18:01:08 RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 18:01:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-irc 18:01:21 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 18:01:33 Meeting: SVG A11y TF 18:01:36 chair: Fred 18:01:41 present+ LJWatson 18:01:45 present+ Fred 18:01:50 present+ Brian 18:02:15 Regrets: Rich, Chaals 18:02:22 rrsagent, make minutes 18:02:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:02:45 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 18:03:18 scribenick: LJWatson 18:03:45 agenda+ Round table 18:03:58 zakim, clear agenda 18:03:58 agenda cleared 18:04:10 agenda+ Round table 18:04:18 agenda+ News from SVG 18:04:31 agenda+ News from ARIA 18:04:45 agenda+ Publication status 18:04:55 zakim, take up item 1 18:04:55 agendum 1. "Round table" taken up [from LJWatson] 18:05:02 rrsagent, make minutes 18:05:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:07:39 fesch_ has joined #svg-a11y 18:08:07 FE: Nothing to report. 18:08:12 zakim, close item 1 18:08:12 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, LJWatson 18:08:21 zakim, q? 18:08:21 I see fesch on the speaker queue 18:08:29 ack me 18:08:30 ack Fe 18:08:41 zakim, take up item 2 18:08:41 agendum 2. "News from SVG" taken up [from LJWatson] 18:09:18 BM: No news from SVG. 18:09:23 zakim, close item 2 18:09:23 agendum 2, News from SVG, closed 18:09:24 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:09:24 1. Round table [from LJWatson] 18:09:28 zakim, take up item 3 18:09:28 agendum 3. "News from ARIA" taken up [from LJWatson] 18:09:53 FE: Trying to test and close ARIA 1.1. 18:10:06 ... Don't think there is anything relevant to SVG specifically. 18:10:11 zakim, close item 3 18:10:11 agendum 3, News from ARIA, closed 18:10:12 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:10:12 1. Round table [from LJWatson] 18:10:23 zakim, take up item 4 18:10:23 agendum 4. "Publication status" taken up [from LJWatson] 18:10:58 FE: We'll release heartbeats when we get Michael's time. 18:11:08 ... Think it will be after the dPub specs go out. 18:11:14 rrsagent, make minutes 18:11:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:11:22 TOPIC: Testing 18:11:42 FE: Talked with Shane about automated testing for ARIA 11. 18:12:04 ... We'll use the same format of testable statements that we have in SVG, then run a diff between it and ARIA 1.1 18:12:22 ... We'll convert them with a Perl script into the format needed for the Web Driver test suites. 18:12:53 ... We need to go through our wiki and make sure that the tests there are still current and valid, and also complete. 18:13:19 ... Think Amelia was going to review this, but we should all do this. 18:14:27 ... We need to check things relating to and shadow DOM with care. 18:14:40 ... but perhaps we could get volunteers to look at different sections. 18:15:09 LW: Should we try to divide it up now? 18:15:16 FE: Let's try it now, yes. 18:15:29 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility/Testing/Test_Assertions_with_Tables 18:15:50 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility/Testing/Test_Assertions/Language_Tables 18:16:05 FE: Test info for language/multilingual is linked from the above URL. 18:16:42 LW: So there are 8 groups of tests? 18:17:19 FE: Multilingual is further broken up, so there are 7 groups initially. 18:17:38 LW: When do we need to get this done? 18:17:49 FE: No timetable, but sooner the better. 18:18:30 LW: It's the AB meeting next week so Chaals and i will be regrets next Wednesday. 18:18:51 FE: Two weeks? 18:18:55 LW: WFM. 18:19:23 BM: I can look at the bottom three groups (role="presentation", role="none", and not in a11y tree), by next week. 18:19:57 LW: I'll take the acc name tests. 18:20:48 ACTION: Brain to review role="presentation", role="non", and non-a11y tree tests due 2016-08-23 18:20:48 Error finding 'Brain'. You can review and register nicknames at . 18:21:14 ACTION: Brian to review role="presentation", role="non", and non-a11y tree tests due 2016-08-23 18:21:15 Created ACTION-2028 - Review role="presentation", role="non", and non-a11y tree tests due 2016-08-23 [on Brian McNeily - due 2016-08-23]. 18:21:42 ACTION: LJWatson to review tests for acc name due 2016-08-30 18:21:42 Error finding 'LJWatson'. You can review and register nicknames at . 18:22:23 ACTION: Leonie to review tests for acc name due 2016-08-30 18:22:23 Created ACTION-2029 - Review tests for acc name due 2016-08-30 [on LĂ©onie Watson - due 2016-08-23]. 18:22:55 FE: May need acc name tests for the element. 18:23:52 ACTION: Fred to review acc description and role tests due 2016-08-23 18:23:53 Created ACTION-2030 - Review acc description and role tests due 2016-08-23 [on Fred Esch - due 2016-08-23]. 18:24:04 rrsagent, make minutes 18:24:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:24:41 FE: If someone creates a new test it needs to use the same syntax as the other tests already in the wiki. 18:25:02 ... Comments start with // 18:25:20 ... Used to identify what's in the testable statement - in human readable form. 18:26:41 ... By tradition the element being tested has id="test" 18:27:13 ... testable statements are typically if x then y. 18:27:38 ... The results table includes the different APIs, plus notes (for Joannie's use only). 18:27:52 ... She uses the notes column for webkit tests only. 18:28:14 present+ Amelia 18:28:22 rrsagent, make minutes 18:28:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:30:06 zakim, close item 1 18:30:06 agendum 1, Round table, closed 18:30:07 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 18:30:07 4. Publication status [from LJWatson] 18:30:36 ABR: Makes sense to focus on tests other than the anguage ones, because those features are at risk in SVG. 18:30:48 s/anguage/language/ 18:30:53 q? 18:31:03 zakim, close item 4 18:31:03 agendum 4, Publication status, closed 18:31:04 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 18:31:12 TOPIC: Amelia's changes 18:31:24 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/423 18:32:16 ABR: We've discussed the changes in this commit. 18:32:25 ... Would like to be sure it meets expectations though. 18:32:53 ... Most changes relate to and the shadow tree. 18:33:24 ... Have been specific about referring to "use element shadow tree", as opposed to generic "dhadow tree". 18:33:39 FE: Noted one instance where the generic version is still used. 18:33:48 ABR: Which doc? 18:34:04 ... Make sure you're looking at the final changes. 18:34:13 FE: Ah. Ok. 18:35:38 ABR: Reference the normative definitions for shadow tree, shadow dom etc. 18:36:22 FE: Isn't there a problem with referencing the Shadow DOM spec? 18:37:25 ABR: That's why I referenced the DOM WHATWG spec. 18:38:21 rrsagent, make minutes 18:38:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:40:01 ABR: Have added more tests. 18:40:13 ... for whether something is a link. 18:40:17 FE: As in has anhref? 18:40:22 ABR: Yes pretty much. 18:41:05 ... Final change is the section on animations. 18:41:22 ... Had an editors note to update SVG2 for the state and property attribs. 18:41:30 ... Have cleaned up our spec to match. 18:41:52 q? 18:42:07 FE: Are we ok to accept these changes? 18:42:10 +1 18:42:15 +1 18:42:21 FE: Everyone seems happy. 18:42:38 RESOLUTION: To accept Amelia's changes and merge #423 into master. 18:42:55 rrsagent, make minutes 18:42:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:43:15 FE: Does the way is used affect name computation? 18:43:35 ABR: Yes - now it's treated as a container. Same for symbol. 18:44:01 ... Will need some more tests for when is an accessible object etc. 18:44:22 FE: Same for description? 18:44:26 ABR: Yes. 18:45:21 rrsagent, make minutes 18:45:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:45:33 topic: Graphics text role 18:47:08 ABR: The text role was added to ARIA 1.1. 18:47:39 ... Mainly used for things like icons or emojis, where having it announced as a graphic wasn't deemed necessary. 18:47:54 ... SVG text converted to paths is another example. 18:48:02 ... It was controversial on the ARIA side. 18:48:26 ... People were concerned that role=2text" would be added inappropriately and the graphic info/structure would be lost. 18:48:39 ... Also that an aria-label could override the actual text content. 18:48:58 ... Also announcing the role as "text" would be disconcerting for screen reader users. 18:49:09 rrsagent, make minutes 18:49:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 18:49:20 ... After a lot of debate it has been removed from 1.1. 18:49:41 ... Webkit already has support for it though, so it hascontinued to cause controversy. 18:50:14 ... Think this role makes sense in a graphical setting. 18:50:36 ... Where getting the right font/presentation is important for example. 18:51:41 LW: I am not keen on this role. 18:51:54 ... Losing the knowledge that something is an image is of concern. 18:52:31 ABR: ATs could have different options perhaps - so in some cases the role/graphic would be announced. 18:53:15 BM: Think announcing the text role would be of concern. 18:53:28 ... Otherwise think I see benefits and concerns. 18:53:46 FE: You could label the text content perhaps? 18:54:18 ABR: Currently you'd have aria-label (or ), but it would be announced as the acc name for the group/container. 18:55:18 <LJWatson> LW: What is the use case? 18:55:31 <LJWatson> FE: Something like an emoji like "black heart" for example 18:56:07 <LJWatson> ABR: The existing solution is to use <span role="img" aria-label="love">emoji</span. 18:56:28 <LJWatson> LW: So do we have evidence that this is a problem for users? 18:56:54 <LJWatson> ABR: Don't think so for that particular use case. 18:57:22 <LJWatson> LW: Worried this might be a solution in search of a problem. 18:57:46 <LJWatson> ABR: For SVG with text it might be cnfusing for an image of a word, as opposed to an image of the thing the word describes. 18:57:56 <LJWatson> ... Having a way to distinguish betwen the two might be helpful. 18:58:08 <LJWatson> FW: Or on a map a river might have squiggles. 18:58:21 <LJWatson> ... To label it you'd put a group around it and label it with role="text2. 18:58:34 <LJWatson> ... When things are broken into separate random bits it might be helpful. 19:03:12 <LJWatson> ABR: Just wanted to throw this out there for thought. 19:03:20 <LJWatson> ... the discussion will continue in ARIA space. 19:03:39 <LJWatson> FE: for SVG the concept of a label means something in structural graphics. 19:03:57 <LJWatson> ... Text I'm not sure has so much semantic meaning. 19:04:10 <LJWatson> ... give peole the option to choose text or label, think we'll have lost something. 19:04:21 <LJWatson> ABR: That's a bigger worry for me. 19:04:27 <LJWatson> ... Labels are different to alt texts. 19:04:47 <LJWatson> ... In ARIA the two are often confused. 19:05:25 <LJWatson> LW: ARIA tumps everythng in the acc name computation. 19:06:15 <LJWatson> LW: We're also over the hour. 19:06:24 <LJWatson> FE: Ok. Time to leave it here for today. 19:06:31 <LJWatson> rrsagent, make minutes 19:06:31 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/16-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 19:10:27 <fesch> fesch has joined #svg-a11y 21:14:45 <Zakim> Zakim has left #svg-a11y 21:31:08 <chaals> chaals has joined #svg-a11y