15:44:24 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:44:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-annotation-irc 15:44:26 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:44:28 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:44:28 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:44:29 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:44:29 Date: 04 March 2016 15:44:51 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/CABevsUEFmryvoUFvg-4O2WfiOwr_0LSi1yJ5fxB20HBdhEeXng@mail.gmail.com 15:45:02 ivan has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/CABevsUEFmryvoUFvg-4O2WfiOwr_0LSi1yJ5fxB20HBdhEeXng@mail.gmail.com 15:45:14 Chair: Rob 15:46:32 azaroth has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2016Mar/0005.html 15:46:47 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:58:04 TimCole_ has joined #annotation 15:58:31 fjh has joined #annotation 15:59:21 +Present Dan_Whaley 16:00:07 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch 16:00:58 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 16:01:20 Present+ Dan_Whaley 16:01:21 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 16:02:05 Regrets+ Nick_Stenning 16:02:07 Present+ Tim_Cole 16:02:36 tilgovi has joined #annotation 16:04:03 scribenick: bigbluehat 16:04:07 Present+ Randall_Leeds 16:04:09 scribe: Benjamin_Young 16:04:16 Present+ Benjamin_Young 16:04:18 Present+ Ivan 16:04:31 takeshi has joined #annotation 16:04:51 PaoloCiccarese has joined #annotation 16:05:04 tbdinesh has joined #Annotation 16:05:27 Agenda: announcement, chairs discussion, and a handful of issues https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2016Mar/0005.html 16:06:00 azaroth: are there any other issues important to discuss not represented on the agenda? 16:06:12 ...k. we'll run with what we have 16:06:17 ...announcements 16:06:23 +q 16:06:26 ...other than the chairing conversation are there others? 16:06:48 ivan: at this moment there are 10 people registered with a 'wish to come' to the face to face 16:07:03 ...if there are others who want to come, please register 16:07:14 ...last week I sent a list of hotels 16:07:21 ...they're also linked from the iannotate.org site 16:07:23 Present+ Takeshi_Kanai 16:08:01 ...make reservations soon to avoid extra expenses 16:08:09 ack dwhly 16:08:36 dwhly: we have put a program committee together for I Annotate 2016 16:08:40 ...you can see it on the site 16:08:50 ...please send in submissions for talks if you'd like to give one 16:08:57 ...sometime in the next week would be great 16:09:01 q? 16:09:21 ...Rob, it'd be great if you might make a presentation on the face-to-face output 16:09:32 present+ shepazu 16:09:37 azaroth: any other announcements? 16:09:58 azaroth: approving minutes from last time 16:10:04 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/02/26-annotation-minutes.html 16:10:10 Present+ tb_dinesh 16:10:20 ...any problems with the minutes? 16:10:31 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 16:10:35 RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/02/26-annotation-minutes.html 16:10:37 TOPIC: WG Chairing 16:10:46 Present+ davis_salisbury 16:10:51 azaroth: announcement and discussion about working group chairing 16:11:31 ivan: things are busy for fjh and consequently it's hard to do both chairing and keep up with other responsibilities 16:11:36 ...he will still be active in the group 16:11:39 ...but not as a co-chair 16:11:49 +1 to fjh 16:11:50 ...first of all, we should all thank fjh for his help from the beginning 16:11:59 Thank you Frederick! 16:12:07 Thank you! 16:12:16 ...as a replacement for fjh, TimCole_ has accepted the co-chair position 16:12:22 Thank you! 16:12:27 fjh++ :) 16:12:44 ...it has not been more widely announced, as we wanted to tell the WG call first 16:12:52 ...announcement will go out later this week or Monday 16:12:56 Thanks all, congratulations to Tim. I think the group has good chairing going forward! 16:13:13 fjh: just wanted to say congrats Tim and thanks everyone! 16:14:00 TimCole_: the transition should be smooth. I've been here since the beginning, and I'm happy to serve in this capacity 16:14:20 fjh: tnx to ivan shepazu and azaroth and TimCole_ for working through the transition 16:14:31 azaroth: my heart felt thanks to you fjh for your dedication and hard work! 16:14:33 Thanks! 16:14:33 ...it's super appreciated 16:15:02 TOPIC: Issues 16:15:19 azaroth: as a note, these issues are the last ones that we have! 16:15:33 ...if we can get through these plus the new one from takeshi, our queue will be clear 16:15:44 ...we'll have to discuss testing, the html serialization, etc. 16:15:57 ...but focusing on the 3 core specifications, this is pretty much it 16:16:20 ...while it's been particularly product to force march through issues, we can reconsider that approach 16:16:47 ...and with TimCole_ as co-chair, it probably makes sense for Tim to take a more active role in the chairing 16:16:56 ...and I would focus more on editorial 16:17:02 TOPIC: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/110 16:17:08 ...The first issue, is issue 110 16:17:38 Proposal is: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/110#issuecomment-188963956 16:17:43 ivan: I started this issue....I don't even remember when...based on the recognition 16:17:50 ...that whatever we do here 16:18:14 ...to identify part of a document could be combined with other specifications 16:18:23 ...and would have huge value beyond just annotation 16:18:38 ...if you want to see the use cases, feel free to read through the long discussion 16:18:50 tilgovi_ has joined #annotation 16:18:57 ...this did come in a little bit late, so there's lots of discussion about how to make it happen 16:18:59 q+ 16:19:03 ...what we're proposing now is... 16:19:12 ...in terms of the standard, there are very very few changes 16:19:18 ...on the vocab level, very few changes 16:19:34 ...on the vocab level it's mostly resorting how the classes and sub-classes are done 16:19:39 ...so they can be more widely used 16:19:59 ...it's one of the last comments on the issues list 16:20:12 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/110#issuecomment-188963956 16:20:24 ...there's essentially just some editorial work to be done 16:20:54 ...essentially a cut and paste from the model document 16:21:05 ...but put it in a less-annotation-bound space 16:21:20 ...so others could use them without digging through a recommendation that may not be in their core interest 16:21:47 ...There was a side issue that came up during the discuss 16:21:51 s/discuss/discussion 16:22:06 ...whether it was good to map the selectors into a fragment identifier 16:22:10 ...technically, this is not hard 16:22:25 ...socially, it's very unclear 16:22:42 ...for instance registering a fragment identifier for HTML is not technically possible 16:22:49 ...we would leave that work to future WGs 16:22:52 +1 to putting it in the note 16:23:05 ...that sums it up. sound right? 16:23:09 azaroth: yes. 16:23:17 q? 16:23:24 ...it's basically a best practices document about how to use our work outside of annotation 16:23:33 ack shepazu 16:23:34 ...the changes come in at the vocab level rather than the model 16:23:49 shepazu: while I agree that this could theoretically be useful outside of annotation 16:23:58 ...unless there's really compelling need outside of the group 16:24:02 ...we should do the minimum 16:24:13 ...I don't hear people clamoring to reuse this stuff 16:24:26 ...most people are not going to use more than CSS selectors for their stuff 16:24:51 ...without wider review, then I don't think it makes sense to spend much time on this 16:25:09 q+ 16:25:18 ...until we have more outside attention on it, I think we should do any substantial work on this... 16:25:31 ivan: since the work is minimal, then I don't think we disagree 16:25:53 ...as for the use cases, on the one hand, there was one big one 16:26:01 ...that certainly was a big use case (by Jacob, I think) 16:26:14 ...when I talked to epub and publishing groups, they would very much like something like this 16:26:20 ...the combination of all these is very powerful 16:26:24 I suggest not going through the use cases, if Doug is willing to accept that they exist, across communities 16:26:32 ...the current way of selecting things within an eboook is pretty ugly 16:26:54 shepazu: I just don't think this is a high priority issue 16:27:04 ivan: than I propose we go along with what's been proposed--which is minimal 16:27:10 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/110#issuecomment-188963956 16:27:26 ...this is the comment for the specific proposal https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/110#issuecomment-188963956 16:27:38 ack TimCole_ 16:27:44 ...let's go along with that, and coming up with a NOTE is typically not disturbing to the working group 16:28:04 TimCole_: I support the proposal, with the understanding that we should highlight that there's potential for future development here 16:28:20 ...the one class of use cases that are compelling involve multiple selectors 16:28:28 ...that's hard to do in any of the current mish-mash environments 16:28:45 ...applying a sequence or a variation of selectors is currently tricky 16:28:49 ...that's not for us to solve now 16:29:01 ...but noting that it would be good ground for the future seems prudent 16:29:01 uskudarli has joined #annotation 16:29:05 (at this point, use cases are less important than specific requests and commitment from implementers to actually implement these outside of Web Annotations) 16:29:09 q? 16:29:22 azaroth: any further thoughts? 16:30:18 ...since GitHub allows issues to be edited, I'll restate the resolution here 16:31:10 PROPOSAL: In vocab, split SpecificResource into Annotation / non Annotation specific classes, Selectors and States as associated with the non Annotation specific class; describe the usage in a Note 16:31:15 +1 16:31:17 +1 16:31:18 +1 16:31:19 +1 16:31:24 +1 16:31:43 +1 16:31:46 +1 16:31:47 +1 16:31:59 -0 16:32:20 RESOLUTION: In vocab, split SpecificResource into Annotation / non Annotation specific classes, Selectors and States as associated with the non Annotation specific class; describe the usage in a Note 16:32:21 rrsagent, pointer? 16:32:21 See http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-annotation-irc#T16-32-21 16:32:25 TOPIC: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/154 16:32:41 azaroth: the next issue is around extension 16:32:52 ...the bulk of the content has already been done 16:32:58 ...we allow for multiple @context's in the text 16:32:59 *I don't think this should have been prioritized, since it doesn't change our implementations behavior) 16:34:02 ...we will liberally crib from the extension section from the ActivityStreams document 16:34:18 ...to help folks looking to extend the model a place to find this content 16:34:26 ...in general, how does that seem? 16:34:52 +1 to having extension section in vocab 16:34:53 ...The vocabulary section seems to be the right place to do it 16:35:00 q? 16:35:02 ...how do we feel about those things? 16:35:14 s/TOPIC:/TOPIC: Extension Capacity / 16:35:52 ...k. we can turn that into an editorial issue and review that once it's done 16:35:59 ...and...I seem to have confused two issues 16:36:13 ...there's also an issue of I18N of values in an annotation 16:36:19 ivan: let's close this one firt 16:36:23 s/firt/firt 16:36:30 s/firt/first 16:36:40 PROPOSAL: Add extension section to vocab not model, proposing the use of multiple json-ld contexts 16:36:43 +1 16:36:44 (extensions are fine, but let's not pretend we haven't committed the spec to JSON-LD / RDF already) 16:36:46 +1 16:36:47 +1 16:36:47 +1 16:36:52 +1 16:36:54 + 0 16:36:55 +1 16:36:57 +1 16:37:03 +1 16:37:13 +1 16:37:22 rrsagent, pointer? 16:37:22 See http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-annotation-irc#T16-37-22 16:37:46 RESOLUTION: Add extension section to vocab not model, proposing the use of multiple json-ld contexts 16:38:04 I18n issue: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/154#issuecomment-191421726 16:38:40 azaroth: currently, the model only has the text of the Body for humans to read--and we have I18N support here already 16:38:55 ...so my thinking is that this is an extension problem--not a model problem 16:39:33 ...it would be sufficient to say, this is an extension issue and we use JSON-LD for extension, so do it that way 16:39:37 q+ 16:39:42 ack ivan 16:39:43 ...or we can recommend a patter, and give the rationale for that 16:40:12 ivan: if we push it on the JSON-LD side, then implementations may miss it because they'll be focused on the model document 16:40:20 ...or we are completely silent on it 16:40:27 ...we don't have any 3rd choice, I think 16:40:30 q+ 16:40:33 ack TimCole_ 16:40:41 ...if we point people to JSON-LD the ground seems a bit shaky 16:40:53 TimCole_: ivan how is this being address by other groups? 16:41:03 ivan: we had that in the CSV metadata 16:41:13 ...which defines a JSON format which is JSON-LD compatible 16:41:20 Activity Streams does the map version: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#naturalLanguageValues 16:41:35 ...we essentially adopted one specific approach in the equivalent "model" type document 16:41:54 TimCole_: the patterns that azaroth indicated, would we put that in vocab? and then model would talk about it? 16:42:10 azaroth: no, the 'label' bit was from the example use case given 16:42:30 ivan: oh. well that's....since we don't have a label, then we don't need this 16:42:34 +1 to ivan 16:42:34 azaroth: right. it's only for extension 16:42:47 ivan: then it's irrelevant 16:43:06 ...we talk about extension, then specific implementations would do it that way 16:43:26 ...they can use that by whatever means, and they would document how to use those extensions, and this thing here would be part of that extension documentation 16:43:31 ...but not part of our document in any way 16:43:54 q+ 16:43:55 TimCole_: the only concern I have is that there may be multiple I18N extensions 16:44:06 ack shepazu 16:44:07 ivan: that's a common problem with extensions--it's just how it is... 16:44:24 shepazu: sorry, I was taking myself off the queue, I was agreeing with ivan 16:44:41 ...we at least avoid name space collisions by using JSON-LD 16:44:53 azaroth: I'm putting in a proposal that we'll remain silent on it 16:45:00 PROPOSAL: Remain silent about i18n of extension properties, as it is covered by JSON-LD already 16:45:02 +1 16:45:03 +1 16:45:06 +1 16:45:06 +1 16:45:08 +1 16:45:09 +1 16:45:14 +1 16:45:17 +1 16:45:36 (it's not "covered by JSON-LD already", it's simply not addressed) 16:46:00 (it's lumped in with any other extensions) 16:46:10 rrsagent, pointer? 16:46:10 See http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-annotation-irc#T16-46-10 16:46:16 RESOLUTION: Remain silent about i18n of extension properties, as it is covered by JSON-LD already 16:46:22 TOPIC: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/174 16:46:44 ivan: you still have editorial work to do for extensions, yeah? 16:46:47 azaroth: definitely 16:46:56 ivan: I'll leave the issue opent hen 16:47:01 s/opent hen/open then 16:47:09 azaroth: 174 is a protocol need 16:47:27 ...a relationship to go into the link headers for HTTP response to point to a service where you can send annotations to 16:47:46 ...in order to have a readable relation--called a "rel type"--we need to register it with IANA 16:47:46 s/TOPIC:/ TOPIC: Document annotation service endpoint rel / 16:47:52 ...in order to do that, we have to have a URI 16:48:16 ...currently, it's in the name space of the vocabulary 16:48:53 ...are there any objections to putting the concept of the service into the vocabulary which otherwise serves the model 16:49:02 ...to avoid creating a namespace just for this piece 16:49:04 q+ 16:49:09 ack shepazu 16:49:31 shepazu: I don't have objections to it 16:49:40 ...I was reading a document that was using the `oa` namespace 16:49:55 ...our spec is different than Open Annotation 16:50:06 ...there are people using it for the last year or two 16:50:15 ...since we changed that, shouldn't we change the namespace? 16:50:24 azaroth: this was handled in issue #53 16:50:28 github: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/53 16:50:31 shepazu: when was that resolved 16:50:54 ivan: can we close the current 174 16:51:08 shepazu: I've no objection to the current issue 16:51:29 PROPOSAL: Use the ontology namespace for the prefix of the annotation service "rel" for link header references 16:51:37 +1 16:51:39 +1 16:51:40 +1 16:51:45 +1 16:51:58 Tbdinesh_ has joined #Annotation 16:52:03 +1 16:52:36 +1 16:52:41 +1 16:52:41 +1 16:52:44 +1 16:52:48 RESOLUTION: Use the ontology namespace for the prefix of the annotation service "rel" for link header references 16:52:49 TOPIC: IRI vs URI - https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/183 16:52:49 rrsagent, pointer? 16:52:49 See http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-annotation-irc#T16-52-49-1 16:53:52 azaroth: there's a motion with the WhatWG to use URL even "over" URI or IRI 16:54:08 ...takeshi is correct that the identifiers in JSON-LD and Turtle are expressed as IRI 16:54:17 ...should we then follow those specs? 16:54:31 ...or should we use URI or URL (following WhatWG) 16:54:52 ...the reasoning is that developers may not know when to use % encoded content 16:54:56 ...using IRI makes that clear 16:55:26 takeshi: my understanding is that in the serialization process, we definitely need to transform the model into the serialization format 16:55:37 ...since both the JSON-LD and Turtle use IRI 16:55:39 q+ 16:55:51 ...that resource identifiers in the model would become an IRI regardless 16:55:52 (note that it's not just naming, it's parsing and processing, which is a non-trivial distinction for interop) 16:56:15 ack ivan 16:56:20 (changing away from HTML5 URL would be going against the future trend) 16:56:22 ...it would be very helpful to make it clear 16:57:03 ivan: since a URI is a subset of an IRI, then it's perhaps OK to leave it at URI 16:57:10 ...my point is more practical 16:57:36 ...what do you do if you have serialized selectors? 16:57:42 ...will your implementation handle that correctly? 16:58:00 ...will it fail because it is turning a IRI into a URI? 16:58:08 ...with all the dashes, etc. 16:58:14 q? 16:58:15 q+ 16:58:18 ack takeshi 16:58:19 ...that should be one of the directing issues 16:58:22 (I think I agree with Ivan) 16:58:55 takeshi: so. when I put JSON-LD into a data store, some are transformed 16:59:02 +1 to takeshi 16:59:03 ...it becomes very difficult to mix and match 16:59:16 ivan: your implementation accepts IRIs 16:59:31 ...what is the practice out there--say at hypothes.is? 16:59:34 ...that's what I don't know 16:59:45 shepazu: does the HTML5 spec address this? or punt? 17:00:25 ...it would be a shame to switch to something that's on it's way out 17:00:37 https://url.spec.whatwg.org/ 17:00:39 ...if it's not addressed in that spec, then I think we should avoid it 17:00:48 q+ 17:01:13 shepazu: they reference 3987 which is IRIs 17:01:14 From that spec 17:01:20 ...but they don't say anything about it 17:01:24 "Standardize on the term URL. URI and IRI are just confusing." 17:01:59 azaroth: this is the important bit https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#idna 17:02:08 ...which defines the encoding for this "new" URL term 17:02:09 q- 17:02:31 http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#ToASCII 17:02:51 azaroth: so we are past time 17:02:57 shepazu: can we come back to this next week? 17:03:22 azaroth: please way in on the issue in the meantime 17:04:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:04:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-annotation-minutes.html ivan 17:04:39 trackbot, end telcon 17:04:39 Zakim, list attendees 17:04:39 As of this point the attendees have been Ivan, Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sandersion, Rob_Sanderson, Tim_Cole, Benjamin_Young, Jacob_Jett, shepazu, davis_salisbury, Paolo_Ciccarese, 17:04:42 ... Ben_De_Meester, Chris_Birk, TB_Dinesh, Takeshi_Kanai, Randall_Leeds, Dan_Whaley, Susan, Uskudarli, !, Nick_Stenning, Suzan_Uskudarli, 0 17:04:47 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:04:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 17:04:48 RRSAgent, bye 17:04:48 I see no action items