IRC log of silver on 2016-08-23

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:34:45 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #silver
13:34:45 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:35:09 [jeanne]
meeting: Silver Subgroup
13:35:26 [SarahHorton]
scribe: Sarah
13:36:09 [SarahHorton]
Shawn: Originally had last Friday to set up process, ended up doing horizontal work Friday
13:36:44 [SarahHorton]
Jeanne: Some results on survey goals
13:36:58 [SarahHorton]
Topic: Create first process
13:37:01 [jeanne]
Topic: Create the first process
13:37:43 [jeanne]
s/Topic: Create the first process//
13:37:56 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make logs public
13:38:01 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
13:38:01 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
13:38:37 [jeanne]
scribe: jeanne
13:39:15 [SarahHorton]
13:39:50 [jeanne]
Sarah: I got a request from Detlev Fischer for shareable links.
13:40:51 [jeanne]
... so this link is publicly viewable
13:41:10 [jeanne]
Sarah: I know a lot about the Discovery phase
13:41:19 [jeanne]
... I split the methods into categories
13:41:46 [jeanne]
... I put explanation into the methods
13:42:04 [jeanne]
... we could do a stakeholder map, or inventory of stakeholders.
13:42:53 [jeanne]
... when we talk to people (including a survey) we get what they want to tell us
13:43:13 [jeanne]
... contextual interviews, you get their thoughts, but you also get observations
13:43:40 [jeanne]
... it builds in the richness of data
13:44:27 [jeanne]
... Secondary research is where we look at data. We can do interviews as part of that as well.
13:45:28 [jeanne]
Shawn: We also should look at WCAG and the process component parts
13:46:56 [jeanne]
... the process of creating and maintaining WCAG for WCAG 1, 2, and 2.1
13:47:20 [jeanne]
Jeanne: We should also look at ways that people have reinterpreted WCAG
13:47:45 [jeanne]
Shawn: Why and how major players (like IBM) have done that.
13:48:00 [jeanne]
Sarah: We have started a stakeholder map
13:48:36 [jeanne]
... add stakeholder of "people who create adaptations of WCAG"
13:49:31 [jeanne]
Sarah: In the Interpretation phase, we turn data into insights and communicate those insights
13:50:40 [jeanne]
... how people use WCAG: Case studies (individuals); Personas (generalized data) and User Stories (put the generalized data into motion/work flow)
13:52:23 [jeanne]
... we have to choose key themes (we can't do everything for everyone)
13:52:49 [jeanne]
... group things into categories
13:53:09 [jeanne]
... communicate the results of the interpretation phase
13:59:12 [jeanne]
[discussion of the idea of Design Studio-type workshop
14:00:01 [jeanne]
Jeanne: We need an option that doesn't include a workshop
14:00:42 [jeanne]
Sarah: OpenIDEO is a platform of challenges
14:00:57 [jeanne]
... we may do both
14:01:40 [jeanne]
Jeanne: We could look at a way of forming structured discussion in the WAI-IG and WebAIM mailing lists.
14:02:20 [jeanne]
Sarah: The Experimentation phase needs more buildout
14:04:54 [jeanne]
Jeanne: Let's work on this now
14:05:51 [jeanne]
Shawn: So from the workshop, we would get a "wireframe-type" approach
14:06:23 [jeanne]
... and in the Experimentation phase, we would turn it into a functional prototype and then do usability testing on it.
14:06:33 [jeanne]
Sarah: I nthe end, we have to be able to choose.
14:08:58 [jeanne]
Shawn: The speed approach would be to walk through it in the context of the personas, and project the experience. That could be done in a day.
14:11:03 [jeanne]
... thinking through the different levels of prototyping. Contrast the depth and speed of going through prototypes. The in-depth would be framework for Silver with structure and use cases of someone trying to find information within the structure.
14:11:56 [jeanne]
... the lighter weight prototype method might be more piecemeal so it is a part of a user story
14:12:15 [jeanne]
... rather than something that resembles a final document.
14:12:27 [jeanne]
... just a few key user stories
14:13:06 [jeanne]
... you can prototype an entire app with user testing, or you can have one dialog within the application.
14:17:06 [jeanne]
Jeanne: We could do presentations at confereneces and get feedback
14:17:25 [jeanne]
Sarah: We can do interviews. This is where talking with real people really matters.
14:17:42 [jeanne]
... we could do interviews at conferences or phone interviews
14:18:37 [jeanne]
... possibly showing paper prototypes where people interpret what things will do and how they will work.
14:20:34 [jeanne]
Jeanne: We could do mockups where we could send out a survey broadly. That would be a low cost option.
14:21:50 [jeanne]
Shawn: I am going to take this Process Options document and edit out any of the options that are not oriented toward UX research.
14:22:44 [jeanne]
... for the Design heavy process, it makes sense to keep the Research section. We can remove the minimal framework part for each of the methods in Experimentation
14:23:03 [jeanne]
... Structured focus groups, rather than Conference presentations
14:23:36 [jeanne]
Sarah: The Process matrix'
14:23:37 [SarahHorton]
14:24:13 [jeanne]
... putting that in the minutes so people can see. We need to put in the new Methods
14:24:43 [jeanne]
... and we need to fill this matrix out more.
14:27:00 [jeanne]
Jeanne: We need more methods for other processes for Ideation and Experimentation phase.
14:27:26 [jeanne]
Sarah: We need to do the survey in every method, because it is necessary to bring people along.
14:27:54 [jeanne]
Shawn: We need to go into more detail on the survey -- from a general survey that is very general
14:28:07 [jeanne]
... to specific surveys for specific groups.
14:31:28 [jeanne]
Jeanne: I think the analysis of WCAG interpretations should be a component accross all the process options. That is 8 years of people saying "WCAG doesn't work for me, I'm going to do it THIS way".
14:31:53 [jeanne]
... the process options could scope how detailed this analysis is.
14:33:24 [jeanne]
Sarah: This week, we should fill out the Methods more. Use the What, WHy, How bullets to describe them.
14:33:32 [jeanne]
... Fill out the matrix more
14:34:08 [jeanne]
Shawn: On Friday, we can use this to break this up into separate documents.
14:34:51 [jeanne]
... fill out the matrix and design methods spreadsheet, for each of the options
14:34:59 [jeanne]
... rank the impact of each of the methods
14:35:10 [jeanne]
... make a copy of the process options document
14:35:17 [jeanne]
... make a sketch of each one
14:35:31 [jeanne]
... review each sketch in the context of the entire process
14:35:47 [jeanne]
... does it flow from start to finish within each process
14:36:35 [jeanne]
Shawn: This differs from the initial timeline as finalizing the list of goals, and then sequentially doing each process.
14:37:00 [jeanne]
... what we are doing is creating all the options at the same time and creating and refining the options in parallel.
14:39:00 [jeanne]
We will all enter the Methods and Matrix information before Friday.
14:39:48 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:39:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:40:22 [jeanne]
present+ Andrew, Jeanne, Sarah, Shawn
14:41:14 [jeanne]
s/Create the first process/Flesh out the Process Options document with methods
14:41:21 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:41:21 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:42:11 [jeanne]
s/Create the first process/Process Options
14:42:21 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:42:21 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:44:02 [jeanne]
s/Create first process/Process Options
14:44:10 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:44:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne