18:57:21 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:57:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/04-shapes-irc 18:57:23 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:57:23 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:57:24 pfps has joined #shapes 18:57:25 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:57:25 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 18:57:26 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:57:26 Date: 04 February 2016 18:57:30 chair: Arnaud 18:57:36 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2016.02.04 18:57:47 present+ 18:57:51 present+ 18:58:34 present+ 18:59:49 present+ 19:00:38 I see that there have been responses from the WG to questions in the public mailing list. This should be discussed today. 19:00:50 aryman has joined #shapes 19:00:56 hknublau has joined #shapes 19:01:42 present+ aryman 19:02:38 scribenick: ericP 19:02:49 present+ 19:02:56 present+ 19:04:09 topic: Admin 19:03:39 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 28 January 2016 Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/01/28-shapes-minutes.html 19:03:41 minutes looked fine 19:03:47 +1 19:03:56 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 28 January 2016 Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/01/28-shapes-minutes.html 19:04:35 q+ to talk about the public mailing list at the end of the admin section 19:04:43 topic: F2F6 19:04:48 Labra has joined #shapes 19:05:12 Arnaud: jose and i have conflict end of March 19:05:54 ... Doodle indicates March 15-17 is the only candidate 19:06:04 ... though several people marked it if-need-be 19:06:19 ... we can accept this or look later into April 19:06:20 There will be times during 15-17 March when I will have to be in different meetings. I do not know how many hours this will consume. 19:06:40 ... we can aim for another meeting in June 19:07:01 ... which leaves the summer off 19:07:53 march seems fine 19:07:56 q+ 19:08:02 ack pfps 19:08:02 pfps, you wanted to talk about the public mailing list at the end of the admin section 19:08:14 ack aryman 19:08:36 +1 for march 15-17 19:08:39 Arnaud: is there a set of issues that require a set of issues to resolve? 19:09:04 s/require a set of/require a f2f/ 19:09:19 recursive shapes?? 19:09:29 Arnaud: holger asserted that there's one major issue left - issue 23 19:09:42 ... having f2f's is not manditory. 19:09:49 I am not keen on F2F meetings unless needed (time zone is killing me). 19:09:54 ... f2fs are a way to make more progress 19:10:29 aryman: i wonder if instead of a F2F meeting we could have extended meetings with required prep 19:10:43 ... it might not interest everyone 19:11:04 +1 to longer regular meetings 19:11:09 Arnaud: reserving peoples' time is difficult 19:11:20 ... i'm afraid it will drag on 19:11:34 ... that said, i'm here to help, not to force people to meet 19:12:28 hknublau: my impression is that we have all the open issues behind us 19:12:55 q+ 19:13:27 ack kcoyle 19:13:45 Arnaud: we could say "after the weekly call, i want to discuss X; those interersted please linger" 19:14:13 kcoyle: it seems that during the weekly calls, we discuss stuff without completing them 19:15:00 Arnaud: apart from the end of the call, in most weekly calls, if we don't resolve something it's because folks need more time 19:15:11 ... f2fs don't help much in that regard 19:15:29 ... it's more to do with extracting bigger bandwidth for a few days 19:15:47 ... i'm hearing several folks propose that we don't schedule a F2F 19:15:58 q+ 19:16:02 ack aryman 19:16:28 aryman: i like the idea of using the regular call to go deeper into specific issues 19:16:32 +30 minutes after the regular call for certain topics seems reasonable 19:16:41 ... easier to leverage this time slot than to schedule others 19:17:05 fine by me to not schedule the march F2F 19:17:33 Arnaud: so do we cancel the next F2F? 19:17:41 PROPOSED: Put F2F6 on hold indefinitely, we'll have ad hoc calls instead 19:17:44 +1 19:17:48 +1 19:17:49 +1 19:17:55 +1 19:17:56 +1 19:17:56 +1 19:18:04 +1 19:18:28 RESOLVED: Put F2F6 on hold indefinitely, we'll have ad hoc calls instead 19:18:43 +1 19:19:33 topic: DC shapes meeting 19:20:36 http://www.meetup.com/semweb-31/events/228584769/ 19:20:53 Arnaud: Dave McComb and Dan Carey giving a DC meeting talk "SHACL Up with Shapely RDF" about their implementation 19:21:03 ... if they have one, maybe there are others 19:21:08 q+ 19:21:17 hknublau: i saw a discussion on a ruby mailing list 19:21:32 ack aryman 19:21:33 Arnaud: we could have a wiki page about impls 19:21:56 https://github.com/ruby-rdf/rdf/issues/268 19:22:02 aryman: it would be great if the whole WG attended because apparently he will say exactly what SHACL is ;-) 19:22:21 Arnaud: i'll put a section on the homepage for links to impls. 19:22:40 ... at CR time, we can reach out to those folks 19:23:05 topic: Handling of comments sent to the public mailing list 19:23:39 pfps: we've flub everything respect to comments and we're continuing 19:24:08 ... if you're going to reply to a q on the public mailing list, even trivial, you should tell the WG what you're going to do 19:24:18 Arnaud: i don't know that W3C has a policy 19:25:37 ericP: i think in SPARQL, we could answer non-controversial q's 19:25:59 ... i don't think anyone asked non-controversial q's on the RDF public list 19:27:00 Arnaud: i propose a policy where you speak for yourself. if you know the answer, go ahead and help 19:27:07 q+ 19:27:23 ... if the issue is controversial, answer with care and/or bring to the WG for discussion 19:27:32 ack pfps 19:28:03 pfps: though this mesage appears to not be substantive, it is 19:28:12 ... robert is owed a WG response 19:28:36 ... it's substantive, the first, all the things that indicate that the WG should be responding with care 19:31:13 Arnaud: doesn't have to be so rigid. we can follow the list and if we disagree, we can respond with "not discussed yet; follow-up pending" 19:31:32 q+ 19:31:32 pfps: if it works; it works. if not, it can fail very badly 19:31:49 ... controversial hides in lots of places 19:31:55 q+ 19:32:35 pfps: the public-rdf-shapes list is the way for the public to address the WG 19:33:05 ... when we go to the end, we need to go through a very formal process 19:33:22 Arnaud: pfps is referring to "disposition of comments" 19:33:47 ... we used to have a phase called "last call" where folks have to say whether the commenter was satisfied with the response to their comment 19:33:57 ack aryman 19:34:03 ... it's a way to make sure that W3C hasn't closed itself from the rest of the world 19:34:48 ack ericP 19:34:53 aryman: i saw that note and no one replied for three days, and since it was about an edit i'd just made, ithoguht i was qualified to respond 19:35:54 q+ 19:37:29 ericP: in RDF and SPARQL, I'd negotiate a wording change (or none) and when the commenter was satisfied, take it to the WG 19:37:38 ack kcoyle 19:37:45 Arnaud: i think pfps's issue is in the case where there is no change 19:38:07 kcoyle: if we want to get comments, we have to respond or folks will get discouraged 19:38:27 ... we need someone to at least say that we've seen the comment and that we're thinking about it 19:38:45 Arnaud: from that point of view, i was happy to see that aryman responded 19:39:13 kcoyle: but within ourselves, we haven't agreed on a mechanism for responding to comments 19:39:37 I nominate Arthur for that 19:39:42 Arnaud: does anyone want to volunteer to respond? 19:40:07 I'm happy to provide acks as necessary. 19:40:07 @kcoyle what have I done to offend you? 19:40:10 which again will cost us some precious wg time 19:40:55 ... if you think it's controversial, you can say "good question; i've raised an issue" 19:41:35 ... i think 99% of the cases will be fine 19:41:54 ... of course anyone can respond if they see an email sitting there 19:42:07 pfps: i'll wait for the next train to jump off the tracks 19:42:37 topic: ISSUE-117: non-classes as classes 19:42:59 Arnaud: we might have resolved 117 given more time -- resuming conversation 19:43:10 q+ 19:43:30 ... there was an issue with how the spec says that the object sh:class MUST be classes 19:43:40 ack hknublau 19:43:52 ... propose to make this MUST a SHOULD 19:44:12 hknublau: we should lift the requirement that has sh:property 19:44:28 Holger appears to be arguing against SHOULD 19:45:06 ... the cases where the range is supposed to be an rdfs:Class or an rdfs:Property shoule be turned into a warning 19:45:10 no, should is good 19:45:42 Arnaud: just saying "SHOULD" doesn't say how implementors admonish users 19:46:12 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-117, changing MUST to SHOULD in: Section 3.1.1 sh:class "The values of sh:class must be classes (instances of rdfs:Class)." and changing MUST to SHOULD where we say that sh:property must be rdfs:property 19:46:17 q+ 19:46:21 ack pfps 19:46:31 pfps: i think that's too strong 19:46:50 s/sh:property/sh:predicate/ 19:47:12 s/rdfs:property/rdf:Property/ 19:48:11 http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#template-arguments 19:49:50 neither the shapes graph nor the data graph may have a triple like ex:loves a rdf:Property 19:50:04 q+ 19:50:38 say "is expected to be" or "is normally" 19:51:06 q+ 19:51:40 ack aryman 19:52:21 aryman: i think that pfps is that there's really no requirement that a validator GET the ontology or that a data graph contain the ontology 19:52:25 q+ 19:52:26 there is no need for an ontology in SHACL validation 19:52:28 ... SHOULD is misleading 19:52:39 ... we're not doing inferencing 19:52:47 { :John :Mary :loves } ? 19:52:58 ... i think we should SHOULDn't say "should" 19:53:20 is assumed to be a property? 19:53:36 ack hknublau 19:53:47 ... we could say "the object of the sh:property is typically a property" 19:53:53 hknublau: i can live with that 19:54:08 q+ 19:54:12 ack pfps 19:54:15 ... all we need is an RDFS range on sh:property to know that the object is a property 19:54:34 pfps: hknublau is talking about a particular use of SHACL 19:55:09 ... there are others, e.g. describing the output of web processes, which don't expect anything about rdf:Properties 19:55:30 Arnaud: if we can't agree, we can remove it altogether 19:55:31 q+ 19:55:38 ack aryman 19:55:42 hknublau: so what about the range statement? 19:55:59 aryman: this is near the vocab discussion around issue-95 19:56:15 ... we're discussing what sh:Class or sh:predicate means 19:56:43 ... it's appropriate for us to add a range to say that the object of sh:predicate is a property 19:57:00 ... unless we were expecting a reasoner to do something with it, it has no impact 19:57:13 ... we're free to put that sort of information in the vocabulary 19:57:37 Arnaud: we have a section on the relationship between SHACL and RDFS 19:57:45 ... can we add a bit of text here? 19:57:58 aryman: we've already said that we don't rely on a reasoner 19:58:26 ... so whatever we put in the vocabulary will have no effect 19:58:52 ... the whole point of issue-23 was to figure out what reasoning we do 19:59:01 ... we count on 0 inferencing 20:00:38 +1 to rdfs:range 20:02:07 pfps: literals and blank nodes can be properties 20:02:16 ... nothing prevents them from being properties 20:02:33 hknublau: let's not get into philosophy 20:02:52 pfps: if you declare it, you're making a strong statement about the future 20:02:57 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-117, dropping from Section 3.1.1 sh:class the sentence "The values of sh:class must be classes (instances of rdfs:Class)." and any assertions that sh:predicate must be an rdfs:Property 20:03:14 aryman: there's benefit either way 20:03:34 hknublau: with TBC, we'll add triples 20:03:53 close enough 20:03:59 +1 20:04:07 +1 20:04:09 +1 20:04:09 +1 20:04:10 +1 20:04:13 +1 20:04:14 +0.5 20:04:14 +1 20:04:16 +1 20:04:30 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-117, dropping from Section 3.1.1 sh:class the sentence "The values of sh:class must be classes (instances of rdfs:Class)." and any assertions that sh:predicate must be an rdfs:Property 20:05:03 topic: ISSUE-95: Template Simplifications 20:05:28 Arnaud: hknublau raised an issue about how we manage the vocab and turtle files 20:05:56 hknublau: as i was editing the turtle files -- up to six files: 20:06:33 ... .. RDFS vocab distinct from shapes files 20:07:11 ... .. shapes which constriant for SHACL-based tools how these shapes can be composed 20:07:21 ... .. extension mechanism 20:07:33 ... .. SPARQL-related extension 20:08:03 q+ 20:08:05 Arnaud: i don't think we want to overshoot. 20:08:08 ack aryman 20:08:22 aryman: i did reply: 20:08:36 ... any term in our vocab should be in a vocab file 20:08:48 ... for constraints, we have built-in constraints and we have extensions 20:10:35 ... we could still stick the sparql defns in another file, importing the basing turtle file 20:10:43 ... shapes go into a separate file 20:11:42 ... all i'm suggesting is that the sparql implementations go in a separate file as they're not normative; just an example implementation 20:11:56 hknublau, i'd want to implement them in SHACL 20:12:04 hknublau: i'd want to implement them in SHACL 20:12:22 ... people who are using shacl typically need to owl:import soemthing 20:12:37 ... if every implementiaton has their own SPARQL queries, that's not going to be helpful 20:12:44 ... i think this requires digging into the details 20:13:27 Arnaud: i'd like the two editors to come up with some options for us to choose from 20:13:27 q+ 20:13:50 ack aryman 20:13:58 hknublau: three files is complicated but not so bad 20:14:14 aryman: we have a normative core vocab 20:14:28 ... we have another vocab file which inlcludes SPARQL defns 20:14:49 ... if TQ wants to improve upon them, they can import the core vocab 20:15:27 Arnaud: if there are points of contention (between hknublau and aryman), bring them to the group for resolution 20:15:43 ... otherwise, on the issue, i understand you're working out the details of holding a meeting 20:16:09 topic: ISSUE-92: additive repeated properties 20:16:20 Arnaud: i believe this is the most important issue left so we need to make progress on this 20:16:36 q+ 20:16:59 Arnaud: this is important to the shex folks 20:17:11 ack ericP 20:17:14 ... we need to discuss how we address this 20:18:50 ericP: ShEx has experimented with aryman's proposed greedy algorithm and that meets our most important needs 20:19:07 ... this could be extended later to something more exhaustive 20:19:44 Arnaud: so you've experimented with aryman's greedy algorithm and you're satisfied with it? 20:19:52 q+ 20:19:55 ericP: yes, we can extend in the future if needed 20:19:58 ack aryman 20:20:15 Arnaud: what do we need to do to make progress? 20:20:42 aryman: we just need other impls, like hknublau's 20:20:59 q+ 20:21:09 hknublau: i'm ok with this 20:21:09 q+ 20:21:25 ... we just need a precise definition 20:21:49 ack aryman 20:22:03 Arnaud: it seems this is more pallatible to most people 20:22:12 aryman: i can give this a precise definiton 20:22:28 .. you can think of this as a generalized definition of QCRs. 20:22:57 ack pfps 20:22:59 Arnaud: if you can draft the section in the spec, that'd be great 20:23:23 pfps: the syntax appears to be rather byzantine 20:23:49 ... it probably indicates that our syntax needs refactoring in any case 20:24:05 ... it would be ugly if we address this without a general syntax fefactoring 20:24:41 ... now aryman's issue @@ may entail refactoring 20:24:47 q+ 20:25:16 ... it would be silly to hide QCRs inside partition just because they're available in partition 20:25:57 ... adding it to our already baroque syntax makes this too expensive 20:26:09 ... it would be nice to see a worked out proposal 20:26:38 ... folks will have to implement this; it would be nice to make it easier 20:26:52 ack aryman 20:27:12 Arnaud: if we can get a draft from aryman, we can take that as the first step 20:27:33 pfps: this doesn't appear to add expressive power 20:27:55 I think we should drop QCRs if we have partitions. Too redundant, and QCRs are not all that common IMHO. 20:28:43 ... i.e. subsequent conjoints need a conjunction and a negation 20:29:09 aryman: i think the QCRs complicated the vocab 20:29:22 It appears to me that (partition (qcc min1 max1 r1) ... (qcc minn maxn rn)) is the same as 20:29:27 ... partition allows us to just include min/max/constraint 20:29:44 ... we don't have to introduce new vocab terms for the same concepts 20:29:49 (and (qcc min1 max1 r1) ... (qcc minn maxn (and (not r1) ... (not rn-1) rn)) 20:31:03 trackbot, end meeting 20:31:03 Zakim, list attendees 20:31:03 As of this point the attendees have been pfps, Arnaud, simonstey, Dimitris, aryman, hknublau, ericP, labra, TallTed, kcoyle 20:31:11 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:31:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/04-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 20:31:12 RRSAgent, bye 20:31:12 I see no action items