19:49:14 RRSAgent has joined #crypto 19:49:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/29-crypto-irc 19:49:16 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:49:18 Zakim, this will be CRYPT 19:49:18 ok, trackbot 19:49:19 Meeting: Web Cryptography Working Group Teleconference 19:49:19 Date: 29 August 2016 19:57:33 ttaubert has joined #crypto 19:59:07 virginie has joined #crypto 20:01:01 anyone else on the call ? 20:01:02 lets give people 5 minutes to arrive 20:01:08 there's been some progress on issues and tests 20:01:18 agenda ? 20:01:41 zakim, code? 20:01:41 I have been told this is CRYPT 20:02:01 zakim, this is T [16:01] [wseltzer(+i)] [23:team/#crypto] 20:02:01 got it, wseltzer 20:02:09 zakim, this is +1-617-324-0000 Access Code: 643 244 026 20:02:09 got it, wseltzer 20:02:24 present+ virginie 20:02:37 markw has joined #crypto 20:02:49 present+ wseltzer 20:03:16 present+ Tim, Rob 20:03:21 zakim, who is here? 20:03:21 Present: wseltzer, virginie, Tim, Rob 20:03:23 On IRC I see markw, virginie, ttaubert, RRSAgent, jyates, hhalpin, ale, Karen, slightlyoff, tobie, deiu, Zakim, timeless, wseltzer, trackbot 20:03:26 present+ hhalpin 20:03:26 there's only 12 issues left 20:03:47 present+ vgb 20:03:50 so we could walk through - there is still the localhost issue in WebAppSec 20:03:58 present+ markw 20:04:16 Is Charles on the phone? 20:04:56 zakim, who is here? 20:04:56 Present: wseltzer, virginie, Tim, Rob, hhalpin, vgb, markw 20:04:58 On IRC I see markw, virginie, ttaubert, RRSAgent, hhalpin, ale, Karen, slightlyoff, tobie, deiu, Zakim, timeless, wseltzer, trackbot 20:05:16 chair: Virginie 20:05:29 vgb has joined #crypto 20:05:39 scrive: hhalpin 20:05:46 scribe: hhalpin 20:07:16 topic: test status 20:07:23 virginie: charles is not here 20:07:37 hhalpin: He did wrap/unwrap and import/export 20:07:41 present+ engelke 20:08:15 ... I think the coverage is basically complete in principle although the tests could cover all sorts of negative cases 20:08:44 topic: WebCrypto issues 20:08:52 issues to be reviewed : https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues 20:09:07 engelke has joined #crypto 20:09:11 23 total issues 20:09:20 markw: A few more recent ones on top I haven't covered yet 20:09:20 6 requiring implementation : https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22needs+implementation%22 20:09:46 ... we know what we want to do, but we need a textual change for those 20:10:02 ... 'needs review' means we have text just need double-checking 20:10:05 ... 'needs input' needs more group review 20:10:26 need input : https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22needs+input%22 20:10:26 virginie: 4 issues require input 20:10:39 since we have tim, rob, and vgb makes sense to get input now! 20:10:41 what is the blocked issue? 20:11:03 i thought that issue is no longer relevant after PR #16? 20:11:05 111 https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues/111 20:11:06 issue 111: Hash algorithm specification for ECDSA 20:11:17 ... we set hash at time of operation 20:11:21 RobTrace has joined #crypto 20:11:24 ... but there is opposition to changing it 20:11:34 ... so the proposal is to close as won't fix 20:11:41 ... looking for JimSch 20:11:53 ... and today he said it's OK 20:12:03 ... so no changes needed in implementation 20:12:10 issue 85 20:12:13 https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues/85 20:12:46 markw: WebIDL find which global object to get 20:12:58 ... boris notes we need to specify the global, but no opinions on what it should be 20:14:11 ... tim and rob, do you attach WebCrypto to a global object? 20:14:38 tim: No strong opinion, but happy to take a look at it 20:14:44 virginie: over the coming week? 20:15:17 markw: What do browsers currently do? We'd want to specify what they currently do 20:15:55 ACTION: ttaubert and RobTrace to determine what global object ot attach WebCrypto state to 20:15:55 Created ACTION-159 - And robtrace to determine what global object ot attach webcrypto state to [on Tim Taubert - due 2016-09-05]. 20:16:46 https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues/30 20:16:48 https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues/28 20:17:12 issue 28 is about secure origin 20:17:44 markw: Some commenters arguing against secure origin 20:18:16 ... the argument could have prevented are invalid, confidentiality against passive observation although no protection against active attacker 20:18:24 q+ 20:18:31 q- hhalpin_ 20:18:54 I think Eric Roman adds that its just SubtleCrypto attached to secure contexts, seems sensible 20:19:03 what about localhost? 20:19:27 vgb: The only thing I feel sad about it losing hashes 20:19:56 ... I think SHA-256 shouldn't require a secure origin 20:20:10 ... but if you want to separate key material by origin, you need to say what origin is. 20:20:46 markw: Let's collect opinions - we can do that CfC 20:20:50 q? 20:21:38 https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#localhost 20:22:01 engelke: should be secure 20:22:16 https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-secure-contexts/issues/43 20:22:26 " Section 6.3 of [RFC6761] lays out the resolution of localhost. and names falling within .localhost. as special, and suggests that local resolvers SHOULD/MAY treat them specially. For better or worse, resolvers often ignore these suggestions, and will send localhost to the network for resolution in a number of circumstances. Given that uncertainty, this document errs on the conservative side by special-casing, but not localhost.? 20:23:29 markw: Let's follow webappsec document 20:23:32 I agree 20:23:55 virginie: So we seem confident we will follow WebAppSec decision 20:24:41 You could do a CfC binding to WebAppSec doc and attaching subtlecrypto 20:24:58 (i.e. random numbers are fine) 20:25:33 Proposed resolution : we resolve that the web crypto API will require secure context, and endorsing any decision related to local made by web app sec WG 20:26:01 +1 20:26:04 s/web crypto API/subtleCrypto 20:26:06 +1 20:26:08 +1 20:26:24 +1 20:27:02 +1 20:27:04 +1 20:27:26 markw: Looks like just editorial work left 20:27:52 RESOLVED (subject to confirmation on mailing list) the web crypto API will require secure context, and endorsing any decision related to local made by web app sec WG 20:27:54 Lets switch issue 26 : https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues/26 20:29:31 recent discussions about JWK : https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcrypto/2016Aug/0036.html 20:29:31 engelke: There was a number of issues, OpenSSL would leave off leading byte 20:29:39 ... thus, issues accpeting 20:29:47 ... these have been open issues for a long time 20:29:57 ... not WebCrypto-specific 20:30:10 ... so I think we should accept these formats 20:30:26 ... the output is always interoperable 20:30:39 ... the main issues is some libraries accept malformed input 20:30:42 ... I'd leave it as normative 20:31:23 virginie: I hear its interoeprable, some corner-cases 20:31:35 q? 20:31:35 ... I will do a CfC 20:31:46 to keep all formats as normative? 20:31:58 vgb: I've heard libraries are permissive 20:32:09 ... so we input BER but output DER 20:32:20 ... algorithm oids were an other issue 20:32:27 ... these are the two issues 20:32:32 engelke: These are two I know about 20:33:00 vgb: So solution is you can accept any oid and must output in an interoperable manner 20:33:08 q+ 20:34:51 I think the issue ryan was most concerned about was the algorithm ids 20:34:52 virginie : recommends that we keep the normative description of the different format, but welcome any suggestion refining the text to map with the reality 20:35:14 but if output->input round-tripping works, seems like we're fine even if input can be more permissive 20:35:41 vgb: I'll look one more time at this 20:36:16 Ideally, we want CfCs out by next week 20:36:20 vgb: Happy to do look this week 20:36:51 q? 20:37:05 ack 20:37:10 q- 20:37:28 markw: Sounds fair 20:37:36 q+ 20:37:46 q+ 20:38:04 another call in two weeks? 20:38:13 vgb: issue 42 20:38:18 https://github.com/w3c/webcrypto/issues/42 20:38:23 markw: No longer blocked 20:40:01 CRG accepted doc, just a few new attacks to be added and then doc updated 20:40:05 q- 20:40:19 s/CRG/CFRG/ 20:40:31 ack vgb 20:40:32 q- 20:40:51 q+ 20:41:01 q+ re charter extension 20:41:35 lets get CfCs out by end of first week of Sept if possible 20:41:45 26th of Sept everything should be closed 20:42:31 wseltzer: Group charter expires end of Sept. 20:42:45 ... what proposed extension would be reasonable? 20:42:58 ... requiring process wants us to do PR 20:43:06 [I would ask for 2 months to be safe] 20:43:24 [3 is better, just in case] 20:43:41 virginie: 3 is good, 6 would be better 20:43:59 wseltzer: 3 months end of Dec, 6 months into end of March 20:44:53 wseltzer: Will see what we can get 20:44:58 ... we're not anticpating 6 months of work 20:45:15 virginie: AOB 20:45:45 virginie: If folks are at TPAC, we could meet informally 20:45:50 q+ 20:46:03 virginie: Anyone at TPAC? 20:46:06 +1 20:46:07 q- 20:46:12 +1 20:46:12 I won't be there. 20:46:20 +1 - Tuesday, Wednesday 20:46:33 all week 20:46:43 +1 - Tuesday, Wednesday 20:46:51 I will be there 20:47:19 I'd say Tuesday lunch or Wednesday during breakout sessions? 20:47:25 virginie: Tuesday lunch? 20:47:31 +1 20:47:39 Sure 20:49:03 Tuesday lunch informal WebCrypto meeting 20:49:17 +1 20:49:49 q+ 20:49:58 virginie: will socialize it during AC 20:50:00 ack hhal 20:50:00 q- 20:50:56 wseltzer: W3C is happy to highlight the good work you have all done 20:51:02 virginie: breakout session would help 20:51:12 ... just one? or multiple breakouts 20:52:23 q? 20:52:28 ackws 20:52:30 q- 20:53:25 next meeting in 2 weeks 20:53:32 ttaubert has left #crypto 20:53:34 ttaubert has joined #crypto 20:53:40 trackbot, end meeting 20:53:40 Zakim, list attendees 20:53:40 As of this point the attendees have been wseltzer, virginie, Tim, Rob, hhalpin, vgb, markw, engelke 20:53:48 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:53:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/29-crypto-minutes.html trackbot 20:53:49 RRSAgent, bye 20:53:49 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/29-crypto-actions.rdf : 20:53:49 ACTION: ttaubert and RobTrace to determine what global object ot attach WebCrypto state to [1] 20:53:49 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/29-crypto-irc#T20-15-55