14:58:22 RRSAgent has joined #webcomms 14:58:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/21-webcomms-irc 14:58:25 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/images/3/36/W3C-TPAC-WebComm-BA.PPTX Shijun & Bernard's slides 14:58:32 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/images/3/3b/Webrtc-next-steps-v1.pptx Cullen's slides 14:58:50 Frode: we would like a way to improve scalability of bridge-less video conference 14:59:03 Alex: I think it's purely an implementation issue 14:59:18 Cullen: I think the API could provide ways to give hints that you need to optimize for that use case 14:59:26 Alex: isn't that already covered by the spec? 14:59:29 Cullen: maybe, not sure 14:59:46 Harald: What big things are we overlooking? 15:00:03 ... the big thing about WebRTC compared to other Web protocols is the shift to P2P 15:00:06 ... we have huge holes in that story 15:00:11 ... one is set up 15:00:17 ... another is IoT type of interactions 15:00:36 ... we kind of assume end points that can handle many protocols 15:00:56 ... but we could imagine end points that work on peer-to-peer mode in an IoT world 15:01:08 Alex: what would be missing in this view? 15:01:22 Carsten: note the IRTF has a group dedicated to that topic 15:01:54 Cullen: we have a headless firefox appliance that serves as a IoT endpoint for sensor communication 15:02:12 Harald: Linux is the simplest way to run a system, and the browser the simplest to program it? 15:03:06 Stefan: something I hear from my company is that we're missing ways to give more flexibility on real-time, allowing more retransmission 15:03:36 @@@: you mentioned in your description the need to enable background operation for WebRTC communications 15:03:58 ... ideally, this would enable to keep the audio running while pausing the video 15:04:12 ... having that would be interesting to minimize the disruption 15:04:21 ... this would be similar to what is enabled by service worker 15:04:39 ... with a headless background mode, this could be connected to the IoT world where camera / audio is less needed 15:05:26 Harald: the incoming call problem 15:05:39 ... holding a connection open just in case someone wants to send you something 15:06:00 ... if there was a way to hooking into another mechanism that would allow to that 15:06:12 Cullen: Web Push sounds about like what we need 15:06:27 DanD: this provides a work around 15:06:38 ... Push sends a notification, from which you could then start a session 15:06:59 ... ideally you would want to send connection information at the time where the call is made 15:07:29 DanB: there could be a preliminary presence check, then a setup call push 15:07:39 barryleiba has joined #webcomms 15:08:11 DanD: but this comes with interesting security & privacy aspects 15:08:30 @@@: but push is server / client, does it apply to P2P ? 15:08:43 Dom: Push is to enable the set up of the call mediated by the server 15:09:03 DanD: at the moment, WebRTC only enables P2P in a very limited way as Harald described 15:09:17 Harald: there have been discussions around rendez vous based on distributed registry 15:09:38 DanD: the problem is discovery 15:09:59 Boaz: does WebRTC enable local P2P connection without going through the Internet? 15:10:14 Cullen: one use case is emergency services where local WIFI exists but no backbone connection 15:10:40 DanD: broadcast/multicast could be exposed at the API level, but the security implications can be difficult 15:11:04 AdamB: in practice, the server is only a convenient rendez-vous mechanism 15:11:11 ... any rendez-vous mechanism could be used 15:11:38 JIB: a P2P data channel is very cheap 15:11:55 Boaz: in Web Bluetooth, they're talking about making the Web browser a virtual bluetooth device 15:12:37 @@@1: there is some commonality with what was discussed around hash tables for server less connection 15:12:46 ... this might have relationship with Mozilla's FlyWeb 15:13:01 Boaz: it might be worth bringing this up with the Web Bluetooth group 15:13:12 ... e.G. data channels over bluetooth 15:13:28 TimP: some of these approaches don't work well with the offer / answer model 15:13:39 JIB: this is an opportunity to clean up the API 15:13:55 ... createO/A, setL/RD feels outdated 15:14:08 ... e.g. a P2P with a default SDP channel 15:14:15 s/SDP /data 15:14:33 ... that would enable automatic signalling 15:14:58 Cullen: the P2P distributed hashtables requires specific network level access that is not available to Web browsers 15:15:13 ... we would need to find the right narrow subset needed to enable this kind of connectivity 15:19:53 Dom: would there be interest in a workshop to go further into these topics? 15:20:09 DanD: would this be around WebRTC only? or broaader? only audio/video comm 15:20:17 dom: good question; might need to be broader 15:20:41 DanB: I wonder if we need to hear more from broadcasters in how well WebRTC help them in their use cases 15:21:05 Andrew: there are also use cases in healthcare, emergency that we need to look at 15:21:39 Randell: live streaming is another use case: a user live streams to a server which then broadcasts 15:21:48 ... that's a peer-connection to a server - maybe nothing new 15:22:04 Cullen: re push-to-talk, one missing thing is rapid play back 15:22:14 ... playing an RTP stream faster 15:23:24 DanD: sending hints for congestion control, in general indication to the transports level 15:23:29 ... like the priority API 15:23:41 ... allowing the developers to express the needs of the application 15:24:28 Dom: so do we need to talk more? 15:24:46 Cullen: I think a workshop is an excellent idea to give the opportunity for people to put their ideas down 15:24:53 ... but the timing is a big question 15:25:07 ... is it a near term thing? 15:25:28 ... in particular, are browser vendors in a position to look at even more requirements? 15:25:46 DanD: there is no question we can get a long list of ideas 15:25:57 ... but we need to close the lid on the 1st version 15:26:19 AdamB: thinking again about the discovery use case 15:26:27 ... does it need to be part of WebRTC? 15:26:37 ... if so, the pipeline issue is somewhat different 15:29:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:29:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/21-webcomms-minutes.html dom 15:29:22 RRSAgent, make log public 15:33:40 barryleiba has joined #webcomms 15:38:09 dminor has left #webcomms 15:38:14 kaorumaeda has joined #webcomms 16:08:04 JonathanJ has joined #webcomms 16:08:06 JonathanJ has joined #webcomms 16:12:43 barryleiba has left #webcomms 16:51:33 JonathanJ has joined #webcomms 17:17:26 JonathanJ has joined #webcomms 17:18:01 JonathanJ has joined #webcomms 17:33:01 JonathanJ1 has joined #webcomms 21:57:01 JonathanJ has joined #webcomms 21:58:09 kaorumaeda has joined #webcomms 22:28:35 kaorumaeda has joined #webcomms 22:35:29 kaorumaeda_ has joined #webcomms