14:28:58 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:28:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/09-annotation-irc 14:29:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:29:00 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:29:02 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:29:02 ok, trackbot 14:29:03 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:29:03 Date: 09 September 2016 14:29:30 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/092901d20a41$502a57f0$f07f07d0$@illinois.edu 14:29:44 ivan has changed the topic to: Agenda for 2016-09-09: http://www.w3.org/mid/092901d20a41$502a57f0$f07f07d0$@illinois.edu 14:30:00 Chair: Rob, Tim 14:48:55 azaroth has joined #annotation 14:55:23 TimCole has joined #annotation 15:00:32 present+ ShaneM 15:00:47 present+ Tim_Cole 15:01:08 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:01:45 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 15:02:04 tilgovi has joined #annotation 15:02:10 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 15:03:18 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:03:28 tilgovi_ has joined #annotation 15:03:42 scribenick: azaroth 15:03:57 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:04:09 Topic: Minutes Approval 15:04:10 Present+ TB_Dinesh 15:04:10 TOPIC: Minutes approval 15:04:19 Present+ Randall_Leeds 15:04:26 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/09/02-annotation-minutes.html 15:04:29 +1 15:04:33 +1 15:04:35 +1 15:04:35 +1 15:04:45 RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/09/02-annotation-minutes.html 15:04:51 takeshi has joined #annotation 15:04:53 TOPIC: Announcements 15:05:29 TimCole: We have successfully republished the three documents in CR 15:05:47 ... TPAC is fast approaching. We won't have any meetings there, but need to think about schedule for the calls 15:05:51 ivan: I'll be out 15:06:01 ... I leave on Sunday so here next week, but out the following 15:06:08 ShaneM: I'll be tied up too 15:06:20 ... 4pm in Lisbon? 15:06:32 ... I have a meeting at 4pm on Friday. 15:06:37 Ivan: I'll be fried :) 15:06:49 TimCole: Cancel Sept 23rd meeting 15:07:07 azaroth: My regrets for next week. 15:07:27 TimCole: Okay, cancel 23rd but will meet next week 15:08:29 TimCole: Will meet on the 30th. Any other announcements or questions? 15:08:34 topic: Issue updates? 15:08:58 TimCole: There was an issue closed 15:09:18 Ivan: Sarven said that he was okay to close it, so I did 15:09:25 TimCole: What about the i18n issues? 15:09:38 ivan: No idea :( Anyone on the social web group might know more? 15:09:48 TimCole: Would it be okay to reach out to Richard? 15:09:58 Ivan: I can do that. 15:11:04 bigbluehat: Social picked a very different solution for i18n issue. DPUB on the other hand did the same as us 15:11:25 ... they went with no text direction stated. Web manifests and ourselves have it as an explicit property 15:11:41 ... Social are trusting the bidi character will be recognised and implemented 15:11:54 TimCole: That's okay, we'll see what happens at the end of CR 15:12:32 ... Any editorial progress? 15:12:45 azaroth: None, have been waiting for i18n issue to resolve before making any further changes 15:12:52 TimCole: Any other issue related topics? 15:12:54 TOPIC: Testing 15:13:21 TimCole: Posted a short note about the state of the model testing. A couple of issues have come up 15:13:34 ... Haven't gotten new reports from implementers. 15:13:55 ... For sections 1-4 of the model, we now have 173 assertions, organized into 10 tests 15:14:09 ... broken down along validation of MUST, or whether a feature is implemented 15:14:30 ... 10 tests means that if you run the suite, you paste your annotation in 10 times 15:14:59 q+ to ask if it is the same annotation in every form for most implementors? 15:15:02 ... the advantage of it is that if you want to test only the requirements or a particular feature you can do so by running only a subset of tests 15:15:14 ... impressed by how quickly they run 15:15:26 ... could probably reduce it however to fewer tests 15:15:53 ... Shane, do you see any issue with the test runner software having one test with 173 assertions? 15:15:57 ShaneM: No, the system doesn't care 15:16:17 ... we moved the text box. It might not be merged yet though 15:16:41 ... I don't have merge capability. The code codes reviewed and hopefully someone merges it. 15:17:01 TimCole: which server are you looking at? w3c-test.org? or testdev.spec-ops.io? 15:17:07 ... The people who have merge capability don't seem to pay attention to our requests 15:17:18 ivan: You should try to talk to Philippe about this 15:17:48 ... He's the one responsible for getting WGs to do things properly. We went down this route for testing, but we shouldn't be thwarted by issues like this 15:17:55 ... at the end of the day, it's his responsibility 15:18:01 ShaneM: I can ping him now? 15:18:21 ivan: It may need a longer discussion. 15:18:42 ShaneM: There just needs to be someone on staff who takes care of this sort of stuff 15:18:53 ivan: I don't have a practical proposal, but the current way doesn't work 15:19:04 ... it has created barriers for us many times already, which isn't acceptable 15:19:25 ... we're bound to deadlines, and accountable to W3M, but that means we need to be able to do what we have to do 15:19:37 ShaneM: From our perspective, I should have stayed on top of the PRs... 15:19:50 ivan: No, don't take it on you, you shouldn't have to chase people, there should be a process 15:20:10 ShaneM: There's 173 outstanding requests, so it's not just us 15:20:31 q? 15:20:33 ivan: I discussed this with Ralph as well. There's something fundamentally wrong. We can come back to this in Lisbon 15:20:34 https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3Awg-annotation 15:20:37 q- 15:20:41 ack ShaneM 15:21:09 TimCole: One question is whether we should go down to a few tests 15:21:12 bigbluehat: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/3634 r? 15:21:13 ... easy to make that change now 15:21:24 yeah. working on that one now 15:21:29 ... would just require all the assertions in one big test 15:21:32 q+ 15:21:40 ack azaroth 15:21:41 ack azaroth 15:22:47 azaroth: Would it be possible to copy the annotation from the first test to the second test, and so forth? then it would populate the text box with that annotation 15:23:08 ShaneM: If it's the same annotation, that might be possible. If it's a different annotation, it wouldn't make sense 15:23:29 TimCole: Still need to deal with section 5 of the model, as it's not annotations 15:23:44 ... you'd paste in a collection or a page, which are fundamentally different 15:24:03 ... as many /clients/ won't implement that, it'll be a bit strange 15:24:58 azaroth: We'd probably want annotation server implementers to do the collections and pages 15:25:12 TimCole: Should this be a fourth set of tests? 15:26:41 azaroth: Easier at the end of CR if it was part of the model testing, just a different section 15:26:54 uskudarli has joined #annotation 15:27:35 uskudarli has left #annotation 15:27:46 uskudarli has joined #annotation 15:27:59 azaroth: (explains issue) 15:28:13 ivan: We have entries in the model that are relevant to the server, so closer to the protocol 15:28:20 ... how does it affect the reporting? 15:29:06 TimCole: if there's one series of tests that starts with annotations and then the collection, the client developers won't know what to do with the collection and page tests 15:29:24 q+ to ask if we should be pulling ajv into the protocol tests to see what features of the data model are used there? OR add a protocol exerciser to the model tests 15:29:34 azaroth: and the server implementers won't necessarily have anything useful for the first part 15:29:44 ShaneM: What if those tests were added to the protocol suite? 15:29:44 ack ShaneM 15:29:44 ShaneM, you wanted to ask if we should be pulling ajv into the protocol tests to see what features of the data model are used there? OR add a protocol exerciser to the model tests 15:29:58 tbdinesh_ has joined #annotation 15:29:59 ... or add server tests to the model tests to hit a server and get the content? 15:30:19 ivan: My reaction was the same as your first option -- those tests should be performed by the protocol testing procedure 15:30:22 protocol !== data model thoughj 15:30:25 ... that's where they come into the picture 15:30:32 s/thoughj/though/ 15:30:36 ... so the server/protocol implementers will test some of the model, which is fine 15:30:39 q+ 15:30:40 ... the reporting is tricky 15:30:48 ack TimCole 15:30:55 ack TimCole 15:31:22 TimCole: one thing we could do is name the tests for the collection and page carefully, and give different URLs to the testers 15:31:37 ... so the client people would only get annotations, and the server people would only get collections and pages 15:31:43 +1 if that's possible 15:31:52 ... we could do that with regexps or folder names perhaps 15:32:09 ShaneM: Have a PR on the regexps 15:32:36 TimCole: The problem would be that the results would be incomplete -- it would only have collection or annotation tests. Would that merge okay? 15:32:48 ShaneM: I don't know the answer 15:33:15 azaroth: We really need that to work, as a client might not do all the tests and we want to know what they did do 15:33:27 TimCole: I'd prefer that, as it keeps everything together in the right place 15:33:41 ShaneM: THe test description needs to clearly lay out the expectations for what to put in the text box 15:34:14 TimCole: We may need to move all the tests into a different child folder. Everything in this folder is for the annotation, and everything in this folder is for the collections 15:35:00 ... number of tests... since we can't currently retain the annotation between tests, might be better to reduce the number of tests and put lots of assertions 15:35:13 ... one for all the MUSTS and one for all the optional SHOULDs and MAYs 15:35:26 ... would expect most of them to fail, but should get some for each 15:35:29 +1 15:35:49 ShaneM: I'm fine with that 15:36:20 TimCole: Even clicking the button 10 times if the annotation is copied would be a pain 15:36:52 ... Last big issue for model testing is the process for uploading results 15:37:13 ... Single client implementation will create multiple types of annotations. 15:37:31 ... First type might exercise specific resources, second might do text bodies 15:37:39 ... but might not have one annotation that does both 15:37:54 ... so want client implementers to run multiple annotations through both the tests 15:38:05 ... affects some of the counts and how to name the files 15:38:29 ... need to not count the same implementation twice 15:38:51 ... instructions get a bit complicated for what should be uploaded 15:38:58 ... e.g. that the readme needs to be updated 15:39:56 ... Illinois developer reported that the instructions were long and cumbersome 15:40:31 ShaneM: Don't have a problem with people having to read instructions. Issue is that we're all learning about this way of testing 15:40:41 ... don't have to upload the annotations if you don't want to 15:41:24 TimCole: Could create codes for people that we invite 15:41:34 ... but they'd need to fill out the other information 15:41:49 ... and can't do that for everyone up front 15:42:13 ivan: Try to invite people, but hard to invite folks not in the WG 15:42:17 ... have to actively bring people in 15:42:37 ... if they come they'll have questions and someone will have to help them get over the hurdles 15:42:47 ... don't remember how difficult for the RDFa testing, for example 15:42:59 ... might have been a bit more automatic, but there were instructions about what to set up 15:43:17 ... there's always something like that, there's always some help and intervention needed 15:43:39 TimCole: Would shorten things if we can set up the base line as a template 15:43:48 ... then don't need to describe it... just say to copy the template 15:44:04 ... can set up the folders for them to make it easier 15:44:31 ShaneM: If you don't understand github, there's no way you'll be able to do this 15:44:39 ... would be nice if there /was/ a way to upload of course 15:45:17 TimCole: Have to rename file from the results, then fork the repo, create a PR, add the results, annotations and update the readme file 15:45:30 ... so not terribly complicated but harder with no examples 15:45:43 ... who can help with instructions and Readme? 15:46:16 azaroth: Can try to take a look early next week 15:46:36 TimCole: We'll make some edits before Monday 15:46:50 ... anyone else? 15:47:05 I will ask someone in my team to do that 15:47:05 ... Shared some of this with Randall and Nick but don't know if they've had a look at it yet 15:47:35 ... Probably they'll say it's too long, Benjamin gave the same feedback 15:47:42 TimCole: Rob do you have annotations from a client 15:47:46 azaroth: Yep, I can do that 15:47:51 q+ to talk aout updating process 15:47:52 TimCole: Thanks Dinesh 15:48:03 ack ShaneM 15:48:03 ShaneM, you wanted to talk aout updating process 15:48:20 ShaneM: in terms of update process, just do a single PR 15:48:37 ... I've already corrected the files that weren't named correctly for her 15:48:58 TimCole: By the end of the day we should have the right set of reports for 1 implementation with 3 annotations 15:49:02 q+ 15:49:08 q+ to talk about protocol testing... 15:49:19 ... going to rearrange the tests 15:49:46 ShaneM: I'll withdraw the PR to put in the new tests then 15:49:50 q? 15:49:51 ack ivan 15:49:55 ack ivan 15:50:13 ivan: Looking at the 3 result files. Protocol looks pretty good 15:50:19 ... no information about the two implementations 15:50:36 ShaneM: The implementation details are in the readme 15:50:47 ... no way to have the implementation details in the response file 15:51:02 ivan: Can the results file have a link to where to go for where to find the things? 15:51:11 ... Management will have no idea what to do with the file 15:51:26 ... no facility in WPT reports for how to do it, so would have to do it by hand 15:51:43 ivan: Ahh, don't do it by hand. Just needs to be clear that there's a readme file 15:52:21 https://github.com/w3c/test-results/tree/gh-pages/annotation-protocol 15:52:23 ... in the HTML file, through github.io, I'd just like a static link to say go here to understand these 15:53:07 TimCole: We could put that link at the top of the file? 15:53:14 ShaneM: If that satisfies Ivan's requirement? 15:53:20 ivan: If that link is on the report, that's fine 15:55:13 Ivan: can it not say fail for optional things? 15:55:21 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:55:27 ShaneM: We've talked about that :( It has to say fail at the moment 15:55:33 ... we just need to say it's optional 15:55:43 ivan: If I look at the model, there's lots of fails 15:55:53 ... the impression is that it looks bad 15:55:58 ... don't know what to do though 15:56:14 TimCole: For any given annotation, for optional features, it might have only very few features 15:56:23 ... so just need two greens across the row 15:56:28 ... even if there's 100 fails 15:56:37 ivan: As a reporting issue, it could be a problem 15:56:47 ... at the transition call there'll be a long discussion as to what is going on 15:56:56 https://w3c.github.io/test-results/annotation-model/less-than-2.html 15:56:58 TimCole: We can reduce down what we think of as a feature 15:57:00 oops... 15:57:06 Take a look at that 15:57:14 ... we have a test for 'is this a selector' and then 7 tests for what sort of selector 15:57:33 ... will see more green for general selectors than for specific ones 15:57:37 q+ 15:57:45 ... need to talk about this before the end of the month 15:57:50 ... or put them into skipped 15:58:03 ivan: it's more the reporting 15:58:06 "what is skipped 15:58:26 ... from high up, if what's optional is put somewhere else in the report, it gives a different view 15:58:46 TimCole: THere'll be the top part with lots of greens, the MUSTS, and then 100 something mostly reds for the optionals 15:58:59 ivan: Psychologically speaking I'd try to find a diffrent color than red 15:59:05 ... but at least we need to separate them 15:59:26 TimCole: a skip would not show up in red? 15:59:30 ShaneM: what's a skip? 15:59:31 shepazu has joined #annotation 15:59:43 TimCole: In the test format, there's an option to skip? 15:59:49 ShaneM: ahh, that's just flow control on assertions 15:59:58 TimCole: If I skip an assertion, they wouldn't show up? 16:00:05 ... there'd be a blank box? 16:00:10 ShaneM: Probably? 16:00:23 ivan: You understand the problem though, it will create issues 16:00:44 ShaneM: The fundamental problem is that the Web Platform (in general) does not envision the notion of optional 16:01:02 ... but we have it. I don't know how to represent that except by naming the assertion clearly 16:01:20 ... That's not reflected in the report, but we could 16:01:26 ivan: Is it possible? 16:01:43 ShaneM: It is. The WPT people hate that we've made our subtest names complicated but whatever 16:01:53 ack azaroth 16:01:53 ... putting mandatory or optional at the beginning will make them more complicated 16:02:19 azaroth: Could we leave failed optional as a blank box 16:02:24 ivan: that would be better 16:02:31 TimCole: I'll play with flow control this afternoon 16:02:53 ivan: Gregg has done full vocab testing? 16:02:59 azaroth: I have as well 16:03:06 ivan: The report is empty though 16:03:11 ... 16:03:12 ... 16:03:13 ... 16:03:18 *tumbleweed* 16:03:22 ... 16:03:25 ... 16:03:32 ShaneM: I'm doing my best 16:03:40 ack ShaneM 16:03:40 ShaneM, you wanted to talk about protocol testing... 16:03:42 ... I can do it by hand 16:04:06 ivan: Once we've done it, it's a small report we can do by hand 16:04:11 q? 16:04:25 TimCole: Sorry for not talking about HTML serialization 16:04:29 ... or protocol testing 16:04:43 ShaneM: Lets work on the sequencing thing and see if we can figure it out 16:04:52 TimCole: No reason to test selectors if you don't have a specific resource 16:05:00 ... the more consolidated tests will make it easier 16:05:11 ... Worried that the report will correctly have blank cells 16:05:26 ShaneM: Suggest reorganizing tests first 16:05:32 TimCole: Thanks all 16:05:34 Bye! 16:07:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:07:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/09-annotation-minutes.html ivan 16:07:39 trackbot, end telcon 16:07:39 Zakim, list attendees 16:07:39 As of this point the attendees have been ShaneM, Tim_Cole, Rob_Sanderson, Ben_De_Meester, Benjamin_Young, TB_Dinesh, Randall_Leeds 16:07:47 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:07:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/09-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 16:07:48 RRSAgent, bye 16:07:48 I see no action items