17:02:10 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 17:02:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/24-DPUB-irc 17:02:59 present+ 17:03:18 present+ Charles_LaPierre 17:03:30 present+ George_Kerscher 17:04:24 Topic: Use cases for PWP 17:04:26 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp-ucr/ 17:04:46 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lTC9nQoAcjDnvRN46ud4ToiycX_PcB3YuRVhYMbbyck/edit#heading=h.2h76hdxptv1i 17:07:16 https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Use_Cases 17:07:21 Tzviya: we need to add more robustness to these 17:08:23 you can edit here: https://github.com/w3c/dpub-pwp-ucr/blob/gh-pages/index.html 17:08:28 9.1 Personalized Experience 17:08:28 Alice, a dyslexic student, downloads a textbook and proceeds to personalize the material with larger font and different contrast. 17:12:09 Tzviya: A user wants to adjust a textbook to her specific needs 17:12:32 …, example 1 a dyslexic user wants to use Dyslexic font 17:12:55 …, example 2 a user with low vision wants to increase the font size 17:13:09 …, example 3 a blind user wants the material read to them. 17:14:10 …, maybe these are separate use cases? 17:14:24 Deborah: I think these are all separate use cases. 17:16:24 George: for dyslexic user wants to use a a different font, but separation between words or between lines. then AT auditorially they would want the words highlighted as they are read. They may not just to have a single word but my want to highlight separate sentences or lines, chapters etc.. 17:16:51 Tzviya: we dont want to make this an accessible document but more general in nature 17:18:07 Deborah: this use case is for a user with dyslexia. But this use case could also work for … a user with low vision, a user with seizures issues etc… this use case could be used for these other host of specific users needs. 17:18:55 Tzviya: a new Research Questions group and one area is personalization 17:19:06 George: is that Jason White's new group? 17:19:07 Each separate use cases: a dyslexic user; a low vision user; a user with seizures; a user with color blindness; a user with migraines; ... etc. All the user stories. We certainly don't need to write them all, but we can write narrowly, and reference broadly. 17:19:10 Tzviya: Yes 17:19:48 George: trying to extract the uniqueness for portability is hard to do, without repeating all of WCAG 17:21:43 Deborah: what are we saying which is DPUB has something to add to, or something to say that gives a new light or adds richness to the conversation. A user with dyslexia wants to change the font. but sometimes users are using web browsers and are using e-readers. and EPUB uses web standards but using your kindle and there you want your personalization where is where DPUB has something to add. 17:22:58 tzviya: personalized reading, even with these are already defined in WCAG, but defining these here is worth doing. adjustable fonts, contrast, color, size etc…. 17:24:07 Deborah: HTML falls down because they haven't defined them and is re-implemented a thousand times in various JS implementations. 17:25:31 Tzviya: what we have now is a personalization use case 17:26:30 …, pick a disability and then we can clarify that this also applies to a host of others. 17:26:54 …, so deborah pick a disability. 17:27:40 …, Alice, a dyslexic student, downloads a textbook and proceeds to personalize the material with larger font and different contrast. 17:27:56 A low vision user needs a black background with white text. This provides to the low vision person best view of the text. This also benefits people who want to read in a dark room. 17:27:59 …, we may want to say that she wants to use a font that serves the dyslexic community 17:29:33 George:Not sure if this is what you want but could then expand on how this could be. Night mode, 17:29:56 Tzviya, good in a dark room not to disrupt the person sleeping beside you. 17:30:53 …, so stick with the dyslexic user and expand this. I can write this up and add the PS onto this for other disabilities including but not limited too. 17:31:09 s/…,/Deborah: 17:31:27 Tzviya: we need this a draft by sometime in August. 17:31:58 Tzviya: we need something by July 7th. 17:32:39 tzviya: we should use this as a guide on how to write the use-cases 17:33:25 scribe: clapierre1 17:34:06 Next Use Case 17:34:08 9.2 Adding Alternative Media 17:34:08 As a publisher of accessible content, I need to add content such as a braille style sheet, image descriptions, or video captioning (text / descriptive audio) to a PWP previously published by a third party. 17:34:22 Tzviya: I dont think we need the last phrase 17:34:39 Charles: is this media overlays? 17:35:14 Tzviya: no, ie Bookshare making content available 17:35:29 …, multiple versions like braille as well as HTML 17:36:13 …, that is one use case 17:36:32 …, is Braille added to a PWP the same way it would be added to the web? 17:37:03 George: the only time if it is preformatted Braille, 99.9% of time is that it is done on the fly. 17:39:05 …, you could use 64bit unicode that show the dot patterns. APH might, or library of congress. No one else will read them but they are optimized for a particular group of people. 6dot/8dot / computer braille 17:40:47 charles: wouldn't we do the same in a pwp with a web. 17:41:53 Tzviya: is the use case we need to sync with braille? I am trying to see where this fits the Portable or Publication. or does the web not really support Braille. Maybe we need to ask someone else 17:42:05 George: Lloyd, Jason, or Keith 17:43:21 …, the publication can be transformed into Braille by the user but that is just taking the text and sending to the device which does the transformation. If someone wanted to publish in a Braille performed braile then it would be a separate rendition 17:43:37 Tzviya: a PWP must be transformed into Braille. 17:43:47 …, since Braille is not a web format. 17:44:07 Deborah: Braille is not a web format in the same way that letters are not 17:44:15 George: its a font. 17:44:39 George: you can't deliver it as an image. 17:45:34 Deborah: its not just that… do cleaver things with unicode, or transpose things . it must be content meaningful in Braille. 17:45:35 Florian has joined #dpub 17:47:59 George: with 64 char. you are limited and there are escape codes that you have infront of it. where abcde are the same as 12345 but has an additional escape char ahead of it. 17:48:51 …, Publisher of braille must be able to have a complete braille rendition 17:49:28 …, same requirement for Braille as TextToSpeech both are translating it and putting it into something else. 17:50:25 Tzviya: PWP must be translatable into Braille, and the two statements it must be real text that is translated, and the same real text is used by a Text to Speech engine. 17:51:16 George if we can get 1 model down like we want the rest will be easier. 17:51:30 Tzviya: Charles can you add this to the use case then? 17:51:33 Charles: Yes 17:52:33 chair: clapierre1 17:52:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:52:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/24-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre1 17:53:26 rrsagent, make logs public 18:32:17 dauwhe has joined #dpub 18:46:48 Florian has joined #dpub 19:04:15 darobin has joined #dpub 19:04:51 Zakim has left #dpub 19:47:39 Florian has joined #dpub 20:11:58 clapierre has joined #DPUB 20:14:30 clapierre has joined #DPUB 20:46:59 chaals has joined #dpub 20:48:20 Florian has joined #dpub 20:56:39 clapierre has joined #DPUB 20:58:01 clapierre has joined #DPUB 21:48:55 Florian has joined #dpub 22:49:49 Florian has joined #dpub 23:50:34 Florian has joined #dpub