15:32:32 RRSAgent has joined #auto 15:32:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-irc 15:32:58 jlrmagnus has joined #auto 15:34:10 scribe: Yingying 15:34:34 Chair: Philippe_Robin 15:34:56 rstreif__ has joined #auto 15:35:45 @@@1: The Genivi side is moving forward. 15:36:03 present: Kaz, Philippe_Robin, Rudi, Yingying, Philippe_Colliot, Magnus_Feuer, Magnus_Olsson, Ted 15:36:13 s/@@@1/Magnus/ 15:36:13 Don't know the @2 status. 15:37:35 philippeR: sessions in Paris? 15:37:38 Philippe_Robin: there is a session with W3C. Did you check when? 15:38:05 s/philippeR: sessions in Paris?// 15:38:24 Ted: the F2F is primarily on 28 and 29. 15:38:44 s/F2F/W3C F2F/ 15:39:53 PhilippeR: Sota session is on @3. You can arrange it on Fridy. 15:39:59 s/Sota/SOTA/ 15:40:11 Ted: Thursday afternoon would be more suitable. 15:40:52 Phi: significant progress on @4. What we would implement the javascript API? 15:41:05 i/The Genivi/topic: f2f schedule/ 15:41:18 s/Phi:/philippeC:/ 15:41:36 ...now I put into the Github. I am also using web socket, nodejs. It's connected to D bus. 15:42:26 s/nodejs/Node.js/ 15:42:32 ...it's about how to deal with WebIDL. I am waiting for somebody to add me the WebIDL. 15:42:35 s/D bus/D-Bus 15:43:08 Ted: WebIDL is bounded with Browser. We prefer to Web Socket. 15:43:23 wonsuk has joined #auto 15:43:28 s/prefer to/prefer/ 15:43:43 i/significant/topic: LBS/ 15:43:48 rrsagent, make log public 15:43:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:43:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 15:44:01 ...basically if you do the web socket approach, you don't need to do it in WebIDL. 15:44:23 q+ 15:44:32 philippeC: The data format is very different. 15:45:34 ack k 15:46:06 Kaz: to Ted, even with web socket interface, WG also think about javascript/WebIDL interface as well. 15:46:59 ...they are equavalent. 15:47:08 ...one could be implemented using the other. 15:48:15 ...we should be careful about these two level APIs and factor the different levels. 15:49:20 ...@4 mentioned that high level API has been implemented based on the low level Web Socket API. 15:49:40 ...we should be careful to elaborate the structure/APIs. 15:49:41 s/@4/Urata-san from ACCESS/ 15:51:26 Ted: WebIDL we can have a high level resymbols of WebIDL, we need to think about the bindings with browser. 15:51:44 ...which is not necessarily for the web sockeet approach. 15:53:24 Magnus: how could you gurantee the integrity of the API when using Web Socket? 15:53:53 Kaz: yes we need to base on the SOAP? 15:54:28 ...we should clarify the module structure about what is expected for different module. 15:54:46 s/yes we need to base on the SOAP?/yes, maybe we need some application protocol to guarantee data integrity like SOAP messaging/ 15:55:07 Magnus: relationship about the Web socket and web work? 15:55:37 What's the rationale for SOAP over REST? 15:55:56 Kaz: we might use web worker to implement the multi-thread. WebRTC might also be considered. 15:56:26 ...it depends on the requirements of the specific applications. 15:57:22 ...the high speed multimedia might be handled by the WebRTC. It depends on the speed required by the application 15:57:31 s/considered/considered if there is specific need for high-speed connection for multimedia data, etc./ 15:58:20 Rudi: lightweight API should be considered first. 15:58:45 present+ Paul 15:58:49 Kaz: it's just an example. IVI system could use @5. 16:00:08 s/@5/light-weight protocol like MQTT/ 16:00:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 16:02:12 topic: vehicle signal 16:02:28 i|vehicle signal|-> http://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html#protocols WoT protocols| 16:02:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:02:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 16:03:05 @6: we started a project inside about the vehicle signal. 16:03:13 s/@6/Magnus/ 16:03:51 ...we are also working on how to distribute the signals. 16:04:16 ...how to transfer the signals from compass to compass. 16:04:43 https://github.com/PDXostc/vehicle_signal_specification 16:04:49 ...I will show you the structure. 16:05:50 [Magnus shows the vehicle signal specification in github] 16:06:03 s|https:|-> https:| 16:06:28 s|specification|specification GENIVI Vehicle Signal Specification Repo.| 16:06:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:06:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 16:07:02 https://github.com/PDXostc/vehicle_signal_specification 16:07:26 Magnus goes through the structures. 16:08:45 Magnus: the structure is ready. next step is fleshout API 16:09:11 ...now we can have the JSON and FrancaIDL releases. 16:09:50 q+ 16:10:25 ...the reason we show to w3c is that it's the key integrate the car with vehicle itself 16:10:27 -> http://rawgit.com/w3c/automotive/master/vehicle_data/data_spec.html W3C vehicle data spec 16:11:09 Paul: what are the signals and what are the ways to get the signals. 16:11:34 ...we were started with variety of signals. 16:12:01 ...average developers need to understand the API. 16:12:53 ...thousands of signals(3000), roughly 90 of them they would provide to developers for security purpose. 16:14:18 ...clearly want Peter from Mitsubishi electric, the guy from ACCESS, Kevin, Adam, everyone in WG understand the background. 16:15:28 Magnus: we hoep W3C and OEMs can pick up what they need from the signals. 16:15:47 s/the guy from/Urata-san from/ 16:16:05 s/Kevin, Adam/Kevin and Adam from JLR/ 16:16:18 s/hoep/hope/ 16:16:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:16:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 16:17:27 Paul: I really hope next W3C WG call we could look at the target architecture and so on. 16:17:50 Magnus: good idea. I can make the presentation. 16:19:30 Paul: wish we could look on each other's schedule in F2F in Paris. 16:21:02 ...next WG call would be good to make us aligned. 16:21:34 Kaz: let's start with subscribing the BG and WG mailing list. 16:22:36 Magnus: @8 as the interface. I do agree we need to coordinate. 16:24:02 ...which signals are available between vehicle and the rest of the world 16:24:56 Paul: data to standardization methods. 16:26:19 PhilippeR: Magnus will present the signal struture to W3C auto WG meeting next week. 16:26:34 ...our next call is April 12. 16:27:16 ...let me show the track. The agenda has been published for some time. 16:27:38 i/topic: Genivi AMM track/ 16:27:48 i/let me/topic: Genivi AMM track/ 16:28:00 s/...let me/PhilippeR: let me/ 16:28:31 i/let me/kaz: some of the w3c guys can join the GENIVI AMM sessions on April 27th as well./ 16:29:09 [ PhilippeR shows the agenda] 16:30:18 https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/WIK4/14th+GENIVI+AMM 16:31:54 rrsagent, make minutes 16:31:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html Yingying 16:34:44 s|https|-> https| 16:34:58 s|AMM|AMM GENIVI AMM program| 16:35:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:35:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 16:35:52 Meeting: GENIVI+W3C 16:36:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:36:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 16:36:32 s|i/topic: Genivi AMM track/|| 16:36:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:36:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/29-auto-minutes.html kaz 18:59:15 Zakim has left #auto 20:16:12 sam has joined #auto