13:05:27 RRSAgent has joined #dwbp 13:05:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/12-dwbp-irc 13:05:29 RRSAgent, make logs 351 13:05:29 Zakim has joined #dwbp 13:05:31 Zakim, this will be DWBP 13:05:31 ok, trackbot 13:05:32 Meeting: Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 13:05:32 Date: 12 August 2016 13:05:35 Hi antoine 13:05:58 annette_g has joined #dwbp 13:06:01 hadleybeeman has changed the topic to: agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160812 13:06:37 Hi Hadley! 13:06:40 Hi all! I think Yaso is meant to chair today, but we can get started anyway 13:06:58 We'll need to be on Skype again today. Phila isn't back from leave yet. 13:07:30 Hi all! 13:08:35 I'm trying to call the same list from last week — let me know if you're not getting an alert from me 13:09:11 could people mute? 13:09:25 deirdrelee has joined #dwbp 13:11:00 rrsagent, make logs public 13:11:06 scribe: deirdrelee 13:11:14 chair: hadleybeeman 13:11:20 topic il8n comments 13:11:23 hadleybeeman: where are we on this 13:11:30 BernadetteLoscio: we are still waiting on feedback 13:11:43 ... i sent an email last week, but have not received an answer yet 13:12:02 ... we had a discussion about the comment on locale parameters on email with annette_g etc 13:12:11 ... all the other comments have been addressed 13:12:24 hadleybeeman: so we are waiting for mcomments from rob on bp30 13:12:37 BernadetteLoscio: this one i updated today. i think this one will be okay 13:13:05 there was a comment not addressed to the group, so it was lost, but then i found it and addressed it 13:13:20 hadleybeeman: if we are not getting a comment from an individual, we should send to the list 13:13:37 BernadetteLoscio: i did try and send it to the list, but i didn't have permission? 13:13:48 annette_g: shouldn't the mailing-list be public? 13:13:51 https://www.w3.org/International/about#mail 13:14:05 hadleybeeman: they have a bunch of different lists, some are open, some aren't 13:14:24 www-international@w3.org 13:14:27 BernadetteLoscio: i answered the message to everybody who was listed in the original message 13:14:30 Caroline has joined #DWBP 13:14:35 ... i think this is not public 13:14:40 Present+ Caroline 13:14:45 ... i can resend to the public list if they have it 13:14:48 present+ deirdrelee 13:15:54 hadleybeeman: alternative is to write to them again and give them a deadline. so to say, please let us know within a week, or we'll assume you are happy with our suggestion 13:16:15 present+ hadleybeeman 13:17:20 hadleybeeman: what is the story with cr call? 13:17:38 deirdrelee: we are waiting for philippe to suggest a new date, i will send a reminder today 13:18:01 hadleybeeman: ok to extend il8n issue by one week BernadetteLoscio? 13:18:05 BernadetteLoscio: yes that's fine 13:18:21 ericstephan has joined #dwbp 13:18:37 hadleybeeman: BernadetteLoscio, will you send a reminder to il8n group and give them a deadline for feedback? 13:18:54 q+ to ask if we need Web Accessibility group to review the BP document 13:19:01 BernadetteLoscio: which is the public list? 13:19:52 hadleybeeman: we need to be careful not to imply we're looking for feedback from new people 13:20:09 q+ to also ask w3 to reinstate webex 13:20:38 BernadetteLoscio: there is still an open topic about bp3 13:20:54 newton has joined #dwbp 13:20:55 ... we were trying to find a place to add locale parameters 13:21:11 ... annette_g made a suggestion to add it to bp3 13:21:25 present+ newton 13:21:33 q? 13:21:57 present+ BernadetteLoscio 13:22:07 ...i'm not sure, because to check the locale parameters you need to check the data, and bp3 is about checking the metadata 13:22:19 ... so we think it would be better in data format bp 13:22:23 qq? 13:22:25 q? 13:22:31 q+ 13:22:48 hadleybeeman: now that we have received comments from group, we should define the proposal and send to il8n wg for comments 13:22:58 me yes 13:23:03 present+ ericstephan 13:23:09 BernadetteLoscio: i want to confirm annette_g is okay with putting it in data format bp 13:23:38 annette_g: yes, that's ok, but i just don't want it to be lost in running text of a bp where it doesn't fit, or in an introduction 13:24:07 Sorry I am not able to join by phone, the webex number is not accepting my meeting number 13:24:09 BernadetteLoscio: one idea is to include this in the introduction paragraph of the data formats section, with links, etc. that emphasise its importance 13:24:42 ericphb 13:24:53 thank you! 13:24:58 annette_g: editorally that seems like a mistake, if we care about it, then it should be placed within the BP, or as a new BP. it will be missed 13:25:46 q+ 13:26:01 annette_g: what's point of review if we can't take into account? 13:26:35 hadleybeeman: this will set us back 3 months, because we will have to go back to working draft and get wide review 13:26:37 annette_g: 13:27:13 annette_g: ok, then i would prefer to put it in locale parameter BP 13:27:31 q- 13:27:38 BernadetteLoscio: we have been asking for comments on this for ages, and the il8n group has only given us comment now 13:27:40 q? 13:27:47 ... it would be easier if they gave it before 13:27:47 ack carol 13:27:47 Caroline, you wanted to ask if we need Web Accessibility group to review the BP document 13:27:54 q- 13:27:55 hadleybeeman: good point, we need to compromise 13:28:50 Caroline: vagner is wondering if we need feedback from the web accessiblity team 13:28:54 ... do we need it? 13:28:59 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dwbp-wg/2016Jul/0018.html 13:29:05 hadleybeeman: yes we need it, we need to check to every wg 13:30:22 ... phil sent an email to chairs@w3.org which is to chairs of every group 13:30:35 q? 13:30:39 ... so officially they have been informed 13:30:42 ack deirdrelee 13:30:42 deirdrelee, you wanted to also ask w3 to reinstate webex 13:31:29 deirdrelee: should i ask philippe about reinstating webex for the group? 13:31:31 thank you Caroline 13:31:49 hadleybeeman: phil should be able to sort this out and he is back on tuesday 13:32:02 q? 13:32:24 ... anything else holding us back on the bp document? 13:33:01 BernadetteLoscio: the only things are the feedback from the group, and the comment that is still open, and today i sent a comment about how to test two best practices 13:33:29 ... today i have been trying to add implementations, but i think the tests for two bps are too long 13:33:59 ... i asked if is possible to update the tests, not to change the meaning, but to make the tests more clear 13:34:08 ... i think the tests for other bps are clearer 13:34:37 hadleybeeman: we need to define the CR exit criteria 13:35:17 BernadetteLoscio: BP20 and BP31 13:35:41 topic: DQV 13:35:53 hadleybeeman: how are you doing, what is left in your way? 13:36:18 antoine: similar to last week, editorial actions and ~minor comments 13:36:37 ... we are progressing and are improving the document editorially 13:37:01 ... as stated last week, we will be ready to publish in line with the BP document 13:37:53 ... as well as addressing the informal comments, we are also preparing the more substantial comments, to prepare for next steps that might be looked at by a next WG 13:38:09 hadleybeeman: sounds good! keep up the good work! 13:38:13 topic: DUV 13:38:55 ericstephan: BernadetteLoscio and I met this morning, BernadetteLoscio had gone through the vocabulary very carefully, looking for typos, inconsistencies, etc. 13:39:49 ... so we have a lot of minor changes to make to the document 13:40:03 ... next week we should have a more tangible state of where we are 13:40:36 .... right now i don't see any showstoppers. I think BernadetteLoscio and i have a clear idea of where we need to go with the document 13:40:45 hadleybeeman: do you need any input from the wg? 13:41:14 ericstephan: not now, once we have made all the editorial changes, we will come back to the group with the improved document 13:41:14 thanks ;) 13:41:30 ... next week we should be ready to share with the group 13:41:36 topic: next week 13:41:48 q+ 13:41:52 hadleybeeman: open question, do we need a question next week? 13:42:03 s/a question/a meeting 13:42:17 ericstephan: i mentioned that with the assumption we would have a meeting, we don't necessarily need a meeting 13:42:25 the BP document editors think it is a good idea to have a meeting next week :) 13:42:30 ... i think all our comments can be addressed via email. 13:42:37 ... don't have a meeting just for DUV 13:42:53 hadleybeeman: Caroline thinks it would be a good idea from BP side 13:42:59 hadleybeeman: how about DQV? 13:43:16 antoine: not necessary to have meeting next week, maybe the following week? 13:43:17 sounds great 13:43:22 sounds great hadleybeeman 13:43:25 +1 13:43:30 hadleybeeman: let's have a meeting to check in about the BPs 13:43:44 ... next week, and the vocabs after 13:43:58 ... reminder that we should be collecting implementations 13:44:03 ... anything else? 13:44:18 thank you all! Have a great weekend. 13:45:18 RRSAgent: generate minutes 13:45:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/12-dwbp-minutes.html deirdrelee 13:45:36 thank you hadleybeeman have a great time next week! 13:45:38 RRSAgent, make minutes public 13:45:38 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', deirdrelee. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:45:56 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:46:54 deirdrelee has joined #dwbp 14:17:25 newton has joined #dwbp 14:45:13 newton has joined #dwbp 15:21:47 newton has joined #dwbp 16:09:54 Zakim has left #dwbp 18:16:23 newton has joined #dwbp 19:31:05 newton has joined #dwbp 19:41:39 newton has joined #dwbp 20:42:35 newton_ has joined #dwbp 20:44:46 newton has joined #dwbp 20:50:49 newton has joined #dwbp