15:43:40 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:43:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/05/09-coga-irc 15:44:03 regrets:Mary Jo Mueller 15:44:25 Chair:Lisa_Seeman 15:44:27 agenda: this 15:44:28 agenda+ review actions, and timelines 15:44:30 agenda+ Tables for roadmap 15:44:31 agenda+ Notes on WCAG and how it effects us 15:44:33 agenda+ What have we missed for issues page, meta data and voice system, globish etc 15:44:34 agenda+ be done 15:48:42 JohnRochford has joined #coga 15:51:36 Lisa, would you please email me the GoToMeeting password? 15:55:53 kirkwood has joined #coga 16:00:49 regrets:Mary Jo Mueller , Thaddeyd 16:02:20 ddahl has joined #coga 16:02:51 Mike_Pluke has joined #coga 16:04:21 Chaohai_Ding has joined #coga 16:06:29 JohnRochford_ has joined #coga 16:07:09 Rich has joined #coga 16:07:17 JohnRochford has joined #coga 16:07:37 scribe: Mike_Pluke 16:07:42 KurtM has joined #coga 16:07:55 next item: 16:08:01 next item 16:08:24 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/track/actions/open 16:08:37 kirkwood_ has joined #coga 16:11:18 present+ Janina 16:11:35 Personalisation issue paper worked on by Mike and Ayelet and awaiting GitHub upload by Lisa and Michael 16:12:03 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:12:20 present+ Debbie_Dahl 16:12:26 John working on references for multi-modal paper 16:13:23 John will. be checking security paper "right now" 16:14:39 EA has joined #coga 16:14:39 Someone needs to double-check the checklist against the roadmap 16:15:07 Lisa will take a look as there are naked links 16:15:57 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/gap-analysis/ 16:16:17 Cognitive accessibility roadmap and issue paper needs to be looked at by someone (URI above) 16:17:28 John says that the security paper is good e.g. Links OK. Doesn't have an abstract. John volunteered to write one. 16:17:45 present+ MichaelC 16:18:06 n/next item:/topic: review kurts comments https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2016Apr/0030.html 16:18:13 s/next item:/topic: review kurts comments https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2016Apr/0030.html 16:18:36 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/issue-papers/voice-menus.html 16:18:54 Template messed up - Lisa needs to re-write. 16:19:01 Voice menu work has been augmented/messed up. 16:20:10 Michael suggests that it was a GitHub commit problem. 16:23:47 kirkwood has joined #coga 16:25:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Pre-publication_checklist 16:25:05 s|n/next item:/topic: review kurts comments https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2016Apr/0030.html|| 16:26:44 Symbol paper from Chaohai and EA - references have been done maybe a few other items from pre-publication checklist need to be finished this week 16:27:15 Lisa will finish the personalisation according to the checklist 16:27:20 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/gap-analysis/ 16:28:17 Main Gap Analysis and Roadmap still needs to be checked against the checklist - close but not completely there - Lisa volunteered to do it 16:29:35 John will check security and multimodal 16:30:55 John Kirkwood - distractions - a couple of items still need to be done 16:32:07 Emotions issue paper from Debbie - so far only really able to handle the EMotionML paper 16:32:30 yes happy to help 16:32:49 EA will help with the Emotions issue paper 16:33:25 ------ but under Debbie's management with possible input fromJamie 16:33:31 next item 16:35:51 John - issue paper working in Google docs, red-lining new material. Specifically bringing in sponsored material and external distractions - coming along very well 16:38:05 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Pre-publication_checklist 16:39:25 Google docs OK for scratchpad ding but not for editing GitHub source 16:40:31 John not yet applied the pre-publication checklist to the GitHub source 16:41:52 Yours truly is concerned about using Google Docs for github, see this: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/google-in-the-enterprise/the-google-docs-text-editor-that-doesnt-edit-text-files/ 16:42:10 Things that have gone through the 8 points of the checklist by the end of the week will make the cut - those that have not will not be included 16:42:37 next item 16:42:56 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/gap-analysis/table.html 16:43:52 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/gap-analysis/table.html#table7 16:44:21 Topics are being put into tables of how these things are addressed 16:47:03 Q? 16:47:46 Table 7 is an example 16:48:44 Table 1 is the table for authentication 16:49:18 John question - "How to chose what to put in the table?" 16:50:17 Answer - get all the user needs from the paper and add any missing user needs - then fill in the table according to how it is proposed to address the user need 16:51:01 Does a success criteria address a specific user need? 16:52:09 q? 16:52:11 Populating the table is the next step after this week's work on the issue papers 16:53:26 Lisa_Seeman_ has joined #coga 16:56:03 If a symbol user encounters a CAPTCHA then they won't be able to use them - which impacts the security table 16:58:26 WCAG proposal heading towards a WCAG 2.1 - and content for that has to be ready within the next 9 months 17:00:26 q? 17:00:59 Lisa suggests that this reduces the chance that coma issues can be omitted - as could be the case for the extensions model 17:02:09 s/coma/coga/ 17:02:34 ddahl has left #coga 17:06:26 https://xkcd.com/1597/ 17:37:16 rrsagent, make logs public 17:37:23 rrsagent, create minutes 17:37:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/09-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman_ 17:37:57 zakim, please part 17:37:57 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Janina, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Debbie_Dahl, MichaelC 17:37:57 Zakim has left #coga 17:38:17 rrsagent, please part 17:38:17 I see no action items