12:07:37 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:07:37 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/20-poe-irc 12:07:39 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:07:39 Zakim has joined #poe 12:07:41 Zakim, this will be 12:07:41 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:07:42 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:07:42 Date: 20 June 2016 12:07:54 scribenick: Brian_Ulicny 12:07:55 Chair: Ben 12:08:23 present+ 12:08:29 Present+ 12:08:38 present+ 12:08:42 present+ 12:08:43 Present+ 12:08:45 present+ 12:08:49 present+ 12:09:00 regrets: phil, stuart 12:09:47 Topic: spec name proposal 12:09:58 resolution carried to accept last meeting's minutes 12:10:15 present+ 12:10:15 Topic: Use case update 12:10:40 how to better extract requirements from use cases? 12:10:58 q? 12:11:12 - ReqEd should try to create a correct requirement - ReqEds should communicate with the UC contributors about missing clarity - the ReqEds may/should have a role in editing the final Primer/UC document 12:12:54 Present+ James 12:13:07 Present+ 12:14:08 [I have lost webex conneciton...trying to reconnect...] 12:14:20 i am connected but the summary is in irc 12:14:29 we just went over those three points 12:15:32 everyone agree? 12:15:40 +1 12:15:40 +1 12:15:53 +1 12:16:03 +1 12:16:21 +1 12:16:23 +q 12:16:34 ack simonstey 12:16:38 CarolineB has joined #poe 12:16:49 yeah 12:16:57 present+ CarolineB 12:17:56 remark on primer statement: what we want is a link from accepted requirement to those parts of the specification in order to show that they were met 12:18:25 the primer should link to the requirements in the specification. 12:18:27 s/remark/simonstey: remark/ 12:19:13 benws2: there will be a voting line noted in all requirements 12:19:48 simon: in reqs doc, there are reqs that have triggered discussion, pros, cons. How to indicate agreement/disagreement 12:20:11 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements 12:20:22 another w3c working group notes status of agreement/disagreement, we are borrowing their idea 12:20:27 s/simon: /michaelS: / 12:20:41 we propose to add status value 12:20:50 vote 12:21:15 1 of 4 outlined values: starting point, under consideration, approved or rejected. 12:21:43 if approved, link to requirements 12:22:12 should be a sequence of voting 12:22:34 if you want to indicate that requirements need further clarification, vote 0 12:22:46 this will enable us to make decisions 12:22:57 then we can raise as issue at conference call 12:23:36 got it. 12:24:08 "harder to solve issues should be discussed" 12:25:02 benws2: "if a requirement is getting a lot of approval/rejection, then we can bring it to call and discuss it" 12:25:31 bensw2: "reqs with a lot of clarification, can also be brought to call" 12:26:15 bensw2: "allows working over 7 days, not just the 1 hour" 12:26:18 q? 12:26:23 +q 12:26:37 ack simonstey 12:26:57 simon: "we need an official vote on this" 12:27:10 [i'm back...calling in via skype!] 12:27:39 bensw2: "we are not changing the formal process, just adding a workflow" 12:28:39 fine with me 12:28:52 +1 12:28:54 +1 12:28:55 +1 12:28:56 +1 12:28:59 +1 12:28:59 +1 12:29:00 +1 12:29:02 fine with me 12:29:29 +1 12:29:39 benws2: "we can already identify the most contententious issues" 12:29:57 simon: "there are 4 reqs that have triggered discussion" 12:30:03 "let's jointly look at them" 12:30:10 "ok?" 12:30:23 "1.3.11" 12:30:41 12:30:45 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements#Define_how_constraints_on_a_party_can_be_expressed 12:31:49 q 12:31:51 q+ 12:32:27 renato: "who does the constraint apply to?" 12:32:45 +q 12:33:10 renato: "the ability to apply constraints to an ind on the basis of group membership is very common" 12:34:14 "is it really a req to include parties?" 12:34:22 permissions/prohib/duties already link to parties 12:35:02 renato: "there is no use case describing the req" 12:35:21 "access control is out of scope for us" 12:35:33 "we need a much clearer reason for this req" 12:35:45 "what are we trying to solve? Is it in scope?" 12:36:07 q+ 12:36:53 simon: "it is possible to group individuals via Role property in ODRL" 12:36:54 q- 12:37:35 "in order to say that _admins_ have a certain permission, you would use the role _admin_" 12:37:42 "in current ODRL" 12:38:19 victor: "you can give permission based on a property of an agent, simple as that" 12:38:38 benws2: "couldn't that property define a group?" 12:38:45 +q 12:39:00 victor: " if it is a numeric property, then it will be hard to define a group?" 12:39:20 "permissions for those whose age is over 18" 12:39:22 q+ 12:39:42 q+ 12:40:09 simon: "fine with contraints like that. issue is that we shouldn't allow defining the same thing in 20 diff ways" 12:40:49 q+ 12:41:00 "huge mess is if we define same thing in multiple ways. Let's find one approach" 12:41:41 benws2: "telemetry on f1 car: real time vs later" 12:41:51 "permissions different" 12:42:09 victor: "target and agent should be handled the same" 12:42:10 q? 12:42:18 q- simonstey 12:42:48 q- benws 12:43:06 michaels: "contraint includes an action and parties, not clear to which it applies" 12:43:29 "this is not reflected in current definition" 12:43:47 q? 12:43:48 "some say this is a contraint applyting to asset, some say to use" 12:44:07 "first: not easy to indicate the nature of a party" 12:44:25 +q 12:45:01 "ODRL provides no clear guideline on how to apply constraints to parties. But this is required" 12:45:03 I like Michael's analysis, and I believe it is a good opportunity to do things more clear 12:46:11 simon: "if a constraint is not fulfilled then it is not active' 12:48:17 [ a foaf:Person; .. ] 12:48:22 michaelS: "in semantic web, we would define in terms of a blank node, foaf person, restriction on age" 12:48:42 "issue here, is this doesn't work well in other formats...beyond RDF" 12:49:02 "maybe not every assignee has an age" 12:49:16 q? 12:49:17 "not sure how we are going to approach this" 12:49:45 q+ 12:49:51 victor: "but paradigm property is defined" 12:50:10 victor: "this is not logically complex. Would add power to spec" 12:50:53 simon: "can add power ... would add complexity. Discussed in transition from 1.0 to 2.0" 12:51:40 "if we were to add constraint to both party and asset and took away req to have a UID but allowed defining asset or party through constraint..." 12:51:50 "then we could do that" 12:52:06 benws2: "point is to get really clear use case" 12:52:17 "victor, please add to use case" 12:52:18 q- 12:52:27 how do I add an action? 12:52:28 q- renato 12:52:38 -q 12:52:47 action+ victor to add to requirement 12:52:48 II also support the association of constraints with parties and assets - 12:52:54 ack michaelS 12:53:01 ACTION victor to add requirement 12:53:02 Created ACTION-13 - Add requirement [on Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel - due 2016-06-27]. 12:53:23 tx ivan 12:54:14 q? 12:54:26 benws2: "moving to next item: pending actions" 12:54:31 "none" 12:54:43 "open actions? ben's and phil's" 12:54:47 "new name" 12:55:42 victor: "want to do analysis of existing constraints via mailing list" 12:55:57 q+ 12:56:07 benws2: "any other biz?" 12:56:47 michaelS: "req eds: final version of reqs was due by next call. I feel not possible." 12:57:16 benws2: "that does sound unlikely" 12:57:20 +q 12:58:29 ack michaelS 12:58:30 simon: "let's not rush this. we haven't even managed to discuss al the use cases. This is a long process." 12:58:31 ack simonstey 12:58:43 q+ 12:59:30 q+ 12:59:58 victor: "collection of reqs vs implementation" 13:00:15 simon: "we need to decide to agree to reqs" 13:00:38 what about making a specific/extra call not on Monday? 13:00:46 renato: "we need to allocate more time to phone calls" 13:00:53 "maybe 2 next week" 13:00:57 "more calls" 13:01:31 ivan: "we are working with 2 kinds of docs: republishing ODRL (mature) is important." 13:01:44 "use case doc evolving quite a bit" 13:02:08 "first document is first draft -- no one claims is finished. stake in ground with ODRL" 13:02:46 "point is that having first draft and having stakeholders is perfectly fine" 13:02:57 "should not ask too much" 13:03:28 simon: "that sounds reasonable. let's go with first collection of use cases. Just publish for now." 13:03:52 ivan: "will still require a lot of time to transfer from wiki, etc. Vote etc" 13:04:19 benws2: "over time. Let's pursue in next call, possibly increase number of calls." 13:04:22 +1 13:04:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:04:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/20-poe-minutes.html ivan 13:04:42 trackbot, end telcon 13:04:42 Zakim, list attendees 13:04:42 As of this point the attendees have been simonstey, ivan, michaelS, Brian_Ulicny, renato, benws, sabrina, james, CarolineB 13:04:50 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:04:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/20-poe-minutes.html trackbot 13:04:51 RRSAgent, bye 13:04:51 I see no action items