18:42:58 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 18:42:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/07/05-aapi-irc 18:43:00 RRSAgent, make logs world 18:43:00 Zakim has joined #aapi 18:43:02 Zakim, this will be 18:43:02 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 18:43:03 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 18:43:03 Date: 05 July 2016 18:43:31 clown has changed the topic to: WebEx Access Code 641 707 405 (Next meeting 12-Jul-2016, 20:00 UTC) 18:43:41 chair: Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:45:57 agenda: this 18:46:04 agenda+ ISSUE-1029 (All) Mappings for separator when it is a window-splitter. 18:46:10 agenda+ ISSUE-1016 (All) Mappings for aria-keyshortcuts. 18:46:16 agenda+ ISSUE-682/ACTION-1745 (Joseph/All) Overriding role of elements with required owned children 18:46:21 agenda+ ISSUE-661 (All) How to map children of table/lists with role presentation. 18:46:27 agenda+ ISSUE-677 (All) ATK/AT-SPI mapping of role="presentation" to ROLE_PANEL. 18:46:33 agenda+ ISSUE-487 (All) List and define mappings for managed states. 18:46:41 agenda+ Triage issues/actions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/products/23 18:46:47 agenda+ Triage core-aam bugzillas: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?component=Core%20AAM&product=ARIA 18:46:52 agenda+ Triage accname-aam bugzillas: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?component=AccName%20AAM&product=ARIA 18:46:58 agenda+ Triage accname actions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/products/26 18:47:03 agenda+ be done. 18:47:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/05-aapi-minutes.html clown 18:56:41 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 18:56:44 scribe: joanie 18:56:51 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:00:26 Rich has joined #aapi 19:04:37 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aapi 19:05:22 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 19:07:16 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 19:08:49 Zakim, take up item 1 19:08:49 agendum 1. "ISSUE-1029 (All) Mappings for separator when it is a window-splitter." taken up [from clown] 19:09:04 JS: You wanted to go through issues this week. 19:09:18 JS: So I pre-loaded some that seem relevant. 19:09:22 issue-1029? 19:09:22 issue-1029 -- Add mappings for interactive separator (window splitter). -- open 19:09:22 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1029 19:09:41 JS: This is an issue to have specific mappings for interactive separator. 19:09:49 JS: We have a number of actions for the platforms. 19:09:55 JS: All those mappings are pretty much done. 19:10:00 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-separator 19:10:06 JS: Here (above) are the mappings. 19:10:12 JS: We spoke about this last week. 19:10:31 JS: (Describes what's in the mappings) 19:10:44 JS: I have not changed the AXAPI mappings at all. 19:10:55 RS: Is there a splitter role in IA2 or ATK/AT-SPI2. 19:10:57 JS: No. 19:11:06 RS: And you removed expanded/collapsed? 19:11:08 JS: Yes. 19:11:14 RS: Then I think you're done. 19:11:15 action-2089? 19:11:15 action-2089 -- Cynthia Shelly to Double check potential value events on windows when window-splitter changes position. -- due 2016-07-05 -- OPEN 19:11:15 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2089 19:11:23 JS: Action 2089 remains. 19:11:36 JS: Cynthia is not here. 19:11:41 JS: And she did not make a note. 19:12:02 JS: Joanie pointed out that maybe we don't want to say "window" with splitter. 19:12:35 http://methvin.com/splitter/ 19:13:01 JD: The above has demos and they don't look like windows to me. 19:13:07 RS: It's really a panel. 19:13:22 RS: In the really old days, you were splitting actual windows. 19:13:31 JS: How should it be reworded? 19:13:40 RS: Panels, panes, ...? 19:13:50 JS: So "focusable pane splitter"? 19:14:00 RS: What's you're definition of "window"? 19:14:04 s/you're/your/ 19:14:32 JD: I would just cut out "window" 19:14:39 JS: So "focusable splitter"? 19:15:26 JD: Yes. 19:15:31 JS: I will do that. 19:15:42 JS: But we cannot close this until we hear back from Cynthia. 19:15:45 Zakim, next item 19:15:45 agendum 2. "ISSUE-1016 (All) Mappings for aria-keyshortcuts." taken up [from clown] 19:15:51 issue-1026 19:15:51 issue-1026 -- AAPI mappings for aria-errormessage -- open 19:15:51 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1026 19:16:16 issue-1016 19:16:16 issue-1016 -- Means to get all the aria-kbdshortcuts elements -- open 19:16:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1016 19:16:31 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#ariaKeyshortcuts 19:16:32 JS: The mapping is at the above URL. 19:16:43 JS: I have everything as people have asked me to. 19:16:49 JS: (Reads mappings) 19:17:13 RS: Accelerators and mnemonics are different. 19:17:16 action-1695 19:17:16 action-1695 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Propose UIA mapping for aria-kbdshortcuts -- due 2016-03-08 -- CLOSED 19:17:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1695 19:17:22 JS: This is what Cynthia told me to do. 19:17:32 JS: (Reads from action) 19:18:09 RS: Then that's fine. 19:19:07 RS: I thought IA2 had a property. 19:19:09 action-1697 19:19:09 action-1697 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Propose MSAA+IA2 mapping of aria-kbdshortcuts -- due 2016-06-07 -- CLOSED 19:19:09 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1697 19:19:17 JS + JD: We got this from James Teh. 19:19:25 https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/accessibility-ia2/2016-February/002008.html 19:19:48 JS: The above is the email from Jamie. 19:19:58 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd318482%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 19:20:12 JS: James Teh also cites the above documentation. 19:20:18 JS: But if you want to reopen this 19:20:32 RS: No. I just want to check. I thought there was something. 19:20:44 RS: I'm looking. 19:20:54 RS: I'm not seeing it. 19:21:07 RS: So it's fine. 19:21:22 JS: The one that's standing out is AXAPI, which doesn't map it. 19:21:33 JS: So it's not interoperable any more. 19:21:52 action-1698 19:21:52 action-1698 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Propose AXAPI mapping of aria-kbdshortcuts -- due 2016-07-05 -- OPEN 19:21:52 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1698 19:22:00 JS: I actually had the mapping from Chris. 19:22:21 JS: But shortly after he said that, James Craig said "please don't map this." 19:22:33 JS: In part, they want to get rid of the "ARIA". 19:22:37 RS: It's their platform. 19:22:55 RS: It's my impression that Apple wants to move more to device independence. 19:23:41 JS: Can we close the AXAPI action? 19:23:45 RS: I think so. 19:24:20 JS: I'm surprised they didn't say to put it in AXHelp. 19:24:27 JS: Anyway, closing this action. 19:24:30 Zakim, next item 19:24:30 agendum 3. "ISSUE-682/ACTION-1745 (Joseph/All) Overriding role of elements with required owned children" taken up [from clown] 19:24:38 issue-682? 19:24:38 issue-682 -- Clarify what happens to required owned childrens' roles when native host language parent is overridden with a WAI-ARIA role. -- open 19:24:38 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/682 19:24:48 JS: We discussed this briefly last week. 19:24:57 JS: This is the case where someone does the following: 19:24:57
19:25:06 JS: They use a table to make a dialog. 19:25:16 JS: The question is what happens to the required own elements? 19:25:25 JS + RS: They become presentational. 19:25:36 JS: I was asked to add some text regarding this. 19:25:45 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#mapping_conflicts 19:26:03 JS: The end of the second paragraph of the text at the above URL 19:26:07 "If the host language element has required owned elements, and its native role is overridden by a WAI-ARIA role, then treat the required owned elements as having role presentation or none. " 19:26:13 JS: I added the above sentence. 19:26:30 JS: And I have links to the mappings for presentation and none. 19:26:41 JS: I open the floor for comments. 19:27:08 RS: Well, the problem is... What if you override a table with a grid? 19:27:13 RS: So no, that won't work. 19:27:21 JS: Grid inherits from table, right? 19:27:56 RS: I don't think you can do a blanket statement on this one. 19:28:04 RS: Is this for particular roles, or not? 19:28:16 JS: The only ones I can think of at the moment are table and list. 19:28:19 JS: Others? 19:28:34 RS: What if we say something like the structure matches the overriding role? 19:28:40 RS: A dialog has no structure. 19:28:58 RS: If you put a grid on a list, that makes it even more challenging. 19:29:19 RS: I think I would just special-case a couple of these? 19:29:24 s/these?/these./ 19:29:27 JS: Which? 19:29:47 RS: I think what I would do is say that when you're overriding a table, the structure would have to align with the overriding role. 19:30:01 RS: If there is no structure, they all become presentational. 19:30:14 JS: I can see someone using a list as well, just to get the layout. 19:30:21 RS: Is it just for dialog? 19:30:27 JS: No, that's just something I came up with. 19:30:41 JS: Actually, it came up in a conversation between Alex and James N. 19:30:51 JS: Alex had said the table remains a table. 19:30:55 RS: You cannot do that. 19:31:09 JS: So there was a compromise, to put a div around the whole table. 19:31:19 RS: Fake nodes are a mess though. 19:31:27 RS: I think that's Joanie was talking about last week. 19:31:42 RS: Is it just for dialogs, or other things? 19:31:49 JS: Dialog is the one mentioned. 19:31:56 RS: You can make it an authoring error. 19:32:03 JS: Table is used for layout. 19:32:20 JS: I think Dojo might have even used a table element with role button. 19:32:49 RS: Why don't we just way, with the exception of grid or table, if you put a role on top of table, it becomes presentational? 19:33:05 JS: Or their subclasses? Because there's treegrid. 19:33:13 RS: Does grid subclass table? 19:33:17 JS: I think so. 19:33:43 RS: So if the semantics are the same, of you have a subclass, then the descendants become presentational. 19:34:12 JD: I think what Rich is describing makes sense. 19:34:28 JD: Though due to scribing I'm only *mostly* listening and thinking. 19:34:30 If the host language element has required owned elements, and its native role is overridden by a WAI-ARIA role, then treat the required owned elements as having role presentation or none. 19:35:00 JD: That said, if we can come up with text that cleanly/clearly expresses what Rich is saying, then it probably makes sense to do so. 19:36:21 "If the host language element has required owned elements, and its native semantics is overridden by a WAI-ARIA role, then treat the required owned elements as having role presentation or none. " 19:37:09 If the host language element has required owned elements, and its native semantics or structure is overridden by a WAI-ARIA role, then treat the required owned elements as having role presentation or none. 19:37:21 JD: It's really not so much subclass; it's more like when the role's required owned elements are in conflict with the native required owned elements. 19:37:51 JS: Above I put a new version of the text in which just changed one word. 19:38:10 RS: But what about gridcell versus cell? 19:38:21 JS: The difference there is interactive. 19:41:20 JS: In my replacement, I changed "native role" to "native semantics" and then to "native semantics or structure" 19:41:31 JD: I generally agree with what Joseph is saying. 19:41:41 JD: The owned children are what are being trumped. 19:41:43 If the host language element has required owned elements, and it is overridden by a WAI-ARIA role that has a different structure, then treat the required owned elements as having role presentation or none. 19:41:54 JD: And we don't want to have to have a paragraph for each scenario. 19:42:00 JS: What about the above text? 19:42:16 RS: I think you need to go back to native host language semantics. 19:43:07 Proposal: If the host language element is ovveridden by an ARIA role whose semantics are not equiavalent to the native host language semantics or a subclass of those semantics then the required owned elements become presentation or none. 19:43:18 JS: I want to tweak that slightly. 19:43:45 Proposal: If the host language element is ovveridden by an ARIA role whose semantics or structure is not equiavalent to the native host language semantics or a subclass of those semantics, then the required owned elements become presentation or none. 19:43:57 JS: So in the above I just added "or structure" 19:44:02 RS: I'm okay with that. 19:44:32 RS: You may need to check with Alex. 19:44:41 JS: I think they're already doing this. 19:44:54 JS: I think eventually he was convinced that the semantics really do change. 19:45:11 JS: There was even a weird case where Oracle was using the CSS table markup. 19:45:24 JS: So it looks like a table on screen. 19:46:31 JS: And Gecko was not exposing it as a table; but as divs and spans. 19:46:44 JS: Anyway, if I make the changes discussed here, can I close this? 19:46:46 RS: Yes. 19:46:49 Zakim, next item 19:46:49 agendum 4. "ISSUE-661 (All) How to map children of table/lists with role presentation." taken up [from clown] 19:47:00 issue-661 19:47:00 issue-661 -- UAIG1.1: Specify how to map children of table/lists with role presentation. -- open 19:47:00 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/661 19:47:01 JS: Isn't that what we just did? 19:47:10 JS: Actually, this is different. 19:47:19 JS: I think this is finished. 19:47:31 JS: I have a bunch of actions on this. 19:47:44 JS: All the actions are closed. 19:47:53 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-presentation 19:47:57 JS: The text for role="presentation" already has information in it (above URL) 19:48:03 JS: So I think this action is done. 19:48:14 JS: (Reads mapping) 19:49:14 JS: Can I close this issue? 19:49:18 RS: Yes. 19:49:24 Zakim, next item. 19:49:24 agendum 5. "ISSUE-677 (All) ATK/AT-SPI mapping of role="presentation" to ROLE_PANEL." taken up [from clown] 19:49:36 JD: I saw this and closed it. 19:49:41 issue-677 19:49:41 issue-677 -- ATK/AT-SPI mapping of role="presentation" to ROLE_PANEL is incorrect. -- closed 19:49:41 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/677 19:50:09 JS: When I looked at this the other day and thought it was closed. 19:50:19 JS: Joanie had raised it a while back. 19:50:29 JS: The mapping is now ROLE_SECTION. 19:50:44 JS: Joanie commented on when it was fixed and closed the action. 19:51:01 JS: (Reads Joanie's comment on the action) 19:51:07 Zakim, next item 19:51:07 agendum 6. "ISSUE-487 (All) List and define mappings for managed states." taken up [from clown] 19:51:15 issue-487 19:51:15 issue-487 -- List managed states and define mappings for managed states -- open 19:51:15 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/487 19:51:25 JS: I think this is defunct. 19:51:35 JS: Actually, no. I think it's a duplicate. 19:51:54 issue-706? 19:51:54 issue-706 -- Describe/define AAPI managed states -- open 19:51:54 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/706 19:52:10 JS: And issue-706 has Cynthia's action. 19:52:26 RS: So she still needs to do it? 19:52:28 JS: Yes. 19:52:37 issue-487 19:52:37 issue-487 -- List managed states and define mappings for managed states -- open 19:52:37 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/487 19:52:49 JS: My question is: Is issue-487 a duplicate of issue-706? 19:52:51 RS: Yes. 19:53:03 JS: Ok, I close the former as a duplicate of the latter. 19:53:17 s/I close/I'll close/ 19:53:23 Zakim, next item 19:53:23 agendum 7. "Triage issues/actions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/products/23" taken up [from clown] 19:54:02 issue-441 19:54:02 issue-441 -- Normative UAIG requirements for what UAs do when aria-posinset or aria-setsize is provided explicitly on some, but not all, elements within a set. -- open 19:54:02 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/441 19:54:04 issue-441 19:54:04 issue-441 -- Normative UAIG requirements for what UAs do when aria-posinset or aria-setsize is provided explicitly on some, but not all, elements within a set. -- open 19:54:04 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/441 19:54:11 JS: I think Cynthia has an action for this. 19:54:33 JS: What user agents are supposed to do when posinset and setsize are only provided on some items in the set. 19:54:40 RS: Didn't we deal with this in ARIA 1.0? 19:54:43 JS: No. 19:54:51 JS: We might have opened it in ARIA 1.0. 19:54:57 action-1373 19:54:57 action-1373 -- Cynthia Shelly to Create a test case for when aria-posinset and aria-setsize are provided explicitly on some but not all elements. -- due 2016-08-02 -- OPEN 19:54:57 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1373 19:54:58 RS: Do we have an action? 19:55:11 JS: Yes, action-1373. Due August 2nd. 19:55:22 RS: Should we reassign this? 19:55:28 JS: You want it? 19:55:31 RS: Sure. 19:55:38 JS: I would rather ask her first. 19:56:19 RS: Why can't we leave it as undefined? 19:56:38 JS: If you don't put it on anything, Firefox figures it out. 19:56:42 JS: But it might not be correct. 19:56:57 RS: My personal belief is that authors should set them. 19:57:05 RS: I don't know if it's something we should try to fix. 19:57:14 JS: It was created back in 2011. 19:57:20 JS: But it doesn't say who created it. 19:57:37 RS: This is before ARIA 1.0 shipped. 19:57:56 RS: I think this is not important. 19:58:01 RS: And it's unreliable. 19:58:10 RS: Because no one is going to do it the same way. 19:58:28 JS: Her action is to create a test case. 19:58:44 RS: I don't think this is worth doing. 19:58:49 RS: I recommend we close it. 20:00:05 JD: Not saying anything at all seems bad though. 20:00:19 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#mapping_additional_position 20:00:55 RS: It's an error condition. 20:01:05 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#mapping_additional_position 20:01:19 JS: I just found text in the mapping spec which tells you how to fix it (above URL). 20:01:23 RS: But that's group position. 20:01:32 JS: Keep reading. Third paragraph. 20:01:46 RS: So there in or they're out. 20:01:58 RS: But what happens when posinset is there and setsize is not. 20:02:10 RS: If they're not provided, user agents must compute them as follows. 20:02:21 RS: But if one of them is provided, then it's up to the author to do the setting. 20:02:30 RS: And you might have inconsistent results. 20:02:37 RS: But we shouldn't try to repair them. 20:02:47 JS: So what the user agent does is undefined? 20:02:50 RS: Yes. 20:03:00 RS: It's up to the author to maintain these values. 20:03:05 RS: Not the user agent. 20:03:19 JS: Do you want to add a sentence to that effect, or just leave it alone? 20:04:54 Proposal: If the author provides one or more of aria-setsize and aria-posinset it up to the author to maintain the values and user agent correction of these values is not defined. 20:04:55 JD: Looking at the ARIA spec, https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#aria-posinset, it says authors SHOULD provide aria-setsize. 20:05:06 RS: Above is my proposal. 20:05:14 JS: I can wordsmith that. 20:05:29 JS: I'm inclined to put it in the author-error section. 20:05:30 Proposal: If the author provides one or more of aria-setsize and aria-posinset it is up to the author to maintain the values and user agent correction of these values is not defined. 20:05:44 JS: And then close the issue and action. 20:05:58 JS: And Cynthia's test case action evaporates? 20:06:04 RS: Yes, because it's undefined. 20:06:12 JS: I'll triple-check with her though. 20:07:49 regrets+ Cynthia_Shelly 20:08:05 Zakim, part 20:08:05 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Joanmarie_Diggs, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Bryan_Garaventa, Rich_Schwerdtfeger 20:08:05 Zakim has left #aapi 20:08:11 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:08:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/05-aapi-minutes.html joanie 20:09:16 scribeOptions: -final 20:09:20 RRSAgent, stop