16:28:39 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:28:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/09-aria-irc 16:28:41 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:28:41 Zakim has joined #aria 16:28:43 Zakim, this will be 16:28:43 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:28:44 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:28:45 Date: 09 June 2016 16:28:59 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Jun/0047.html 16:29:03 chair: MichaelC 16:29:18 regrets: Rich, Léonie, Michiel 16:30:49 agenda+ Decisions from last week 16:30:49 agenda+ ACTION-2039 Update definition of aria-autocomplete 16:30:49 agenda+ Treeitem, option re children presentational 16:30:49 agenda+ ACTION-2079 and ACTION-2080 Draft ¨host language should¨ language for password 16:30:49 agenda+ ACTION-2081 Draft wording for editorial note on password 16:30:50 agenda+ ACTION-2067 Write text to state the order of aria-owns ids 16:30:51 agenda+ Other open issues and actions 16:30:53 agenda+ Approval to publish ARIA 1.1 Working Draft? 16:30:55 agenda+ AOB 16:31:47 jemmaKu has joined #aria 16:32:30 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:32:41 fesch has joined #aria 16:32:44 present+ fesch 16:32:51 present+ MichaelC, Jemma, Cynthia, JF 16:32:54 present+ JaEunJemmaKu 16:33:07 JF has joined #aria 16:33:15 present+ JF 16:33:56 agenda+ testing 16:34:08 present+ Matt 16:34:18 clown has joined #aria 16:34:20 rrsagent make log world 16:35:56 present+ Joseph 16:36:27 cyns has joined #aria 16:37:26 scribenick: clown 16:37:32 agenda? 16:38:17 agenda order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 16:38:27 take up item 1 16:38:28 zakim, next item 16:38:30 agendum 1 was just opened, MichaelC 16:38:30 jamesn has joined #aria 16:39:07 present+ JamesN 16:39:45 MC: It's up to Rich to send the formal decisions 16:39:55 MC: 16:40:03 MC: I think they all passed. 16:40:30 MC: Warning for password was amended via MichielBijl. 16:40:33 MC: Any concerns? 16:40:57 JF: No. to-may-to to-mah-to. 16:41:17 JF: I think the original felt strongly, but the new text is more of a friendly reminder. 16:41:31 s/felt strongly/felt stronger/ 16:41:44 MC: If you want to keep the original text, say so. 16:42:06 is this original draft? "Warning: the password role does not convey or apply any of the security or privacy considerations found in native password fields. Authors are responsible for making sure that custom password fields have robust security and privacy protection, as befits their use." 16:42:16 JF: Well, I wrote the originall text. I want authors to understand there are serious restrictions in terms of using it. 16:42:31 JF: I prefer the stronger wording. 16:42:38 MC: I do too. 16:42:51 JK: I can second that. 16:43:05 MC: There is a general preference for the original wording. 16:43:14 present+ Bryan 16:43:28 MC: the second CfC was on aria-keyshortcuts. 16:43:44 MC: Joseph made some non-normative editorial changes. 16:43:55 MK: I'm generally okay. 16:44:06 MK: I have a few small modifications. 16:44:08 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 16:44:23 MC: Go ahead an make the mods and then notify Joanie. 16:44:31 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 16:44:34 MK: Will do, but I will have to look for them. 16:44:40 q+ To seek clarification on when to merge 16:44:46 ack j 16:44:46 joanie, you wanted to seek clarification on when to merge 16:44:51 MC: You can ask Joseph or Joanie. 16:45:06 JD: If I know where the changes are, I can make them. 16:45:30 MC: As for doing the merge, it's triggered when Rich makes the formal recommendation. 16:45:45 JD: It's not clear if it's blessed by virtue of this meeting. 16:46:04 mck has joined #aria 16:46:05 MC: It is up to Rich, and I will contact him to make his blessing. 16:46:21 s/serious restrictions in terms/serious limitations in terms 16:46:48 MC: Last one about the implicit/explicit roles. 16:47:01 MC: There was not discussion, so I assume everyone is okay with it. 16:47:16 s/There was not discussion/There was no discussion/ 16:47:33 MC: So, I will notify Rich about that as well. 16:47:45 cyns has joined #aria 16:48:09 MC, JD, MK: 16:48:25 zakim, next item 16:48:25 agendum 2. "ACTION-2039 Update definition of aria-autocomplete" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:48:34 action-2039 16:48:34 action-2039 -- Matthew King to Update definition of aria-autocomplete -- due 2016-03-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW 16:48:34 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2039 16:48:47 cyns has joined #aria 16:48:47 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Jun/0058.html 16:48:54 MC: Matt, you sent some notes around about it. 16:49:04 MK: I sent to the list a summary of what I've done. 16:49:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Jun/0058.html 16:49:16 MK: I can walk through it. 16:49:39 MK: This update compared to last week has eight changes. 16:49:44 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action2039-autocomplete/aria/aria.html#aria-autocomplete 16:49:54 changes: https://github.com/w3c/aria/compare/action2039-autocomplete 16:50:01 Stefan has joined #aria 16:50:32 MK: In that branch, the way it was written suggested that regardless of what a user types, automatic predicitions will appear. 16:50:49 MK: But that only happens only if the app recognizes the input and can make a prediction. 16:51:02 MK: I modified the definition to indicate that. 16:51:16 MK: That's in the first paragraph. 16:51:45 the inline model (aria-autocomplete="inline") that presents a value completion prediction inside the text input 16:51:52 MK: In the second paragraph, I changed it to say "value completion prediciton". 16:52:15 MK: Focussing on the idea autocomplete is all about predictions. 16:52:55 MK: In the third paragraph, second sentence used to imply an authoring requirement in a negative manner, and not normative. 16:53:04 Authors SHOULD either omit specifying a value for aria-autocomplete or set aria-autocomplete to none if an input element provides one or more input proposals where none of the proposals are dependent on the specific input provided by the user. 16:53:10 MK: I changed it to a postive SHOULD statement. (see above). 16:53:20 last week´s discussion on aria-autocomplete https://www.w3.org/2016/06/02-aria-minutes.html#item02 16:53:21 cyns has joined #aria 16:53:44 MC: The main thing we want to do is if people have concerns with your edits. 16:53:54 MK: I will try to summarize quicker. 16:54:22 MK: I removed the word "state' from "selected state" and went back to something similar to the original language. 16:54:32 MK: 16:54:53 MK: I added the word "MAY" in the value definitions. 16:54:58 MC: Any comments? 16:55:13 JD: Thank you for clarifying the state thing. 16:55:40 MC: The hope is to approve this. Any objections to accepting this branch as proposed? 16:55:48 +1 to accepting 16:56:08 MC: Let's make a resolution. 16:56:26 RESOLUTION: Accept action-2039 as proposed. 16:56:38 zakim, next item 16:56:38 agendum 3. "Treeitem, option re children presentational" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:56:55 MC: We talked about this last week, but got stuck 16:57:12 Stefan has joined #aria 16:57:13 Last week on children presentational https://www.w3.org/2016/06/02-aria-minutes.html#item03 16:57:31 MK: We had resolution three weeks ago, it went out to CfC and was approved, but there was another thread questioning it. 16:57:48 MK: The person we thought would not agree was Stefan. 16:58:00 MC: I was supposed to contact him, but I did not. 16:58:05 MC: He is here today, though. 16:58:44 MC: Stefan, we wanted to check with you about treeitem and children. 16:58:52 present+ Stefan 16:58:59 MK: We had an approved CfC, but you and others had some problems. 16:59:23 MK: We don't have from you if the mailing list discussion is okay. 16:59:43 MK: This is in regards children-are-presentational for treeitem. 17:00:06 SS: I said there could be more complex treeitems that contain interactive content. 17:00:13 SS: Also in lists. 17:00:49 MK: The CfC included it on other roles where ATs can't handle internal interactive content. 17:01:04 SS: I can't vote against it, but in reality these things happen. 17:01:24 q+ 17:01:25 SS: It's a bad idea that ARIA 1.1 does not cover it yet. 17:01:57 SS: Also, we cannot rely cross platform screen reader support. 17:02:17 MK: Whether we change it in the spec or not does not affect AT behaviour now. 17:02:17 q+ To question the "nothing will change" 17:02:23 MK: Same with browsers. 17:02:49 MK: If you put interactive children inside these roles, it won't work, unless you use some tricks. 17:03:17 q+ Stefan 17:03:21 ack f 17:03:23 MK: But those tricks are not recommended by authoring practices. 17:03:38 FE: Originally Rich, James, and I were against this. 17:03:48 FE: But, we are willing to put this off to ARIA 2.0 17:03:53 SS: I'm okay with that. 17:04:17 SS: But, Rich is in the same boat as me? 17:04:25 FE: Yes, as well as James. 17:04:25 ack j 17:04:25 joanie, you wanted to question the "nothing will change" 17:04:34 JD: I'm sort of in the same boat. 17:04:44 JD: With resepect to spinbutton. 17:05:02 JD: Doesn't that mean the UAs do not expose the children? 17:05:16 JD: Right now the up/down buttons are actually exposed. 17:05:22 JD: I think things will change. 17:05:44 q+ Bryan 17:05:54 ack s 17:06:08 SS: I just want to point out that I do not care that much about treeitems with links inside. 17:06:43 SS: But, we have frequently in our UIs are listitem containers with interactive content inside a listitem. 17:06:51 SS: And, we need to cover this. 17:07:02 MK: That one, we have a robust solution. 17:07:18 MK: That's why we added layout grids to ARIA 1.1. 17:07:31 q+ to say it is not a grid visually..... 17:07:39 SS: Also, with position information — on item 5 of 8 — we need to see if the layout grid covers this. 17:07:44 MK: It does. 17:07:46 ack b 17:07:49 q+ 17:08:09 BG: The underlying reason is to shore up the difference between composite and non-composite widgets. 17:08:22 BG: Tree items have never been composite. 17:08:34 BG: Composite means that it supports interactive child elements. 17:08:57 BG: User agents do no expose the child elements in composite widgets. 17:09:09 BG: To make them composite requires a much larger spec change. 17:09:32 ack j 17:09:32 jamesn, you wanted to say it is not a grid visually..... 17:09:36 BG: This can be part of 2.0, but we need to make clear in 1.1 that these are not composite widgets. 17:09:53 q+ To ask why not make a spinbutton composite then, because that's how it's implemented already 17:10:00 JN: I'm always worried when someone says that something that is thought of as a list is actually a grid. 17:10:21 JN: It concerns me that different users have a different experience. 17:10:24 +1 to JamesN 17:10:31 JN: It might lead to a wcag error. 17:10:57 MK: I have answer to all your points, but that discussion belongs to authoring practices. 17:11:07 JN: We have those problems in our organization. 17:11:35 BG: A lot of the problem comes down to what it looks like and what it is semantically. 17:11:42 BG: They don't have to be the same. 17:11:47 +q 17:11:52 BG: As long as they are accessible. 17:12:10 q- 17:12:11 q+ 17:12:15 ack me 17:12:20 BG: It's when they look as if they behave a way, but don't, that's a huge problem. 17:12:35 MC: I get the feeling that we do not have consensus. 17:12:51 MC: It has gone from "I can live with this" to stronger objections. 17:13:15 MC: Is there something we can agree on that it necessary and sufficient in ARIA 1.1? 17:13:40 MC: Try to find consensus around that within the next 15 min; otherwise, keep this issue open. 17:13:40 ack m 17:13:51 BG: What is a non-composite widget? That is the issue. 17:14:16 MC: A widget is that not composite. A composite is one that consists of other widgets. 17:14:27 MC: It might also might have structure. 17:14:37 MK: Composite has focusable children. 17:14:50 MK: The children's semantics are revealed to AT> 17:15:23 MK: My primary concern is if we do not make the spec consistent with how we have mapped to host languages. 17:15:39 MK: E.g