12:56:31 RRSAgent has joined #dwbp 12:56:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/05/27-dwbp-irc 12:56:33 RRSAgent, make logs 351 12:56:33 Zakim has joined #dwbp 12:56:35 Zakim, this will be DWBP 12:56:35 ok, trackbot 12:56:36 Meeting: Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 12:56:36 Date: 27 May 2016 12:56:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:01:29 antoine has joined #dwbp 13:02:10 Caroline has joined #DWBP 13:02:12 present+ deirdrelee 13:02:22 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160527 13:02:26 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160527 13:02:27 present+ BartvanLeeuwen 13:02:31 Chair: deirdrelee 13:02:52 present+ phila 13:03:29 ericstephan has joined #dwbp 13:03:42 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #DWBP 13:03:49 present+ ericstephan 13:04:04 zakim, pick a victim 13:04:04 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose BartvanLeeuwen 13:04:11 zakim, pick a victim 13:04:11 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ericstephan 13:04:22 Makx has joined #dwbp 13:04:29 Scribe: ericstephan 13:04:38 annette_g has joined #dwbp 13:04:39 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160527 13:04:48 present+ annette_g 13:04:50 PROPOSED: Approve last week's minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/05/20-dwbp-minutes 13:04:55 +1 13:04:56 +1 13:04:59 +1 13:04:59 +1 13:05:00 Present+ Caroline 13:05:04 regrets+ hadleybeeman 13:05:06 +1 13:05:08 +0 wasn't in the call 13:05:11 +0 not present 13:05:12 present+ antoine 13:05:15 RESOLVED: Approve last week's minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/05/20-dwbp-minutes 13:05:20 +0 I lied I was not present sorry 13:05:31 +1 13:05:40 present+ riccardoAlbertoni 13:05:45 TOPIC: Dissementation 13:05:52 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Dwbp-LC-campaign 13:06:23 yaso has joined #dwbp 13:06:31 deirdrelee: Table available to collect feedback, keep sending email invitations for feedback 13:06:34 q? 13:06:48 q+ 13:06:51 deirdrelee: Phil any feedback from public? 13:07:09 zakim, code? 13:07:09 I have been told this is DWBP 13:07:21 BernadetteLoscio has joined #dwbp 13:07:53 phila: Spatial data working group is very happy and can see how the DWBP BP can be leveraged and relates to what they do 13:08:32 present+ BernadetteLoscio 13:08:54 phila: One specific comment, if your dataset is only precise to 2 decimal places and you have more, then you should publish with 2 decimal places. 13:08:58 ack Caroline 13:09:06 PWinstanley has joined #dwbp 13:09:10 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Dwbp-LC-campaign.PT#Listas_Promovidas 13:09:26 present+ PWinstanley 13:09:56 Caroline: I want to mention that besides the wiki you made, Laufer translated the table to portuguese to reach out to others, Brazilians and other portuguese speakers 13:10:11 q+ to talk about formal liaisons 13:10:18 q- 13:10:31 deirdrelee: very good idea, how do we start to handle comments as they come in from different venues? 13:11:03 deirdrelee: do we post comments from others if they come in to us directly or how should we handle this? 13:11:46 BernadetteLoscio: I think we should track the comments in mail, and put them a table to make sure we address them. 13:11:49 q+ 13:11:52 present+ yaso 13:12:07 ack BartvanLeeuwen 13:12:20 BartvanLeeuwen: What is the formal procedure for handling comments in the w3c? 13:12:30 q+ 13:12:47 BartvanLeeuwen: If I am putting in comments into email, I am responsible for managing the question... 13:13:18 q+ 13:13:29 phila: The director can see on one page the comments that have been received, the actions the wg took, and the responses to the contributor to make sure their comments were addressed. 13:13:58 phila: Exactly what mechanism is used, comment tracker, table, etc. doesn't matter, what matters is what we capture 13:14:09 ack antoine 13:14:12 phila: and that we track it 13:14:29 q+ 13:14:33 antoine: why wouldn't we use the comment tracker? For the BP was useful 13:14:42 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:14:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:14:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/27-dwbp-minutes.html phila 13:14:55 deirdrelee: It was not always popular in the group 13:15:06 laufer has joined #dwbp 13:15:29 q? 13:15:38 present+ laufer 13:15:41 :-/ Sorry... 13:15:44 q- 13:16:09 BernadetteLoscio: If we have the comments in the mailing list it should be satisfactoy 13:16:32 q+ to deirdrelee suggestion to addressing the comment to the mailing list 13:16:40 q+ to ask Eric and Annette about decimal places 13:16:48 s/q+/1+ 13:16:52 q- 13:17:01 +1 as well 13:17:03 deirdrelee: guiding people to the mailing list might be the most useful for out circumstances 13:17:03 q? 13:17:54 One thing I miss is the advice to use significant figures in numerical 13:17:54 data. It is an easy way to make the data match their uncertainty, and in 13:17:54 many cases it helps to compact data too. Numerical data with the wrong 13:17:54 number of significant digits is a very common problem in geographical data 13:17:55 (e.g. geographic coordinates with nanometre precision). 13:17:56 ack phila 13:17:56 phila, you wanted to ask Eric and Annette about decimal places 13:17:59 phila: How should we handle the question from the spatial data working group? 13:18:17 q+ 13:18:46 +1 that it pertains to more than spatial data 13:18:54 +1 to that 13:19:00 +1 as well 13:19:02 q+ 13:19:18 also, it's a real issue to go from high precision to appropriate reporting accuracy 13:19:21 ack deirdrelee 13:19:21 deirdrelee: Even questions that are out of scope, should be addressed 13:19:25 +1 annette_g 13:19:36 q+ 13:19:42 q+ 13:19:52 ack ericstephan 13:20:07 +1 to Phil's suggestion to address it to spatial data WG 13:20:09 ericstephan: I just wanted to mention... I'm woprking with time series DBs right now. We're deadling with time precision. 13:20:24 s/woprking/working 13:20:43 ... Sometimes the data carries ridiculous precision that might be confusing or not needed. On the Web, it would be nice for us to talk about numerical data in this way. 13:21:05 ... Some words to the effect that this might be useful. If it's just in SDW-BP, that might get lost. I'd like to icnlude it if we could. 13:21:07 ack annette_g 13:21:26 +1 to not being a spatial thing 13:21:52 annette_g: I want to reiterate it is not just a spatial data, its how you interpret the data, I feel it is out of scope for what we do. 13:21:52 q+ 13:22:05 deirdrelee: We need a comment tracker now 13:22:11 q+ 13:22:12 q+ 13:22:16 ack deirdrelee 13:22:16 ack d 13:22:17 q- 13:22:18 q- 13:22:20 ack Caroline 13:22:44 q+ 13:23:03 ok ;) 13:23:07 q+ 13:23:10 q+ 13:23:11 Caroline: Just to make sure understand, we need a comment tracker, we could use the wiki, but comment tracker might not be the most useful in our circumstances 13:23:32 (I'm trying to dictate with a softer voice) 13:23:35 ack annette_g 13:23:58 can we use the github issue tracker? 13:24:35 annette_g: we should be really clear to go about call to action up from about how to submit comments. 13:25:20 we need to include the contact info 13:25:23 ack antoine 13:25:30 antoine: how about we use the regular issue track? 13:25:40 antoine: tracker 13:25:44 the github 13:25:51 s/track/tracker 13:26:11 BernadetteLoscio: We are going to create the wiki page to collect the comments and send a link to the group to track the comments. 13:26:34 q+ 13:26:35 antoine: Are you talkig about the issue tracker? 13:26:59 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:28:08 Caroline: To make sure we understand, we are not creating a table on the wiki but using the google docs or github? We have a wiki page to see all the comments? 13:28:31 Caroline: We have a link from a wiki page 13:28:47 we still need to have an official place for people who are outside the group to send their comments to. 13:28:57 deirdrelee: official wiki tracker, wiki page and link to google docs or github? 13:29:00 q+ 13:29:18 ack Caroline 13:30:16 Caroline: JUst to respond to annette_g , the implementation grid, we will have a google doc form for the responder, gather all the answers in a table. 13:30:48 public-dwbp-comments@w3.org 13:30:59 Caroline: we have the open mailing list to receive comments from the public, 13:31:18 in all cases, we need a way of inspecting in an easy way the "state" of the comment. 13:31:31 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Dwbp-LC-campaign.PT 13:31:31 That's the one that anyone can write to, which is not true of the WG's main list which is only writable by subscribers 13:31:38 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Dwbp-LC-campaign 13:31:59 annette_g: I didn't see the link to the comments .... 13:32:04 public-dwbp-w@w3.org 13:32:11 public-dwbp-wg@w3.org 13:32:34 phila: Its a separate list, the public comments tracker anyone can submit a email to. 13:32:41 q+ 13:33:06 We have to subscribe to the other mailing list so that receive them. 13:33:32 Caroline: If you get comments privately, twitter, etc just forward to public comments. 13:34:17 phila: There are many that are subscribed to the public mailing list 13:34:32 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:34:59 BernadetteLoscio: Is the group okay with the last comments in the documents? We are planning to do something similar 13:35:00 q+ 13:35:10 q+ 13:35:11 phila: Yes 13:35:13 +1 for whatever works for the editors 13:35:17 ack laufer 13:35:20 thank you! :) 13:36:06 we can put the "state of the comment" in the tooll we will use :) 13:36:15 s/tooll/tool 13:36:17 laufer: What was very good, was that it worked internally really well, just not sure how well it works for people outside the group. How are the comments tracked and shared? 13:36:25 q+ 13:36:31 q- 13:37:25 BernadetteLoscio: I think the editors want to use something other than the comment tracker even though it is an exceptional tool, it isn't useful for us in our particular circumstances 13:38:05 q+ 13:38:19 BernadetteLoscio: If we make a change to the document, we can make a link to that. 13:38:19 q- later 13:38:21 q- 13:38:57 deirdrelee: Whatever works for the editors and helps the public see how the comments are being resolved, perhaps Annette's suggestion to put it on the wiki might be useful 13:39:25 phila: Are we prepared to add a new BP, or make changes to a BP at this point? 13:39:28 q? 13:39:28 q+ 13:39:30 ack phila 13:39:37 +1 for adding anything that is missing 13:40:00 I think it depends on the comments we get. There will be a lot of people seeing this for the first time. 13:40:05 BernadetteLoscio: We should be really careful, to add a new bp can be a lot of work, with approach, example, discussion etc. 13:40:07 q+ 13:40:34 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:41:20 ericstephan: I understand how hard people have been working, but if there is a BP, and if someone asks a question and if we can identify the elements thet Berna just mentioned then we should consider it. 13:41:36 ... But if the idea sounds a bit vauge and it woujld delay things, then we probably won't include it. 13:41:44 +1 Eric 13:42:10 :) 13:42:21 q+ 13:42:24 q+ 13:42:24 +1 Phil! 13:42:27 ack ericstephan 13:42:49 phila: We could reply and say that yes any numerical data, could you write it for us or could you help us write it? (reply to public commenter) 13:43:31 ack anne 13:44:02 annette_g: I think I want to say that setting a standard for us to add something we need to have consensus in the group 13:44:36 deirdrelee: against adding BP just because of the timing at this point that we won't have another round of public request for comments 13:44:39 PROPOSED: That PhilA replies to Frans Knibbe saying that we discussed his commnet. No consensus whether this is relevant to data on the Web specifically and we're too close to deadline for comments. 13:44:58 no 13:45:01 q+ 13:45:02 s/commnet/comment 13:45:19 I did not understood that we are discussind thia comment 13:45:23 this 13:45:33 ack deirdrelee 13:45:35 q+ to talk about the implementation grid 13:45:37 ack annette_g 13:45:45 q+ 13:45:50 ack Caroline 13:45:50 Caroline, you wanted to talk about the implementation grid 13:45:52 deirdrelee: This discussion might be a bit confusing, are we addressing one issue or general issue of adding BPs 13:46:36 deirdrelee: In terms of the comment collection, when will something set up that we can add comments? 13:46:47 Caroline: Can you make an action for us? 13:47:16 ACTION Caroline Put together something to collect and manage comments 13:47:16 Created ACTION-282 - Put together something to collect and manage comments [on Caroline Burle - due 2016-06-03]. 13:47:19 ack laufer 13:47:40 thank you for creating the action! :) 13:47:45 laufer: Are we discussing the comment of accuracy? 13:47:49 :-) 13:48:00 +1 13:48:11 ack Caroline 13:48:20 TOPIC: Implementation Grid 13:48:26 https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Implementation_Report 13:48:48 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a9cOGzWJTIhh2OrAemvWBR8f0rv5xqvL03pJeMrotCo/edit#gid=0 13:49:07 Caroline: Take a look please, create a implementation report, for now it would be much easier for people testing the BPs to fill in form in google docs. 13:49:39 q+ 13:49:52 q+ 13:49:59 ack BernadetteLoscio 13:50:07 Caroline: We want to make it possible for anyone who wants to publsih data at no matter what level, to add their experiences to the table. 13:50:20 warning for anyone copy/pasting the template for soliciting comments: the comments email gets munged with the links that follow it. The last paragraph also may need a line return to make it easy to scan. 13:51:08 BernadetteLoscio: I think we are going to have two cases, there is a data set where the bp was already implemented, the second is where someone publishes using our BP. 13:51:31 q- 13:51:38 +q 13:52:03 ack Makx 13:52:05 BernadetteLoscio: Someone can implement several BP when publishing a dataset. 13:52:33 q+ 13:52:59 Makx: I had a question in the implementation report, I would like to link the implimentation to guidelines that uses that BP, so there is a level between the BP and the guidance being used by an implementor 13:53:22 ack d 13:53:32 q+ 13:53:49 deirdrelee: You also have the mediums of channels, pointing to metadata in data.gov in that data portal, as Makx said, it could be a policy, or a dataset. 13:54:07 @Caroline, when I copied and pasted it from the web page, and pasted it into an email, I got "public-dwbp-comments@w3.org(subscribearchives)" (no spaces) 13:54:10 BernadetteLoscio: I don't know if we could have the same report for different types of implementations 13:54:44 ack phila 13:54:51 … and there was no blank line above that paragraph. 13:55:02 thank you annette_g :) 13:55:12 yw 13:55:26 q+ 13:55:49 phila: What we are trying to do, is providing candidate recommendation criteria, What Makx is talking about (guidelines) it says do this. It is good evidence if it is a policy, also datasets are good, they are all different kinds of evidencee 13:55:58 s/cee/ee 13:57:27 BernadetteLoscio: I think we can improve and work together the spreadsheet, I am trying to make it easier to have some questions that could help to guide, feedback is welcome, maybe if phila has some time, we could have a scribe to discuss this 13:57:44 deirdrelee: Maybe the form corresponding to the bp would be useful. 13:57:54 Topic: PING call 13:57:59 scribe: phila 13:58:01 https://www.w3.org/Privacy/ socialize and sensitize W3C activities to privacy issues 13:58:11 ericstephan: There os Privacy Interest Group that has been goin gon for some time. 13:58:23 ... I had signed up for that IG a while back and recent became involved again. 13:58:34 http://gregnorc.github.io/ping-privacy-questions/ 13:58:46 ... I looked at a privacy questionnaire that one f the members had built and took our BPs and built a spreadsheet 13:59:11 ...I'm starting to weigh our BPs against it. Many of them don't pertain to privacy questions, but some do. 13:59:33 ... I found that geenrally the PING ... I found it as an opp to socilaise what we're doing. 13:59:46 ... There isn't a set of agreed upon issues that the PING is working on. 14:00:04 ... The questionnaire I'm using is a draft but I've found it very useful to think about some of the aspects of privacy. 14:00:20 ... If we can go through this exercise and maybe auigment the BP doc slightly with things we might it have addressed. 14:00:29 ... I see it as a +ve opportunity to think about differnet aspects 14:00:54 ericstephan: I'm woprking on that in the coming week so I should have it done. I had a Q about past WGs, such as the prov WG. 14:00:55 q? 14:01:00 ack deirdrelee 14:01:05 ... Some of the reasons for Prov is to track and understand how data originated. 14:01:06 s/woprking/working 14:01:16 q+ 14:01:30 q- 14:01:48 Just to let you know, ericstephan, we're looking at a follow on PROV WG... 14:02:12 ericstephan: I'm not raising a flag. But people should be aware of privacy when publishing data and metadata. 14:02:17 great job, Eric! 14:02:30 deirdrelee: Very relevant stuff that we have talked about on and off over the years 14:02:44 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:02:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/27-dwbp-minutes.html phila 14:02:47 +1 to congratulate ericstephan :) 14:02:50 deirdrelee: Let's follow up on e-mail 14:02:53 thank you ericstephan 14:02:54 thanks a lot! 14:03:03 phila: Thanks Eric for taking that on - much appreciated 14:03:07 Thank you all 14:03:10 +1 to Caroline! 14:03:11 deirdrelee: Keep gathering those comments! 14:03:23 bye all 14:03:26 Thanks all! 14:03:29 Bye! 14:03:32 bye 14:03:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:03:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/27-dwbp-minutes.html phila 14:07:08 bye! 14:07:18 annette_g has left #dwbp 16:25:53 Zakim has left #dwbp