11:57:55 RRSAgent has joined #poe 11:57:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/05/16-poe-irc 11:57:58 RRSAgent, make logs public 11:57:58 Zakim has joined #poe 11:58:00 Zakim, this will be 11:58:00 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 11:58:01 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 11:58:01 Date: 16 May 2016 11:58:03 james has joined #poe 11:58:11 zakim, code? 11:58:11 I have been told this is https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m4a8e3a5032905e8ce9ef1f4b569fcc2e Or by phone +1-617-324-0000, access code: 648 497 127 11:58:19 phila has changed the topic to: Agenda for 2016-05-09 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160516 11:58:42 present+ 11:58:55 jo has changed the topic to: Agenda for 2016-05-16 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160516 11:59:25 present+ 11:59:40 present+ Jo 11:59:51 present+ phila 12:00:02 regrets+ caroline 12:00:13 regrets+ Ivan 12:00:39 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160516 12:00:41 chair: Ben 12:01:37 benws has joined #poe 12:01:38 smyles has joined #poe 12:02:06 present+ james 12:02:12 magyarblip has joined #poe 12:03:05 regrets+ SabrinaKirrane 12:03:53 present+ smyles 12:04:52 scribe: jo 12:05:09 present+ benws 12:05:58 benws: ltos of people missing because of hiolidays in (the rest of) europe 12:06:08 s/ltos/lots 12:06:17 topic: Minutes of last meeting 12:06:35 PROPOSAL: Agree minutes of last meeting https://www.w3.org/2016/05/09-poe-minutes 12:06:38 +1 12:06:41 +1 12:06:42 0 wasn't there 12:06:42 +1 12:06:46 +1 12:06:55 +1 12:07:02 RESOLUTION: Agree minutes of last meeting https://www.w3.org/2016/05/09-poe-minutes 12:07:32 Topic: Naming of the standard 12:07:53 benws: This is the name that the standard will go by, not the namespace 12:08:20 ... can't call it Open Digital Rights, let's clarify the sensitivity 12:08:33 q+ 12:08:44 phila: W3C is not saying the word rights is a problem, it's the community that says it is 12:08:58 q+ 12:08:59 ... we can say that ODRL does not stand for anything 12:09:30 ... I don't feel strongly, the only people who have said it's a problem are members of the ODRL community 12:10:00 smyles: IPTC IPTC decided to call it's effort based on ODRL RightsML 12:10:10 ... tells people what it is about, or what it is for 12:10:25 ... not immediately clear what ODRL stands for 12:10:30 q? 12:10:41 ... can we come up with a name that is more secriptive 12:10:52 ... want to stick with odrl as a namespace 12:11:09 benws: is it important that the name has meaning 12:11:14 smayles: yes 12:11:26 s/smayles/smyles 12:11:53 renato: my preference is to continue to use ODRl - it has a long history 12:12:06 s/ODRl/ODRL/ 12:12:14 only do right language? 12:12:22 ... don't see it as a problem if the meaning of the letters is not stated 12:12:35 q? 12:12:39 ack s 12:12:41 ack r 12:13:24 magyarblip: historical artefact, you do forget what these things mean, don't see the issue, already well-known 12:13:37 benws: anyone else? 12:13:56 ... seems eccentric to call something by an acronym that dare not speak its name 12:14:04 ... do want people to talk about it 12:14:12 q+ 12:14:14 ... name should have a resonance 12:14:46 ... uptake is only a fraction of what it will be and would prefer to find a different name 12:15:10 ... finding it impossible to change the name when discussing to POE 12:15:15 q+ 12:15:27 ack p 12:16:10 phila: don't have a strong view, however if we stick with ODRL, then fact that R stands for Rights creates a problem that we may have to change later 12:16:26 ... do we think that R is a problem in any community 12:16:53 ... we made several attempts at naming this group L for Licensing etc etc etc 12:17:17 ... no one is particularly happy with POE 12:17:18 q? 12:17:28 ... don't want to have to back-track 12:18:07 ... W3C is facing lots of problem with Encrypted Media Extensions 12:18:33 ... we don't want to get engaged with that kind of distraction if we can avoid it 12:18:36 s/problem/comments/ 12:18:43 Brian_Ulicny has joined #poe 12:19:07 renato: RightsML is a profile of ODRL, the idea was to create profiles and they can name it what they want 12:19:33 ... if we called it foobar then it wouyld still be about right 12:19:45 s/wouyld/would 12:20:05 ... the controversy about EME is nothing to do with it being called EME, after all 12:20:18 q? 12:20:23 s/about right/about rights/ 12:20:29 ack r 12:20:49 ... the name won't make any difference to any controversy it may attract 12:21:10 benws: I think the name makes a lot of difference around uptake at least 12:21:44 ... also what is nice about POE is that it is clear that it is about "Expression" not "Enforcement" of rights 12:21:59 I'm happy with POE as the name, but still using odrl as namespace etc for historical reasons 12:22:07 ... and people do jump to the conclusion that ODRL is about enforcement 12:22:08 q? 12:22:11 http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html "there are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors" 12:22:37 benws: straw poll time 12:23:08 No 12:23:16 -1 12:23:23 PROPOSAL: The standard wil be called ODRL 12:23:35 +1 12:23:38 +1 12:23:48 Sorry. 12:23:49 -1 12:24:03 i really don't care 12:24:14 i care that it exists 12:24:22 +0.5 (in absence of any other alternative) 12:25:20 q+ to ask about depth of TR's disapproval 12:25:37 0 - I prefer the term Permission as I think its more accurate and matches what exists in the model 12:25:43 q? 12:25:59 ack me 12:25:59 phila, you wanted to ask about depth of TR's disapproval 12:26:00 ack p 12:26:35 phila: the aim of the process is to reach consensus (general agreement with no strong objections) 12:26:53 ... if anyone feels strongly then you can raise a formal objection 12:27:17 q+ 12:27:39 ... if that happens then chairs are asked to resolve then and if that doesn't happen then it gets escalated 12:27:53 q+ 12:28:14 ack s 12:28:32 smyles: what is difficult abou thte proposal 12:29:06 ... what else might it be called, since it's hard to make a call otherwise 12:29:23 s/abou thte/about the 12:29:25 q- jo 12:29:28 jo: +1 to smyles 12:29:49 +1 12:29:59 benws: action on those who are not happy to come up with alternatives 12:30:25 q? 12:30:33 ACTION: Ben to initiate a conversation on list to resolve what the alternative names might be 12:30:34 Created ACTION-10 - Initiate a conversation on list to resolve what the alternative names might be [on Benedict Whittam Smith - due 2016-05-23]. 12:32:02 topic: Use Cases 12:32:17 benws: how many ppl on this call have provided a use case? 12:32:23 i have provided a use case 12:32:36 I have 12:33:15 q+ o note that use case editor not present? 12:33:25 q? 12:34:04 benws: those who have provided a use can, can you pls note if a change to ODRL is presupposed by your use case 12:34:50 smyles: think it is possible, but could do with clarification - can this be used for exceptional or supplemental licenses 12:35:08 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Use_Cases 12:35:16 ... perhaps the processing model should be clarified or expanded 12:35:31 benws: does your use case touvh template things 12:35:42 smyles: no, but perhaps I should add that 12:35:56 ... museum community would be keen 12:36:06 action: myles to add a template use case 12:36:07 Created ACTION-11 - Add a template use case [on Stuart Myles - due 2016-05-23]. 12:36:52 phila: my use case is already covered I think - temporal aspect from date or between dates 12:37:08 renato: yes date constraints are covered 12:37:26 q 12:37:40 q? 12:38:02 magyarblip: I have been torturing myself (a little bit) not so much that things are expressible, but that they are optimal 12:38:44 ... also too many options is a bad thing 12:38:57 benws: we may wish to provide guidance on this 12:39:40 ... are there some basic application patterns we want to recommend 12:39:51 q+ 12:40:01 q+ 12:40:03 ack me 12:40:53 phila: is this a duplicate, but anyway, most data that is put on a portal has a cc license of some kind, they also want to represent what cc by means 12:41:18 ... can we associate a document in plain text with a machine readable decomposition of what is in it 12:42:50 renato: do you mean, you have an asset, there is a human readable license there is also a machine readable breakdown 12:43:08 ... so long as you can actually express the natural language in odrl .. 12:43:46 phila: in a machine readable way, say that the document is normative if there is a difference 12:44:11 prov? 12:44:19 q? 12:44:25 benws: there could be a higher level ontological issue, ODRL's job is only to express the machine readable bit 12:44:56 renato: there is a W3C something which might solve the use cae 12:45:21 benws: please raise this as a use case 12:45:26 q+ 12:45:47 https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaont-10/ 12:46:03 s/W3C something/W3C media ontology/ 12:46:16 benws: Open data people 12:46:23 phila: that's ODRS 12:47:44 smyles: I provided a use case, michael said to list requirement that come out of use case, do I have to list everything that I think is required, or the ones that are not covered by ODRL 2.1 12:48:44 phila: usually the case that a use case will throw up a list of atomic requirement most of which will be repeated across requirements 12:49:06 ... in the end the requirements end up being an atomic list 12:49:13 q? 12:49:22 benws: so the answer is an exhaustive list 12:49:24 q- 12:49:24 ack s 12:49:45 benws: more on use cases? 12:49:59 topic: AOB 12:50:12 benws: brian pls introduce yourself 12:51:20 brian: based in boston, have done OWL based policy reasoning about who can talk to whom across XMPP channels etc. just catching up on stuff and getting feet wet 12:51:41 RRSAgent, draft minutes 12:51:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/16-poe-minutes.html phila 12:51:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:52:02 meeting closed 12:52:10 RRSAgent, draft minutes 12:52:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/16-poe-minutes.html phila 12:52:18 magyarblip has left #poe 12:52:33 present+ Brian_Ulicny 12:53:03 present+ magyarblip 12:53:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 12:53:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/16-poe-minutes.html phila