12:53:21 RRSAgent has joined #dwbp 12:53:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/07/08-dwbp-irc 12:53:23 RRSAgent, make logs 351 12:53:23 Zakim has joined #dwbp 12:53:25 Zakim, this will be DWBP 12:53:25 ok, trackbot 12:53:26 Meeting: Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 12:53:26 Date: 08 July 2016 12:53:31 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:54:59 newton has joined #dwbp 12:55:21 Hello 12:55:51 hi newton 12:55:57 present+ deirdrelee 12:56:59 yaso has joined #dwbp 12:57:02 present+ phila 12:57:12 chair: phila 12:57:57 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160708 12:58:31 scribe: phila 12:58:37 scribeNick: phila 12:59:41 annette_g has joined #dwbp 12:59:49 chair: deirdrelee 13:00:55 Present+ yaso 13:01:23 present+ annette_g 13:02:18 ericstephan has joined #dwbp 13:02:28 present+ ericstephan 13:02:49 yaso has joined #dwbp 13:03:09 regrets+ hadleybeeman 13:03:11 Caroline_ has joined #DWBP 13:03:26 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160708 13:03:41 BernadetteLoscio has joined #dwbp 13:04:58 Topic: Minute approvals 13:04:58 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of meeting on 24th June https://www.w3.org/2016/06/24-dwbp-minutes 13:05:03 +1 13:05:08 +1 13:05:08 +0 not present 13:05:13 +0 horribly absent lately 13:05:26 +1 13:05:31 gatemezi has joined #dwbp 13:06:04 Present+ Caroline_ 13:06:13 present+ BernadetteLoscio 13:06:16 +1 13:06:28 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of meeting on 24th June https://www.w3.org/2016/06/24-dwbp-minutes 13:06:31 Present+ gatemezi 13:06:36 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of meeting on 1st July https://www.w3.org/2016/07/01-dwbp-minutes 13:06:46 +0 not present (again) 13:06:53 +1 13:06:55 +0 again 13:06:58 +0 not present 13:07:16 +1 13:07:31 +1 13:07:41 Already voted :-) 13:07:46 +1 13:07:52 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of meeting on 1st July https://www.w3.org/2016/07/01-dwbp-minutes 13:08:04 Topic: BP Doc to CR 13:08:22 deirdrelee: We have voted to got to CR but Phil has some admin that needs to be done. 13:08:46 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/07/dwbp-cr CR prepartion 13:09:00 phila: That gathers all the info to go to CR 13:11:26 phila: we're supposed to contact privacy group on privacy, we haven't done this, but we've thought about privacy, and that's documented in CR prep doc 13:11:42 ... if anyone has any more feedback on this, please add 13:12:11 q+ 13:12:16 ... runs through doc 13:12:58 ... hoping that 19th july is date that BP doc is published as CR 13:13:10 ack ericstephan 13:13:39 ericstephan: what constitutes contacting the privacy group, i did attend the privacy group meeting and alert them of draft of bp doc 13:13:51 ericstephan: I alerted the Privacy Wg to the BP draft. They talked about the privacy questionnaire. They were more interested in a qualitative assessment 13:13:56 q+ to ask if my name can be added to the approval list 13:14:56 ericstephan: I also had a separate discussion with the chair. 13:15:13 ack a 13:15:13 annette_g, you wanted to ask if my name can be added to the approval list 13:16:28 You can point to an archived email for me, BTW 13:16:50 laufer has joined #dwbp 13:17:43 present+ laufer 13:18:48 s/alos/also 13:19:11 I think it's fine, Phila 13:19:16 PROPOSED: That the WG recognises the vote to seek transition to Candidate Rec for the BP document conducted by e-mail, noting also the following addition votes 13:19:24 newton has joined #dwbp 13:19:29 +1 13:19:30 +1 13:19:33 +1 13:19:33 +1 13:19:37 +1 13:19:42 +1 13:19:44 +1 13:19:44 +1 13:19:48 +1 13:19:50 +1 13:20:00 RESOLUTION: That the WG recognises the vote to seek transition to Candidate Rec for the BP document conducted by e-mail, noting also the following addition votes 13:20:00 We resolved the resolution o/ 13:20:16 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:20:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/08-dwbp-minutes.html phila 13:20:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:20:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:20:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/08-dwbp-minutes.html phila 13:21:00 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/07/08-dwbp-minutes.html#resolution03 The resolution 13:21:04 q+ to ask what else should be included in the BP document before July 19th 13:21:06 chair: Deirdre 13:21:20 ack Caroline_ 13:21:20 Caroline_, you wanted to ask what else should be included in the BP document before July 19th 13:22:37 phila: the document that i created, I will add annette's name and email from Eric about privacy wg 13:22:47 ... but the document itself if now frozen 13:22:56 phila: And Peter W's name 13:22:56 s/if/is 13:23:05 q+ 13:23:09 deirdrelee: when will directors call happen? 13:23:32 phila: request will be put in today, and that triggers call 13:23:52 ... director for this is Philip Legreut 13:24:23 Philippe le Hegeret is the Director for this 13:24:53 phila: Also need at least 1 editor, at least 1 chair, team contact 13:25:26 ... aiming for next week, but let's see, we'll have a doodle 13:25:44 ... depending on everyone's availability 13:25:52 BernadetteLoscio: next week will be difficult for me 13:26:04 phila: week after next very likely 13:26:18 BernadetteLoscio: we'd also like to know more about this call - what happens? 13:26:47 phila: what they want to know is how doc was developed,how we're going to get implementation, etc. 13:27:07 ... not necessarily content or technical detail of doc, more about if we've followed the process 13:27:15 BernadetteLoscio: do we have to prepare anything? 13:27:30 phila: yes, to demonstrate that we've followed the process 13:27:46 BernadetteLoscio: we do this based on the document phila has prepared? 13:27:57 https://www.w3.org/2016/07/dwbp-cr 13:28:08 ... we can use this as a base? 13:28:14 ... should we prepare slides? 13:28:19 I found the calendar entry for the SDW WG meeting that Eric and I attended by Skype. It was March 2. 13:28:25 phila: yes, but will double-check will Ralph 13:28:44 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2016JulSep/0001.html Example CR Transition request 13:29:13 ... this is a member space email that i used as a request to submit transition request 13:29:32 deirdrelee: what's involved in the extension? 13:30:06 phila: because we're in CR this shouldn't be a problem, but we should be 4 wks in CR, and then we'll be outside of charter 13:30:23 ... so we need a little while, so we'll go until sept/oct time 13:30:47 ... after CR the next phase is proposed CR, where w3c members vote on document 13:31:05 ... at this stage we won't need calls any more 13:31:07 oops, that SDW meeting was webex, not Skype 13:31:48 deirdrelee: phila you'll look after the extension? 13:31:50 phila: yep 13:32:05 Topic: Implementation form 13:32:17 http://w3c.br/form-dwbp/ 13:32:22 q? 13:32:25 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:32:25 newton: WE made this form 13:32:43 newton: I can ask you to test it before we send it to implementers 13:32:50 newton: You need to provide the organisation info 13:33:06 ... then the list of Bps is shown 13:33:06 q+ 13:33:09 Present+ hadleybeeman 13:33:17 ack Caroline_ 13:33:24 ack ca 13:33:26 present+ newton 13:33:44 Caroline_: When we were in Zagreb, we had a list of people we thought could help us with implementations 13:33:55 Caroline_: Should we recover that? 13:34:05 phila: I should be able to find it... 13:34:23 deirdrelee: This ties into dissemination. That list from Zagreb will be useful of course. 13:34:32 deirdrelee: We need to contact people to get that feedback. 13:34:47 ... Groups from within the group are valid and important but we can get more which would be good. 13:34:49 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n6tOphCLXLrzHrdyRUHVgrgx1YARdauBQBy9jSJXgDQ/edit 13:35:08 Caroline_: I really like the wiki page you, deirdrelee, created for the LC review 13:35:18 ... A standard e-mail that we can copy will be sueful 13:35:22 deirdrelee: Sure 13:35:28 s/sueful/useful 13:35:30 q+ 13:35:33 q+ 13:35:37 ack b 13:35:49 BernadetteLoscio: The BPs at risk maybe... 13:36:03 BernadetteLoscio: I was analysing the test and there are some about which I have some doubts 13:36:12 ... Should I send a message to the group to discuss this? 13:36:17 ... How can we proceed. 13:36:23 deirdrelee: How many? 13:36:52 BernadetteLoscio: 8 but that can be because it's not clear for me that it is possible to test. 13:36:56 q+ 13:37:14 ack n 13:37:29 I have an issue 13:37:31 newton: The form - I want you to test it and if you have an issue filling it in, we can change it 13:37:45 in Safari and Firefox 13:38:01 will send an email 13:38:15 newton, we can put draft data in this test phase? 13:38:27 @annette_g I used javascript to make assynchronous request 13:38:36 phila: 8 BPs we're not sure about? That's worrying having just resolved to go to CR 13:38:45 javascript should be fine 13:38:51 @laufer yes, you can fill the form and make tests, after we can reset it and send to all implementers 13:39:00 BernadetteLoscio: BP5, we say chaeck if a user agent can automatically discover the licence 13:39:11 BernadetteLoscio: For that, we need to implemetn a crawler or something 13:39:12 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='. Expected a ')' or a ',' after a parameter declaration. 13:39:29 BernadetteLoscio: No sure if we should create a crawler 13:39:33 q+ 13:39:52 phila: for BP8, I would simply use curl 13:39:58 phila: Use cURL to get the full HTTP load 13:40:02 ack phila 13:40:15 clicking the different tests doesn't make any changes. When I fill in and submit the org info, I get some json back. 13:40:31 @annette_g Firefox and chrome worked here for me. Now I'm having issues with safari too. 13:40:41 I don't see a way to do anything other than submit the org info. 13:40:52 phial: but you don't have to build a client that understands and recognises licenses. We have a separate working group for that. 13:40:54 q- 13:40:58 s/phial/phila 13:41:02 BernadetteLoscio: And for BP 16 and 20... 13:41:11 @annette_g you were supposed to get this json in an assyc request (via AJAX), but it seems to be broken and not working on Safari 13:41:17 ... 16 is about vocabularies and 20 is not clear for me 13:41:49 ack d 13:42:10 q+ 13:42:19 deirdrelee: For BP 6 and 8 etc. A lot of the stuff we have implemeted automatically test for a lot of those things so we, Ireland, have them 13:42:40 deirdrelee: And to prove and implementation, we're not asking for a demo, we're taking people on trust. 13:42:49 ... If they say their work passes, it passes. 13:42:51 q+ 13:42:59 ... I don't think anyone has to build anything new. 13:43:07 ... This harvester shows the licence etc. 13:43:09 ack 13:43:12 ack annette_g 13:43:44 annette_g: Noting the nature of the doc, anything that made the list of all should be something that we feel are common enough to be findable. 13:43:49 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:43:50 ack b 13:44:05 BernadetteLoscio: I was in doubt about some BPs as I don't do that type of implementation 13:44:18 ... So I just wanted to be sure that it's possible 13:44:52 ... But I think it's not a problem if we have one or two BPs that we're not really sure about then we should say it. 13:45:02 deirdrelee: Anyone else with concerns? 13:45:07 q+ 13:45:12 ack n 13:45:15 ack newton 13:45:29 newton: I was in douibt about BP 26 http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/publishing-snapshots/CR-dwbp-20160706/#avoidBreakingChangesAPI 13:45:36 ... How can we validate that one? 13:45:49 ... With no feedback, we'll lose that BP 13:46:07 deirdrelee: If we have an API that has changed, and a record about how it has changed, then we're OK. 13:46:23 deirdrelee: It's about communication. 13:46:45 newton: I know it's a BP, but if we don't have any real world cases where the API has changed and not broken, I don't know how to validate it. 13:47:15 annette_g: The test is looking to see if people have a test version - that's what we need to show. That's why it's written that way. 13:47:50 deirdrelee: I'm thinking of APIs that we have here and Twitter's API, when it changes, they communicate that. 13:48:07 q+ 13:48:09 deirdrelee: If we're concerned about them then we should label them as Feature at Risk 13:48:15 q+ 13:48:38 ack b 13:49:03 q+ 13:49:12 ack phila 13:49:25 q+ 13:49:27 phila: Sorry, but if your'e talking about now marking things at risk, or reviewing — you've lost your CR resolution. 13:49:36 ...Sorry, but you're talking about making changes to the document. 13:49:42 ...Those things go into the CR decision. 13:49:49 q+ 13:49:49 ...You can't do it after you've resolved to publish at CR. 13:50:06 q+ 13:50:12 phila: Explains what CR resolution means 13:50:15 ...So either what you've got is fine, and you're ready to go — or you start again. A director would say you're talking about being back at working draft. 13:50:26 deirdrelee: I think it's a bit of anxiety 13:50:35 won't the bp be eliminated naturally if there are no implementation examples? 13:50:59 ... As Annete said, we wouldn't have them there if we diodn't think they are BPs. We should gather implementation experience and take that. 13:51:01 ack deirdrelee 13:51:08 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:51:11 yaso1 has joined #dwbp 13:51:12 BernadetteLoscio: I'm sorry but I didn't explain what I had in mind. 13:51:34 ... I don't want to make changes ot anything. It's because we're going to make some implementations and I wanted to know how to test some stuff. 13:51:42 s/ot/at 13:51:44 ... It's more like this than actually changing something. 13:51:59 q- 13:52:00 deirdrelee: The process of starting to gather implementations 13:52:10 ... That will give us a better picture of where we are. 13:52:23 ericstephan: I think the implementation experience is the important one now. 13:52:31 I think that one thing is to test if one of our BPs was implemented. Another thing is to assert that the BP is a BP. 13:52:35 deirdrelee: Anyone have any real concerns about any BPs being at risk? 13:52:41 deirdrelee: OK. 13:52:42 +1 to laufer 13:52:44 I recorded my screen in this GIF http://imgur.com/J0swYOQ showing what should happen when you fill the organization info and submit it 13:53:14 deirdrelee: You want people to test that the form is OK. Sounds as if Annette might have found some bugs but let's see. 13:53:29 q+ 13:53:43 deirdrelee: I suggest we all have a go and use the form this week. Who knows, by this time next week we might have 2 implementations for BP! 13:54:00 deirdrelee: We can see where were getting lots of implementation and where we need more 13:54:04 ack n 13:54:06 ack newton 13:54:30 newton: Before we send the form abroad, we should first send the form to the WG and then I can fix the bugs. 13:54:53 deirdrelee: Can we not just start using it and if we find a bug, tell you? 13:54:53 It's completely unusable for me. 13:54:55 q+ 13:54:59 ack c 13:55:17 +1 to deirdrelee proposal 13:55:27 Caroline_: Wait until the end of the day... we're tweaking. 13:55:27 We start using the form 13:55:37 ah ok Caroline_ 13:55:37 deirdrelee: OK, we'll start using it from Monday. 13:56:01 deirdrelee: Thanks to Newton and co for all the effort to create the form! 13:56:14 +1 to the approach :) 13:56:19 Thanks, newton. 13:56:21 +1 to thanking newton 13:56:29 Thanks newton and folks 13:56:35 Thanks newton!! 13:56:43 we're welcome 13:56:43 deirdrelee: So we can talk about dissemination next Friday. 13:57:09 please, file bugs and send it to us and we can fix them before start using in production 13:57:22 :-) 13:57:35 Topic: DUV update 13:57:55 ericstephan: We had contact from someone ineterested in DUV nad wanted to include it the LOV 13:58:02 ... They had some suggested improvements 13:58:10 q+ 13:58:15 ... Berna and I need to go over it in the coming week. I also addressed an old action 13:58:23 phila: Thanks 13:58:29 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/List_of_DUV_implementations 13:58:33 deirdrelee: Great news about LOV 13:58:55 q+ 13:58:57 deirdrelee: It would be good to have implementation news for the 2 vocabs, including planned implementations 13:59:00 ack deirdrelee 13:59:01 ack d 13:59:02 ack ericstephan 13:59:02 ack e 13:59:20 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/List_of_DUV_implementations 13:59:26 ericstephan: I notice that the DQV team, was listing publications,. We had an AGU submission accepted. 13:59:35 ... Hopefully we'll get Berndette to attend in December 13:59:40 ... So I can list those. 13:59:46 deirdrelee: AOB? 13:59:57 deirdrelee: So Phil will follow up on the Director's call. 14:00:05 s/Berndette/Bernadette 14:00:15 get ready....get set....IMPLEMENT and DOCUMENT! 14:00:19 :) 14:00:22 Great! 14:00:27 ... And everyone needs to start using the form and next Friday we can look at dissemination. 14:00:30 thanks! 14:00:31 Bye all 14:00:31 bye all! 14:00:32 bye! 14:00:33 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:00:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/08-dwbp-minutes.html phila 14:00:34 bye 14:00:37 RRSAgent: generate minutes 14:00:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/08-dwbp-minutes.html deirdrelee 14:00:41 bye all! 14:01:54 regrets- hadleybeeman 14:02:07 present+ PeterW 14:02:13 Thanks phila :) 14:02:38 Me too! 14:04:24 newton_ has joined #dwbp 14:51:16 phila_ has joined #dwbp 14:51:35 newton has joined #dwbp 15:02:56 newton has joined #dwbp 15:04:53 annette_g has joined #dwbp 15:25:03 annette_g has joined #dwbp 16:28:22 Zakim has left #dwbp 16:48:01 newton has joined #dwbp 17:02:33 newton has joined #dwbp 17:03:00 yaso__ has joined #dwbp 17:09:04 newton_ has joined #dwbp 17:11:03 newton__ has joined #dwbp 17:51:58 newton has joined #dwbp 18:05:55 newton has joined #dwbp 18:25:27 newton has joined #dwbp 18:51:21 newton has joined #dwbp 19:12:34 newton has joined #dwbp 19:13:44 yaso__ has joined #dwbp 19:32:21 newton has joined #dwbp 20:00:44 newton_ has joined #dwbp