17:04:35 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 17:04:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/12-DPUB-irc 17:04:54 present+ Charles_LaPierre Deborah_Kaplan Tzviya 17:05:23 scribe: clapierre 17:05:32 title: Accessibility DPUB Task Force Weekly Meeting 17:05:41 chair: clapierre 17:12:12 topic: Personalized Experience 17:13:49 tzviya: we are hoping to have this done by TPAC and section #2 is the model section. These sections should be updated via pull requests. 17:15:28 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp-ucr/#accessibility 17:18:24 deborah: everyone knows about vision a11y, we need to add other forms of disability, cognitive, mobility, hearing etc… 17:19:23 tzviya: yes I agree with you, unless we don't need to add more personalization examples we can kill this section. 9.1 17:21:20 charles: we should just say this is covered in 2.1.9 link, since someone maybe just skip to the accessibility and we want it covered there to be complete. 17:21:41 tzviya: that is fine kill the section and keep a link to section#2 17:22:37 topic: 9.2 Accessible Metadata 17:22:51 deborah: I will wordsmith this section 17:23:13 Tzviya: refer to one of the section to fundamental features. 17:23:40 … and if its not a fundamental feature it should be. 17:23:43 topic: 9.3 Adding Alternative Media 17:24:41 tzviya: it needs an intro and the example needs to be fleshed out a bit more, maybe the braille example expanded. 17:25:11 deborah: I think Charles should take this one. 17:25:32 charles: ok I will flesh this out and then you can word smith it Deborah afterwards. 17:25:41 topic: 9.4 Assisted Reader Technology 17:26:29 tzviya: I think this is covered under fundamentals as a package not individual pages. 17:26:37 Deborah: I think we can go away. 17:27:29 Tzviya: If you want to make a particular use case add AT. must be perceivable by all assistive technologies. Not sure if we even need it, then it should go in the first paragraph. 17:28:01 … or it could be both places. 17:28:22 …. we can talk about this Monday 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 17:28:43 Charles: I will remove it from here 9.4 17:28:51 Topic: 9.5 Time-based Media 17:29:27 Deborah: I will take this. and cognitive and deafness examples. 17:29:43 Tzviya: do not use mention picture books or fixed layout here 17:30:10 Deborah: yeah learning to read, sync turning pages etc... 17:31:41 Topic: 9.6 Braille 17:32:02 Tzviya: I agree Braille is important, and can talk about this with the group on Monday. 17:32:57 … I don't want to blur the line between use-cases relevant to use-cases packaging, and those relevant to the publishing industry. 17:33:12 Topic: 9.7 Building a Custom PWP 17:35:07 charles: ability to download for a particular AccessMode. 17:35:44 deborah: I frequently do this, I know there is lot of javascript that isn't accessible so I will find a way to load the page without any of that stuff. But I am not sure how to do this as a use case. 17:36:12 Tzviya: we have a section 2.1.8 that eludes to this, which does say see section on Accessibility. 17:37:42 … full package may not be available to all users for example a user who prefers braille and would create a package containing only the braille files and excludes the CSS… 17:38:42 Deborah: I can find a way to word this, to create a package that excludes elements… by the same token most users won't want to download the braille, and a deaf user may want to exclude the big audio files. deaf users on mobile choosing to exclude audio files. 17:39:30 Tzviya: this is great but we need to link back to the fundamental use cases of the jogger, or while doing the dishes and turn on voice over etc… 17:47:46 Deborah: I will take on 9.7 17:47:49 topic: 9.8 Package needs to support time-based media and text 17:48:30 deborah, this is a duplicate or should be merged together. I will do this since I am also working on 9.5 17:48:40 Tzviya: is there anything else. 17:49:00 Deborah: this is specifically use cases with respect to portability and packaging correct? 17:50:25 … so the fundamental use cases it is worth adding, a portability issue 2.1.1 it is important to specify AT devices, it is a portability issue. if I have an eReader which meet my assistive tech needs, can it be read with my xyz with a read aloud function. 17:50:55 Tzviya: we should add something about using all the tools of the web including AT. 17:51:23 Deborah: what about 2.1.2 should be richer or another section added afterwards. 17:52:31 Tzviya: maybe we are thinking should have another … (make use of all standard tools of the web including AT. and swap 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 with adding this new use case inbetween. 17:52:43 Deborah: this would be a great place to call out WCAG... 17:53:52 Tzviya: W3C is asking for a horizontal review, internationalization, accessible and secure. We don't have security section and need one. that could be the swapped 1.1 and 1.2 17:54:19 Deborah: the publication needs to make use of all open web technologies, accessibility, internationalization and security. 17:54:47 … its weird to have this since we are not requiring that a publishing for other languages. 17:55:30 Tzviya: we will look at this before we publish to discuss this with other internationalization. 17:55:51 … we need to call this out, we either rewrite the existing 2.1.1 or we add a new section. 17:56:31 Deborah: I can write up a two sentence thing and we can discuss this Monday. 17:56:50 Tzviya: sure or it can be pushed to the following week, although I won't be at that meeting. 17:58:02 Tzviya: we can push off the accessibility section to discuss with the group the following Monday. 18:06:13 rrsagent, make logs public 18:06:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:06:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/12-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 18:06:57 regrets: George 18:07:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:07:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/12-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 18:09:26 rrsagent, bye 18:09:26 I see no action items