13:58:14 RRSAgent has joined #auto-wcag 13:58:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-auto-wcag-irc 13:58:39 meeting: auto-WCAG Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) proposal discussion 13:58:45 chair: Wilco 13:59:13 john has joined #auto-wcag 13:59:31 Wilco has joined #auto-wcag 14:00:06 cpandhi has joined #auto-wcag 14:00:11 John_HICKS has joined #auto-wcag 14:01:48 Judy has joined #auto-wcag 14:02:00 annika has joined #auto-wcag 14:04:06 The meeting numbers don't work for the telephone... 14:04:45 present+ Judy 14:04:59 emmaPR_bbc has joined #auto-wcag 14:05:02 present+ Judy 14:05:07 scribe: annika 14:05:13 Present+ Charu 14:05:16 present+ shadi 14:05:23 Hello, I'm still in another meeting but will join the phone conversation as soon as I am able 14:05:57 ITEM: Review of ACT proposal 14:06:28 Judy: What is the status of the documents? There seem to be still some comments. 14:06:38 Wilco: Comments mostly editorial. 14:06:59 Judy: Ok, I can contact the WCAG WG. 14:07:25 Wilco: Had conversations with Jon Gunderson und Jesse Beach. 14:07:39 ... would like to discuss their feedback today. 14:07:55 present+ Avneesh 14:08:18 Wilco: We have a good idea what we want to do but we need to communicate better. 14:08:29 ITEM 1 Discussion: Developer focused 14:08:48 https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:Accessibility_Conformance_Testing_for_W3C&oldid=2435 14:09:06 maryjom has joined #auto-wcag 14:10:00 zakim, who is on the call? 14:10:00 Present: Katie_Haritos-Shea, Judy, Charu, shadi, Avneesh 14:10:02 many thanks , i am on the call now 14:10:09 Wilco: Agree with Jon's comment that developers shouldn't be forced to choose between several options. 14:10:18 Present : John Hicks 14:10:21 present- Katie_Haritos-Shea 14:10:37 present+ John, Annika 14:10:47 present+ MaryJo 14:10:55 present+ Judy 14:10:58 ... Jesse would like to see tool that integrate with development tools (so that developers can use the evaluation during their work on a web site). 14:11:00 zakim, who is on the call? 14:11:00 Present: Judy, Charu, shadi, Avneesh, John, Annika, MaryJo 14:11:12 present+ Wilco 14:11:39 ... Focus shouldn't only be on conformance testing. 14:12:12 John_HICKS: Clarifaction: developers = web developers (not tool developers). 14:12:18 Wilco: yes. 14:12:33 q+ 14:12:35 q+ 14:12:59 q- moe 14:13:04 q- cpan 14:13:05 John_HICKS: There is a lot of complexity in web development. I don't see that ACT as adding another level of complexity. 14:13:50 ... Developer should have a choice to select one of several options. 14:14:04 q? 14:14:07 Wilco: Jesse's comment was that there shouldn't be several options. 14:15:18 shadi: The would be a simplification. There is only one way to meet a requirement. 14:15:38 excuse me for jumping on the queue there, i didn't know we had that in place! 14:15:40 ... Previously we talked about the use of warnings. Do we need both? 14:15:48 ack me 14:17:10 q? 14:17:35 q+ 14:17:36 q+ 14:17:55 Wilco: yes, both are needed: warnings (something might cause an accessibility problem) and additional messages (this technique is not recommended or not allowed in this web site = rule defined by an organisation). 14:18:16 q+ 14:18:32 ... The additional rules could be company policy or government stardards. 14:19:52 Judy: Comment on earlier comment (about complexity): WAI has gotten this comment before. 14:20:12 ... For example during the work on WCAG 2.0. 14:20:40 ... We need to find a balance between complexity and comprehensibility. 14:21:12 ... The motivation for ACT was to clarify the interpretation of WCAG 2.0. 14:21:29 ... This would be welcomed by evaluation tool developers. 14:21:50 ... We need to make sure to avoid confusion (caused by test results). 14:22:02 present+ Emma 14:22:13 ... Maybe we need to decribe the expectation more clearly. 14:22:41 ... Which level of complexity do we need? 14:23:27 Judy: Can to ACT rules be used for other rules? 14:23:39 Wilco: Main focus is WCAG conformance testing. 14:24:01 ... Company policy rules could be added (e.g. at BBC). 14:24:44 ... Different kinds of rulesets (policy) can be stacked in the ACT framework. 14:24:58 q? 14:25:14 ack j 14:25:22 Judy: What about the balance between complexity and simplicity? What it the audience? 14:26:06 charu: Two aspects of developer perspective: tool developers and web site developers. 14:26:38 ... WCAG is very generic. The rule specification should support the checking of the requirements. 14:27:23 q- 14:27:38 ... Form the previous discussion it seems that we are trying to do more, e.g. by taking into account organisational requirements. 14:27:50 Wilco: The ACT framework it not limited to WCAG. 14:27:52 q+ John_HICKS 14:27:56 q- ju 14:28:02 ack cpan 14:28:07 q+ 14:28:08 ... Also EPUB accessibility testing goes beyond WCAG. 14:28:24 ... Or ARIA best practice testing. 14:28:42 ... The challenge is: How do we communicate this? 14:28:48 q+ to suggest a way to communicate this 14:29:08 Charu: We are focussing on the tool developers? 14:29:17 Wilco: Yes. 14:29:39 ... Web developers are the secondary audience. 14:30:08 q? 14:30:49 John_HICKS: The comments by Jon and Jesse should be considered. 14:31:25 ack jo 14:31:32 ... It is up to the (web) developers how they build the web site. They need knowledge of WCAG. 14:32:26 ... Complexity can't be avoided. It is not a negative thing. 14:32:51 ack emma 14:33:26 emmaPR_bbc: Confirm that BCC does things a bit different from WCAG. 14:34:04 ... BCC could use the ACT framework to build their own ruleset. 14:34:34 ... E.g. BCC requires a hierarchical use of headings. That would be an additional requirements. 14:35:12 q+ 14:35:21 Wilco: The power of the framework is that BCC can write such a rule an contribute it to other organisations. 14:36:10 Judy: These issues should be addressed in the scope section of the proposal. 14:36:22 https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/Accessibility_Conformance_Testing_for_W3C#Scope 14:37:25 ... Clarify that main audience of the work are tool developers. 14:37:40 ... State that complexity is necessary. 14:38:08 ... Clarify to what extent the framework can be applied to other technology. 14:38:35 ... What is the initial scope of the framework? 14:39:24 ack ju 14:39:24 Judy, you wanted to suggest a way to communicate this 14:39:25 That other technologies like EPUB could be added. 14:40:22 Judy: 2nd point: Initial focus are HTML and ARIA and maybe EPUB. 14:40:37 ... and other technologies might be added. 14:40:48 Wilco: good point. 14:40:57 [jb: and i think css too] 14:42:26 Avneesh: I suggested to add EPUB because this technology will be important in the future. 14:43:48 ... The tests have to cover a lot of cases. But the web developer needs to know only one technique to solve an accessibility issue. 14:44:12 Avneesh: W3C has high focus on EPUB. 14:44:39 q+ 14:44:59 ... In the framework EPUB should have the same priority as web. 14:45:00 q?\ 14:45:14 shadi: Agreed with previous comments. 14:45:50 ... Separate between framework and ruleset discussion. 14:46:29 shadi: We need to clarify when and how rules (beyond WCAG) can be contributed back? 14:46:44 ... The rules might even conflict with WCAG. 14:47:12 ... This is a potential source of confusion and complexity. 14:47:32 ... HTML, CSS, ARIA and EPUB are a big task already. 14:47:34 I didn't suggest we contribute back (though not against helping) ... only that BBC could use auto-wcag as a basis for our own test suite 14:47:46 ack me 14:47:50 ... Processing non-WCAG rule would be too much effort. 14:48:12 Wilco: The focus of auto-WCAG is WCAG 2.0 AA. 14:48:41 [[Not you Emma, I thought I heard Wilco say something like that]] 14:48:46 ... Other groups might be working on other criteria. 14:49:32 Judy: Agreed with Shadi that we need to clarify that ACT does not supersede WCAG 2.0. 14:50:29 ... We need to clarify the term framework. Suggest to rename deliverable 1 to framework. 14:51:12 ... Agree with Avneesh on comment about EPUB. EPUB rules might be developed by a different group. 14:51:43 ... An extensible framework must also be extensible for later work in WCAG. 14:51:52 ... This should also be mentioned. 14:52:13 Agree Judy ... I'm hoping auto-wcag supports WCAG 2.0 and helps with clarification and understanding for conformance ... to help teams creating test tools 14:52:57 ... A huge concern is the scalability of the ACT work. This could be resolved by incorporation existing rules. Where is this mentioned? 14:53:24 s/incorporation existing/incorporation of existing/ 14:53:37 Wilco: yes, this is not covered yet. 14:54:09 Wilco: Question about terminology: Is "conformance" the right word? 14:54:15 s/by a different group/by a different pool of developers (but could be within this same group)./ 14:54:16 ... Or is there a better word? 14:55:31 Judy: Some organisations really want ACT to address conformance. 14:56:03 maryjom: Our concern is the different tools use different interpretations of conformance. 14:56:45 ... So tools might yield different or contraticting results. 14:57:06 ... The tools must be close to WCAG. 14:57:35 q+ 14:57:39 John_HICKS: For web developers "conformance" means "good enough". 14:58:17 ... The word conformance is ok. 14:58:38 Judy: But "conformance" is used in WCAG with a specific meaning. 14:58:42 q+ 14:59:34 I agree that for now conformance is probably the best word 14:59:41 ... That is a strong tie between ACT and WCAG. 14:59:59 ack j 14:59:59 ack ju 15:00:02 q? 15:00:04 Wilco: There seems to be agreement on the work conformance. 15:00:10 ack cp 15:00:24 "conformance" ... is good enough 15:00:30 Charu: IBM uses the term "accessibility verification". 15:01:06 Hoping ACT will help bring agreement to interpretations 15:02:07 Definition of conformance: Certification or confirmation that a good, service, or conduct meets the requirements of legislation, accepted practices, prescribed practices, prescribed rules and regulations, specified standards, or terms of a contract. 15:02:12 Wilco: Will email a summary of the comments by Jon and Jesse. 15:02:14 meant auto-wcag, not ACT 15:02:16 https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/%28Proposed%29_Accessibility_Conformance_Testing_%28ACT%29_Task_Force_Work_Statement 15:02:54 Wilco: Can we forward the proposal to the WCAG WG now. Although some updates and clarifications are needed. 15:03:04 Judy: Yes, already done. 15:03:14 Wilco: final thoughts? 15:03:45 Good discussion! 15:04:00 Thanks annika ... great scribing 15:05:35 s/already done/already done informally in IRC, and I'll follow up in email after./ 15:05:39 Judy: Wilco please update the documents and send a message to the mailing list. 15:06:19 rssagent make minutes 15:08:15 https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent 15:08:34 rrsagent, make logs public 15:08:40 rrsagent, make minutes 15:08:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-auto-wcag-minutes.html shadi 15:08:46 rrsagent, bye 15:08:46 I see no action items