13:38:25 RRSAgent has joined #dwbp 13:38:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/03/23-dwbp-irc 13:38:27 RRSAgent, make logs 351 13:38:27 Zakim has joined #dwbp 13:38:29 Zakim, this will be DWBP 13:38:29 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 13:38:30 Meeting: Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 13:38:30 Date: 23 March 2016 13:39:32 I'll check the WEbEx but zakim doesn't know about any conferences since the phone bridge was killed. 13:39:42 zakim, code? 13:39:42 I have been told this is https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mbd058203b9c01f9efb3fd086dba4b144 +1-617-324-0000, Access code: 647 415 866 13:39:55 okay, good. Just checking :) 13:39:57 But that doesn't know about timings etc. 13:40:13 rrsagent, make logs public 13:57:52 PWinstanley has joined #dwbp 13:58:07 present+ PWinstanley 13:58:23 hi ... what's the webex pwd please? 13:58:52 I think we should be in https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m60aee05d2d79493fa43d347c93c8bcbc 13:58:57 Which is not the usual one :-( 13:58:59 BernadetteLoscio has joined #dwbp 13:59:01 I thought it would be 13:59:37 I havea been arranging and reareranging WebEx sessions a lot recently and I think there's a problem with the system - me 14:00:03 webex is needing a room id 14:00:04 phila has changed the topic to: Time of today's call: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DWBP+Call&iso=20160323T14&p1=1440&ah=1 NEW WEBEX: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mbd058203b9c01f9efb3fd086dba4b144 +1-617-324-0000 PW: dwbp 14:00:08 646 117 896 14:00:27 phila has changed the topic to: Time of today's call: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DWBP+Call&iso=20160323T14&p1=1440&ah=1 NEW WEBEX: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mbd058203b9c01f9efb3fd086dba4b144 +1-617-324-0000 PW: dwbp ID no. is 646 117 896 14:02:40 ericstephan has joined #dwbp 14:02:50 present+ ericstephan 14:02:57 annette_g has joined #dwbp 14:03:20 present+ phila, BernadetteLoscio, annette_g 14:04:13 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #DWBP 14:05:49 laufer has joined #dwbp 14:06:41 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160323 14:06:45 chair: Hadley 14:06:46 present+ newton 14:06:47 present+ laufer 14:07:06 regrets+ Caroline, Yaso, Deirdre, 14:07:41 what is our room id? 14:07:44 antoine has joined #dwbp 14:07:44 hi all, I can´t get access to webex... it asks for a room id... 14:08:25 @laufer and @annette_g ID no. is 646 117 896 14:08:26 @laufer the room id is 646 117 896\ 14:09:23 present+ antoine 14:09:27 sounds like a high energy physics call 14:09:29 tnx, hadley... 14:09:48 @laufer, 646 117 896 worked 14:10:02 present+ riccardoAlbertoni 14:10:11 hi all! 14:10:19 hi Riccardo! 14:10:26 hi Riccardo 14:11:03 scribe: phila 14:11:09 scribeNick: phila 14:11:15 topic: Previous minutes 14:11:36 https://www.w3.org/2016/03/11-dwbp-minutes 14:11:38 PROPOSED: Accept last Telco minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/03/11-dwbp-minutes 14:11:42 +1 14:11:45 +1 14:11:46 +1 14:11:51 +1 14:12:01 +1 14:12:01 +1 14:12:07 +1 14:12:08 +1 14:12:15 RESOLUTION: Accept last Telco minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/03/11-dwbp-minutes 14:12:37 +1 14:12:37 PROPOSED: Accept minutes of the Zagreb F2F https://www.w3.org/2016/03/14-dwbp-minutes and https://www.w3.org/2016/03/15-dwbp-minutes 14:12:47 +1 14:12:51 +1 14:12:53 +1 14:12:59 +1 14:13:02 +1 14:13:04 +1 first day and 0 for second day I slept through 14:13:08 +1 14:13:15 RESOLUTION: Accept minutes of the Zagreb F2F https://www.w3.org/2016/03/14-dwbp-minutes and https://www.w3.org/2016/03/15-dwbp-minutes 14:13:37 Topic: BP on subsetting data http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#EnableDataSubsetting 14:13:48 hadleybeeman: Anything to say, BernadetteLoscio and newton? 14:13:57 BernadetteLoscio: Yes, I sent a message about this today. 14:14:08 ... I really appreciate that annette_g wrote the BP on this 14:14:27 ... But I think the BP is too generic and too narrow, esp the aproach to implementation and how to test. 14:14:36 Caroline_ has joined #DWBP 14:14:54 ... Long discussion on e-mail (60+ messages) and I don't feel comfortable with this, since our rec should be technical. How can we test 14:15:28 ... We need to define things like granularity, can we say the expected subset of the dataset. The subset depends on the domain, the query etc. 14:15:30 q+ 14:15:34 ... It's not an easy subject 14:15:50 +1 to bernadette 14:15:51 BernadetteLoscio: So in my opinion we shiuld keep the text in the intro to the acccess session. 14:16:01 hadleybeeman: I'd like to talk about it for 5-10 mins and then see. 14:16:03 s/shiuld/should 14:16:04 ack antoine 14:16:05 ack antoine 14:16:37 q+ 14:16:39 antoine: I agree that the BP is general, but that's what we agreed on. So that people like SDW can then specialise it. I miss a little the reference to the spatial domain. Add that and I think it's fine. 14:16:58 ... i.e. our mission is not to tell people how it's done, but it's for otehrs to take this and expand on it. 14:17:00 q+ 14:17:03 q+ 14:17:22 ack laufer 14:17:27 hadleybeeman: I think we said that annette_g would write some text and we'd respond, so we're on target. 14:17:28 ack l 14:17:41 laufer: I agree with both Berna and Antoine. 14:18:00 ... We have a BP that says that you shoudl make a bulk download available. Therefore it makes sense to talk about subsets. 14:18:07 ... But we can be general. 14:18:32 ... The approaches for implementation only talk about APIs. I think we have some examples where we have URIs using a rule system 14:18:44 ... Maybe using the RFC on URI templates 14:18:56 q+ 14:18:57 ... The process for providing these subsets need to be more detaiuled than the text has. 14:18:59 ack p 14:19:18 PWinstanley: Making sure I'm commenting on the right thing... 14:19:20 yes Peter! 14:19:24 hadleybeeman: That's BP 21 14:19:37 PWinstanley: And the example is a 3 lines of text about MyCity 14:20:03 ... I'd like to flesh it out, see the example, see what the diff is between getting a single route cf. all the routes. 14:20:15 ... And in BP 22 there's more of an illustration with code. 14:20:40 ... So I'd like to see for Example 22, a link to the API and an indication of how much of an improvement it makes to get one route cf. all of them. 14:20:50 hadleybeeman: So that's a proposal for making the example more concrete. 14:20:53 PWinstanley: yes. 14:20:55 Ack a 14:21:08 annette_g: So, antoine, were you thinking about adding in a spatial example? 14:21:33 antoine: Not necessarily. The notes in the minutes may be too strong. I think it's SDW that wants the Best practice. 14:21:55 ... We felt it was odd that we should be making suggestions 14:22:11 annette_g: I've been saying this for months, not just since the SDW got involved. 14:22:27 q? 14:22:34 antoine: Explicitly saying that we recognise that we don't have a ready made solution but we expect others to. 14:22:50 annette_g: I'm confused. I dodn't think our goal was to make specific suggestions. 14:23:01 annette_g: We need to give them enough of a possible approach. 14:23:02 s/dodn't/don't 14:23:52 Eric_Kauz has joined #DWBP 14:24:04 hadleybeeman: So including the wrods 'specific domains'... this may depend on the topic of data... 14:24:20 antoine: Yes, That gives a hint as to why we're not saying more with more numerous examples. 14:24:21 q? 14:24:39 q+ 14:24:43 annette_g: So... it seems that we want to say implementation is dependent on your domain, but whether you follow it is not domain dependent. 14:24:59 ack n 14:25:12 newton: On the how to test section... I;m not so sure about this part. 14:25:34 ... I;m not comfotrable with the how to test section. 14:25:36 q+ 14:25:48 s/I;m/I'm 14:25:55 ack b 14:25:55 BernadetteLoscio: I agree with Newton. But I also agree with Antoine that it shoudl be generic and can be specialised. 14:26:06 s/shoudl/should 14:26:14 BernadetteLoscio: My problem is that I really don't know how (breaking up) 14:26:23 q+ 14:26:27 q- later 14:26:34 @Berna, may you speak again? 14:26:38 it's cutting 14:27:29 BernadetteLoscio: I think it will be hard for someone who didn't follow our discussion to see how to test this BP, but I agree that it shoujld be generic 14:27:34 q+ 14:27:40 q- 14:27:42 s/shoujld/should 14:27:46 ack h 14:28:17 hadleybeeman: I have a potential solution... we acknowledge that in some circs we find it useful but we're struggling how to test. 14:28:25 q+ 14:28:27 +1 Hadley 14:28:35 ... Can we say in BP 20 on Bulk Download that sometimes bulk download might be a subset 14:28:42 annette_g: A subset is not a bulk download. 14:28:49 ... Can we do both? 14:28:51 +q 14:28:57 hadleybeeman: I was thinking of it as a smaller blk download. 14:29:13 annette_g: A bulk download suggests you get everything, a subset is part of it 14:29:17 I liked the Hadley idea, or we could move it to a descriptive section... 14:29:26 phila: It's the word 'bulk' 14:29:27 I agree with hadley 14:29:43 annette_g: If you define a dataset as including any subsets 14:29:48 We can move the text to the introduction of the Data Access section 14:29:51 q? 14:29:55 ack annette 14:30:15 +1 annette_g I view of bulk and subset differently as well 14:30:18 annette_g: I can't imagine a definition of bulk download tghat covers the case of subsetting 14:30:30 ack laufer 14:30:32 ack l 14:30:33 q- 14:30:50 laufer: I agree that 'bulk' download could be a subset, the biggest set. But this separateion is OK. 14:31:01 s/separateion/separation 14:31:25 ... The bulk download - giving an API, or maybe a link, the method that you have to access data may be decided by the publisher. 14:31:46 q+ 14:31:51 ... We don't focus too much on APIs, we talk more about thinks that look like search queries, and SPARQL endpoints. 14:32:03 ... I think we can expand the implementation approach. 14:32:21 q+ 14:32:33 ... A set of URIs is a way to provide subsets. I think we can talk more about these implementations, which remain general. 14:32:48 -1 sparql endpoint would only appeal to a specific audience, I think we need something a bit more relatable to a larger audience 14:32:56 laufer: We have a gov org with info about @@ that are a set of URIs following a template. 14:33:05 hadleybeeman: Your LD perspectuve resonates with me. 14:33:05 ack annette 14:33:17 annette_g: I chose to use APIs as the example as that's the way it's most often done. 14:33:53 ... That's the way it's done in most places. URL templates look more like how to select a bunch if IDs at once. that's pointing into things, rather than retrieving them. 14:34:07 q? 14:34:25 q+ 14:34:34 annette_g: I wouldn't mind adding stuff about SPARQL queries as well as. But generally, it's APIs people use. 14:35:09 laufer: I don't agree it's the majority. It's the majority in a domain. 14:35:30 ack laufer 14:36:24 ... The way the subset is returned is not given by an API, which is a query mechanism. I think we have to differentiate between an API that returns subsets and a query. 14:36:35 annette_g: You don't think an API gives a subset? 14:36:49 laufer: You can have things other than subsets back from an API. 14:37:05 q? 14:37:21 laufer: I can have an API that does SQL, or CONSTRUCT... 14:37:46 ack newton 14:37:57 annette_g: You can def do this sort of subsetting with APIs. I can find you 20 examples where transport info is available throuigh an API that returns subsets. I doubt I'd find a SPARQL endpoint. 14:38:30 q? 14:38:31 q+ 14:38:33 newton: I like your ide, hadleybeeman, to move it to the intro part of the data access section. If it's too generic, we can't get evidence of it being implemented. And I don't want to lose the text/ideas 14:38:33 +1 to Newton! 14:38:57 hadleybeeman: It feels as if we're deciding whether a separate BP on subsetting is/could be testable 14:39:19 ... How far do you feel, Annette, that you can make it testable. 14:39:32 annette_g: I can make it's as testable as many of the others, including the bulk download one. 14:39:38 +1 annette_g 14:39:44 ... I don't think the testing here is any weaker than others. 14:39:58 sub-bulk 14:40:09 annette_g: I could take the bulk download one and simply substitute the work 'subset' for 'bulk' 14:40:13 q+ 14:40:44 hadleybeeman: If we can get to the point where there's something testable, then maybe we could agree on this. 14:40:46 ack a 14:40:56 ack b 14:41:28 BernadetteLoscio: If we do the test with the bulk download, then it's not subsetting, it's bulk download. 14:41:33 if we have a site that uses uri template we can test the bp 14:41:42 annette_g: I'm suggesting that we change it so that it can also apply to subsets 14:42:07 BernadetteLoscio: If you make the test considering bulk downloada, then you can test the subsetting too. 14:42:19 ... And if I understand correctly, there are other ways of doing subsetting. 14:42:49 q+ 14:43:28 BernadetteLoscio: We need to say how someone can test the BP. You talk about creating subsets of data 14:43:34 q- 14:43:39 here we have an example of subsetting in Brasil: http://orcamento.dados.gov.br/api-config 14:43:59 using an uri template 14:44:05 BernadetteLoscio: On the how to test section, if we just look at bulk download, how can we include a test on downloading a subset? 14:44:35 hadleybeeman: Question to the editors - how much time do we have to add new things. 14:44:48 ... In a perffect world, I'd give it several weeks but...? 14:45:32 newton: I don't think Berna heard you. I'm asking her by text. I think we have a deadline of 1 April to start freezing the doc. We need to close the dicsussion by the next meeting 14:45:57 hadleybeeman: I think we have a clear idea of what everyone's concerns are. Is this testable, is this represenatative, does it belong in its own BP. 14:46:14 ... It seems Annette is clearest on what should be in there. 14:46:23 hadleybeeman: Doable by Monday? 14:46:28 newton: Offers a Skype call. 14:46:34 q+ 14:46:47 annette_g: As long as wel cooperate on moving it forward. 14:46:48 q+ 14:47:00 hadleybeeman: We can work on it on Monday, discuss it on Tuesday. 14:47:21 hadleybeeman: Ideally it goes to the group on Monday so the Wg can look at it before next Friday's call. 14:47:27 ack phila 14:47:54 phila: I think, though we resolved we would ave a meeting today and next Weds, I think by the end of the F2F in Zagreb, we decided that next week's meeting would be on Friday. 14:48:04 ...Also the SDW BP editors are meeting in 12 minute's time. 14:48:22 ...I will ask them to look at Annette's draft here in bP 21, and see if they have any comments. 14:48:52 hadleybeeman: if it's OK, Annette and Newton, I'd still like to focu your attention on Monday, even though we're not meeting until Friday 14:48:59 annette_g: We can do that if we're all responsive. 14:49:06 hadleybeeman: Thank you 14:49:16 me 14:49:25 http://agreiner.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#Re-use 14:49:28 Topic: data Reuse BP http://agreiner.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#Re-use 14:49:46 http://orcamento.dados.gov.br/api-config 14:49:48 riccardoAlbertoni_ has joined #DWBP 14:49:55 laufer: I just want to say to the editors and annette_g, it would be nice to see ^^ example 14:50:27 hadleybeeman: So, data reuse BP. 14:50:41 ... The question is whether or not we include it 14:50:50 I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave a bit early today... 14:50:59 BernadetteLoscio: We also discussed this 14:51:19 ... We don't agree with the creation of a new section, but we like the idea of the BP - citation, feedback etc. 14:51:35 ... If it's a way of republishing, then it shouold be separate. 14:51:36 q? 14:51:42 ack l 14:51:53 ... The BPs we have can also be followed by someone using an existing dataset. 14:52:00 q- 14:52:06 ... We have things like the feedback BP that are useful 14:52:25 q+ 14:52:29 ... If we consider that reuse is a kind of publishing then we shouldn't make a special thing of this. 14:52:48 ... We can include Annette's proposal in existing sections and BPs. 14:52:53 q+ 14:52:55 ack h 14:52:56 ack hadley 14:53:25 hadleybeeman: I am concerned on 2 levels. All of our charter and what we do is about encouageing reuse, so it seems odd to pull it out. 14:53:46 ... and it also feels like a non-tech issue to me. i.e. out of scope. 14:53:49 ack phila 14:54:07 phila: Sorry, I think this is a good BP. I leave to the editors whether it gets its own section 14:54:25 q+ 14:54:31 ...I guess it could be turned around to say what a publisher could expect, but I know that strays into policy issues which hadley is concerned we not go into 14:54:39 ...Some of this crosses over into the Dataset Usage Vocab 14:54:59 ...Which is in our charter precisely to encourage people to publish more. Publishers want to know more about who uses their data and why. 14:55:15 q- 14:55:25 ...Somehow it's beholden to this group to address the topic, without straying into policy, but that also mentions the DUV — I think we should include. 14:55:26 q+ 14:55:31 ack laufer 14:55:33 ack l 14:55:55 laufer: I agree with Hadley. I think all the things we do are about inbcreasing reuse. I don't like the term use/reuse - it's all use. 14:55:56 BernadetteLoscio_ has joined #dwbp 14:56:28 q+ 14:56:30 q+ 14:56:32 ... It would be nice to have a paragraph on this topic. Maybe we have to talk about versioning as well as licensing, and feedbaclk and provenance 14:56:37 q- 14:56:45 q+ 14:56:55 ... How new vocs will be added to be compaitble with what's there already. We end up with a list of BPs of reuse. 14:57:06 ... We can do it in a paragrpah or a deeper section. 14:57:13 ack h 14:57:40 hadleybeeman: I think Phil's right inasmuch as wanting to encourage use of the dataset usage voc 14:57:45 ... and think about why we created it 14:58:05 ... If someone wants to demonstrate where the data came from, then, OK. 14:58:14 q? 14:58:16 ... Maybe if we said 'If you want to do this, here's how...' 14:58:26 I have one 14:59:03 laufer: WE say for example that we have to put the license of the original data in the new data, but I don't know what it is, so I can't. 14:59:43 s/WE/We/g 15:00:18 no problem 15:01:00 hadleybeeman: Reusing my own data doesn't need to cite where it came from 15:01:08 zakim, close the queue 15:01:08 ok, hadleybeeman, the speaker queue is closed 15:01:09 this is about provenance! 15:01:13 Q+ 15:01:15 annette_g: I don't agree with that - people always need to know where it came from. 15:01:22 q+ 15:01:45 but we have a BP about provenance 15:01:57 I do not understand why we have to repeat this 15:02:02 hadleybeeman: I suggest we need to take this to the mailing list and try and come vbacxk with something for Monday. If we can't we can't. 15:02:20 we have the bp for license 15:02:23 BernadetteLoscio_: I'm OK with continuing by mail but I'm afraid it's going to be hard to get consensus. 15:02:28 we have the bp for feedback 15:02:33 hadleybeeman: If we can't get consensus, someething gets dropped. 15:02:36 BernadetteLoscio_: I agree of course. 15:02:59 ... We have two threads on subsetting and one on reuse. 15:03:03 bye! 15:03:04 bye all 15:03:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:03:10 thank you, annette 15:03:13 bye all . 15:03:19 bye! thanks everyone! 15:03:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:03:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/23-dwbp-minutes.html phila 15:03:52 annette_g, I will have a think about how to better articulate my perspective on this. I'm not sure I put words to it very well on the call. 15:06:24 jtandy has joined #dwbp 15:10:34 jtandy has joined #dwbp 15:23:25 Caroline_ has joined #DWBP 17:08:00 Zakim has left #dwbp