21 webex says 5th October ... 21:02:26 Present+ ChrisLittle 21:02:46 KJanowic has joined #sdwssn 21:03:05 present+ DanhLePhuoc 21:03:29 is the webex link not working or is it just me? 21:04:04 RaulGarciaCastro has joined #sdwssn 21:04:32 Webex host needs to start meeting 21:04:38 Yes 21:05:01 I cannot join because the button is grayed out 21:05:58 present+ RaulGarciaCastro 21:06:04 I'm trying to set up a webex at CSIRO 21:06:06 Neither can I 21:06:36 https://csiro.webex.com/csiro/j.php?MTID=mcdfa211646185968673e2ee094f941fb 21:06:41 present+ ClausStadler 21:08:12 Chris and I are on the CSIRO webex - everyone welcome 21:08:18 Simon and I now on Cairo Webex 21:08:20 linke above 21:08:30 ok, thanks simon letts try that! 21:08:36 that would be 'CSIRO' of course 21:08:44 S/Cairo/csiro/ 21:09:18 * Curse on Mac splell checkers 21:10:17 does not appear to load for me 21:10:50 Thanks Simon! 21:11:07 we have 7 on webex so far 21:11:08 joshlieberman has joined #sdwssn 21:11:17 Kerry - we are all there on Simon's session 21:12:26 restarted and now it works... strange 21:13:00 @josh - join CSIRO webex instead https://csiro.webex.com/csiro/j.php?MTID=mcdfa211646185968673e2ee094f941fb 21:13:14 scribe: simon 21:13:16 thanks 21:13:21 scribenick: SimonCox 21:14:11 present+ SimonCox 21:14:16 topic: f2f summary 21:14:47 Feedback on f2f: no comment from Raul of Danh 21:15:05 s/of/or/ 21:15:33 Kerry summary: 21:15:58 1. Core + alignments is goal of modularization - no more modularization 21:16:24 Core = SSN as it was, decoupled from DOLCE 21:16:42 q+ 21:16:45 ACTION: name for SOSA-core 21:16:45 Error finding 'name'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:17:19 action: kerry to determin determine sosa-core name going forward 21:17:19 Created ACTION-205 - Determin determine sosa-core name going forward [on Kerry Taylor - due 2016-10-04]. 21:17:46 But it was agreed and understood that SOSA-core is not SSN minus DOLCE, right? 21:18:05 q+ 21:18:11 q? 21:19:12 What is core? Much confusion - was used for two different things 21:19:22 (a) SSN (minus DOLCE) 21:19:28 (b) SOSA-core 21:20:29 Very unhappy with somebody 'deciding' this....(wrt modules) 21:20:35 Decision was: core = simple, cut-down SSN, with similar scope to SOSA-core 21:20:53 No more modules in SDWWG project 21:21:13 q+ 21:21:21 ack KJanowic 21:22:06 KJanowic: will be (SOSA-core), no more alignments? 21:23:03 q? 21:23:58 KJanowic: still unsure about alignments 21:24:10 kerry: explain about alignments - 21:25:35 q? 21:25:44 concept of alignments of SSN with other modules, none promised 21:26:06 joshlieberman has joined #sdwssn 21:26:43 KJanowic: what wrong with name SOSA-core 21:26:47 ? 21:26:53 q? 21:27:43 https://www.w3.org/2016/09/20-sdw-minutes 21:28:13 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:F2F4#Minutes 21:28:16 q? 21:28:18 top of the page 21:29:02 day 1 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:F2F4#Minutes 21:29:15 I just would like to express my dissatisfaction here in writing to the fact that we discuss something for months and months and there is a single meeting in which some sub group decides to turn all this on its head and decide that we will do something completely different. 21:29:24 Day 2: https://www.w3.org/2016/09/20-sdw-minutes 21:30:28 kerry: there is time pressure on SSN deliverable 21:30:47 kerry: that governed decisions at TPAC f2f 21:31:17 kerry: if don't deliver rec-track document by 2016-12-31 then won't get standard 21:31:30 kerry: will only get 'technical note' 21:31:52 kerry: charter said to 'standardize SSN not something else' 21:32:00 q+ 21:32:06 +q 21:32:18 ack DanhLePhuoc 21:32:48 DanhLePhuoc: we need a lightweight core that can be copied into schema.org 21:33:33 kerry: web-of-things group also talking to schema.org 21:33:50 kerry: wot may be opportunity missed ... 21:34:00 ack SimonCox 21:35:10 q? 21:35:48 SimonCox: time-pressure is not necessarily a good reason to issue a product which does not do a good job 21:36:10 kerry: risk of having nothing from W3C 21:36:25 But what happens with all our discussions and votes on modularization that we discussed in March 2016? 21:36:49 kerry: OGC does not have timing issue, but kerry not keen to drop SSN Rec Track document 21:37:02 Q+ 21:37:07 q? 21:37:21 kerry: should we drop rec-track goal? 21:38:08 ChrisLittle: OGC is geospatial silo - whole point of joint WG was to to get out of silo, and remains an important goal 21:38:08 q+ 21:38:10 q? 21:38:25 ack DanhLePhuoc 21:38:32 ... OK to sacrifice academic purity in order to get rec out of the door 21:39:07 ack ChrisLittle 21:39:45 I feel that we waited (for some reasons) for weeks despite having actual code to be discussed and now we are pushed with the argument that we are out of time. 21:40:37 q? 21:41:35 We had sosa-core on the table for months and we have the code and alignments in our repositories for weeks 21:42:02 DanhLePhuoc: f2f participants (who mostly had not been on SSN calls) were unclear about relationship between SSN and SOSA 21:42:27 *(who mostly had not been on SSN calls)* 21:42:58 correction to minutes: not "were unclear about relationship between SSN and SOSA" but were confused by the use of the word "core" referring to BOTH ssn and to SOSA-core 21:43:23 I still do not hear a clear answer. Will sosa-core be part of our official work and recommendation. 21:43:24 DanhLePhuoc: goal is to provide a rec that can be widely used, including schema.org 21:44:05 for the minutes: correction at the f2f meeting there were 4 people who participate very regularly in ssn calls -- armin, myself, danh and raul 21:44:13 q? 21:44:54 q+ 21:44:57 q+ 21:46:10 for the minutes" simon is saying there is tension between wanting to start again with ssn and wanting to kep it close to what it was 21:46:16 q+ 21:46:35 re-track or not is not the question 21:46:38 rec 21:46:55 we can do sosa-core and rec-track 21:47:33 q+ 21:47:57 kerry: no-way we could get sosa-based doc in rec-track 21:48:38 q+ 21:49:34 kerry: correction: we cannot re-write SSN to get into rec-track 21:49:43 ... we can get it through by simplifying 21:49:48 So if we just take the 2012 ssn and move it to the rec-track, what have we been doing for the last year of weekly meetings and hundreds of emails? 21:49:55 ... simple core of SSN that makes it easire to use 21:50:09 ... closely aligned with goals, direction, purpose of SOSA as it standds 21:50:19 ... primary challenge is implementations 21:50:26 sosa-core has an implementation 21:50:32 q+ 21:50:41 ack KJanowic 21:51:03 KJanowic: sosa-core does have an implementation 21:51:42 kerry: no, that's not an implementation. We need a process by which we establish that every term has been used twice 21:51:54 ... every term in the ontology 21:52:04 ... this is a low bar - really need >2 21:52:14 ... demonstrated by a survey 21:52:27 q+ 21:52:38 ... survey literature - would be easy for SSN 21:52:57 ... can build more implementations 21:53:05 ... e.g. through WOT 21:53:33 ack DanhLePhuoc 21:53:57 DanhLePhuoc: make list about what is old, what is new, what needs to be changed 21:54:02 +1 21:55:43 q+ 21:55:45 +1 we need someone to preare that list of new temrs and what old terms need implementations 21:55:48 q? 21:55:55 q- 21:55:57 ack KJanowic 21:56:45 KJanowic: name is important? do we continue on sosa-core and find new name? 21:57:10 will we continue our sosa-core work or not? and will it be part of our rec? 21:57:33 (SOSA not good in Spanish!) 21:58:29 So, can I go on record that the answer is 'yes'. 21:58:40 kerry: yes - we do continue sosa-core, but be careful about rec-track requirements, esp timing and implementations 21:58:51 thanks kerry 21:59:38 kerry: larger sdwwg group was clear that simpler + ssn both valued on rec-track 21:59:49 kerry: do need a name-change 21:59:57 q+ 22:00:57 kerry: phila suggested that some material could be moved out of rec-track dpcument into primer, kerry prefer keep in non-normative section in rec-track document 22:01:00 q? 22:01:34 correction: phila would check *if* 22:01:49 ack SimonCox 22:02:29 what could be more important? 22:03:00 q? 22:03:39 SimonCox: is the sosa-core vs ssn-core naming the problem? also problem with name sosa. 22:03:51 wrt to 'sosa': almost any term means something in some language. 22:04:07 q? 22:04:18 kerry: no - the problem was more about 'core' than sosa vs ssn 22:04:38 kerry: many more issues from TPAC f2f that need to be discussed. 22:05:13 There is a possible issue re: decision making since most OGC members were at the conflicting TC and could not even attend remotely. 22:05:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:05:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/27-sdwssn-minutes.html kerry 22:05:17 thanks and bye bye 22:05:25 Bye 22:05:26 rq? 22:05:37 Bye and thanks