12:58:15 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 12:58:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/03-sdw-irc 12:58:17 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:58:17 Zakim has joined #sdw 12:58:19 Zakim, this will be SDW 12:58:19 ok, trackbot 12:58:20 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 12:58:20 Date: 03 August 2016 12:58:23 chair: kerry 12:58:31 trackbot, make logs public 12:58:31 Sorry, kerry, I don't understand 'trackbot, make logs public'. Please refer to for help. 12:58:43 joshlieberman has joined #sdw 12:58:45 rrsagent, make logs public 12:58:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:58:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/03-sdw-minutes.html kerry 12:59:02 present+ kerry 12:59:47 regrets: edparsons, phila, mattperry, jtandy 13:00:07 present+ 13:00:13 regrets+ rachel 13:00:18 regrets+ lars 13:00:19 present+ me 13:00:21 present+ ahaller2 13:00:25 regrets+ simoncox 13:00:28 present+ joshlieberman 13:00:32 regrets+ bart 13:00:33 ScottSimmons has joined #sdw 13:02:13 scribe: armin 13:02:16 Linda has joined #sdw 13:02:18 present+ roba 13:02:27 scribenick: ahaller2 13:02:39 ByronCinNZ has joined #sdw 13:02:54 jonblower has joined #sdw 13:02:57 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160803 13:02:59 present+ jonblower 13:03:03 present+ Scott Simmons 13:03:11 present+ ByronCinNZ 13:03:35 propose: Approving last meeting's minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/07/20-sdw-minutes.html 13:03:47 ChrisLittle has joined #Sdw 13:03:54 billroberts has joined #sdw 13:04:02 Present+ ChrisLittle 13:04:11 +1 13:04:13 present+ Linda 13:04:14 +1 13:04:20 they seem to be empty? 13:04:49 just readin g looking for content too.. 13:04:49 I see content in them 13:04:59 +1 13:05:24 s/readin g/reading 13:05:29 https://www.w3.org/2016/07/20-sdw-minutes.html 13:05:30 +1 13:05:32 +1 13:05:38 present+ billroberts 13:05:39 +1 13:05:47 resolved: minutes approved 13:05:59 +1 for minutes 13:06:05 patent call: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 13:06:32 topic: CRS -- who is our primary audience and what do they need? And then what about the rest of them? 13:07:16 in http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#ref-crs 13:07:46 ed says: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EO70CvPJWg_dWcmgrzElUQMe6IK5OTry5S291ALQoKo/edit?usp=sharing 13:10:14 joshlieberman: one of the things we should do, if we talk about long and lat, we don't need to talk about CRS, as it is used on the Web all the time without CRS 13:10:42 joshlieberman: the doc explains the common pattern 13:11:03 q/ 13:11:03 q+ 13:11:05 q? 13:11:23 q+ 13:11:35 kerry: ed is keen on covering this use case 13:12:14 joshlieberman: wgs84 is still a CRS, it is just the smallest common denominator 13:12:39 q? 13:12:40 joshlieberman: i don't want to hide the fact that people use CRS, but this is the most common use of a CRS 13:13:09 ByronCinNZ: wgs84, is a geographical projections, it makes a difference if you share imagery 13:14:09 ByronCinNZ: there are some example on the web, for example from the NYT that use very strange projections 13:14:11 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 13:14:27 ByronCinNZ: and there are many use cases on the Web to chose different projections 13:14:29 present+ AndreaPerego 13:14:58 ack ByronCinNZ 13:15:08 joshlieberman: most webby people use weblocator and the software does the projection for them 13:15:25 ByronCinNZ: more advanced tools should be supported 13:16:08 q? 13:16:09 kerry: what are we looking for? An introduction to the document that introduces this issue? I believe this intro is already there 13:16:24 ByronCinNZ: I want to see a discussion what is a projection and why we have CRS 13:16:32 q+ 13:16:34 q+ 13:16:34 ... in the introduction 13:16:48 ack roba 13:16:51 Q+ 13:17:19 roba: it would be better to reference a discussion, rather than just start from scratch as in ed's proposal 13:18:14 ... it is not just CRS, it is about precisions and accuracy. just recently someone killed himself because the accuracy of his map wasn't sufficient 13:18:33 ack linda 13:19:09 Linda: material is for the intro, and I think it is a pretty good intro 13:19:57 ... he is saying it is for 90% of the cases, but if you need more precision you can do more 13:20:42 kerry: is precision something that needs to be addressed? 13:20:42 q+ 13:21:00 Linda: accuracy is particularly important for spatial data 13:21:40 Linda: there is a little bit on that in the best practises 13:21:51 ack jonblower 13:22:48 jonblower: it is not clear to me what is the responsibility of this group to explain. A description of what a CRS is useful, but what is the Web link here for us to discuss. 13:24:18 q+ 13:24:32 ack linda 13:24:33 ... there are several gotchas we better talk about, something like lat and long is switched that is more important for Web developers 13:25:10 +1 13:25:14 Linda: that is a good idea. Explanation as it is now is sufficient and shouldn't be much longer 13:25:19 +1 13:25:23 ack ChrisLittle 13:26:18 ByronCinNZ: precision and accuracy is quite a particular issue and is a safety critical issue that should be discussed 13:26:55 ... we should put examples about this in 13:27:31 ... there are also two types of maps that we should explain 13:27:45 \me ByronCinNZ, you were hard to understand 13:27:49 q? 13:28:02 ack ByronCinNZ 13:28:12 s/\me ByronCinNZ, you were hard to understand/ 13:28:53 s/ByronCinNZ:/ChrisLittle: 13:29:46 ByronCinNZ: I want to see an introduction that covers the major elements, precision, accuracy, projections 13:29:58 q+ 13:30:11 ... find also some references to include 13:30:50 kerry: should i put this as an action against ByronCinNZ and Chris? 13:30:59 Linda: yes, that would be useful 13:31:01 ClausStadler has joined #sdw 13:31:32 action: ByronCinNZ to collect references for more info about CRs issues 13:31:32 Error finding 'ByronCinNZ'. You can review and register nicknames at . 13:31:32 kerry: Chris can you put this against you, as you have fallen off the IRC 13:32:17 action: byron cochrane to collect references for more info about CRs issues 13:32:17 Created ACTION-190 - Cochrane to collect references for more info about crs issues [on Byron Cochrane - due 2016-08-10]. 13:32:51 action: linda to ask chrislittle to write something briefly about projection for BP introduction 13:32:52 Created ACTION-191 - Ask chrislittle to write something briefly about projection for bp introduction [on Linda van den Brink - due 2016-08-10]. 13:33:13 q? 13:33:27 http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#ref-crs 13:33:48 q? 13:34:20 q? 13:34:30 q+ 13:34:40 Linda: there is some text in the best practise that can go into the intro 13:34:56 q? 13:35:01 ack jonblower 13:35:01 jonblower: a lot we have written about CRS could go into the best practises 13:35:44 action: jonblower to draft a list of CRs gotchas for BP intro in an email 13:35:45 Created ACTION-192 - Draft a list of crs gotchas for bp intro in an email [on Jon Blower - due 2016-08-10]. 13:35:51 q? 13:36:06 ack ByronCinNZ 13:36:49 q? 13:36:49 Linda: best practise tool is in the metadata section now 13:37:21 q? 13:37:28 ClausStadler has joined #sdw 13:38:37 topic: progress and planning; 13:39:45 Linda: jeremy and I have made some progress, there is a new draft of the best practises by submission in September 7th 13:39:57 ... to discuss this draft by TPAC 13:40:19 s/by submission/for submission 13:40:33 s/in September/on September 13:40:36 ChrisLit has joined #sdw 13:40:48 present+ ChrisLit 13:41:20 [sorry, have to go now, bye!] 13:41:43 Linda: i am reordering best practises 13:42:07 ... please let me know if there are some best practises in a silly place 13:42:45 ... I sent an email around the metadata and data quality section for comments on the list 13:43:26 s/practises/practices/ 13:43:27 ... once I am finished with reordering I will send an email to the list 13:43:42 ? https://github.com/w3c/sdw/issues/125 13:45:01 ... some content moved to the Appendix 13:45:19 q? 13:45:50 http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#narrative 13:46:03 action: josh to polish BP narrative including subheadings and descriptions of actors 13:46:03 Error finding 'josh'. You can review and register nicknames at . 13:46:04 ... jeremy proposed to add also some subheadings 13:46:17 I can work on it, but in September. 13:46:20 action: joshlieberman to polish BP narrative including subheadings and descriptions of actors 13:46:21 Created ACTION-193 - Polish bp narrative including subheadings and descriptions of actors [on Joshua Lieberman - due 2016-08-10]. 13:47:30 ... data on the web and spatial data on the web best practices have to be aligned still, which is not too easy 13:47:54 linda, I agree this is too hard to make useful 13:48:23 q? 13:49:17 q? 13:50:43 topic: mechanics of a bp concerning additional metadata 13:51:46 q+ 13:52:50 roba: number of aspects of spatial data where additional metadata is required, CRS units of measure, accuracy, time dimension. What patterns are relevant for identifying these attributes. 13:53:37 q+ 13:53:43 ack kerry 13:55:02 roba: taking best practises and identifying what vocabularies are available 13:55:36 q+ 13:55:41 ... how would spatial data be attached in a specific use case 13:56:04 q? 13:56:42 ack ByronCinNZ 13:57:04 +1 to RobA 13:57:19 ack Linda 13:57:19 I think that BP0 illustrated by Rob has a strong relationship with the spatial ontology Josh and Frans are working on. 13:57:21 +1 13:58:03 q? 13:58:09 Linda: struggling to see why it should be best practice 0 13:59:35 roba: every best practice will say at some stage how to attach spatial data to data, this is why I propose this to be practice 0 14:00:11 action: roba to draft something for consideration in bp re metadata 14:00:11 Created ACTION-194 - Draft something for consideration in bp re metadata [on Rob Atkinson - due 2016-08-10]. 14:00:35 bye 14:00:38 Thanks and bye 14:00:38 bye 14:00:39 thanks, bye 14:00:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:00:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/03-sdw-minutes.html kerry 14:00:52 bye 14:00:53 bye 14:01:02 ChrisLit has left #sdw 14:53:52 Nicky has joined #sdw 15:31:26 eparsons has joined #sdw 15:59:20 Zakim has left #sdw