16:40:16 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 16:40:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/21-webperf-irc 16:40:22 Present+ Yoav 16:40:24 Present+ Todd 16:40:26 Present+ Nic 16:40:28 Present+ Ilya 16:40:30 Present+ 16:40:32 alexchristensen has joined #webperf 16:40:36 rniwa: hi 16:40:37 Present+ Colin 16:40:52 Present+ Ryosuke 16:40:57 cflat has joined #webperf 16:40:57 Present+ Alex 16:41:10 Present+ Shubbie 16:41:21 webex 927 374 147 16:42:13 Zakim has joined #webperf 16:42:43 toddreifsteck has joined #webperf 16:42:44 1-877-668-4490 16:42:48 phone: 1-877-668-4490 #927 374 147 16:42:51 Present: Yoav, Todd, Nic, Ilya, Plh, Colin, Ryosuke, Alex, Shubbie 16:43:10 Meeting: Web Performance Meeting 16:43:21 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/web-performance/blob/gh-pages/meetings/2016/06-westcoast/agenda.md 16:43:29 Chair: Ilya&Todd 16:43:48 hello 16:44:36 Present+ Smaug 16:46:00 [Introductions] 16:47:25 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 16:47:47 smaug: can you hear us ok? 16:47:56 somewhat ok-ish 16:48:33 ok, we'll try to speak up 16:53:11 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DNRGhlYbMYdBkKsy7z9Bg--83KHa6r9-THurzBNLqTE/edit# 16:58:59 hi rniwa ! 16:59:30 Topic: where we're heading 16:59:40 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bf8GTCqZCRibO-nH-KIc8GdBg--zsMLnDgVpEpooG3U/edit 17:00:17 Ilya: the architecture came through evolution 17:00:29 ... rather than thinking through from the start 17:00:57 ... (looking at Level 1 picture) 17:01:12 ... we're been trying to refactor things since 17:01:43 ... we've pushing Resource Timing L1 through CR 17:02:39 Todd: RT L1 is implemented everywhere except Safari 17:04:12 Plh: a little bit of randomness in L1, since we don't define precisely how many resources will show up and how exactly (like multiple initiators) 17:07:17 [Ilya shows L1 and L2 at the same time] 17:10:09 alexchristensen has joined #webperf 17:15:55 [side discussion on running wptserve] 17:19:54 [Ilya goes through the changes of L2*) 17:25:45 [Q3-Q4 deliverables] 17:34:16 toddreifsteck has joined #webperf 17:46:38 plh has joined #webperf 17:47:08 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:47:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/21-webperf-minutes.html plh 17:47:26 rrsagent, make logs public-visible 17:48:02 Ilya: I'd like to wait until L3 before moving Resource Timing to Fetch 17:48:06 Ilya: for L2, we need to resolve globalOffset for HRT, and missing resources in RT2 17:48:08 Plh: (earlier) we'll ship all the timeline L2 together 17:48:16 Ryosuke: we'll need to identify all the things missing in Fetch first 17:48:42 Resolved: Publish a FPWD of Page Visibility 2 17:49:19 Ilya: for Beacon, let's keep as-is for L1 17:49:27 ... and do the rewriting for L2 17:49:49 Todd: I'm motivated to close some of the discussions on L2 quickly 17:56:52 Resolved: Push Beacon L1 to CR 17:57:12 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:57:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/21-webperf-minutes.html plh 18:06:43 [sendBeacon and RIC have significant impacts on performance] 18:06:57 s/impacts/positive impacts/ 18:13:36 There is https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28644 to improve the old rAF, so that work could be done right _after_ animation frame tick. 18:19:01 rniwa has joined #webperf 18:23:06 [Ilya shows table to summarize] 18:50:13 Zakim has left #webperf 18:54:19 Topic: meaningful first paint 18:54:47 Ryosuke: let webdevs annotate their documents and tell us what's important 18:57:44 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oiy0_ych1v2ADhyG_QW7Ps4BNER2ShlJjx2zCbVzVyY/edit#heading=h.15txkfxb34vy 18:59:58 [idea is to start with first paint and first contentful paint] 19:00:37 igrigorik: whatever doc that is, it requires one to log into Google 19:01:37 (sorting out access) 19:01:39 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AnZOscwm3kMPRkPfjS4V2VUzuNCFWh6cpK72eKCpviU/preview?slide=id.p 19:02:51 It would be nice to have a way for developers to mark what content is important; allows browsers to optimize. 19:03:21 We can have “default” implementation + mechanism for developers to hint us: TTI might be tricky 19:03:43 Milestone 3: Nav Timing : First Paint, First contentful Paint 19:22:12 ... starting a navigation, visually complete, network quiescence 19:32:15 Delay latency between user interaction and next paint 19:40:43 [break for lunch] 20:34:24 (will start again in a few minutes) 20:39:18 who muted the phone 20:42:41 yoav has joined #webperf 20:45:32 got kicked out from the conf call 20:46:05 rniwa has joined #webperf 20:49:03 toddreifsteck has joined #webperf 20:49:33 smaug, did you manage to rejoin? 20:50:36 let me retry 20:51:41 yes 20:51:46 but you're not online 20:52:51 smaug: I should be now 20:54:20 "you're the first person to join the meeting" 20:56:31 are you able to hear us now or not? 20:56:46 Topic: HRT and globalOffset 20:57:01 I can't 20:57:06 I'm the only one in the meeting 20:57:22 assuming we're still using the meeting 927 374 147 20:58:07 smaug: we're on that meeting, and I see you connected... You can't hear us? 20:59:07 nope 20:59:13 I heard you when you came into the room 20:59:22 and then something happened and you got muted 20:59:23 smaug: I see you're speaking, but can't hear you either... 20:59:40 and then after a minute or so I got kicked out from the meeting 21:00:37 smaug: I'll start another meeting 21:01:00 k 21:01:41 smaug: trying to reconnect to the same meeting first 21:02:04 NicJansma has joined #webperf 21:03:00 connected again 21:03:06 "you're the first person to join the meeting" 21:13:53 yoav has joined #webperf 21:33:41 shubhie has joined #webperf 21:34:15 [Ilya is going to write down the globalOffset proposal but it will have to be reviewed by security folks] 21:34:55 will look into cross-origin cases and UTC epoch time 21:39:13 Topic: Resource Timing 21:39:33 plh: perf obs won't give resource timing entires from the past... 21:39:53 Todd: we mentioned about caching until the load event is done... 22:15:03 https://pad.w3ctag.org/p/pt-buffer (pseudo polyfill) 22:25:04 yoav has joined #webperf 22:26:49 for perf obs: extend filter options to filter by name and type 22:27:39 option to receive buffered entries as first invocation callback 22:28:18 (should be totally fine to change the impl) 22:42:22 for perf obs improvements, see https://github.com/w3c/performance-timeline/issues/56 22:43:00 [discussion of adding the abliity to build the resource dependencies tree using resource-timing] 22:58:36 Yoav will keep working on the idea 22:58:48 would probably require the whole stack.... 22:59:44 [discussion on having multiple initiators] 23:33:26 Topic: preconnect and push in resource timing 23:34:17 Yoav: exposing them would mean we'd get negative values (ie before requestStart) 00:07:41 hmm, got kicked out, but it is anyhow getting late here 00:07:45 3:07am 00:07:58 nothing like a trailer discussion at 3am in the morning 00:08:00 toddreifsteck has joined #webperf 00:08:23 we're pretty much done at this point 00:15:57 https://github.com/mounirlamouri/memory-pressure-api/blob/master/explainer.md