DWBP Candidate Rec Transition Material

The Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group would like to publish its Data on the Web Best Practices as a Candidate Recommendation.

Resolution to Publish

The primary vote was conducted by e-mail with a resolution on 8 July recognising the positive result.

Proposed date of Publication

21 July

Evidence that the document meets Working Group requirements

The document includes a matrix matching Requirements in the group's UCR document, with the relevant Best Practices.

Evidence that dependencies with other groups met (or not)

The WG's charter identifies 4 groups with which it should liaise.

Evidence that the document has received wide review

Disposition of comments following 19 May 'LC' publication

Comments before LC

Also, note the views of of the Spatial Data on the Web WG whose own BP doc is being restructured (and reduced) to build more directly on DWBP.

Earlier comments

Evidence that issues have been formally addressed

See the WG's issue tracker. All issues for the DWBP Doc are closed.

Exit criteria & Implementation evidence gathering

Feedback form set up on W3C Brasil to collect implementation evidence.

Intention is to receive at least two independent reports that the test(s) for each BP have been passed.

Note also the Share-PSI project that has its own small set of complementary BPs. These are centred around implementation of the European Commission's (Revised) PSI Directive. The project is creating or updating localised guides for implementing the PSI Directive that will record when they offer consistent advice and/or cite the BPs. It is anticipated that many of those guides will also refer to DWBP's work as they are presented as two parts of a whole.

Patent Disclosures


Charter Implications

The WG will need a short extension to complete the evidence gathering required to exit CR. The group anticipates transition to PR during October 2016.