18:57:36 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:57:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/18-shapes-irc 18:57:38 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:57:38 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:57:40 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:57:40 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 18:57:41 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:57:41 Date: 18 February 2016 18:59:05 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2016.02.18 18:59:10 chair: Arnaud 18:59:31 pfps has joined #shapes 18:59:32 regrets: simonstey, dimitris 18:59:35 present+ 18:59:47 present+ 19:00:52 present+ kcoyle 19:01:14 aryman has joined #shapes 19:01:50 hello? 19:01:55 present+ aryman 19:02:50 present+ 19:03:36 wippler has joined #shapes 19:04:50 Labra has joined #shapes 19:05:56 +present labra 19:06:31 hsolbrig has joined #shapes 19:06:55 what is the webex password? 19:07:55 jamsden has joined #shapes 19:07:59 scribenick: pfps 19:08:10 present +jamsden 19:08:35 topic: Administrivia 19:08:46 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 11 February 2016 Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/02/11-shapes-minutes.html 19:08:55 excellent scribing! 19:09:07 minutes looked OK 19:09:21 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 11 February 2016 Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/02/11-shapes-minutes.html 19:09:35 arnaud: next meeting next week 19:09:44 topic: ISSUE-68 19:10:20 arnaud: I added pointers to last discussion of issues 19:10:42 arnaud: there are some issues that have not had any discussion 19:10:50 arnaud: we should try to look at them 19:10:54 ISSUE-68 19:10:54 ISSUE-68 -- pre-binding not defined in SHACL spec -- open 19:10:54 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/68 19:11:20 arnaud: the last time this was discussed was in July 2015 19:11:47 arnaud: holger sent out an email with a proposal 19:12:16 holger: I had conversations on this with Andy Seabourne (sp?) 19:12:53 holger: There needs to be something done - there is no formal definition of pre-binding in SPARQL 19:13:04 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Proposals#ISSUE-68:_Definition_of_Pre-Binding 19:14:08 holger: initial bindings are supported in implementations 19:14:33 holger: I don't see how to avoid something like pre-bindings 19:14:39 TallTed, does virtuoso support pre-binding? 19:14:55 q+ 19:15:10 present+ ericP 19:16:28 holger: andy suggested to use an algebra specification, using the operators there to get the effect of pre-bindings 19:16:37 ack ericP 19:17:10 eric: you could use bindings for this if you didn't rely on told b-nodes 19:17:49 eric: if you don't use b-nodes then you could get by 19:18:03 q+ 19:18:17 ack pfps 19:18:51 pfps: I don't think that this is the issue - this is not getting things in from the outside, it is for internal communication 19:19:15 holger: we agreed not to support SPARQL endpoints 19:19:16 q+ 19:19:43 arnaud: so this has not yet been addressed, there is a proposal 19:19:44 ack pfps 19:20:31 pfps: we do depend on this quite a bit as the internal need it 19:20:56 arnaud: it's not that the problem is not important, it's that it is not controversial 19:21:49 pfps: the current stuff is very hand-waving, and this needs to be nailed down sometime 19:24:08 q+ 19:24:50 pfps: it is possible that something in the SPARQL algebra works, I don't know whether ToMultiSet is the right thing 19:25:17 arnaud: if that is the right thing then that could be put into the spec 19:25:22 holger: OK 19:25:25 ack aryman 19:25:40 arthur: this is only an issue for the SPARQL binding 19:25:45 holger: right 19:26:34 arthur: this came up in SPARQL update, where they use SELECT clauses to get at blank node 19:26:55 arthur: it seems to me that the nodes that we need to identify are accessible in this manner 19:27:18 arthur: if you wanted to implement this on a remote endpoint then you could use this method 19:27:31 holger: this would work sometimes 19:27:58 arthur: holger will update the draft and we can see if the result is acceptable 19:28:12 topic: ISSUE-92 19:28:15 issue-92 19:28:15 issue-92 -- Should repeated properties be interpreted as additive or conjunctive? -- open 19:28:15 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/92 19:28:28 s/arthur/arnaud/ 19:28:45 arnaud: there has been discussion on this topic 19:28:52 q+ 19:29:02 ack aryman 19:29:05 arnaud: we may not be able to get to the bottom of this today, but let's have an update 19:29:24 arthur: our discussion had to do with meta-model aspects 19:29:48 arthur: we have come to the conclusion to focus on the user-visible terms 19:30:10 arthur: I have just rewritten the text to eliminate non-visible stuff 19:30:44 http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#PartitionConstraint 19:31:51 eric: we have some amendmants to consider to match our needs 19:32:13 arthur: what's the status 19:32:24 eric: we are hoping to match this construct 19:32:29 q+ 19:32:36 eric: we have nestings of expressions to consider 19:33:41 eric: we have arbitrary expressivity of groups, 19:33:50 eric: we want to make nesting of expressions simple 19:33:50 q+ 19:34:03 arnaud: that's encouraging 19:34:04 ack hknublau 19:34:33 holger: if we add this we also need to think about qualified cardinality expressions 19:35:05 arnaud: at some point we should think about removing things that are not needed 19:35:12 ack aryman 19:35:32 arthur: peter - on the proposal page you voted -1 19:35:53 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Proposals#ISSUE-92:_additive_repeated_properties 19:36:34 pfps: at some point I will have to look at it again 19:37:40 arnaud: I don't know if looking at this next week is doable 19:38:21 topic: ISSUE-47 19:38:23 issue-47 19:38:23 issue-47 -- Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how? -- open 19:38:23 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/47 19:38:39 arnaud: we discussed this last week 19:39:13 arnaud: in some cases it is not possible to access the shapes graph 19:39:48 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Proposals#ISSUE-47:_.24shapesGraph 19:39:49 arnaud: there is a new proposal 19:40:14 q+ 19:40:39 ack pfps 19:41:19 pfps: my action in this area was to come up with a counter proposal but I have been to busy to do so 19:41:46 Arnaud has joined #shapes 19:42:32 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-47, stating that: Not all execution environments can support $shapesGraph access, just like not all platforms have to support SPARQL extensions in general. However, for those environments that do, the spec should define $shapesGraph access and clarify that it is an optional feature. Implementations that do not support it may report a Failure. For the core built-ins, these implementations may use alternative approaches such as custom [CUT] 19:42:57 s/custom [CUT]/custom SPARQL code generators but that is left as an implementation detail. / 19:43:12 +1 19:43:17 +1 19:43:18 0 19:43:20 +1 19:43:25 0 19:43:28 0 19:43:29 0 19:43:29 0 19:44:55 pfps: why all the 0's people will use this feature 19:44:57 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-47, stating that: Not all execution environments can support $shapesGraph access, just like not all platforms have to support SPARQL extensions in general. However, for those environments that do, the spec should define $shapesGraph access and clarify that it is an optional feature. Implementations that do not support it may report a Failure. For the core built-ins, these implementations may use alternative approaches such as custom SPARQL code generators but that is left as an implementation detail. 19:46:18 topic: ISSUE-121 19:46:18 issue-121 19:46:18 issue-121 -- Should the SHACL owl:Ontology include the # character -- open 19:46:18 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/121 19:46:20 issue-121 19:46:20 issue-121 -- Should the SHACL owl:Ontology include the # character -- open 19:46:20 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/121 19:46:34 q+ 19:47:05 arnaud: there is a disagreement as to whether the # should be included 19:47:34 arnaud: there is little guidance to be found elsewhere 19:47:57 ack aryman 19:48:31 arthur: the best practice document doesn't bear on this issue, as we have already agreed to use # URIs 19:48:57 arthur: the document talks about whether to use # URIs or / URIs 19:49:52 arthur: W3C vocabularies use # URIs, mostly, which allows for a single document 19:50:45 arthur: the document says to use either a # or a slash at the end of the namespace names 19:50:56 arthur: # URIs end up being simpler 19:52:11 q+ 19:52:16 STRAWPOLL: Should the SHACL owl:Ontology include the # character? Y/N 19:52:24 arthur: the question is whether to include the # in the name of the ontology 19:52:28 ack hknublau 19:53:03 holger: I agree that the OWL ontology should be the base URI and that this should not have # 19:53:30 holger: I asked Richard Cy... what the trend is, he says that the ontology does not not have # 19:53:52 arthur: let's not have two URIs 19:54:07 holger: W3C no longer uses that practice 19:54:18 arthur: I don't care 19:54:55 STRAWPOLL: Should the SHACL owl:Ontology include the # character? Y/N 19:54:58 q+ to say that it depends on constellation size 19:55:12 ack ericP 19:55:12 ericP, you wanted to say that it depends on constellation size 19:55:55 eric: the decision on # or / depended on the size of the ontology, / for large 19:56:24 Y 19:56:38 ? - go with the flow 19:56:47 N 19:56:53 0 (do not care) 19:56:55 Y 19:57:00 eric: it seems to me that it is easier of the prefix and the ontology are the same 19:57:19 Y (0,5) 19:57:27 N (0) 19:57:32 aryman has joined #shapes 19:57:37 dropped off 19:57:58 holger: if we include # then we also need to include the imports statement 19:58:04 please repeat the straw poll question 19:58:34 STRAWPOLL: Should the SHACL owl:Ontology include the # character? Y/N 19:58:45 Y 19:59:00 0 19:59:22 arnaud: more Y than N 19:59:33 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-121, the SHACL owl:Ontology include the # character 19:59:41 +1 19:59:49 -0.9 19:59:49 +0.5 19:59:50 0 19:59:51 +1 19:59:54 0 19:59:55 q+ 20:00:01 +1 20:00:10 ack jamsden 20:00:29 jamsden: I ran into this when building the OLSC vocabulary 20:00:50 s/OLSC/OSLC/ 20:01:23 jamsden: i liked not having the # in the vocabulary name and having # at the beginning of the local names 20:01:39 q+ 20:01:52 ack aryman 20:02:23 arthur: for short URLs you can use relative URLs or CURIES 20:02:39 q+ 20:02:42 arthur: is # allowed at the beginning of a CURIE? 20:02:53 ack ericP 20:04:07 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-121, the SHACL owl:Ontology include the # character 20:04:42 topic: ISSUE-99 20:04:48 issue-99 20:04:48 issue-99 -- special treatment of rdfs:Resource and rdf:List in sh:valueClass (and possibly elsewhere) -- open 20:04:48 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/99 20:05:11 arnaud: there was a proposal on the proposals page on this issue 20:05:42 q+ 20:05:45 arnaud: I would like to get more eyes on this 20:05:47 ack hknublau 20:07:33 holger: this is about whether sh:valueClass should work for lists that are untyped and other special cases 20:08:38 pfps: completely disagree, why treating lists any differently? what's so special about them? 20:08:50 pfps: there is nothing special about lists 20:09:04 pfps: we have decided not to use inferencing 20:09:43 holger: but Turtle doesn't put type statements on lists 20:10:14 q+ 20:10:43 pfps: this is the result of not doing inferencing 20:11:16 pfps: this is just adding to the ugliness 20:11:20 ack aryman 20:11:43 arthur: what is the semantics of the collection construct 20:11:55 eric: just a bunch of triple - not the type triple 20:12:15 arthur: I think that this indicates a special treatment of lists 20:12:31 q+ 20:12:41 ack pfps 20:13:17 pfps: then the way to go is to have special syntax in SHACL for lsits 20:13:31 sounds promising 20:13:32 eric: agreed 20:13:37 what do you propose? 20:14:08 pfps: i guess it is on me 20:14:45 ACTION pfps: proposal for lists 20:14:45 Created ACTION-35 - Proposal for lists [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2016-02-25]. 20:15:19 topic: ISSUE-105 20:15:22 issue-105 20:15:22 issue-105 -- SHACL SPARQL constraints depend on namespaces in a graph, which is not defined -- open 20:15:22 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/105 20:15:43 arnaud: peter raised this issue 20:15:51 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Proposals#ISSUE-105:_Defined_prefixes 20:16:02 holger: I have a proposal on the proposals page 20:16:32 q+ 20:16:46 pfps: this is a major change to how SHACL works 20:16:47 ack pfps 20:17:20 q+ 20:17:23 pfps: SHACL used to take RDF graphs and now it takes something else 20:17:27 ack aryman 20:17:59 arthur: I am both worried about and sympathetic to this proposal 20:18:47 q+ 20:18:57 arthur: within files there are prefixes, most processors remember these prefixes 20:19:14 arthur: holger is saying that we should take advantage of this 20:19:47 arthur: if the SHACL processor uses a prefix that is not in the RDF graph document 20:19:56 q+ 20:20:21 arthur: but if there is a prefix in the document then that can be used 20:20:49 ack hknublau 20:21:08 holger: I don't think that this is changing much 20:22:13 holger: this can be done in a pre-processing stage 20:22:48 holger: we could also have a triple linking 20:22:50 ack pfps 20:23:26 q+ 20:24:08 pfps: this requires a 1-1 correspondence between SHACL inputs and documents, which is a bad idea 20:24:11 ack hknublau 20:24:29 aryman has joined #shapes 20:24:35 holger: if prefixes were part of RDF then that would be the best solution 20:25:14 holger: at a certain stage you have to have assumptions on how the data was processed 20:25:27 q+ 20:25:36 holger: if there are conflicting prefixes then the engine can throw an error 20:25:42 ack aryman 20:25:54 q+ to argue against pre-defined prefixes 20:26:17 arthur: in OSLC we have triples for the prefixes 20:26:57 arthur: when you print a graph you want to use CURIEs so we put triples in the file to give preferred prefixes 20:27:05 # Triples needed for code generation (to be deleted prior to final publication) <#process-prefix> a ; "sh" ; sh: . 20:27:49 arthur: the advantage here is that they only have to be done once and we are in an RDF world 20:28:18 arthur: any prefix in the SPARQL would override this 20:28:37 ack pfps 20:28:38 pfps, you wanted to argue against pre-defined prefixes 20:30:11 pfps: I actually don't have any particular problem with special syntax that injects prefix declarations into the generated SPARQL 20:30:31 ..... 20:31:40 trackbot, end meeting 20:31:40 Zakim, list attendees 20:31:40 As of this point the attendees have been pfps, Arnaud, kcoyle, aryman, hknublau, ericP, hsolbrig, jamsden, labra 20:31:48 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:31:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/18-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 20:31:49 RRSAgent, bye 20:31:49 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/18-shapes-actions.rdf : 20:31:49 ACTION: pfps to proposal for lists [1] 20:31:49 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/18-shapes-irc#T20-14-45