15:05:06 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:05:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/24-annotation-irc 15:05:17 present+ ShaneM 15:05:35 zakim, start meeting 15:05:40 rrsagent, start meeting 15:05:40 I'm logging. I don't understand 'start meeting', azaroth. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:05:45 Gah 15:06:19 present+ Benjamin_Young 15:06:27 present+ Janina_Sarol 15:06:32 present+ Tim_Cole 15:06:40 present+ ivan 15:06:49 regrets+ Ben, Jacob 15:07:14 Zakim has joined #annotation 15:07:48 zakim, start meeting 15:07:48 I don't understand 'start meeting', azaroth 15:09:03 trackbot, start meeting 15:09:05 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:09:07 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:09:07 ok, trackbot 15:09:08 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:09:08 Date: 24 June 2016 15:09:53 scribenick: bigbluehat 15:09:57 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the last WG call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/06/10-annotation-minutes.html 15:10:09 Topic: Minutes review 15:10:09 TimCole_: any concerns about the minutes? 15:10:09 +1 15:10:14 +1 15:10:16 RESOLUTION: Minutes of the last WG call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/06/10-annotation-minutes.html 15:10:31 Topic: progress towards CR 15:10:54 TimCole_: anyone have a follow-up from the CR call? 15:11:07 PaoloCiccarese has joined #annotation 15:11:08 ivan: there is a minor issue. azaroth do you want to explain? 15:11:26 I created: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/313 15:11:35 Tag issue: https://github.com/w3ctag/spec-reviews/issues/93 15:11:47 q+ to say I think we fell off their radar 15:11:50 ivan: there is an issue form the TAG which needs addressing with regard to the Protocol 15:12:15 azaroth: Erik and Mark do seem to agree on this one. 15:12:24 TimCole_: most of these we did look at with Erik's comment 15:12:30 ... and we thought it had been resolved 15:12:37 ack shane 15:12:37 ShaneM, you wanted to say I think we fell off their radar 15:12:38 ... so it resurfacing was a bit confusing 15:12:55 ShaneM: it looks like they kept kicking the can down the road and it also fell of their radar 15:13:02 ... I think we can close the loop with them 15:13:11 ivan: azaroth will you contact them? or what should we do? 15:13:21 ...I would really like to have this solved 15:13:34 ...the fallback is workable...but it is a big hit 15:13:43 TimCole_: I was trying to find the docs from our chat with Erik 15:13:45 ...but I can find it 15:13:53 azaroth: Erik is `dret` 15:14:00 TimCole_: "avoid constraining HTTP" 15:14:07 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/51 15:14:25 ...I don't know if Mark looked at that and still had a concern? 15:14:40 azaroth: we closed issue 51 on September 9th last year 15:14:48 ...Mark's comment was in November 15:15:03 ...Mark may want more changes along those lines...but it's hard to tell 15:15:26 TimCole_: he may not have seen the updates after we made changes that followed handling Erik's comments 15:15:36 ...it may be if we show him the latest draft, he'll be fine with it 15:15:45 azaroth: ivan from a process perspective 15:15:51 ...if we address these issues 15:16:03 ...it would be a normative change if we remove normative requirements... 15:16:10 ...would we need another call for concensus? 15:16:23 s/concensus/consensus 15:16:24 I recommend we dont borrow trouble. 15:16:27 ivan: you mean in the working group 15:16:48 ...we should be able to do that via email and not bind it to a telco 15:16:56 ...if there are changes you agree with Mark 15:17:04 ...and we put it in an email and give it 5 or so days 15:17:09 ...and if no answer, then we accept it 15:17:12 ...that should be enough 15:17:38 TimCole_: anything else to say about the CR call? 15:17:49 ivan: no. I have all the documents ready 15:17:57 ...there is one we'll have to change slightly, but that's a minor thing 15:18:09 ...I'll send out a request to the web master to check them 15:18:26 ...some of the issues were taken care of by azaroth 15:18:31 ...so I think we're done in this respect 15:18:44 ...of course if there's a change in the protocol, then it has to be checked again 15:19:14 azaroth: timing wise, I'm on vacation for most of the next couple weeks 15:19:23 ...and I am forbidden to be connected from the beach 15:19:45 ivan: if this goes wrong, it could push the protocol publication out to august... 15:19:50 TimCole_: let's be optimistic 15:19:56 q+ 15:19:59 (specifically June 29-July 4) 15:20:05 ivan: perhaps you can contact Mark privately first 15:20:24 ...we thought this was closed...so some sort of a leeway would be helpful 15:20:32 ...try to find out what the minimal amount of change it 15:20:36 s/it/is 15:20:43 ...and if you can do that today, that would be great 15:20:48 azaroth: right. I'll do it right after the call 15:20:59 Topic: Upcoming meeting schedule 15:21:04 ivan: ideally and answer by close of business monday would be helpful 15:21:13 ack shep 15:22:35 TimCole_: there was a question about call timing 15:22:41 ...should we meet weekly or adjust the frequency 15:22:55 ...this relates to comments from a few people 15:23:06 ...who I think are interested in implementing the protocol 15:23:14 ...they're not currently members of the WG 15:23:20 ...but we want to encourage them to implement 15:23:46 ...First question is, should we reduce frequency of the calls during July and August 15:23:56 ShaneM: I don't think we should until we're done with testing 15:24:11 TimCole_: that was my thought also that we should dedicate our calls completely to testing 15:24:17 +1 to staying weekly until we're no longer dealing with issues 15:24:21 ...what is the policy to invite folks to calls no in the WG? 15:24:33 ivan: it's totally fine. they don't have a voting right, but if they have input, there's no issue 15:25:23 TimCole_: we may just skip next week then and meet again on the 8th 15:26:01 azaroth: I would prefer to keep it at full working group every week 15:26:10 ...and if people don't show up, then we cancel 15:26:41 ...this would be better than explicitly going to ever other week 15:26:54 ...it's easier to cancel 15:26:59 TimCole_: k. let's stay with every week 15:27:08 ...I'll try and get a sense of who's on the calls 15:27:22 ...we'll keep the focus on testing and implementing 15:27:42 ...that work? 15:27:47 azaroth: +1 15:28:00 TimCole_: do you want to talk about the issues? or go right to testing? 15:28:04 Topic: Issues 308 and 309 15:28:06 azaroth: if we could chat about the issues, that'd be great 15:28:49 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/308 15:28:56 ...these issues are both by the same person 15:29:05 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/309 15:29:11 ...are there things we could do to not shut down the discussion, but be clearer that they've already been discussed 15:29:13 ...and acted on 15:29:29 ...they are both marked as `postpone` 15:29:36 ivan: right. that's what he's contesting 15:29:41 TimCole_: k. then lets discuss that 15:30:37 azaroth: 308... 15:30:43 ...should we ask for specific improvements? 15:31:18 ivan: I don't completely understand what he's wanting 15:31:26 azaroth: I haven't quite sorted it either 15:31:38 TimCole_: it looks like things we've already decided upon 15:31:53 ...the type vs. format thing has been discussed before 15:32:07 ...they confuse people who are not familiar with Dublin Core 15:32:22 ...this has been a confusion for greater than 15 years... 15:32:31 ...I don't think we can fix it with an editorial change 15:32:43 azaroth: I don't think there's a solution that will make him happy 15:33:10 TimCole_: anyone else have thoughts? 15:33:15 PaoloCiccarese: can you explain the last line you said? 15:33:26 ...it seems its mostly a change in terminology 15:33:29 ivan: right. all of them are 15:33:45 PaoloCiccarese: he claims at one point that information is redundant 15:33:53 ...azaroth you said ExternalResource is wrong? 15:34:02 azaroth: yeah...I don't believe his example is correct 15:34:14 ...because you could do text inline as a TextualBody...and may not be external 15:34:21 ...so I believe its correct as it stands 15:34:41 PaoloCiccarese: I think he's making a distinction between embedded and external resource handling 15:34:47 ...but I think that's the distinction he wants 15:35:02 ...I don't think that's really crucial 15:35:33 TimCole_: this has been discussed elsewhere 15:35:41 ...I think we should go ahead with it as is 15:36:05 ...we're doing what people have been doing with this issue for years 15:36:21 ...do we need a vote? 15:36:26 azaroth: TimCole_ can you leave a comment 15:36:29 TimCole_: sure 15:36:50 TimCole_: so. 309 15:36:50 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/309#issuecomment-227387975 15:37:15 azaroth: one request: can we add example extensions to the body 15:37:32 ...we could make the prose a little clearer, perhaps, but you could do these extensions anywhere 15:37:44 ...so my suggestion is not 15:37:54 q+ 15:38:06 ack paolo 15:38:11 ...and with the other, there doesn't seem to be a need that isn't addressed by what we've already discussed 15:38:13 ivan: agreed. 15:38:24 PaoloCiccarese: I'm reading his comments now 15:38:51 ...it seems he's wanting TargetResource to be renamed to ExternalResource so it's consistent with their meeting 15:39:01 ...but I certainly agree with azaroth that if you want to extend something, then just extend it 15:39:05 ...we don't need to provide examples 15:39:10 ...and can't for all the cases 15:39:52 azaroth: yeah. ExternalResource is really just Resource 15:40:03 ...and you'd talk about it the same way you would any other resource 15:40:23 TimCole_: for right now, I don't think there's anything we could change to make this clearer 15:41:17 azaroth: getting another example from them might be helpful, but I don't think there is one that would make this compelling enough to change 15:41:31 ...and considering the protocol in the mix, it supports Turtle which doesn't have named graphs 15:41:59 ivan: if named graphs is the need here, then we could require support for named graphs via Trig--which is standard now as of the latest RDF spec 15:42:06 ...and we could require that 15:42:12 ...but we're at feature freeze 15:42:27 PaoloCiccarese: with regard to named graphs, there's really no way around wanting these 15:42:31 ...you need them. 15:42:38 ...but I completely understand the feature freeze 15:42:51 ...and the idea of moving from Turtle to Trig would be nice 15:42:57 ...framing could be another one. 15:43:05 ivan: named graphs in JSON-LD are doable, but very ugly 15:43:38 ...and if we want to push them back into the spec and keep it accessible to web developers, then it'd take far too long 15:43:46 ...so version 2. Postpone. 15:44:01 azaroth: given that it's JSON-LD, they can use the `@graph` stuff and extend it however they'd like 15:44:08 ...it just won't be interoperable 15:44:23 ivan: I would advise you to either rename the issue 15:44:36 ...so it's clear that we'd need to incorporate named-graphs into the specs 15:44:46 ...and it's clear what we're postponing and discussing 15:46:16 ivan: I'm noticing bigbluehat is asking for changes on the protocol document 15:46:29 azaroth: there's an example that's wrong or the text is wrong 15:46:38 ...in response to creating a resource 15:47:10 ...right now the examples in response to creating an annotation refer to the container 15:47:57 ...Link headers refer to the request IRI 15:48:01 scribenick: TimCole 15:48:24 bigbluehat: I think the example is correct, but not the prose 15:48:35 ... so the prose needs to be updated. 15:48:51 ... these errors are coming to the surface as I do testing 15:49:20 ivan: so the protocol is in a slight delay, but can you please handle today, so that what goest to Mark and Webmaster is final 15:49:43 ... please generate final doc in both main directory and admin 15:50:03 azaroth: Benjamin and I will resolve after the call 15:50:16 ivan: wants to make sure what he puts up is final. 15:50:28 q? 15:50:33 scribenick: bigbluehat 15:50:46 Topic: Testing 15:51:06 ShaneM: sadly, I don't think I'll be around for the next call 15:51:12 ...I send in my availability 15:51:33 ivan: wasn't there some sort of thing you needed from us? 15:51:52 ShaneM: yes. in order to get this into WPT it needs peer reviewed 15:52:14 ...we need others besides bigbluehat to take a look 15:52:22 ...so its clear that the WG aggrees 15:52:25 ...with this approach 15:52:34 TimCole_: for time frame? 15:52:38 ShaneM: two weeks ago. 15:52:48 ...in that we can do any actual testing until it's done 15:52:59 TimCole_: we are still working on the tests 15:53:08 ShaneM: right, but we need the testing framework up and running 15:53:23 ...and all the tests have to go through review also 15:53:40 https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/3173 15:53:50 this is the PR that we need peers to comment upon 15:54:16 TimCole_: I'm still working through the $ref bits in ajv 15:54:39 ShaneM: thanks for the email this morning. I think it's fine to go ahead... 15:54:48 ...actually I've been doing meeting since I saw it 15:54:58 ...it looks like you want to pull in pre-defineds 15:55:00 ...which is fine 15:55:07 ...I'll add that to the code and update the pull request 15:55:16 TimCole_: at that point, I'm fine with it 15:55:30 ...there were some questions about v5 15:55:38 s/v5/JSON Schema version 5 15:55:49 +1 to using v4 15:56:01 ShaneM: I'd thought I'd handled this in email, but I thought I'd recommended sticking with v4 15:56:11 azaroth: I'm looking at mixing this into my python implementation 15:56:28 ...and the JSON Schema validator I'm using only supports v4 15:56:41 TimCole_: it's not been clear until now that the PR is ready for review 15:56:48 ...but it seems like it is, so we'll work harder to get you the review 15:56:59 ...assuming you get comments back from the WG 15:57:05 ...when do you think we can get this merged? 15:57:13 ShaneM: well, it's ready to be reviewed 15:57:21 ...but I've never done this before 15:57:34 ...so I'm not sure what the process is or how quickly the owners of the code will act 15:57:45 TimCole_: I'm sorry for the lack of the response from the WG 15:57:53 ...but if you can ask again, hopefully you'll hear back 15:58:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:58:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/24-annotation-minutes.html ivan 15:58:21 scribenick: TimCole 15:58:38 bigbluehat: finishing out basic protocol testing 15:58:58 ... server will give you a container and let you run tests 15:59:10 ... container will time out after suitable interval 15:59:23 ... will come with some html to get you started 15:59:36 ... once it's in place will need peer review 16:00:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/24-annotation-minutes.html ivan 16:13:13 ivan has joined #annotation 16:26:10 web-annotation/admin/TR/annotation-protocol/Overview.html 18:02:39 Zakim has left #annotation 18:38:31 azaroth has joined #annotation