12:53:02 RRSAgent has joined #sdwcov 12:53:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/07-sdwcov-irc 12:53:04 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:53:04 Zakim has joined #sdwcov 12:53:06 Zakim, this will be SDW 12:53:07 ok, trackbot 12:53:07 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 12:53:07 Date: 07 September 2016 12:53:10 chair: kerry 12:53:13 present+ kerry 12:53:22 dmitrybrizhinev has joined #sdwcov 12:53:35 rrsagent, make logs public 12:53:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:53:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/07-sdwcov-minutes.html kerry 12:54:09 sam has joined #sdwcov 12:58:01 can you hear me kerry? I can hear you 13:02:11 regrets+ bill 13:02:34 present+ dmitrybrizhinev 13:03:54 present+ roba 13:04:23 jonblower has joined #sdwcov 13:04:34 present+ jonblower 13:05:26 ScottSimmons has joined #sdwcov 13:05:31 ChrisLittle has joined #Sdwcov 13:05:32 present+ sam 13:05:40 present+ ScottSimmons 13:05:50 Present+ ChrisLittle 13:06:56 scribe: scott 13:07:03 scribenick: ScottSimmons 13:07:19 proposed: Approving last meeting's minutes http://www.w3.org/2016/08/24-sdwcov-minutes 13:07:31 +1 13:07:46 +1 13:07:55 +1 13:08:37 respolved: Approving last meeting's minutes http://www.w3.org/2016/08/24-sdwcov-minutes 13:08:45 Patent call 13:08:49 patent call: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 13:09:07 topic: 2 new Notes/discussion papers http://w3c.github.io/sdw/eo-qb/ and http://w3c.github.io/sdw/coverage-json/ 13:09:16 S/respolved/resolved/ 13:10:09 q? 13:10:10 Dmitry has text for eo-qb discussion paper 13:10:43 Chris: did not see material in papers yesterday; Kerry just merged an hour ago or so for first, nothing in second 13:10:58 discussion of coverage JSON paper 13:11:29 Jon: appreciate advice (perhaps from Bill) on scope as there are already existing documents on CoverageJSON in GitHub 13:11:54 Jon writing a paper on general aims of CoverageJSON 13:12:04 q+ 13:12:25 Jon: should I use paper on aims as basis or should SDWGG discussion paper be something else? 13:12:26 q? 13:12:43 q+ 13:13:06 ack roba 13:13:28 Roba: would be useful to have reference back to use cases and requitements 13:13:58 S/requitements/requirements/ 13:14:05 Roba: x-ref to BP2; description of a set (metadata) - what can be used in a more general way 13:14:21 q? 13:14:21 Jon: probably already on that mapping/path 13:14:28 ack ScottSimmons 13:15:12 q? 13:15:16 Scott: suggests starts as explanatory text then transmogrified to standard text 13:15:46 ScottSimmons: OGC typically has wide ranging text for DPs. But in this case might be best to both describe the general setting then provide the spec as it stands 13:16:09 Jon: does not want to maintain two versions of the spec 13:16:11 q? 13:17:36 ScottSimmons: OGC DP is not normative, so the spec can be a snapshot and the canonocal version can continue to evolve 13:17:49 +q 13:17:55 q? 13:18:02 ack ChrisLittle 13:18:13 Jon: just want to make things clear for what people actually cite 13:18:37 ChrisLittle: WMO uses a manual and then a guide to the manual (normative and informative) 13:18:43 q? 13:18:53 http://w3c.github.io/sdw/eo-qb/ 13:19:31 Dmitry: would like to go through in detail with Kerry, invites comments from everyone. 13:19:40 Dmitry: does not yet have overall flow 13:20:01 Kerry: needs discussion of use cases and requirements 13:20:24 Roba: named to provide those use cases/req's, but will need more participation 13:20:33 q+ 13:21:11 Q+ 13:21:16 Kerry: in this case there is not an existing spec, so should discuss what style of content is appropriate. Descriptive content is always valuable. Specification part should be relatively small 13:21:17 ack roba 13:21:30 q? 13:21:39 Roba: how close is this intended to be to the ANU (?) ontology? 13:22:07 Dmitry: most of the work has not gone into the ontology, rather focused on the data cube things 13:22:43 Roba: would be a good thing to include concepts on how we describe spatial-temporal dimensions 13:23:05 q? 13:23:35 Roba: can reuse some aspects of work associated with DGGS, pay attention to hierarchy of governance. Break ontologies into modules 13:23:54 ack ChrisLittle 13:23:56 Dmitry: restate: which are specific to this work and which are more generic 13:24:48 Chris: I am a FORTRAN programmer (!). Consider tiling, not reflected in ontologies and structures 13:25:16 Chris: consider that the datacube comes from spreadsheet people - print a spreadsheet and you do get tiles! 13:25:49 Chirs: Coverage tiling group in OGC has not gone anywhere, but is still present to do work 13:25:55 Roba: address time 13:26:02 q? 13:26:49 Kerry: looking for suggestions on how to handle; time perhaps makes more sense 13:27:03 Kerry: how do you line up with datacube 13:27:14 q+ 13:27:15 Dmitry: on my list to look at OWL-time ontology 13:27:30 q? 13:28:16 +1 to Ro's ideas, but perhaps not calendars 13:28:19 Roba: QB4ST: idea of binding a CRS to a dimension (time) and common geometries (e.g.,, DGGS) 13:28:42 Q= 13:28:50 Q+ 13:28:53 q? 13:29:02 Kerry: makes more sense to me now - how to query 13:29:08 ack roba 13:29:17 ack ChrisLittle 13:29:38 regrets+ phila 13:29:38 Chris: concrete example: cube where one dimension is species of butterfly, how do you tie a CRS to that dimension? 13:30:17 Chris: have a handle on time as a CRS, many are definitely not calendars 13:30:19 q? 13:30:21 Sorry, I'm afraid I've got to run to another meeting now 13:30:48 * thanks Jon 13:30:53 q? 13:31:11 Kerry: anything from Jon for TPAC agenda? 13:32:07 Jon: discussion of document in Tuesday meeting. CoverageJSON has a cubey felling about it - worth discussing dimensions that cannot be attached to a CRS 13:32:33 Jon: priority will be rounding-off documents 13:32:49 topic: TPAC face to face meeting: see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2016Aug/0193.html and https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:F2F4 13:33:36 fist link points to Phil's comments on getting ready for the meeting 13:34:22 S/Phil/Bill 13:34:51 q? 13:35:18 Roba: add to agenda strawman on mail list 13:35:40 Dmitry: Roba - please add an example to assist in review 13:35:58 Kerry: should plan a couple of demos in Plenary meeting 13:37:08 Roba: planning a proof-of-concept for OGC Orlando meeting; Django work that would feed a triple-store and deal with complex inheritance tasks in a user-friendly way 13:37:27 Kerry: should this be added to TPAC agenda? 13:37:47 Roba not exactly waffling, but can provide something 13:38:31 Roba: this is a registration approach to publishing ontology models that exhibit hierarchical characteristics 13:38:54 q? 13:39:00 Kerry will add to agenda for 10 - 15 mins 13:39:30 AOB? 13:40:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:40:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/07-sdwcov-minutes.html kerry 13:40:07 Kerry says goodby - meeting adjourned 13:40:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:40:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/07-sdwcov-minutes.html kerry 13:40:22 Bye andthanks 13:57:39 eparsons has joined #sdwcov 13:59:57 jtandy has joined #sdwcov 16:02:17 Zakim has left #sdwcov 16:54:36 eparsons has joined #sdwcov