Khronos would like to propose the following session for the W3C Workshop on Web & Virtual Reality on October 19-20, 2016 in San Jose. Aligning Standards Initiatives for VR and AR on the Web Bringing VR and AR to the Web is going to require diverse standards from multiple Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs). These standards will need to interoperate and coordinate to create an effective ecosystem. Khronos would like to suggest an 'SDO Cooperation Brainstorm Session' to initiate and encourage the inter-SDO cooperation necessary to define clear goals and roles for each SDO, in order to avoid confusion, duplicated work, and delay in achieving ecosystem coherency, The session would begin by discussing the need for standards in the Web AR/VR stack, and the key issues they would be solving. >From this discussion would evolve what relevant standards initiatives are already underway, where there are gaps in the standards landscape that need to be filled, and how these various initiatives should co-exist and cooperate. Some specific topics may include: - what pieces of the WebVR stack will be serviced by open standards, and which by proprietary technologies and engines such as Unity and Unreal? - are the needs of WebVR being adequately served by WebGL? - WebGL is a Khronos standard; will WebVR become a W3C standard? If so does that create need for a formal liaison between W3C and Khronos? - will WebRTC form the foundation of streaming camera and vision data into AR engines - does it need to be extended to meet the needs of all use cases? - what is the role of declarative Web standards, such as ARAF, X3D and X3Dom in bringing VR to the Web? - how will Web applications access low-level vision and neural net acceleration for tracking, scene analysis and environment understanding? - how will Web applications access a diversity of vision and other sensors necessary for effective VR? - how will WebVR synergize with proprietary and open source SDKs such as OpenVR, the Oculus SDK Google Day Dream, and OSVR? Is there a need for a standardized VR SDK at the native level that can be cleanly 'lifted' into JavaScript? The session would conclude by taking an inventory of actionable items arising from the discussion to encourage an ongoing dialog and tangible progress after the workshop concludes.