16:58:09 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 16:58:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/07/18-aria-apg-irc 16:58:22 zakim, clear agenda 16:58:22 agenda cleared 16:58:29 annabbott has joined #aria-apg 16:59:25 jamesn has joined #aria-apg 16:59:31 jnurthen has joined #aria-apg 17:00:30 zakim, clear agenda 17:00:30 agenda cleared 17:00:45 Agenda+ Review status of current example development work https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Design-Patterns-Status 17:00:45 Agenda+ Update on APG editorial guidelines https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/APG-Editorial-Style-Guidelines 17:00:45 Agenda+ Update on contribution instructions (Jon) https://gist.github.com/jongund/2f4510cbddd4d7ace40154656a6867d4 17:00:45 Agenda+ Update on code review guide (Ian) https://ianpouncey.github.io/code-guide/ 17:00:47 Agenda+ Accordian example(Bryan) http://snoringfoot.dyndns.org/Webserver/ARIA%20Accordions/demo.htm 17:00:49 Agenda+ Issue 29 - Grid pattern https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/29 17:00:51 Agenda+ review open issues https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues 17:00:54 rrsagent, make log world 17:01:01 Meeting: ARIA APG TF 17:03:03 present+ JamesNurthen 17:03:15 present+ matt_king 17:03:17 present+ AnnAbbott 17:04:08 present+ jongund 17:05:38 regrets+ Birkir 17:05:55 present+ Michiel_Bijl 17:08:15 scribe: AnnAbbott 17:08:46 present+ Bryan 17:08:47 zakim, next iterm 17:08:47 I don't understand 'next iterm', annabbott 17:08:56 zakim, next item 17:08:56 agendum 1. "Review status of current example development work https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Design-Patterns-Status" taken up [from jamesn] 17:10:01 Jon: working on different models for documenting treeview, but not ready for review today 17:10:28 Jon: will be in readme file 17:11:09 Michiel: will be ready for Aug 8 meeting 17:11:59 Michiel: code sample and text for breadcrumb 17:12:56 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/17 17:13:52 James: added breadcrumbs to table 17:15:04 Matt: question about documenting grid design examples...must clone repository? 17:15:20 IanPouncey has joined #aria-apg 17:15:28 present+ IanPouncey 17:15:28 Jon: should be able to reference via URL 17:16:40 Matt: trying to make access easy for widest possible audience 17:17:33 Jon: let's just do as have been doing 17:18:19 Matt: agrees 17:19:18 Matt: need consistent experince and most usable 17:22:25 Jon: on vacation - back August 29 17:22:54 Jon: will check with Jemma on treeview 17:23:27 Matt: encourage Jemma to update issue(s) and let Matt know which are ready on Aug 8 17:23:59 Jon: has others working on menu example 17:24:14 zakim, next item 17:24:14 agendum 2. "Update on APG editorial guidelines https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/APG-Editorial-Style-Guidelines" taken up [from jamesn] 17:24:58 Matt: James was going to add info on adding URLs 17:25:04 James: did add 17:25:11 Link to the role definition in the ARIA spec the first time the role is used within the section 17:25:11 set class to role-reference 17:25:11 set href to #[role name] eg. href="#note" 17:25:11 Link to state and property definitions the first time they are used in a section 17:25:12 set class to property-reference 17:25:12 set href to #[property name] eg. href="#aria-owns" 17:26:22 Matt: done for now 17:26:42 Matt: ready to be referenced by other instructions 17:26:48 zakim, next item 17:26:48 agendum 3. "Update on contribution instructions (Jon) https://gist.github.com/jongund/2f4510cbddd4d7ace40154656a6867d4" taken up [from jamesn] 17:27:31 Matt: saw that Jon made update to this page 17:28:17 Matt: on step 3 - should we be more explicit on where to look? 17:28:51 Jon: agrees 17:29:48 Matt: naming conventions for Step 4 and give each example a unique flavor? 17:30:38 Jon: ease of naming by using example-1, etc 17:31:29 Matt: ok 17:32:58 Matt: for Step 5 - just provide path to template file? 17:33:42 Jon: ok 17:33:56 Matt: just copy template directory for Step 4? 17:34:00 Jon: ok 17:34:46 Jon: each example should be in own directory? Or sibling? 17:35:02 Matt: instructions are for one example 17:35:53 James: keep it simple - if sharing, make siblings. if not sharing, make directory. 17:36:51 Jon: alright 17:38:17 Matt: do instructions exist for beginning with github? 17:38:31 James: don't think we should be writing github instructions 17:39:43 Matt: will put into wiki. Ian's updates not yet available. 17:40:42 James: running out of time 17:40:46 Matt: agrees 17:41:27 zakim, next item 17:41:27 agendum 4. "Update on code review guide (Ian) https://ianpouncey.github.io/code-guide/" taken up [from jamesn] 17:41:52 Matt: Ian not available 17:42:13 Matt: postpone topic 17:42:17 zakim, next item 17:42:17 agendum 4 was just opened, annabbott 17:43:01 Jon: just create dummy directory for every example we need 17:43:05 Matt: agrees 17:43:43 zakim, next item 17:43:43 agendum 6. "Issue 29 - Grid pattern https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/29" taken up [from jamesn] 17:43:54 agenda? 17:44:13 zakim, take up item 5 17:44:13 agendum 5. "Accordian example(Bryan) http://snoringfoot.dyndns.org/Webserver/ARIA%20Accordions/demo.htm" taken up [from jamesn] 17:44:44 http://whatsock.com/test/w3c/ARIA%20Accordions/demo.htm 17:46:10 Jon: what is accordion? 17:46:22 Matt: headings with buttons that expand/collapse 17:46:56 Matt: different than tree - there is no accordion role 17:47:17 Matt: behavior and look/feel 17:47:42 Matt: ARIA communicates functionality 17:48:19 Matt: was based on tabs, but not juxtapose in DOM 17:48:37 James: kbd pattern for tabs is virtually unusable 17:49:13 James: perhaps goup as set of controls 17:49:49 s/goup/group 17:51:50 James: accordion could span width of page 17:52:27 James: not confined to left nav 17:54:06 Matt: why does one always have to be expanded? 17:55:32 Brian: only one open at a time OR may have more than one expanded 17:56:38 Matt: kbd problem getting to next - call out one more desirable? 17:57:39 James: no, either must be allowed 17:59:42 Jon: use display::none 18:01:19 Brian: every toggle has unique name 18:03:14 Matt: heading doesn't match region name 18:04:21 Matt: if first content inside is a heading,, it is confusing 18:10:24 Matt: thanks to Brian for completing this. 18:10:41 Brian: will sent to Matt to add to git 18:11:14 Brian: should have scripting and minor changes finished later today 18:12:25 zakim, next item 18:12:25 agendum 6. "Issue 29 - Grid pattern https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/29" taken up [from jamesn] 18:13:24 http://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/#grid 18:15:58 Matt: Section 3.1.3 - overall structure is a bit different & 2 kbd interaction sections and 1 states/properties (section 7) and placeholder Section 3.2.8 for table 18:16:38 Jon: looking for writer for table? 18:16:58 Matt: more interested in writer for section 7 18:17:36 Jon: interested but cannot start until return to work 18:17:46 Matt: will create issue for it 18:18:57 http://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/#gridAndTableProperties 18:19:26 James: open issue for table properties 18:20:05 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/65 18:20:15 Matt: whoever starts to work on it should 'claim' issue 18:21:28 Jon: should all examples use same CSS content technique? 18:22:47 Matt & James: all examples should not use background images (not available in HiContrast) 18:25:18 James: creating issue for Ian for Example Coding Style Guide 18:28:56 mck_ has joined #aria-apg 18:30:44 had to go to another call 18:31:10 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/66 18:32:26 James: creating issue for accordion example 18:32:39 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/67 18:34:01 rrsagent, make minutes 18:34:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/18-aria-apg-minutes.html annabbott