13:33:03 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 13:33:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/11-wpwg-irc 13:33:17 Regrets+ Manu 13:58:23 alyver has joined #wpwg 13:59:36 jyr has joined #wpwg 14:01:11 I pulled the link from that file: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m0eab1d01791556dc7bcc4350b8bb9220 14:01:12 zkoch has joined #wpwg 14:01:37 jnormore has joined #wpwg 14:01:51 present+ alyver 14:02:15 nicktr has joined #wpwg 14:02:46 Roy has joined #wpwg 14:07:48 rouslan has joined #wpwg 14:11:17 hi all 14:11:20 got it running 14:12:10 present+ ShaneM 14:12:23 present+ zkoch 14:12:25 present+ adamR 14:12:45 present+ nicktr 14:12:47 present+ dlongley 14:13:09 present+ jnormore 14:13:23 present+ adrianhb 14:13:58 present+ jyr 14:14:26 agenda-> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20160811 14:14:32 present+ Ian 14:14:40 present+ Rouslan 14:14:57 q+ to mention a mistake in that CfC 14:15:04 agenda? 14:15:06 rrsagent, pointer? 14:15:06 See http://www.w3.org/2016/08/11-wpwg-irc#T14-15-06 14:15:13 Zakim has joined #wpwg 14:15:20 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20160811 14:15:28 trackball, start meeting 14:15:31 q? 14:15:33 trackbot, start meeting 14:15:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:15:37 Zakim, this will be 14:15:37 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:15:38 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group Teleconference 14:15:38 Date: 11 August 2016 14:15:50 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20160811 14:15:55 topic: CFC for two specs 14:16:00 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2016Aug/0064.html 14:16:31 q? 14:16:45 scribe: Ian 14:16:50 topic: Use of URNs for PMIs 14:16:54 I note that Spec-Ops intends to do two implementations of the HTTP API. 14:17:16 Proposal from AdamR: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2016Aug/0047.html 14:17:31 AdamR: W3C can register a top-level namespace .... 14:17:37 q? 14:17:44 ...need to explain how we will maintain registry /uniqueness of names in that namespace 14:18:06 ...the proposal is that PMIs are URIs 14:18:10 ...and W3C will use URNs 14:18:14 ..and other people can use URLs. 14:18:16 djackson has joined #wpwg 14:18:23 NickTR: Or URNs, but not in the W3C namespace 14:18:28 present+ djackson 14:18:57 present+ Ian 14:19:30 AdrianHB: There is a desire that URLs be usable for certain cases (e.g., payment method is proprietary) 14:19:51 ...there are some cases where someone might want to dereference the URL 14:20:10 alyver has joined #wpwg 14:20:16 +1 to adding a task to define what is at the end of a URL if it IS a URL 14:20:24 q? 14:20:28 q+ 14:20:36 ack zkoch 14:20:50 IJ: Does "using URIs" work, Zach? 14:20:55 zkoch: Yes, and we'll have a particular w3c namespace 14:21:05 ...others can most easily go done the route of absolute URLs. 14:21:10 ..it sounds like there's consensus on this 14:21:11 q+ 14:21:19 ...I will be working with Roy on the explainer and the spec 14:21:21 q+ to ask about practicalities of the URNs 14:21:32 ack ian 14:22:46 alyver has joined #wpwg 14:22:54 IJ: I want to say out loud that the expectation is that w3c WG decide minting of names...and W3C needs to register the namespace. 14:22:54 ack nicktr 14:22:54 nicktr, you wanted to ask about practicalities of the URNs 14:23:25 q? 14:23:50 AdrianHB: I hear consensus for the WG to use URNs 14:24:06 q+ 14:24:35 AdrianHB: +1 on W3C URNs and URLs 14:25:00 zkoch: I hear consensus to put this in the PMI spec. 14:25:25 ...there's a separate issue (not yet resolved) about filtering etc. 14:25:50 AdrianHB: Yes; we are happy to use URNs and the format for identifiers; we have not yet gotten consensus on all the bits in the explainer 14:25:59 IJ: Right, enthusiasm for the direction; waiting for next draft 14:26:18 nicktr: So I am hearing consensus to use URNs minted by W3C WG..and others can use URIs. 14:26:23 seems like updating the PMI spec is fine 14:26:29 Yeah, so we’ll update PMI spec 14:26:30 +1 another rev of proposal addressing issues would be great 14:26:37 And then we’ll continue to work before editing thebasic card payments spec 14:26:46 +1 14:26:47 (and SEPA spec…etc) 14:27:06 RESOLVE: WPWG will use URNs for PMIs that it mints. W3C will register a namespace for that. WPWG will decide how to allocate names to that namespace. Others may use URIs for PMIs. 14:27:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/11-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:27:21 Does anyone else have trouble locating various specs as they move around between repos? Is there a static place/resource we have that links to all of them? 14:27:22 +1 14:27:38 roy: the README on the main repo 14:27:40 Roy: good starting point is: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments 14:27:54 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wikihttps://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki 14:27:55 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki 14:28:02 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments 14:28:09 Perfect, thanks all! 14:28:35 Topic: Security 14:29:24 jyr has joined #wpwg 14:30:04 AdamR: This was a copy-paste of the security review 14:30:11 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w7ginyzNg-xZUmITK4vzcGUKB4gbMOAvlkWWaRtX14k/edit?pli=1# 14:30:18 ...so not sure we need to walk through again since we did so in London. 14:30:30 ...but now we have a way (in github) to walk through the suggestions 14:30:49 IJ: Is the next step concrete text proposals? 14:31:17 IJ: Should we convene or can anybody weigh in? 14:31:30 AdamR: Welcome anybody who has an opinion to provide a proposal. 14:31:44 ...might be a bit much for three of us to do all of them. 14:31:58 ...I think Zach has some points on some of them and welcome him to add notes to github 14:32:03 Yep, can do :) 14:32:05 q? 14:32:10 previous 14:32:11 ack zk 14:32:20 q+ 14:32:43 q? 14:32:46 ack Ian 14:33:11 CyrilV has joined #wpwg 14:33:20 Action: AdamR will write a proposal about storing numbers (#2) 14:33:21 Created ACTION-25 - Will write a proposal about storing numbers (#2) [on Adam Roach - due 2016-08-18]. 14:33:27 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-methods-card/issues/2#issuecomment-238986060 14:33:43 ...I think zach has comments on that one in particular....and I'd like the conversation to play out more before I craft text. 14:34:05 Action: Ian to do a pass through the issues to pick a small number to work on 14:34:05 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., ijacobs, ijmad). 14:34:14 q? 14:34:48 IJ: I heard from Cyril that BPCE is not in a position to do a security review 14:35:10 NickTR: I will follow up with Amex on security review. 14:35:17 ACTION: NickTR to follow up with Amex about security review of specs 14:35:18 Created ACTION-26 - Follow up with amex about security review of specs [on Nick Telford-Reed - due 2016-08-18]. 14:35:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/11-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:35:39 What is our usage of security considerations? Volunteers to add to it? 14:35:43 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Security-and-Privacy-Considerations 14:38:21 adamlake has joined #wpwg 14:39:25 Topic: Testing Progress 14:39:53 scribenick: nicktr 14:40:13 we discussed at F2F, we're setting up infrastructure to test components 14:40:48 shane: mike had stepped in and did some work on automating the payment request tests using WPT 14:40:55 ... couple of issues arising 14:41:18 mike: hook into harness to test webIDL conformance 14:41:32 ...drop in IDL blocks as text from spec, and call constructor 14:41:43 ...harness runs test automagically 14:41:53 ...obviates manual IDL testing 14:42:16 mike: WIP: copied over tests from Rouslan/chrome source tree 14:42:32 ...around behaviour of payment request 14:42:38 mike: two questions: 14:43:00 ...currency - any string should be accepted 14:43:12 ...but throwing an error 14:43:45 mike: not clear what spec is saying 14:44:05 ...MUST requirements without consequences in the spec 14:44:06 I made a start on some tests a long time ago here too: http://github.adrianba.net/paymentrequest-demo/tests/payment-tests.html 14:44:51 ...if we have other implementers, it's important that we have basic tests so that all can use 14:45:26 mike: nature of api requires user to click BUY button 14:45:37 ...which makes automation harder 14:45:53 q+ to talk about test automation and message shape testing; fake payment app etc. 14:45:58 ...shane has stuff in pipeline to make it possible to do some other cool testing 14:46:10 ack ShaneM 14:46:10 ShaneM, you wanted to talk about test automation and message shape testing; fake payment app etc. 14:46:18 shane: great work, mike 14:46:29 ...number of test sounds impressive but much still to do 14:47:26 shane: clicking to initiates makes testing harder but some automation via selenium/webdriver possible as long as well-shaped interface 14:47:36 ...it is possible to automate this stuff 14:47:48 ...we provide the instrumentation to do this 14:48:24 shane: payment app is also tricky, and we'll need a strategy to deal with this 14:48:36 ...so we can cover payments, registration, messages 14:49:11 q? 14:49:42 adrianba: are you cool with us taking advantage of those? 14:49:58 yes 14:50:39 nick: shane, can we get a plan for testing by 250816? 14:50:44 shane: yes, we can. 14:51:11 ian: adrianHB, can you review and merge the changes? 14:51:13 NOTE: We might want to have an independent task force to drive testing; agenda topic for 25 August 14:51:32 adrianHB: can the editors give it a LGTM please? 14:52:00 Ian: some suggestion for more design rationale 14:52:14 Ian: Zach - there is more in the specification now 14:52:45 Example: https://github.com/jnormore/browser-payment-api/commit/34c72dfa7121e5a9e3cc98319d3caed2fb23429d from https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/pull/21 14:52:47 Ian: how should we deal with changes that may be required in the payment request API 14:53:10 ...e.g. recommended app. might imply changes in the API 14:53:31 ...should we do in the payment request API? or in the app spec text? 14:53:37 q? 14:54:03 ...also stil working on our plan for TPAC 14:54:03 q+ 14:54:06 q+ 14:54:13 ack AdrianHB 14:54:29 adrianHB: I think we should change the relevant spec if we need to 14:54:49 +1 to AdrianHB 14:54:52 +1 14:54:54 +1 to changing PaymentRequest as needed. It is not set in stone. 14:54:54 +1 14:55:00 ...if there are things we can't do in apps without changes to the other specs then we should do that 14:55:01 +1 14:55:11 q? 14:55:13 q- 14:55:15 +1 14:55:20 q? 14:55:36 q+ to ask about timing 14:55:53 q? 14:56:31 ack ShaneM 14:56:31 ShaneM, you wanted to ask about timing 14:57:16 shane: impact of maturity of the spec 14:57:37 ...so changes would change tests 14:57:42 Not having payment apps means you can only test payment request for certain payment methods 14:57:49 (i.e. basic card) 14:57:54 ian: I don't understand 14:58:37 ian: I think we're in agreement - there's stuff we can't do without payment apps but we can prioritise other tests 14:58:44 shane: would you like a testing review 14:58:49 ian: noi 14:58:55 s/noi/no/ 14:59:19 Spec-Ops is committing to making a Payment App implementation (as part of the testing effort) 14:59:22 ian: difficult as there's no real-world browser to connect o 14:59:38 q? 15:00:22 hmm.... got very quiet. We may have ended... 15:01:05 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/11-wpwg-minutes.html adrianba 15:01:16 rrsagent, make logs public 15:05:50 alyver has left #wpwg 16:06:35 zkoch has joined #wpwg 16:47:13 nicktr_ has joined #wpwg 17:00:52 MikeSmith has left #wpwg 17:03:04 zkoch has joined #wpwg 17:03:12 Zakim has left #wpwg 18:16:48 adamlake has joined #wpwg 18:54:33 IanJacobs has joined #wpwg 19:16:11 Adam_ has joined #wpwg 20:33:57 Adam_ has joined #wpwg 20:59:19 adamR has joined #wpwg 21:40:53 IanJacobs has joined #wpwg 21:48:26 adamR has joined #wpwg 23:55:55 Adam_ has joined #wpwg