09:11:51 RRSAgent has joined #testing 09:11:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-irc 09:11:53 weinig has joined #testing 09:11:56 boazsender has joined #testing 09:11:56 Zakim has joined #testing 09:12:27 present+ Boaz 09:12:37 present+ SamWeinig 09:12:44 present+ MikeTaylor 09:13:00 scribe: boazsender 09:13:00 present+ 09:13:05 scribe: boazsender 09:13:06 present+ JohnJansen 09:13:07 present+ NavidZolghadr 09:13:13 present+ gsnedders 09:13:15 rrsagent, make logs public 09:13:18 present+ jgraham 09:13:24 present+ rbyers 09:13:30 miketaylr from moz on web compat 09:13:45 mikesmith from w3c, no testing wg, but mike is responsible for testing for w3c 09:13:45 scribenick: boazsender 09:13:51 https://www.chromium.org/blink/platform-predictability 09:13:54 diminic from google working on blink 09:14:03 platform predictability 09:14:08 rick byers from google working on web predictibility initiative 09:14:19 s/diminic/Dominic/ 09:14:19 nab at google working on blink 09:14:33 miketaylr has joined #testing 09:14:33 s/nab/Navid/ 09:14:45 john jahnsen from microsoft working on platform testing, layout, f12 and a11y, and OS testing. 09:15:07 jeffrey from google trying to sort out the huge mess of testing 09:15:12 s/jahnsen/jansen/ 09:15:14 frank olivier 09:15:16 s/jahnsen/jansen 09:15:17 s/jeffrey/Geoffrey/ 09:15:18 frank from microsoft edge team 09:15:28 s/jeffrey/geoffrey 09:15:32 s/jeffrey from google/Jeffrey on contract with Google/ 09:15:39 s/from google/Jeffrey on contract with Google/ 09:15:40 present+ 09:15:40 shane working on a11y, aria 09:15:44 Simon Pieters, Opera 09:16:01 simon from opera, edits specs html css, and writes web platform tests 09:16:14 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:16:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 09:16:30 james from mozilla, responsile for the most hated parts of the testing infra (testharness.js, wpt serve) 09:16:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 09:16:57 boaz sender from bocoup, test 262, v8 conformance 09:17:07 s/html css/html cssom/ 09:17:17 John: update on wpt at msft 09:17:41 john jansen: our team runs our internal test runner. we have a test runner, an analyzer and a documenter 09:17:51 s/Geoffrey from google/Geoffrey on contract with Google 09:17:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 09:17:59 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:17:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 09:18:00 the test runner runs about I think 50 different OS test suites 09:18:24 when we identify one we want to run, we fork it, bring it into our share and update it weekly 09:18:41 i/miketaylr from moz/Topic: Intros 09:18:48 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:18:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 09:18:50 anything that uses testharness.js we can run for free 09:19:23 i/update on wpt at msft/Topic: Update on wpt at Microsoft 09:19:24 we run them, get the results, parse them out and moved into the analyzer where we store the results on in the DB 09:19:37 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:19:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 09:19:43 then a bot spins up, asks what branch/build are you run on, is it the same as yesterday 09:20:25 we have an algorithm for flagging flakey tests based on day to day performance to be evaluated 09:21:05 initially we ran the entire WPT repo without virtualizing the servers, so it would take 6 hrs, we'd run out of diskspace 09:21:26 it became very intensive, so we broke them out into multiple virtual test suites 09:22:02 we also run our tests in chrome for interop. 09:22:21 so, if we have a failure, we run it in chrome and if it also fails, then we deprioritize it 09:22:45 ... if it fails in all browsers, we say 'maybe ths is a conversation to have at the w3c' 09:22:47 q? 09:22:54 and then we have a report 09:23:19 q: what is your process for new tests, asks rick from google 09:23:33 john jansen: when we decide to implement a feature... 09:23:53 our team is structured such that we have leads who are responsible for new features 09:24:16 we start by taking tests for that feature and running it another browser that has implemented it 09:24:49 ideally, as we implement, we write tests as we work on the feature, and the idea is that they will be contributed to WPT 09:25:08 but its hard, because its so much easier to write tests for internal tool chain and not WPT 09:25:32 at blink, test harness js is a huge step up 09:26:09 new q from blink: if we're talking about implementing a feature, is the quality of WPT tests for the feature a factor 09:26:27 Jansen: no, customer feedback is the bigger driver 09:26:46 never seen a dev lead say no to a feature bc the test suite sucks 09:27:00 byers: can you share your test data 09:27:05 jansen: yea 09:27:23 jansen: im a strong advocate for sharing info 09:27:42 still need to work through the noise of the data 09:27:56 we have a lot of data for 'x test case failing in y browser' 09:28:12 but we dont have the analysis of does the test case match the spec 09:28:29 also, test coverage across directories 09:28:45 simon: the useful data would be which tests are flaky 09:29:07 james graham: i can give you that list... its the lists of tests disabled in gecko 09:29:29 jansen: does mozilla publicly show the disabled tests 09:29:40 ok, now, heres what we do at mozilla 09:30:12 at moz for gecko, we run the entire test suite apart from the disabled tests in CI on every commit... ish 09:30:27 for tests that almost never fail, we run them on 1 in 10 commits 09:30:36 ... this is used for regression detection 09:31:00 we can see expected data files for x fails in y environment 09:31:06 we update our tests ocassionally 09:31:22 once every week or couple of weeks I kickoff the update process 09:31:42 I pull down the latest tests, run it in latests, use that to update the expectation files 09:32:13 when we downstream stuff we also upstream stuff, so it is currently possible to add tests as though it was internal, and it gets upstreamed 09:32:29 having that has significantly improved test contribution 09:32:43 we dont have any reporting about which tests are we failing 09:33:03 so ive been getting haranged by boris to report on which passing tests have started to fail 09:33:30 at the moment its up to individual developers to look at tests and keep them up to date 09:33:40 ... and it happens sometimes, but never for legacy features 09:33:57 or if they are I dont know, and theres no structured way to go about it 09:34:02 rick now on blink: 09:34:10 we've long run a subset of the tests 09:34:21 we dont yet have an automated upstreaming process 09:34:49 every week, or more, we do an import of a test, disable failing tests, and then those just form a list of tests failing 09:35:06 Ms2ger has joined #testing 09:35:10 we are now running about 1800 of about 9k of the test files on every commit 09:35:15 otherwise it is ad hox 09:35:18 *hoc 09:35:28 s/hox/hoc/ 09:35:28 i/what we do at mozilla/Topic: Update on wpt at Mozilla 09:35:46 some teams have put a lot of effort into going back and looking at the tests for their features 09:36:00 some teams are writing tests as they go on new features (pointers, storage) 09:36:13 but its tough because there are multiple copies 09:36:14 i/rick now on blink/Topic: Update on wpt and Blink 09:36:19 ... we dont use WPT server 09:36:27 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:36:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 09:36:42 for all of our tests, like moz, we have expected results 09:36:47 we dont run in any other browsers 09:37:07 we run in a cut down browser called "content shell" with a bunch of flags turned on 09:37:26 so im curious, does edge test the bleading edge of chome or stable? 09:37:34 Jansen: stable 09:38:17 and teams, yeah so, my team was writing the service worker tests, and we started using testharness.js from the get go and it was great 09:38:23 web componants is doing that too 09:38:49 big problem is the massive legacy of tests we have (~30k files ??) that use our legacy runner 09:39:03 but the biggest problem is upstreaming our tests 09:39:16 having a separate repo is tough 09:39:48 rego has joined #testing 09:39:54 rick again: many of the pointer events are manual, because there is no way to gen synthetic events 09:40:06 so we have a -manual convention in the file name to find them 09:40:08 Blink's flakiness data for imported test suites: http://test-results.appspot.com/dashboards/flakiness_dashboard.html#tests=%5Eimported%2F 09:40:52 we're working on a tool to make upstreaming easier, so that a blink dev can write tests with their product feature, get code review, and land it and then auto open a pull request automatically 09:41:22 james: we auto merge the branch... because ppl complain that PRs sit there for ever 09:41:34 q: how do you auto run manual tests 09:42:33 rick: for manual tests we have special internal tools to automate them 09:43:03 ... but eventually we want to move them to chrome driver, and eventually webdriver 09:43:08 ... *maybe* 09:43:32 rick: theres always going to be things that we cant get into webdriver, or will take a long time 09:43:49 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:43:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 09:43:50 like in chrome, we have window.internals that lets you mod geo location, for example 09:44:30 Present+ FrankOlivier 09:44:35 also, we want to get to the point where features must have interop documentation, and that you need a test suite and info about how your tests are doing in other browsers, and that we could regect features that dont have that 09:44:44 Present+ DominicCooney 09:44:52 right now, engineers just put their hand over their heart and say they did it 09:44:55 and we dont ask 09:44:59 because its too hard 09:45:09 Present+ TessOConnor 09:45:18 dom has joined #testing 09:45:27 jansen: if youre implementing tests for feature foo, and we are, youre not publishing your code upstream 09:45:28 Present+ SimonPieters 09:45:34 Present+ MikeSmith 09:45:44 rick: no, we submit PRs on commit 09:45:51 so canary features have tests 09:46:11 at apple we pull other browsers' tests to look at them 09:46:39 james: im not concerned about test duplications 09:46:41 hows the temprature for everyone? 09:47:03 *caucophony of temp convo* 09:47:20 rick: we're trying to figure out where is the biggest bang for the buck? 09:47:51 adding 5k tests is non trivial (because we have a bots running on all commits), so we want to add the good ones first 09:48:09 james: I failed to mention that servo also uses these tests almost exlusively 09:48:27 ... so they are writing tests for bits of the platform that are behind the curve 09:48:50 mikesmith: that is pretty significant given that all the other browsers are so mature 09:48:55 \0/ 09:49:01 sam from apple: 09:49:36 the webkit testing strategy has been historically one of regression testing. we write tests not to check for correctness, but more to check if something has gone wrong 09:49:46 i/sam from apple/Topic: Update on wpt and WebKit 09:49:57 but it turns out correctness tests also help with regressions, so we've started importing other tests 09:50:06 we've started importing some WPT tests 09:50:30 we dont do this on any kind of regular basis, but people in that area tend to import as they work 09:50:42 we currently only run js and ref (automatic) tests 09:50:45 we skip manual tests 09:50:47 s/but it/samweinig: but it/ 09:50:55 we use the test harness as much as we can 09:51:10 we've been trying to go back and fix dom/html errors in the past year 09:51:34 its been very fruitful for finding areas where the specs were wrong, or have changed, etc 09:51:50 in terms of upstreaming, we havent done that, but I think we should 09:52:01 im going to go back and see if people are interested in it 09:52:07 we have problems with perf 09:52:13 todd has joined #testing 09:52:37 our tests are run on devs machines as they work, and then when you post a patch for review, our bots run them immediately and then again when the commit lands 09:53:17 in terms of what you all are talking about non standard way of interacting with the browser (eg webdriver type stuff) we have a few things we've done, like event sender 09:54:15 but as the browser has evovled we've moved away from that to a more async model (called something like async io), so now what we have is a pure js environment running in a separate process, so we take a sting of javascript that we can send to the ui process, 09:55:01 so if we were to standardize something looking to implement somehting like mouse events or scroll gestures, I think doing it in a way where you can separate the execution of the tests from the ui, and order the timing of them, that would be good. 09:55:10 maybe we could do that with network stuff 09:55:24 jameS: wpt serve is supposed to do that 09:55:46 for us at apple its more about the ui thread 09:56:02 s/maybe/dominicc: maybe/ 09:56:16 s/for us/samweinig: for us/ 09:57:09 for what google mentioned with th geolocation api, or other promts for users... because there is a nead for the test harness to mach geolocation, maybe as this goes forward maybe we should look at what the entry points are so we can have unified interfaces for testing these things 09:57:47 weinig has joined #testing 09:58:06 s/jamesS:/jgraham:/ 09:58:18 many of our internal testing interfaces dont necissarily make sense for standards though 09:58:21 s/jameS:/jgraham:/ 09:58:30 ... they test really internal state 09:58:37 ... that are not interoperable 09:58:50 RRSAgent: make logs 09:58:50 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make logs', gsnedders. Try /msg RRSAgent help 09:59:04 RRSAgent, make minutes 09:59:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 09:59:14 with that in mind, it might be interesting for someone to go through in bits and see what all the browsers expose to their test harnesses, and see what we can standardize 09:59:17 q? 09:59:30 certainly the prompts/alerts will be there 09:59:39 ok, so thats what webkit does 09:59:52 coffee break 10:00:00
10:13:53 weinig has joined #testing 10:18:39 boazsender has joined #testing 10:19:13 miketaylr has joined #testing 10:19:35 TOPIC: what should we invest in? 10:19:55 rick: I think we want to improve developers lives 10:20:22 James: here are the 2 infrastructure things that should be done next: 10:20:26 q+ 10:21:43 1) some sharable way of writing the manual tests in a cross browser way. the plan for that would be to write a web driver api in js, that is then injected into WPT repo somewhere, and then somewhere in JS you could write a test wich can call out to a web driver server, which does web driver stuff, finishes, and resolves a promise on the client. 10:21:55 q+ to comment 10:23:00 boaz: defining the api is main thing, figure out when to go to the network etc. is separate 10:25:24 2) the second thing I think we want to work on is some way of getting insight into which tests are passing in specific implementations and which aren't 10:25:38 $ find . -name "*-manual.html" | wc -l 10:25:38 333 10:25:54 zcorpan: that's a sensible approach to get a number 10:26:30 it is not just about how many manual tests we have, because the problem is there are many requirements we have no tests for because nobody has or wants to write manual tests for them 10:26:56 zcorpan: 888 manual tests 10:26:59 zcorpan: many aren't HTML 10:27:23 the concern with number 2, is with vanity metrics 10:27:40 this should not be a marketing report 10:28:01 i get 892 for "*-manual.*" 10:28:19 zcorpan: I'm looking at what the manifest has in it 10:28:20 the great thing about WPT is that it's massive, crowd sourced, and its hard to game. 10:28:24 david_wood has joined #testing 10:28:34 present+ 10:28:46 ^ jansen says 10:29:21 Sam: the worry is that some browser is going to be most compatible, and will be "winning" 10:30:45 James: if theres a tool that allows you to show the latest results on a test directory resolution, then we dont telecast a competitive vanity metric 10:30:55 q+ boazsender 10:31:30 ack dcooney 10:31:47 dcoony agrees that the front end shouldn't roll up the test results 10:32:16 dcooney: what I want at my desk, is here is the thing that will increase compat the most today. 10:32:35 triblondon has joined #testing 10:34:21 a second vector for this central system of test passing is API consumption telemetry 10:35:50 dcooney: if we want to reduce developer pain, moving testing into a client side js web driver lib would help this. 10:36:09 zakim, q? 10:36:09 I see MikeSmith, boazsender on the speaker queue 10:36:28 ack MikeSmith 10:36:28 MikeSmith, you wanted to comment 10:36:39 james: it should be easier to get new features into webdriver now 10:37:16 MikeSmith: we've been talking about the manual testing issue, we know how to solve it, but we dont have the budget to pay people to do it at the W3C, so the next step is solving this. 10:37:56 ACTION: mike to follow up with interested parties to fund work on webdriver tests 10:38:16 sam: it seems like theres basic work we could do to try this 10:38:55 sam: it seems like theres basic work we could do to try this and make a stawman. 10:39:16 MikeSmith: I admire that as a strategy, but I think a more systematic stragey would work better. 10:39:31 MikeSmith: I think return of investment should be high here. 10:39:54 s/stragey/strategy/ 10:40:41 Rick: I think we should invest in the central testing dashboard first. 10:40:41 reftest: 483 10:40:41 stub: 50 10:40:41 wdspec: 2 10:40:41 testharness: 7177 10:40:42 manual: 888 10:41:17 note that there is "manual" and manual. Some are semi-automated... 10:41:32 Rick: we have a team at google thinking of prototyping a dashboard like this. 10:42:03 schuki has joined #testing 10:42:23 TOPIC: MVP reqs for the central WPT dashboard 10:42:40 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ehJAwL03NM-ptSbw7rDUo_GkiaZBrxanMrvjjqtuqis/edit 10:43:03 miketaylr has joined #testing 10:43:56 RRSAgent, make minutes 10:43:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 10:43:58 q? 10:50:40 q- boazsender 10:57:43 q+ to suggest the relation to bug reports. 11:00:58 ack david_wood 11:00:58 david_wood, you wanted to suggest the relation to bug reports. 11:01:29 zcorpan_ has joined #testing 11:01:35 q+ 11:06:48 Domic: web devs would submit tests if there was a jsfiddle like interface 11:09:02 ack zcorpan_ 11:11:11 q+ jgraham 11:11:26 q+ to talk about metadata 11:11:26 q+ boazsender 11:11:37 ack jgraham 11:11:52 dominic wants to write a tool to crawl metadata of tests and append results to margins of specs 11:12:01 s/dominic/Domenic/ 11:12:03 james: we've tried this and it didint work 11:12:46 q+ 11:12:55 Present+ DomenicDenicola 11:13:45 It works somewhat on https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ 11:13:54 But it's a lot of work to maintain 11:15:02 present- Sam Weinig 11:15:03 q? 11:15:05 ack ShaneM 11:15:05 ShaneM, you wanted to talk about metadata 11:15:10 q- boazsender 11:15:13 q+ to say something about the CSS tests harness dying 11:15:39 james: maybe the api for this should be from the IDL side in the specs 11:16:26 Ms2ger, what works on https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ I don’t see anything in the margins or links to tests 11:17:09 Click on "Add links to tests from requirements (beta)" 11:17:30 ack gsnedders 11:17:30 gsnedders, you wanted to say something about the CSS tests harness dying 11:17:31 q- gsnedders 11:17:48 There's also some prior art from Philip` 11:18:17 Ms2ger: any link anywhere? 11:18:54 dcooney: i have an issue when a spec has an algorithm with 20 steps or something, and want to know where the test is for step n. 11:19:39 q? 11:19:44 ack dcooney 11:20:59 q+ to suggest we follow up the conversation on public-test-infra but from the high-level goals that rbyers described 11:21:42 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-test-infra/ 11:22:16 ack MikeSmith 11:22:16 MikeSmith, you wanted to suggest we follow up the conversation on public-test-infra but from the high-level goals that rbyers described 11:22:53 ACTION: MikeSmith to send dashboard outline to public-test-infra for feedback 11:26:30 RRSAgent, make minutes 11:26:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 11:29:31 rick: proposing a new "Defacto" directory for tests for features with no specs, eg: all of hit-testing 11:30:00 james: no, i'd want a hit-testing dir 11:30:10 there is precedence for tests without specs 11:31:33 undecided 11:31:59 zcorpan has joined #testing 11:32:06 breaking for lunch 11:32:56 triblondon has joined #testing 11:35:40 triblondon__ has joined #testing 12:13:50 Ms2ger has joined #testing 12:20:00 zcorpan has joined #testing 12:22:59 dom has joined #testing 12:43:54 miketaylr has joined #testing 12:43:57 http://test.csswg.org/suites/geometry-1_dev/nightly-unstable/html/chapter-6.htm 12:44:01 HELLO 12:44:02 thx 12:44:07 yingying has joined #testing 12:45:05 yingying_ has joined #testing 12:46:36 boazsender has joined #testing 12:50:26 JohnJansen has joined #testing 12:55:06 xorro has joined #testing 13:01:10 tidoust has joined #testing 13:02:40 kawai has joined #testing 13:05:00 http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html 13:05:18 csswg-test: 13:05:20 testharness: 439 13:05:20 reftest: 10851 13:05:20 wdspec: 0 13:05:20 manual: 2240 13:05:23 stub: 0 13:05:25 visual: 3535 13:06:57 Max has joined #testing 13:07:18 triblondon__ has joined #testing 13:09:25 https://csswg-test.org/ 13:10:01 scribenick: zcorpan 13:10:07 including https://csswg-test.org/submissions/ where PR branches are mirrored 13:10:25 C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc 13:10:41 Topic: CSS WG merger into WPT 13:10:44 Topic: merging csswg-test and web-paltform-tests 13:11:13 s/Topic: CSS WG merger into WPT/ 13:11:33 s/paltform/platform/ 13:11:48 gsnedders: the basic status quo is that most of the policies that made it hard to run the css testsuite in the same way as wpt 13:11:51 gsnedders: are now gone 13:12:00 gsnedders: most of the policies are now the same between the two 13:12:10 gsnedders: some things are still different because the css build system 13:12:22 gsnedders: we have agreement to get rid of the build system 13:12:41 gsnedders: the biggest thing that ppl are waiting on are a replacement of the css test harness which shows results across browsers 13:13:07 gsnedders: most of the work has been about wpt-tools like manifest generation 13:13:15 gsnedders: to create an accurate list of test in csswg-test repo 13:13:25 Ms2ger has joined #testing 13:13:31 gsnedders: that's still a PR, not finished. 99.9% done, 99.9% left to do 13:13:46 boazsender: what's the PR? 13:13:47 https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/pull/90 13:14:10 gsnedders: the comments aren't quite up to date 13:14:35 gsnedders: teh current css testsuite build system doesn't build the test unless it has a for something that sheperd knows about 13:14:42 gsnedders: lots of such tests 13:14:50 RRSAgent, make minutes 13:14:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 13:15:03 s/teh current/the current/ 13:15:12 gsnedders: once that PR is merged it should be able to make manifests in the same way for the two repos 13:15:29 gsnedders: and running the server and the lint tool 13:15:35 gsnedders: all the tooling should work 13:16:27 gsnedders: the build system is the only thing that currently works 13:16:55 gsnedders: the big thing is reaching the point of where css is ready to get rid of the build system 13:16:59 s/all the tooling should work/all of the tooling is likely currently broken except the build system 13:17:07 gsnedders: so having results displayed for CR exit criteria 13:17:08 rniwa has joined #testing 13:17:16 gsnedders: once that is done it should be easy to merge the two repos 13:17:47 JohnJansen: do they have the directory structure? 13:17:49 gsnedders: yes 13:18:04 JohnJansen: we make each folder into a virtual server 13:18:15 JohnJansen: we don't want to have too many tests in one folder 13:18:22 gsnedders: only top-level? 13:18:27 JohnJansen: arbitrary 13:18:40 weinig has joined #testing 13:18:44 gsnedders: the output of the build system is not great 13:18:53 boazsender: the source files are separate 13:18:55 gsnedders: yeah 13:19:14 boazsender: how is html different? oh subdirectories 13:19:14 I think it would be nice if there weren't more than two levels of depth just for test selection reasons (when using the manual interface) 13:19:34 JohnJansen: css puts them all into one dir because that's the tool output 13:20:00 boazsender: like visual tests, is box blue? 13:20:01 that sounds relatively easy to fix FWIW 13:20:12 gitbot has joined #testing 13:20:12 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger created 06blacklist-slash (+1 new commit): 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/aa41b36c734b 13:20:12 13wpt-tools/06blacklist-slash 14aa41b36 15Geoffrey Sneddon: Remove the odd "/" special-case in is_blacklsited 13:20:13 gitbot has left #testing 13:20:15 gsnedders: number number visual tests vs reftests 13:20:25 testharness: 439 13:20:26 reftest: 10851 13:20:26 wdspec: 0 13:20:26 manual: 2240 13:20:27 stub: 0 13:20:28 visual: 3535 13:20:31 gitbot has joined #testing 13:20:31 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04force-pushed 06blacklist-slash from 14aa41b36 to 14af15ae4: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commits/blacklist-slash 13:20:31 13wpt-tools/06blacklist-slash 14af15ae4 15Geoffrey Sneddon: Remove the odd "/" special-case in is_blacklisted 13:20:32 gitbot has left #testing 13:20:36 JohnJansen: my point is that if you get a failure you have to run it manually 13:20:38 gitbot has joined #testing 13:20:38 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger opened pull request #119: Remove the odd "/" special-case in is_blacklisted (06master...06blacklist-slash) 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/pull/119 13:20:38 gitbot has left #testing 13:20:46 boazsender: who runs them? 13:20:51 RRSAgent: make minutes 13:20:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html jgraham 13:21:07 JohnJansen: it takes 2 days 13:21:41 JohnJansen: converted many of them to reftests 13:21:54 boazsender: what's the difference between manual and visual? 13:22:08 gsnedders: manual needs user interaction. visual is screenshottable 13:22:38 Ms2ger: yes 13:22:38 gsnedders: multiple visual tests with same expected rendering can be compared together 13:22:46 boazsender: can they be automated? 13:22:55 JohnJansen: we have a bunch automated internally 13:23:09 JohnJansen: a tool that was created before webdriver existed 13:23:28 JohnJansen: a lot of tests are about scrolling etc 13:23:43 JohnJansen: a lot of the tests are not best practices today 13:24:00 gsnedders: 2 things. a fair number can be converted to reftests, which is better for everyone 13:24:17 gsnedders: visual tests get invalidated because font rendering changed etc :-((( 13:24:45 gsnedders: webkit and blink have infrastructure for visual but don't like it 13:25:01 present+ 13:25:11 dcooney: blink does not like pixel test results. prefer reftests 13:25:44 boazsender: there are duplicate tests for some of these stuff in css, webkit, html, and so on 13:25:46 gsnedders: yeah 13:26:01 boazsender: webdriver... could it make sense to start over? 13:26:03 JohnJansen: almost 13:26:16 JohnJansen: the webkit layout tests can't be shared 13:26:28 JohnJansen: have proparitary ??? 13:26:37 s/proparitary/proprietary/ 13:27:01 boazsender: if the browsers moved to webdriver we could replace these tests with new/rewritten tests 13:27:37 gsnedders: servo is implementing stuff and working on testing with wpt 13:27:42 gitbot has joined #testing 13:27:42 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger closed pull request #119: Remove the odd "/" special-case in is_blacklisted (06master...06blacklist-slash) 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/pull/119 13:27:42 gitbot has left #testing 13:27:45 gitbot has joined #testing 13:27:45 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04deleted 06blacklist-slash at 14af15ae4: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/af15ae4 13:27:45 gitbot has left #testing 13:28:02 jgraham: using wpt infrastructure, it's good enough that it runs 13:28:29 jgraham: trying to create tests. historically a problem with csswg-test is upstreaming is difficult because metadata requirements, weird review system etc 13:28:46 jgraham: we couldn't implement the system in servo in a good way 13:29:25 jgraham: once they have the same rules as wpt it will be much simpler to upstream 13:29:45 jgraham: rewriting everything is a vast amount of work 13:29:52 jgraham: everything that is manual... 13:30:08 jgraham: manual tests need to be rewritten to use webdriver typically 13:30:18 jgraham: for visual tests, need to get rid of those 13:30:41 jgraham: could write infrastructure for screenshot tests but it would be crap because it's always crap 13:30:46 gitbot has joined #testing 13:30:46 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger created 06blacklist-cert (+1 new commit): 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/ebfd192b8151 13:30:46 13wpt-tools/06blacklist-cert 14ebfd192 15Geoffrey Sneddon: Make /_certs/ correctly blacklisted 13:30:47 gitbot has left #testing 13:30:51 jgraham: don't run anything manual 13:31:19 jgraham: individual developers may do but not Test Days running though css tests, nobody thinks that's useful 13:31:29 JohnJansen: also css3 stuff 13:31:34 gsnedders: tends to be shallow 13:31:39 gitbot has joined #testing 13:31:39 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger opened pull request #120: Make /_certs/ correctly blacklisted (06master...06blacklist-cert) 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/pull/120 13:31:39 gitbot has left #testing 13:32:09 s/tends to be shallow/tends to be far less shallow than 2.1/ 13:32:18 boazsender: csswg chair asked if we could write testharness.js tests for css 13:32:28 jgraham: I understand. and I agree. But during test development or when re-running tests to ensure something is fixed... 13:32:36 boazsender: so they want to move in this direction 13:32:39 gsnedders: i'm well aware 13:32:51 gsnedders: convincing them to do the sensible thing 13:32:56 jgraham: so status... 13:33:18 gsnedders: visual tests can split into 2 categories 13:33:26 gsnedders: first should be converted to reftests 13:33:39 gsnedders: second don't have guaranteed rendering per spec, so can't create a reference for them 13:33:46 gsnedders: dashed borders for instance 13:33:57 gsnedders: firefox is not consistent across display type 13:34:12 gsnedders: display:table-cell is different from display:block 13:34:16 boazsender: on purpose? 13:34:23 gsnedders: dunno, legacy maybe 13:34:32 miketaylr: my blog relies on that 13:34:37 lol 13:35:13 gsnedders: we should convince csswg to define how to render these things 13:35:22 dcooney: should be a small set of things 13:35:47 gsnedders: dashed borders, dotted borders, outline, some other border styles... not much else 13:36:16 dcooney: could be impl specific, like UA style 13:36:30 zcorpan: HTML spec has UA styleshset required 13:36:38 zcorpan: it's normative for browsers 13:36:47 gsnedders: some things are not expressible in CSS 13:37:01 dcooney: may not be a big issue 13:37:21 gsnedders: it's not. there are some visual tests we can't get rid of in a cross-browser way, but can get rid of the majority 13:37:51 gsnedders: big thing is test results which blocks getting rid of the build system and hence moving to web-platform-tests 13:38:23 http://test.csswg.org/harness/ 13:38:33 gsnedders: test.csswg.org/harness 13:38:53 gsnedders: click on review results 13:38:59 e.g., http://test.csswg.org/harness/results/compositing-1_dev/grouped/ 13:39:17 boazsender: can be improved upon ^_^ 13:39:28 JohnJansen: it's slow 13:39:45 gsnedders: they want some visualization like this of results 13:40:03 boazsender: how do you flip the switch? 13:40:12 gsnedders: not a problem 13:40:17 jgraham: the build system does a couple of things 13:40:24 gitbot has joined #testing 13:40:24 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger closed pull request #120: Make /_certs/ correctly blacklisted (06master...06blacklist-cert) 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/pull/120 13:40:24 gitbot has left #testing 13:40:26 gitbot has joined #testing 13:40:26 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04deleted 06blacklist-cert at 14ebfd192: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/ebfd192 13:40:26 gitbot has left #testing 13:40:37 jgraham: goes through and generates metadata that can be consumed by things 13:40:59 jgraham: also write test in one format and generate HTML/XHTML/Print/something else versions 13:41:12 boazsender: are people using the different formats now? 13:41:17 jgraham: seemed like a good idea at the time 13:41:28 gsnedders: back in the day print UAs didn't support HTML 13:41:32 boazsender: that can go away? 13:41:37 jgraham: it has to go away 13:41:54 jgraham: we won't import different versions 13:42:56 jgraham: so anything to discuss about that? (the merge) 13:43:07 jgraham: if someone(TM) will build the dash board 13:43:09 gsnedders: me 13:43:29 boazsender: this could be separate 13:43:56 JohnJansen: this was crowdsourced because nobody would run the tests except My Guy 13:44:05 JohnJansen: he didn't want to share the results 13:44:18 http://test.csswg.org/harness/details/compositing-1_dev/blending_in_a_group_with_opacity/engine/gecko/ 13:44:31 JohnJansen: someone ran this in Edge, somebody said it passed, somebody else said it failed... 13:44:47 JohnJansen: ppl don't agree on a test passing or failing 13:45:23 zcorpan: had this problem at opera as well for visual tests 13:45:50 gsnedders: some of the differences in results can be explained by platform differences 13:46:08 boazsender: the visualization is difficult 13:46:32 JohnJansen: is anybody against you doing the port? 13:46:34 gsnedders: no 13:46:52 gsnedders: may be discussion about some particular feature, but in principle no 13:47:01 gsnedders: want to do this next quarter 13:47:34 jgraham: is there a fallback position? merging the repos but allow existing toolings to continue working? 13:47:51 gsnedders: every file name is unique... 13:48:09 gsnedders: harder one is support file has to be in a support directory... 13:48:17 jgraham: can deal with that in the manifest 13:48:50 gsnedders: more difficult cases with tests referring to files elsewhere 13:48:59 jgraham: how do they enforce that now? 13:49:01 gsnedders: HAHAHA 13:49:46 gsnedders: lints for css directory, would you rather merge sooner and then work on the build system? 13:49:51 jgraham: yeah, my preference 13:50:07 gsnedders: ok 13:50:15 jgraham: there's so much benefit to merging 13:50:41 jgraham: if you wait on the dashboard then we're blocked for months for it to be perfect with this and that feature 13:51:00 jgraham: if you just do it and then work on replacement for the dashboard, we're not delayed 13:51:15 jgraham: could do one-off mapping from old path to new path etc 13:51:39 jgraham: these tests are the worst. this one requires knowledge of PorterDuff operations -_- 13:51:50 JohnJansen: they're all terrible 13:51:51 http://test.csswg.org/harness/test/compositing-1_dev/single/line-with-svg-background/format/html5/ 13:51:57 ;_; 13:52:48 boazsender: where's the pass condition? 13:52:53 jgraham: view source 13:53:28 gsnedders: this one is from test the web forward 13:55:14 gitbot has joined #testing 13:55:14 [13web-platform-tests] 15sideshowbarker closed pull request #3758: Add EventHandler stub to interfaces.html (06master...06patch-2) 02https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/3758 13:55:14 gitbot has left #testing 13:55:53
13:56:08 plh has joined #testing 13:58:11 gitbot has joined #testing 13:58:11 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger created 06blacklist-resources (+1 new commit): 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/06477b63a6cd 13:58:11 13wpt-tools/06blacklist-resources 1406477b6 15Geoffrey Sneddon: Blacklist /support/ and /resources/ anywhere in the URL 13:58:12 gitbot has left #testing 13:58:16 gitbot has joined #testing 13:58:16 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger opened pull request #121: Blacklist /support/ and /resources/ anywhere in the URL (06master...06blacklist-resources) 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/pull/121 13:58:16 gitbot has left #testing 14:01:35 JohnJansen has joined #testing 14:06:42 tidoust2 has joined #testing 14:08:02 gitbot has joined #testing 14:08:02 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger closed pull request #121: Blacklist /support/ and /resources/ anywhere in the URL (06master...06blacklist-resources) 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/pull/121 14:08:02 gitbot has left #testing 14:16:10 plh has joined #testing 14:17:31 gitbot has joined #testing 14:17:31 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04deleted 06blacklist-resources at 1406477b6: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/06477b6 14:17:31 gitbot has left #testing 14:17:40 gitbot has joined #testing 14:17:40 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04deleted 06wptserve at 1403ebf8d: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/03ebf8d 14:17:40 gitbot has left #testing 14:17:54 gitbot has joined #testing 14:17:54 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04deleted 06fix_localpaths at 14ec892f5: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/ec892f5 14:17:54 gitbot has left #testing 14:18:04 gitbot has joined #testing 14:18:04 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04deleted 06lint_json_output at 14b2c4e28: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/b2c4e28 14:18:04 gitbot has left #testing 14:19:04 gitbot has joined #testing 14:19:04 [13wpt-tools] 15Ms2ger 04deleted 06py3-lint2 at 14814311e: 02https://github.com/w3c/wpt-tools/commit/814311e 14:19:04 gitbot has left #testing 14:20:11 Max has joined #testing 14:27:43 ying_ying has joined #testing 14:28:01 weinig has joined #testing 14:31:08 gitbot has joined #testing 14:31:08 [13web-platform-tests] 15mwatson2 opened pull request #3798: [eme] Add test for expiration attribute value (06master...06eme-jwt) 02https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/3798 14:31:08 gitbot has left #testing 14:32:58 boazsender has joined #testing 14:34:23 Topic: SVG 14:34:31 present+ nikos 14:34:46 nikos: there was an old pla nfor developing a SVG testsuite 14:34:55 s/pla/plan 14:34:57 nikos: we're going to host in wpt but still use sheperd with metadata etc 14:35:14 nikos: we were planning on importing SVG 1.0 tests 14:35:25 nikos: lots of text has changed between the versions 14:35:36 nikos: looking for feedback and suggestsions what we should do 14:36:30 clarification: svg looking for advice 14:36:32 Max has joined #testing 14:36:51 nikos: we've gotten advice on github 14:36:59 nikos: the old plan was old-school 14:37:14 https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/269 14:37:16 nikos: Shepherd is out obviously 14:37:32 nikos: we have a requirement that the testsuite needs to be useful for non-browser implementations 14:37:47 nikos: reftests be separate from script tests 14:37:53 gsnedders: that can be done via manifest 14:38:05 nikos: ok as long as we can separate for one impl that's fine 14:38:25 jgraham: the idea for html is that we would take every section in the spec up to 3 levels deep and create a directory 14:38:36 jgraham: and then fill in tests where we didn't have coverage 14:38:38 tidoust2 has joined #testing 14:38:42 jgraham: didn't really help enough 14:38:47 jgraham: having some structure is good 14:38:55 jgraham: using IDs in the spec is of less value 14:39:01 nikos: things move around... 14:39:09 jgraham: not always understandable names 14:39:19 jgraham: pick a structure that makes sense to you according to the stucture of the spec 14:39:26 jgraham: but dont' worry too muhc about it 14:39:37 jgraham: don't dump all tests into one dir 14:40:25 zcorpan: if you don't want to use then the last dir should match up to an id in the spec 14:40:49 nikos: reftests it's obvious what passes and what fails 14:40:56 jgraham: write something that's easy to write a ref for 14:41:10 jgraham: if you're testing text rendering it doesn't have to be a square... 14:41:21 jgraham: generally do something sensething 14:41:41 zcorpan: you want to share reference as much as possible 14:42:04 nikos: idea to use PNG e.g. for a rectangle 14:42:22 jgraham: should be a visual test, but minimize such tests as much as possible 14:42:50 JohnJansen: the fundamental stuff you don't need to test it, you'll find out if it's broken anyway 14:43:08 nikos: approving tests in the repo, can people be given access to do that? 14:43:30 gsnedders: file PRs, if they don't do stupid things we give them push access 14:43:53 nikos: do SVG WG people approve SVG tests? 14:44:08 gsnedders: vauge rules. if you think you're competent to review, go ahead and do it 14:44:29 gsnedders: PRs lie around for months... 14:44:44 gsnedders: until you get into complex SVG stuff people will be able to review 14:45:00 JohnJansen: I though more people would be interested in reviewing 14:45:33 nikos: trying to recruit people into doing testing 14:45:47 nikos: people dropped off when we got closer to CR 14:46:17 nikos: any recommendations? 14:46:28 JohnJansen: be open if you're being told you're doing it wrong 14:46:46 nikos: i'm trying to gather information... 14:47:35 JohnJansen: we've discovererd the hard way if you hire people to write tests you get low quality tests, which is more costly in the long run than just writing good tests yourself from the start 14:48:03 JohnJansen: test the web forward is an example, we got people in a room to write tests... 14:48:23 MikeSmith: culture for recommendations, we spend time in IRC channel and do very little other interaction 14:48:32 MikeSmith: if someone will contribute, join IRC 14:48:44 MikeSmith: we ahve good time coverage across timezones 14:50:07 zcorpan: a lot of things can be tested with testharness.js that you might not think is suitable 14:50:12 ... like, a lot of rendering stuff 14:50:26 ... if you prioritize UAs that support CSS and Javascript 14:50:41 nikos: Inkscape... do not not to the details 14:50:48 scribenick: MikeSmith 14:50:54 boazsender: bet it’s not JavaScript 14:51:04 nikos: it’s not yeah 14:51:48 JohnJansen: in some cases you might want to run all your tests in your desktop browser and mobile 14:52:05 ... and you may find that you have never found a bug that was in one place and not the other 14:52:33 ... so the question is if Inkscape is different enough to merit running the tests in it vs running just a browsers 14:52:45 nikos: it is different enough 14:52:57 zcorpan: so, what kind of tests would work in Inkscape 14:53:06 nikos: reftests 14:53:47 nikos: I need to talk Tav (Inkspace rep) to found out more 14:53:55 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:53:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-testing-minutes.html MikeSmith 14:56:39 RRSAgent, stop