IRC log of apa on 2016-09-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

04:36:39 [slightlyoff]
slightlyoff has joined #apa
10:20:50 [chaals]
chaals has joined #apa
14:03:38 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #apa
14:03:38 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:03:40 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:03:40 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #apa
14:03:42 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be
14:03:42 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
14:03:43 [trackbot]
Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
14:03:43 [trackbot]
Date: 01 September 2016
14:03:45 [janina]
14:03:48 [janina]
agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes
14:03:48 [janina]
agenda+ PAUR Recruiting Update
14:03:48 [janina]
agenda+ TPAC Planning Discussion
14:03:48 [janina]
agenda+ Other Business
14:03:49 [janina]
agenda+ next and future meetings
14:03:51 [janina]
agenda+ be done
14:04:05 [janina]
present+ Janina
14:04:32 [ShaneM]
scribe: ShaneM
14:04:41 [ShaneM]
zakim, take up item 1
14:04:41 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina]
14:06:14 [ShaneM]
zakim, take up item 3
14:06:14 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "TPAC Planning Discussion" taken up [from janina]
14:06:19 [ShaneM]
ShaneM: Web Payments IG outline and presentation done and completed
14:07:26 [ShaneM]
... it will be slotted in wherever comfortable.
14:07:44 [ShaneM]
... IG is at the end of the week Shane is pretty sure.
14:08:01 [ShaneM]
zakim, take up item 5
14:08:01 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "next and future meetings" taken up [from janina]
14:08:16 [ShaneM]
janina: I grabbed the names of the people recruited via the WAI IG list.
14:08:42 [ShaneM]
... a couple people can be picked up without much difficulty. Fed Reserve in Mpls person works in outreach etc.
14:08:53 [ShaneM]
... also someone from australia and is already an invited expert.
14:09:06 [ShaneM]
Another person is very interested, but they work for a prospective member.
14:09:24 [ShaneM]
... Judy is going to try to see if that can be coordinated.
14:09:37 [ShaneM]
... Michael will send the relevant information in the relevant directions.
14:10:29 [ShaneM]
ShaneM: There was also the person from Intuit...
14:10:42 [ShaneM]
janina: Yes, he is already added. Might be a problem with timezones.
14:10:50 [ShaneM]
ShaneM: He seemed to indicate the time is fine.
14:11:25 [ShaneM]
janina: I think we might be able to get these people added before TPAC. We could have a meeting on the 15th. Start looking at the pieces.
14:11:37 [ShaneM]
... start looking at who wants what sections.
14:13:30 [ShaneM]
Topic: A11Y text for specs
14:14:05 [ShaneM]
janina: An A11Y section makes sense for the same reasons Security, Privacy, and I18N sections are important in W3C specs.
14:14:18 [ShaneM]
... being systematic and consistent with our reviews is important.
14:15:05 [ShaneM]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:15:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ShaneM
14:15:17 [ShaneM]
rrsagent, make logs public
14:32:29 [LJWatson]
LJWatson has left #apa
14:58:43 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
16:01:52 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
16:28:08 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
16:28:42 [janina]
janina has changed the topic to: APA Teleconference; Wednesday 7 September at 16:00Z; Webex 647 857 439
17:13:02 [chaals]
chaals has joined #apa
17:25:17 [jamesn]
jamesn has joined #apa
18:09:21 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
18:59:56 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
19:42:49 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
20:36:41 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
22:33:56 [Rich]
Rich has joined #apa
22:37:18 [chaals]
chaals has joined #apa
22:52:43 [chaals]
chaals has joined #apa