18:06:07 present+ hsolbrig 18:06:52 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2016.08.25 chair: ericP 18:07:05 present+ 18:08:18 present+ 18:08:43 scribenick: hsolbrig 18:08:51 present+ 18:09:35 present+ kcoyle hsolbrig Dimitris 18:09:40 present+ topic: Admin 18:10:02 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 11 August 2016 Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/08/11-shapes-minutes.html 18:11:18 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 11 August 2016 Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/08/11-shapes-minutes.html 18:11:36 Next meeting: Sept 1 18:11:52 regrets: holger, andy, Arnaud 18:12:03 topic: Drafts Publication 18:12:33 ericP: SHACL published, Abstract Syntax was not... 18:13:06 ... not sure whether it will be normative, editor proposed "SHACL Abstract Syntax" as its name 18:14:05 ericP: Iovka brought up 2 issues. One a correction on "hasValue" vs. "in", the other was to provide additional examples for the comparison against another value. 18:14:54 ericP: Both have been fixed. 18:15:03 PROPOSED: publish updated Abstract Syntax Draft as shortname shacl-abstact-syntax 18:15:15 +1 18:15:19 +1 18:15:25 +1 18:15:32 +1 18:15:49 0 18:16:07 RESOLVED: publish updated Abstract Syntax Draft as shortname shacl-abstact-syntax 18:16:23 topic: Public Comments 18:16:47 ericP: pfps commented on SHACL on the public mailer 18:16:49 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-shapes/2016Aug/0005 pfps's comments on last SHACL draft 18:17:24 -> https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Public_Comments#Peter.27s_Email_2016-08-16 response to pfps's comments 18:18:22 q+ 18:18:44 ack next 18:18:46 ericP: there has been no review. Suggest that we write responses in the form: (ii) response... where ii is your initials 18:18:52 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:18:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/25-shapes-irc 18:18:54 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:18:54 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:18:56 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:18:56 ok, trackbot 18:18:57 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:18:57 Date: 25 August 2016 18:20:14 present+ ericP hsolbrig kcoyle Dimitris TallTed pano 18:20:23 present+ hsolbrig TallTed Dimitris ericP kcoyle pano 18:20:43 kcoyle: someone will have to turn that into a formal response on the mailing list. Who will do this? 18:20:57 q+ 18:21:10 ericP: Holger is the most viable candidate, but he isn't here... 18:22:45 Dimitris: can reply saying we've created this page and will create issues for non-editorial comments 18:23:19 kcoyle: We got more specific in our earlier responses, but gave answers to some of the questions 18:24:11 Dimitris: based on holger's page, we can say "thank you"; we won't be able to reply [substantively] for a few weeks 18:25:23 ACTION: Dimitris to send a thank you to pfps, linking https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Public_Comments#Peter.27s_Email_2016-08-16 18:25:23 Created ACTION-40 - Send a thank you to pfps, linking https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/public_comments#peter.27s_email_2016-08-16 [on Dimitris Kontokostas - due 2016-09-01]. 18:27:11 topic: Raised Issues 18:27:22 ISSUE-176 18:27:22 ISSUE-176 -- Should SHACL include a (simple) rules feature -- raised 18:27:22 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/176 18:28:08 SWRL? 18:28:55 -> https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Rules SHACL rules wiki 18:32:22 harolds: Would changes to the data graph be permanant or temporary? 18:32:37 ericp: would all rules have to run before matching happens? 18:32:52 q+ 18:33:26 ack next 18:33:27 ack next 18:33:29 ericp: if you have one shape that depends on another shape, you don't know everything you are going to validate at the time of selection 18:34:25 kcoyle: something similar has come up when we've talked about preprocessing. We stepped back from that -- isn't this the same sort of thing? It looks "fairly dangerous", I 18:34:44 kcoyle: ... can't feel good about adding to the standard. 18:36:41 ericp: should we open this issue or postpone? 18:36:49 PROPOSED: open ISSUE-176 18:36:51 tallted: long ago we decided that SHACL engines would be fed a graph which it would validate, and that SHACL engines would not change that graph before validation ... but this reverses that and re-opens many past decisions 18:37:03 +1 18:37:04 +1 18:37:05 +1 18:37:05 +1 18:37:10 +1 18:37:11 RESOLVED: open ISSUE-176 18:37:29 ericP: Will add to next weeks agenda 18:37:48 topic: ISSUE-150 18:38:16 issue-150? 18:38:16 issue-150 -- Treatment of nested severities -- open 18:38:16 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/150 18:39:33 Dimitris: holger said he'd not object if we treat all severities the same way 18:40:24 I can't hear Dimitris -- someone else needs to transcribe 18:41:03 dimitris: when you have nested shapes, and you have a warning, then the nested severity succeeds 18:41:26 ... my proposal was to have everything flat and the developer can do as they wish 18:43:35 kcoyle: I didn't realize that SHACL document actually determines what you do with a violation. 18:44:05 Dimitris: it does... what we do here is just remove the severity restriction 18:44:06 http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#validation 18:44:26 "A node validates against a shape iff either it does not validate against some filter of the shape or none of the constraints in the shape produce a validation result with severity sh:Violation or a failure for the node." 18:45:09 ericP: where else do we talk about when something validates? 18:45:35 ericP: is it used elsewhere or just advice for a tool (thumbs up or thumbs down)? 18:46:18 Dimitris: Section 3 describes it... 18:46:46 kcoyle: Is the issue getting down to one validation type or refining how validation types work? 18:48:25 kcoyle: I don't see a rule in the document that says an engine treats a violation in a different way 18:49:30 ericp: My hunch is that a broader notion of validation applies when you are doing a subshape -- outer shape is a customer, inner one is something about that customer (e.g. they have to have an address record)... 18:49:57 ... where is it useful to say "there is a notion of validation" -- warning mean you do, critical you don't 18:50:30 Dimitris: Different requirements -- some people, warnings have impact, others not. 18:51:00 q+ 18:51:08 Dimitris: we should have levels of violation, but we shouldn't have any priority. Should be neutral on how severity is integrated 18:51:29 ericp: that takes away the notion of "validation" as well? 18:51:55 kcoyle: does removing the notion of validation fix this? 18:51:56 q+ 18:52:25 kcoyle: how would you change the first bullet 18:53:18 ack next 18:53:42 dimitris: ... we let the people who wrote the shape determine the significance of the violation level 18:54:07 pano: what is the use of severity in the spec? Can we just leave it out or should we leave it up to the implementer? 18:54:28 dimitris: we leave the notion, but people can define their own severities. 18:54:42 pano: what is use of sh:warning 18:54:52 ack next 18:54:53 dimitirs: predefined for convenience 18:55:23 hsolbrig: the notion of validation vs. conformance used to be a critical topic 18:55:55 ... i frequently use shapes to ask if a node in a data graph conforms with a shape 18:56:05 ... i want yes/no and not a whole lot more 18:56:15 Uh oh - I think I lost audio? 18:57:05 ericP: we need to think about testing. If I give you a schema with foaf:shoeSize as integer, you give me a string, we don't have prescribed errors 18:57:37 ericP: harold and arnaud disagreed on whether XML Shema group gave specified errors. 18:57:47 q+ 18:57:48 ericP: how do we test warning levels 18:57:49 q+ 18:57:56 ack next 18:58:11 Dimitris: right now we keep the severity levels 18:58:18 ack next 18:59:48 hsolbrig: knowing how something didn't conform is very useful; saying that an integer violation is more/less severe than something else should be left to the application 18:59:49 q+ 18:59:58 +1 to Harold 19:00:24 TallTed: Yes, it is useful to know that I got a string instead of an integer, it isn't built that way today... 19:00:48 ... an engine isn't going to know. It will just know that it is not an integer. 19:01:19 ericp: It is going to be difficult to prescribe what the error response is 19:01:23 q? 19:02:47 TallTed: We're not giving any prioritization. Say we've got 3 levels -- if I'm got a violation on the third level and a warning on the first, why should I care? 19:03:44 ericP: first level is whether different levels are treated differently.... 19:03:55 ericp: ... second level is what happens with nested. 19:04:53 TallTed: given no nesting, everything should be reported the same -- severity level and what the issue is. 19:04:53 q+ 19:04:59 ack next 19:05:00 ack next 19:05:47 kcoyle: How much validation should be built into SHACL? I'm thinking that less would be better? 19:05:52 q+ 19:06:22 q+ 19:06:23 ack next 19:06:46 hsolbrig: the term "error" implies a specific use case 19:07:02 ... i've stated that "to be a customer, it must have an integer shoeSize" 19:07:13 ... if it doesn't, it's not necessarily and error 19:07:20 ... it could just be a predicate failure 19:07:46 ... i think we need to differentiate !errors! (e.g. ununderstandable shacl) 19:08:10 s/necessarily and error/necessarily an error/ 19:08:12 ... the less we say about it the better because otherwise we presuppose use cases 19:09:03 ack next 19:09:10 kcoyle: error validation on this level should be in the implementation. SHACL should be informational rather than error checking. 19:09:28 ericp: we need to be able to say how we test this 19:10:51 ericp: How attached to error levels are these? 19:11:26 ericp: If violation levels were removed from SHACL, would that bother you? 19:11:46 Dimitris: I think they are very helpful, I would not remove them. Violation levels are optional 19:12:02 ericP: how can we test? 19:12:13 by violation levels do we mean severities? 19:13:09 ericp: If I associate "informational" with a shoe size violation, should I expect it in the list of errors? 19:13:19 pano - yes 19:13:33 q+ 19:13:43 dimitris: for every violation that is found in the data graph, expect a violation result. 19:13:43 http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#results 19:14:36 ericp: If I say it's supposed to be an integer and it is a string, we don't know what error I'm going to report... no integer, cardinality violation, type violation... 19:15:04 .. but do you propose that, in that report, one of those messages should be at the severity level attached to the constraint? 19:16:55 q- 19:16:55 kcoyle: how does the engine know the severity? 19:17:11 Dimitris: from the shapes graph. Default is sh:violation, but you can override it. 19:18:24 ericp: We don't know whether it is one or more error ... 19:18:46 Dimitris: One result per value 19:19:08 ericp: that may not be what the SPIN approach will return. 19:19:37 q? 19:20:15 q+ to ask what "flat severity" means 19:20:42 PROPOSAL: SHACL does not treat sh:Violation different from other severities to determine if a node validates against a shape 19:20:53 q- 19:21:33 PROPOSAL: SHACL does not treat sh:Violation differently from other severities to determine if a node validates against a shape 19:22:15 +1 19:22:17 +1 19:22:24 +1 19:22:38 +0.5 that language seems odd ... it's more about reporting than determination 19:23:19 TallTed, we want to amend this "A node validates against a shape iff either it does not validate against some filter of the shape or none of the constraints in the shape produce a validation result with severity sh:Violation or a failure for the node." 19:25:39 "A node validates against a shape iff either it does not validate against some filter of the shape or none of the constraints in the shape produce a validation result or a failure for the node." 19:26:57 "A node validates against a shape iff none of the constraints in the shape produce a failure for the node." 19:29:28 ericp: I propose that we go back to kcoyl's proposal and use what is in the log as advice to the editor. 19:29:28 0 19:30:01 RESOLVED: SHACL does not treat sh:Violation differently from other severities to determine if a node validates against a shape 19:30:15 ADJOURN 19:31:15 Dimitris has left #shapes 21:36:03 Zakim has left #shapes