IRC log of i18n on 2016-04-14
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:58:24 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #i18n
- 14:58:24 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:58:39 [aphillip]
- trackbot, prepare teleconference
- 14:58:41 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 14:58:43 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be 4186
- 14:58:43 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot
- 14:58:44 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
- 14:58:44 [trackbot]
- Date: 14 April 2016
- 14:59:14 [aphillip]
- agenda+ RADAR and Active Work Review
- 14:59:24 [aphillip]
- agenda+ Unicode-XML placeholder text and publication
- 14:59:34 [aphillip]
- agenda+ Ruby Markup (internal review discussion)
- 14:59:46 [aphillip]
- agenda+ <q> element
- 14:59:56 [aphillip]
- agenda+ CharMod
- 15:03:14 [aphillip]
- present+ Addison
- 15:03:18 [aphillip]
- present+ r12a
- 15:03:22 [aphillip]
- present+ Felix
- 15:04:04 [aphillip]
- Topic: Agenda
- 15:04:06 [aphillip]
- agenda?
- 15:06:46 [aphillip]
- Topic: Action Items
- 15:06:54 [aphillip]
- action-174?
- 15:06:54 [trackbot]
- action-174 -- Addison Phillips to Write article about floating times in HTML -- due 2013-01-30 -- OPEN
- 15:06:54 [trackbot]
- 15:07:02 [aphillip]
- 15:08:00 [r12a]
- 15:08:57 [aphillip]
- action-505?
- 15:08:57 [trackbot]
- action-505 -- Addison Phillips to Prepare updated unicode-xml disclaimer text for publication as a placeholding wg note while martin et al get started working on updates -- due 2016-04-07 -- OPEN
- 15:08:57 [trackbot]
- 15:09:00 [aphillip]
- close action-505
- 15:09:00 [trackbot]
- Closed action-505.
- 15:09:15 [aphillip]
- close action-506
- 15:09:15 [trackbot]
- Closed action-506.
- 15:09:23 [aphillip]
- Topic: Info Share
- 15:09:28 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 15:09:32 [fsasaki]
- 15:09:44 [aphillip]
- Felix: make you aware of a GALA webinar
- 15:10:08 [aphillip]
- ... abstract doesn't talk about standards, but talking about ITS and various standards, community standards, CGs
- 15:10:15 [aphillip]
- ... open to non-GALA members
- 15:10:26 [aphillip]
- ... 28 April, if available please join
- 15:10:32 [fsasaki]
- 15:10:47 [aphillip]
- felix: text processing, using ITS to do that
- 15:10:56 [aphillip]
- ... don't want to store HTML but web annotations
- 15:11:12 [aphillip]
- ... just submitted, see what their reaction is
- 15:11:25 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 15:11:41 [aphillip]
- agenda?
- 15:11:42 [David_]
- David_ has joined #I18n
- 15:11:48 [aphillip]
- zakim, take up agendum 1
- 15:11:48 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "RADAR and Active Work Review" taken up [from aphillip]
- 15:11:57 [aphillip]
- 15:12:51 [JcK]
- JcK has joined #i18n
- 15:13:23 [r12a]
- regrets+ David
- 15:13:35 [aphillip]
- 15:14:21 [JcK]
- present+ JcK
- 15:15:39 [aphillip]
- richard: asked felix to provide some info from "his neck of the woods"
- 15:15:47 [aphillip]
- ... the CGs listed are not under the I18N activity
- 15:15:58 [aphillip]
- ... but would be something we would follow
- 15:16:16 [aphillip]
- ... there's another under previous column (bpmlod)
- 15:16:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 15:16:41 [aphillip]
- richard: felix, are there high level milestones??
- 15:16:52 [aphillip]
- ... for bpmlod or the other CGs?
- 15:16:56 [aphillip]
- felix: can add them
- 15:17:03 [aphillip]
- richard: keep high level, maybe 2 or 3
- 15:18:19 [aphillip]
- addison: different color or something for non-WG/IG stuff?
- 15:18:40 [aphillip]
- felix: some of these are developing technologies, others doing best practices
- 15:19:06 [aphillip]
- ... suggest to put under these items
- 15:19:16 [aphillip]
- ... not under i18n
- 15:19:30 [aphillip]
- richard: scroll down and you see track industry is a horizontal
- 15:19:37 [aphillip]
- ... list CGs in a similar manner?
- 15:20:09 [aphillip]
- richard: are we publishing bpmlod eventually?
- 15:20:21 [aphillip]
- felix: we announce and such
- 15:20:24 [aphillip]
- ... in the blog
- 15:20:28 [aphillip]
- ... could be
- 15:20:36 [aphillip]
- richard: would keep bpmlod where it is now
- 15:21:06 [aphillip]
- felix: update is processing web annotation
- 15:21:12 [aphillip]
- ... way to store ITS as linked data
- 15:21:20 [aphillip]
- ... being developed as a best practice
- 15:21:31 [aphillip]
- ... put the link in (earlier)
- 15:21:46 [aphillip]
- ... can do term annotations
- 15:21:51 [aphillip]
- ... term data category
- 15:21:58 [aphillip]
- ... currently on implementation side
- 15:22:04 [aphillip]
- agenda?
- 15:22:33 [aphillip]
- zakim, take up agendum 2
- 15:22:33 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Unicode-XML placeholder text and publication" taken up [from aphillip]
- 15:22:42 [aphillip]
- richard: martin has closed one issue
- 15:23:41 [aphillip]
- addison: should we publish updated unicode-xml updated Note with the placeholder text on UTR status?
- 15:24:07 [fsasaki]
- +1
- 15:24:08 [aphillip]
- +1
- 15:24:08 [r12a]
- +1
- 15:24:30 [JcK]
- To the extent to which I understand the current piece of the issue, +1
- 15:25:11 [aphillip]
- so resolved
- 15:25:55 [aphillip]
- richard: check with martin to get a clear response on the disclaimer from him
- 15:26:19 [aphillip]
- ... may need me to do this to do echidna
- 15:27:31 [aphillip]
- addison: *just* do WDs in github??
- 15:29:37 [aphillip]
- action: richard: double check handling of note status for unicode-xml while we work on it
- 15:29:37 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-507 - Double check handling of note status for unicode-xml while we work on it [on Richard Ishida - due 2016-04-21].
- 15:29:57 [aphillip]
- action: richard: publish updated unicode-xml Note based on results of action-507
- 15:29:57 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-508 - Publish updated unicode-xml note based on results of action-507 [on Richard Ishida - due 2016-04-21].
- 15:30:07 [aphillip]
- agenda?
- 15:30:41 [aphillip]
- zakim, take up agendum 3
- 15:30:41 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Ruby Markup (internal review discussion)" taken up [from aphillip]
- 15:30:51 [r12a]
- 15:30:59 [aphillip]
- Ruby Markup
- 15:31:35 [aphillip]
- richard: go to wide review?
- 15:33:47 [aphillip]
- action: addison: remind WG members to definitely read ruby/markup.en.html for next week
- 15:33:47 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-509 - Remind wg members to definitely read ruby/markup.en.html for next week [on Addison Phillips - due 2016-04-21].
- 15:34:12 [aphillip]
- richard: just to add to that, refrehsed tests for ruby
- 15:34:20 [aphillip]
- ... both htnml and css
- 15:34:26 [aphillip]
- ... ported test script to js only
- 15:34:28 [aphillip]
- ... no php
- 15:34:35 [aphillip]
- ... just finished, a few small changes in the page
- 15:34:40 [aphillip]
- ... updated the results
- 15:34:44 [aphillip]
- ... some changes
- 15:34:51 [aphillip]
- addison: positive changes?
- 15:34:56 [aphillip]
- richard: yes, but not far enough
- 15:35:04 [aphillip]
- ... added canary and webkit
- 15:35:20 [aphillip]
- zakim, take up agendum 4
- 15:35:20 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "<q> element" taken up [from aphillip]
- 15:35:26 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 15:36:22 [aphillip]
- richard: various people made useful suggestions
- 15:36:45 [aphillip]
- addison: mostly that the outer document language should control?
- 15:36:58 [aphillip]
- richard: there is a problem with that
- 15:37:09 [aphillip]
- ... been working on testing
- 15:37:21 [aphillip]
- ... look first to see if borwser puts quotes
- 15:37:29 [aphillip]
- ... then if they follow the language specific qutation marks
- 15:37:32 [aphillip]
- ... FF does not
- 15:37:46 [aphillip]
- ... chrome does what HTML/CLDR say
- 15:37:57 [aphillip]
- ... third set and probably need to fourth set
- 15:38:10 [aphillip]
- richard: do browsers use the outside language or not?
- 15:38:18 [aphillip]
- ... FF does, but only because it doesn't pay attention
- 15:38:55 [aphillip]
- ... one thing that came to light things we've looked at so far it makes sense to use outer language
- 15:39:08 [aphillip]
- ... if you have words "one" "two" and "three"
- 15:39:16 [aphillip]
- and you put lang=en at beginning of para
- 15:39:27 [aphillip]
- ... then have spans with lang=ja
- 15:39:59 [aphillip]
- <p>one <span lang=ja>two</span> <q lang=ja>three</q></p>
- 15:40:28 [r12a]
- <p lang=en>one <span>two <q lang=ja>three</q></span></p>
- 15:40:50 [r12a]
- <p lang=en>one <span lang=ja>two <q>three</q></span></p>
- 15:40:57 [aphillip]
- richard: this last one
- 15:41:39 [aphillip]
- ... if apply "lang out side outer q", then japanese quotes
- 15:42:51 [aphillip]
- addison: containing block element? but seems problematic
- 15:43:41 [aphillip]
- ... it's only a problem when languages are mixed
- 15:44:06 [aphillip]
- jck: would be far too problematic to understand if very complex
- 15:45:59 [aphillip]
- addison: two possibilities
- 15:46:21 [aphillip]
- jck: could be counter-intuitive
- 15:46:31 [aphillip]
- richard: lang on q is the language *of the contents*
- 15:46:46 [aphillip]
- ... but the quotes belong to the *surrounding* text
- 15:47:35 [aphillip]
- addison: also they wanted q-transitivity, q within a q would use same quotes
- 15:48:37 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 15:51:10 [aphillip]
- richard: upshot
- 15:51:24 [aphillip]
- ... 1. need an element that explains how it works and how to sstyle them
- 15:51:43 [aphillip]
- ... 2. tell HTML the default behaviour isn't quite right
- 15:51:47 [aphillip]
- ... 3. tell CSS also
- 15:52:44 [aphillip]
- s/sstyle/style/
- 15:52:56 [aphillip]
- ... next steps are to finish off tests
- 15:53:21 [aphillip]
- ... go back to e-books and here's this one bit that doesn't work well and propose to do nothing about it
- 15:54:08 [aphillip]
- action: richard: write a wiki page on <q> element proposal using extracts from the email discussion
- 15:54:08 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-510 - Write a wiki page on <q> element proposal using extracts from the email discussion [on Richard Ishida - due 2016-04-21].
- 15:54:29 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 15:54:46 [aphillip]
- agenda?
- 15:55:02 [aphillip]
- zakim, take up agendum 5
- 15:55:02 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "CharMod" taken up [from aphillip]
- 15:58:35 [aphillip]
- Topic: AOB?
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 15:59:31 [JcK]
- JcK has left #i18n
- 16:00:58 [aphillip]
- Chair: Addison Phillips
- 16:01:01 [aphillip]
- ScribeNick: aphillip
- 16:01:05 [aphillip]
- Scribe: Addison Phillips
- 16:01:10 [aphillip]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:01:10 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 16:01:17 [aphillip]
- Agenda:
- 16:01:23 [aphillip]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:01:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate aphillip
- 16:01:28 [aphillip]
- zakim, bye
- 16:01:28 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Addison, r12a, Felix, JcK
- 16:01:28 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #i18n
- 16:01:34 [aphillip]
- rrsagent, byte
- 16:01:34 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'byte', aphillip. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 16:01:40 [aphillip]
- rrsagent, bye
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- I see 4 open action items saved in :
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: richard: double check handling of note status for unicode-xml while we work on it [1]
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: richard: publish updated unicode-xml Note based on results of action-507 [2]
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: addison: remind WG members to definitely read ruby/markup.en.html for next week [3]
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: richard: write a wiki page on <q> element proposal using extracts from the email discussion [4]
- 16:01:40 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in