17:52:04 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 17:52:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-DPUB-irc 17:52:12 rrsagent, make logs public 17:52:26 scribe: clapierre 17:52:31 chair: clapierre 17:52:36 title: Accessibility DPUB Task Force Weekly Meeting 17:52:53 present+ Charles LaPierre 17:54:47 Florian has joined #dpub 17:54:51 Karen has joined #dpub 17:59:28 dkaplan3 has joined #dpub 18:01:04 present+ tzviya 18:01:59 present+ Deborah_Kaplan 18:04:46 Topic A11Y Note (Whats left to do)  18:06:09 George: Comment: in the discussions skipability / escapeability and how audio oriented that really is. Written for DAISY with SMILE and controlling is audio, and epub is text orient. Jaws to escape outside of table is a key combination to get to the end of the table. 18:06:39 Deborah: audio books in HTML5 we should call out in as a usecases. 18:07:04 Tzviya: Roman will be switching out. The usecase work needs to pick up on that. 18:07:29 Deborah: there is PWP and use cases in our Note. (They have been looked at together) 18:09:21 …, two emails: from Mike (Great and Huge!) FIrst comment: good one and simple, which is to give the comments and use cases and then put the Suggestions at the end. 2nd comment: document for rec. suggestions to ATAG/UAG etc , the suggestions are good ones but telling you should do X is problematic. 18:09:56 …, would be good to have a joint meeting between these groups. 18:10:44 …, I think that is a good point and we got it before we published. 18:11:14 Tzviya: coordinating with other groups. there use to be WAI coordination calls. We had the first one this week. 18:11:23 George: Oh, I didn't know. 18:11:35 Tzviya: I will let Judy know to add you George. 18:12:00 …, idea is to get everyone in WAI to avoid this. its an hour 15 meeting. 18:12:15 …, We can set this up through this WAI meeting call. 18:13:03 George: moving fwd building a profile which builds on WCAG we should probably be looking to that group. 18:13:45 Tzviya: Markus, George and I will represent DPUB 18:14:29 Karen has joined #dpub 18:14:32 Deborah: Do we agree with Micheal's suggestion "groups should do X" instead do a suggestions "BOLD" gap is needed. 18:14:50 Tzviya: Yes I think that is good and Micheal has a great pulse on things so yes we should do that. 18:15:18 Deborah: Alisters comments, "We should rewrite the abstract". 18:15:41 …, much stronger on what we are trying to do. 18:15:53 Tzviya: I wasn't expecting this but it was great. 18:16:24 Deborah: Someone needs to go through the email and do the obvious ones and any which are not then bring it back to this group. 18:17:39 …: 1. rewrite Suggestions as the GAP analysis. Do the GAP analysis rewrite. 2. Change ordering of Suggestions. 3. rewriting the abstract. 4. taking ownership of going through the line notes and either implementing them or bringing them back to this group for discussion. 18:18:09 Karen has joined #dpub 18:18:31 Tzviya: his line notes … idea of a publishing is already addressed in WCAG. as a group we may want to talk with WCAG group. 18:19:08 Deborah: his topic on pagination I am not clear if he understood what we were getting at, and maybe we need to update our Note accordingly. 18:19:19 Tzviya: We need to go through his notes very closely. 18:19:47 George: I read through it and re-read it. There is some disconnect where I was and where he was coming from. 18:20:35 Tzviya: I think our best step is to read his notes and his understanding of WCAG to try and go through things and then propose a joint meeting. I think we might want to do the rewrite based on Micheal's items first. 18:21:33 Deborah: I am somewhat worried about that the detailed level of wordsmithing to keep the content but the political implications. 18:21:56 Tzviya: I am over booked through May. 18:21:57 Specifically, I think I am the best person to do it, but it is exceptionally time consuming. 18:24:08 George: With the launch of the Google impact challenge we are getting people reassigned, and there is no extra person in the DAISY staff. Wondering if the relationship with this note and the ePub 3.1 a11y work being done. This document I was hoping was going to be the foundation of that. Ie. pointing to it. WCAG fundamentally got it right somet things don't apply and here are the gaps with ePub a11y thing. 18:25:20 Tzviya: We do have that in our Appendix, I think it will work better for ePub. we can say this is a Gap and ePub can say this is how we will fill the Gap. Wondering from the ePub TF who has some time. Jean maybe? 18:25:47 Deborah: She has no time either, but she will get dragged into things when no one else can do it. 18:26:26 Tzviya: Jean Kaplansky 18:27:39 Deborah: I have a little bit of time. There is a lot of writing. we need the last political wordsmithing. If I do it all then minimum a month. 18:27:52 Tzviya: if we take a day to do this together in person. 18:28:15 Deborah: let me talk to Jean and get back to you. Maybe sit out in a Google Hangout and work on it. 18:28:45 …, there were 2 other action items: rewriting the abstract and taking ownership of Alister's line items and see what needs to happen. 18:29:40 Charles: I did the respec work and still have the wiki table / google doc transport. 18:29:50 Tzviya: maybe Mia can help. 18:30:32 Tzviya: Avneesh has been using it as a springboard. this group identified the problems, and could be used in the tools. 18:31:12 Tzviya: Matt is a really good write, but he doesn't have a lot of free time. It may be possible for him helping out 18:31:37 George: we have Matt some work in the Google impact challenge. 18:32:11 Tzviya: reach out to Avneesh on how we can work together on this. 18:33:12 George: He works for DAISY in india, chief of operations and strategy. Brilliant and co-chair with Charles on a11y TF for the ePub 3.1 metadata. 18:33:41 Tzviya: seeing Markus and Avneesh together was amazing to watch these two thought leaders together. 18:34:47 Deborah: I want to make sure everyone has an assignment. I am owning the rewriting. Coordinate with Tzviya and Jean will coordinate on Micheals rewrites. We will ask Mia to look at the abstract. (if she can do it or ask someone at Pearson.) 18:35:08 Geroge: Avneesh harmony here and ePub a11y profile 18:35:41 s/harmony/will look into the potentials for harmony/ 18:36:06 Deborah: should he look at our Note and attend the next meeting? 18:36:38 George: loop in Matt, and Avneesh 18:37:24 Tzviya: then we can invite both Matt and Avneesh to our next meeting although it will be late in India. 18:37:40 Deborah: Charles will do the table conversion work for WCAG techniques. 18:38:35 Tzviya: we need to give ourselves a timeline. Before we meet with them. We need to assess the issues raised. What our goal is. 18:38:50 George: I know this is not a spec but following W3C for comments. 18:39:10 Tzviya: we need to respond, we need time to process and suggest a meeting with them. 18:39:39 Deborah: I am not comfortable until we have Micheal's changes implemented. 18:40:10 Tzviya: we have to finish this by the end of this month since I am not available in March. 18:40:30 Deborah: There is a major reorg here and I won't know how much time I have. 18:40:44 …, March 25 sound reasonable? 18:41:43 Charles: I will do the spreadsheet work by next week. 18:42:23 Deborah: Can you the following week drive Alisters line items. 18:42:46 Tzviya: Deborah, you Jean and I will follow up after this and figure out a time to do this. 18:43:17 Deborah: If we have a draft version of this by 25. Can we ask WCAG the week after to meet? 18:43:31 Tzviya: Lets wait until we have this work done first. 18:43:54 Tzviya: in our DPUB meeting we need to say why we haven't published and everyone is busy. 18:44:26 Deborah: Let talk about the IDPF meetings… 18:49:52 Tzviya: for ePub two main things missing from WCAG are the a11y metadata and packaging. 18:50:24 …, could do a formal extension to WCAG 18:51:00 George: worry about WCAG A/AA/AAA maps to DPUB. 18:51:08 Tzviya: I am no longer convinced of that. 18:55:29 Florian has joined #dpub 18:55:38 Deborah: I may not be able to make the meeting on DPUB. 18:56:47 Tzviya: biggest thing is how we are handling the feedback given by W3C and I think we have that. Charles can you talk to this on Monday? 18:56:53 Charles: Yes that will be fine. 18:57:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:57:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/04-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 19:25:56 rrsagent, bye 19:25:56 I see no action items