14:48:19 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 14:48:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/04/19-wai-wcag-irc 14:48:21 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:48:21 Zakim has joined #wai-wcag 14:48:23 Zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG 14:48:23 ok, trackbot 14:48:24 Meeting: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 14:48:24 Date: 19 April 2016 14:48:26 zakim, agenda? 14:48:26 I see nothing on the agenda 14:48:59 agenda+ Publishing new WCAG edited recommendation 14:49:25 agenda+ New draft techniques from Low Vision TF 14:49:34 agenda+ Some questions left from previous meeting 14:49:45 agenda+ New Pull requests 14:49:52 Survey: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewWCAGEditRec/ 14:51:42 AWK has joined #wai-wcag 14:52:10 zakim, agenda? 14:52:10 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 14:52:11 1. Publishing new WCAG edited recommendation [from Joshue108] 14:52:11 2. New draft techniques from Low Vision TF [from Joshue108] 14:52:11 3. Some questions left from previous meeting [from Joshue108] 14:52:12 4. New Pull requests [from Joshue108] 14:52:21 +AWK 14:52:39 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:52:39 Present: AWK 14:56:48 JF has joined #wai-wcag 14:56:57 kirkwood has joined #WAI-WCAG 14:57:07 Present+ JF 14:58:02 present+ Josh 14:58:07 present+kirkwood 14:58:30 Makoto has joined #wai-wcag 14:59:31 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:59:31 Present: AWK, JF, Josh, kirkwood 15:00:09 laura has joined #wai-wcag 15:00:12 Scribe list: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Scribe_List 15:01:02 alastairc has joined #wai-wcag 15:02:52 Wayne has joined #wai-wcag 15:02:56 Greg has joined #wai-wcag 15:03:12 JF: waiting for feedback from others, hoping by next week to have something to report 15:03:36 Sarah_Swierenga has joined #wai-wcag 15:03:42 MichaelC has joined #wai-wcag 15:03:42 scribe:kirkwood 15:04:44 present+ Sarah Swierenga 15:04:51 present+ MichaelC 15:05:03 present+ Makoto 15:05:11 present+ alastairc 15:05:14 present+ Laura 15:05:23 present+ KimD 15:05:54 present+ 15:06:01 marcjohlic has joined #wai-wcag 15:06:13 John Kirkwood scribing 15:06:50 Sarah can do next week 15:07:07 Wayne can do week after 15:07:21 zakim, next item 15:07:21 agendum 1. "Publishing new WCAG edited recommendation" taken up [from Joshue108] 15:07:36 Scribenick: John Kirkwood 15:08:44 survey link? 15:08:59 MoeKraft has joined #wai-wcag 15:09:00 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewWCAGEditRec/ 15:09:39 present+ marcjohlic 15:10:04 Regarding: Current 1.4.3 to, any objections to Makoto edits? 15:10:35 q+ 15:10:45 ack awk 15:12:07 present+ moekraft 15:12:29 present+ Wayne 15:12:58 David has joined #wai-wcag 15:15:42 MichaelC: Working group has approved to progress WCAG 2.0 proposed edited recomendations? 15:16:29 Joshue: looking for approval for edited recommendation 15:16:59 No objection to edits published edited recommendation 15:18:07 RESOLUTION: CFC to go to working group list regarding Mikota’s edit and working group approval 15:18:35 q? 15:18:41 zakim, next item 15:18:41 agendum 2. "New draft techniques from Low Vision TF" taken up [from Joshue108] 15:20:06 Laura: says good on 5 15:20:26 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_a_Decorative_Icon_Font 15:21:10 AWK: example using icon font? 15:21:23 Q+ 15:21:49 Laura: style in example /24 ‘black backward arrow head’ 15:22:08 q? 15:22:46 AEK: Does unicode symbols count as an icon foNT? 15:23:34 ack JF 15:23:47 JF: are we back to square one? 15:24:13 q+ 15:24:35 ack greg 15:24:40 JF: when a symbol is produced from a font family, what do we do then? Its more about getting a clear definition of what we are talking about. It’s aterminology issue. 15:24:41 q+ 15:25:28 Greg: unicode glif app such as accomidtion aids like screen reader. Wher glif desn’t correspond to a unicode standard where problems occur 15:25:54 q+ 15:25:58 Accessibility aid won’t have abilty to read when using glifs of other than standrd unicode 15:26:28 q? 15:26:36 ack way 15:27:24 Wayne: thinks gathered together in fonts think one is called ‘awesome’ 15:27:56 Wayne: there are families, things dropped in in unicode, but there are formal fonts. 15:28:08 http://www.sitepoint.com/introduction-icon-fonts-font-awesome-icomoon/ 15:28:14 JF: not always just visual decoration 15:28:37 ack awk 15:29:02 AWK: Addding on to greg saying. Are unicode symbols that assistive technologies do recognize. 15:30:28 AWK: if using name in unicode they will probaly read a small set of characters s.a. right arrow and left arrow. Can use litigers in in font assign it to a code related to a font. Is a case we should capture 15:30:36 q? 15:31:08 jamesn has joined #wai-wcag 15:31:08 Poorly supported characters and icon font should be able to distinguish 15:31:25 rrsagent, make minutes 15:31:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/19-wai-wcag-minutes.html jamesn 15:31:27 q? 15:31:33 Josh: don’t have to do in unicode if we know 15:32:27 Laura: if expand to include real icon fonts not just unicode. We did this before 15:32:35 Q+ 15:32:50 Joshue: bundle all together or do sperate techniques? 15:32:54 ack alist 15:32:59 ack alas 15:33:08 +1 for separate techniques based on situation 15:33:09 Kathy has joined #wai-wcag 15:33:25 +1 multi technique 15:33:54 present+ Kathy 15:34:05 Aliastirc: replacing default unicode characters might replace with a different symbol entirely. Could have one technique poss. 15:34:47 joshue: if we’re confused it may still be confusing... 15:35:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_a_Decorative_Icon_Font 15:35:40 Technique 5 using a decorative icon font using unicode fonts have techniques reference other 15:37:03 Alastair: when specifying icon font, ubut with private use area different issues with mobile and unicode and assitive tech’ 15:37:25 Alastair: important to use aria hidden and aira labels 15:37:50 q? 15:37:51 +! to James but that is still an accessibility support issue 15:38:01 s/+!/+1 15:39:17 q? 15:39:33 zakim, next item 15:39:33 agendum 3. "Some questions left from previous meeting" taken up [from Joshue108] 15:39:54 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/5April2016_misc/results 15:40:30 did we finish current survey? 15:41:13 RESOLUTION: Laura to rework techniques based on working group review 15:41:26 Editorial changes to Understanding 1.4.3 #177 15:41:51 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/177 15:42:21 RESOLUTION: accepted editorial changes 15:42:35 Need to change "Understanding SC 3.3.2" as it does not accurately reflect what the SC says.(related to #164) 15:43:28 Andrew suggested to remove 3rd paragraph, new example rqts. Greg, to speak to comments 15:44:03 Greg: new text doesnat’ apply to hyperlinks, doesn’t take into account simple actions like clicks 15:44:39 q+ 15:45:10 Greg: some abinguity form require type in a passord, asume original contraols specifically to take input vs controls to display information 15:45:13 ack awk 15:45:56 AWK: Is input suggesting that cliking on link is the other form you a re referring to? 15:46:32 https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/minimize-error-cues.html 15:47:02 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/164 15:47:25 it is not linked in the issue 15:47:39 Greg: changing FC is not on table, not something to deal with right now. ‘When content requires user input.’ nothing in FC would mean? 15:47:58 AWK: i wouldn t rquire user input as just clicking on a link 15:48:24 q? 15:50:08 Greg: typing and that distintion making a point about reality of selecting an itme in a list is just as much aentering data as typing into a tect bos. From my perspective user input is very borad. My reading and UAG working group doesn’t match intent of WCAG working group. 15:50:40 s/borad/broad 15:50:54 s/aentering/as entering 15:51:05 s/tect bos/text box 15:51:23 s/UAG working/UAAG working 15:52:49 Greg: relunctant to hold up process due to my concerns. Having not worked on document for quite a few yeard. I am concerned that the document doesnt acutlly math FC in my reading. I fyou want to work on revise understanding based on an outsiders reading of the FC I’d do that as well 15:53:14 q+ 15:53:33 q+ 15:54:07 ack david 15:54:08 AWK: content is usually stuff that is just there, greg do you have objection with what Andrew is suggesting 15:54:31 David: in wcag when think about content all lthings on page is considered contgent 15:54:31 ack awk 15:54:54 s/contgent/content 15:55:02 q+ 15:56:20 AWK: concerning that the whole point is to provide a lear label. It should be associated with content. There are situations where text alludes to 3.3.2 you’ve got differnet options. Interested in others reading on this. 15:56:24 Q+ 15:56:42 ack james 15:57:11 Jamesn: I was reading it and lot of information 4.1.2 not strictly relevent. In oreder to meat 4.1.2 could do this part but doesn’t meet particular criteria 15:57:21 ack jf 15:57:47 JF: lot of private comments in que, what problem are we trying to solve 15:57:59 q+ 15:58:21 ack me 15:58:22 ack awk 15:58:28 JF: my concern is that trying to maneuver authors to da a specif way 15:59:00 q+ 15:59:20 ack me 15:59:39 AWK: maybe we should go back to clearly criply identify problem. Feel like he’s I’m happy to get _ opinion 15:59:56 q+ 15:59:58 s/criply/and crisply 16:00:11 ack moe 16:00:18 s/get _/get Sailesh's 16:00:48 Moe: tkaing look issue 164, wanted to recommend on Feburary 25th posted workd doc may hep us move forward 16:00:54 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/164 16:01:17 s/oreder to meat/order to meet 16:01:49 And Josh has included contents of Sailesh's explanation in the GitHub Thread on 2/29 16:02:42 Josh: Trying to unserstan quest in succinct in a simple way 16:04:02 q? 16:04:06 Joshue: submit new issue and outline and we’ll come back 16:04:20 RESOLUTION: leave open need more info 16:04:43 Lack of understanding and need to go back to get 16:04:56 zakim, next item 16:04:56 agendum 4. "New Pull requests" taken up [from Joshue108] 16:05:27 zakim, agenda? 16:05:27 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 16:05:28 4. New Pull requests [from Joshue108] 16:05:34 zakim, drop item 4 16:05:34 agendum 4, New Pull requests, dropped 16:05:46 TOPIC: Remaining survey items from last week 16:05:51 Joshue; going to continue with remaing survey items from last week 16:05:53 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/5April2016_misc 16:06:04 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/5April2016_misc/results 16:06:25 Issue 169 16:06:25 Please review 16:06:40 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/169 16:06:46 AWK: tried to talk about it las week 16:07:47 Joshue: james important michael didn’t agree redunday, this could be clearer, James have you thought about this? 16:08:17 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G10.html 16:08:22 G10: Creating components using a technology that supports the accessibility API features of the platforms on which the user agents will be run to expose the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes 16:08:23 James: similar but not redundant what michael says is yue they are bvery simialr but not the smae thing. Going to make it more complicated. 16:08:24 +1 James and Michael 16:08:35 +1 to James 16:08:39 Jame; don’t need to spend time wondering aobout this 16:08:51 G10: Creating components using a technology that supports the accessibility API features of the platforms on which the user agents will be run to expose the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes 16:08:57 Using the accessibility API features of a technology to expose names and roles, to allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and to provide notification of changes 16:09:16 G135 16:09:29 James: poorly written example 16:09:35 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G135.html 16:10:30 awk: both using accessbility api, both names and roles, in 10 using both. Not sure why created differnetly 16:10:39 q? 16:11:41 Joshua: no point in bring all together, if we could work on it . James interested in working on it? 16:11:43 James: no 16:12:27 q+ 16:12:36 AWK: getting rid of techniques is a step backwrs , but removing would remove book makrs provide 16:12:57 s/ makrs/marks 16:13:47 g10 has mre fleshed out procedure than 135. Feel 153 is inaducate to meet what is idnetified in title 16:14:06 AWK: maybe needs a bit of a regrash 16:14:28 s/regrash /refresh 16:15:05 q? 16:15:10 Joshue: more of reason to keep may have value in time 16:15:22 ack awk 16:16:03 +1 Close and defer 16:16:44 awk: likely to get deferred and closed later. Working group feel like value in haveing two techniques using acccessibility feature. Looking for vlunteers to suggest changes to make that happen. We don’t have bandwitdth to work on it right now 16:17:20 Joshue: why dont we make that a resolution 16:18:04 MichaelC: looks like eric took on itself to file this, he himself hasn’t engagted in this. 16:18:09 +1 to close/defer, accept response 16:18:15 working group to defer issue no objections 16:18:16 no objections 16:18:32 RESOLUTION: defer response 16:18:38 no objections, it's java, let us move along 16:18:50 +1 16:18:54 Issue 167 16:19:09 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/167 16:20:03 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H91.html 16:20:50 awk: don’t have a current resoltion for this 16:21:06 Joshue: up in the air 16:21:19 q+ 16:22:17 ack awk 16:22:25 awk: answer the question of ‘Why do we want to cover this’ an aproch is not change anything 16:22:51 Joshue: keep it clean and don’t do it right now 16:23:29 q+ 16:23:41 awk: we could use recommendation aria for every technique, I am agreement with what Maichael is saying, I could go ther way 16:23:52 ack wayne 16:24:02 wayne: stand alone, aria is aria 16:24:19 now, it does need updating for new HTML input types 16:24:25 OTOH ARIA is now allowed by the HTML5 spec 16:25:33 ACTION: AWK to look back to see if we added new input types to H91 16:25:33 Created ACTION-322 - Look back to see if we added new input types to h91 [on Andrew Kirkpatrick - due 2016-04-26]. 16:25:56 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/aria#ARIA14 16:26:02 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/aria#ARIA16 16:26:07 check input type and see if everything is there. Like using html whenever we can and aria when we cant 16:26:27 wayne: check input type and see if everything is there. Like using html whenever we can and aria when we cant 16:26:50 q? 16:27:09 https://www.w3.org/TR/aria-in-html/ 16:28:09 ++1 to James 16:28:48 Joshue: don’t have a desire to do a lot with this. Yes lets arddd aria to page 91? 16:28:49 Q+ 16:28:56 ack jf 16:29:05 James: Happy to add related technicques 16:29:40 I'm ok with James's suggestion to add related resources and nothing else 16:29:58 +1 16:30:11 Joshue: option do nothing or add link to aria techniques 16:30:17 I'm happy to write a response and add the aria technique references for this and we can survey the change 16:30:24 +1 to adding links to ARIA14 and aria16 in Related Techniques 16:30:46 JF: if we know teniques that esxist why not point to them 16:31:18 RESOLUTION: link page 91 ith related aria techniques 16:31:26 +1 16:31:54 laura has left #wai-wcag 16:32:05 Trackpot,end meeting 16:32:20 trackbot, end meeting 16:32:20 Zakim, list attendees 16:32:20 As of this point the attendees have been AWK, JF, Josh, kirkwood, Sarah, Swierenga, MichaelC, Makoto, alastairc, Laura, KimD, allanj, marcjohlic, moekraft, Wayne, Kathy 16:32:28 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:32:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/19-wai-wcag-minutes.html trackbot 16:32:29 RRSAgent, bye 16:32:29 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/04/19-wai-wcag-actions.rdf : 16:32:29 ACTION: AWK to look back to see if we added new input types to H91 [1] 16:32:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/04/19-wai-wcag-irc#T16-25-33 16:32:34 trackbot, end meeting 16:32:34 Zakim, list attendees 16:32:34 As of this point the attendees have been AWK, JF, Josh, kirkwood, Sarah, Swierenga, MichaelC, Makoto, alastairc, Laura, KimD, allanj, marcjohlic, moekraft, Wayne, Kathy