13:57:15 RRSAgent has joined #dpub-aria 13:57:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/04-dpub-aria-irc 13:57:40 zakim, this is DPUB-ARIA 13:57:40 got it, tzviya 13:58:04 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpub-aria/2016Feb/0000.html 13:58:09 chair: Tzviya 13:58:14 present+ Tzviya 14:03:05 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #dpub-aria 14:03:54 present+ Janina, Ivan, Markus 14:05:29 present+ Rich 14:05:35 preseent+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 14:06:36 http://idpf.org/news/first-editors-draft-of-epub-31-available-for-review 14:07:27 tzviya: IDPF published ed draft of EPUB 3.1 last week 14:07:38 ...there are some dependencies on ARIA 14:07:56 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1009 14:07:56 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2006 14:08:21 Rich: I am working on extended descriptions 14:08:50 ...creating relationship for ext desc, requirement for it to be exposed to AT, it has to be visible 14:09:54 ...in contact with CSS regarding media query for hide/show 14:10:04 Janina: i've been in contact with florian 14:10:44 ...the author doesn't do anything special. The media query is for UA not author 14:10:55 tzviya: what can dpub do to help? 14:11:05 q+ 14:11:17 Janina: Let's see what James and Florian say in response to MQ question 14:11:19 ack iv 14:11:36 ivan: please explain exactly what MQ would do 14:12:25 Janina: default is that descriptions are disabled. User can enable descriptions, up to UA to determine UI 14:13:08 Ivan: understood, but what is the query? What is the relation to MQ? Usually this relates to things like screen size 14:13:26 ShaneM has joined #dpub-aria 14:13:30 present+ ShaneM 14:13:51 Rich: CSS needs to create am attribute similar to inverting colors 14:14:02 ...basically context issues 14:14:25 User / Device state 14:14:46 ivan: in some ways, this is more about context and user preference than media queries 14:14:55 scribenick: Tzviya 14:15:23 https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-4/ 14:15:25 q? 14:15:34 The naming is historical / legacy 14:17:13 Tzviya: link-types (https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2006) is with Joanie? 14:17:32 Markus: We are trying to figure out how we can help 14:18:37 Rich: We are trying to get this into the content, and we have a new consensus policy. At this point, just need to support it 14:19:09 ...People are generally supportive of link-type approach. We need to write it 14:19:20 ...make sure that all link-types are represented 14:20:07 ...Extended Descriptions becomes a browser prefence and need to discuss how access it 14:20:46 ...This is likely to be a reading system issue 14:21:03 Tzviya: How does this solve anything then? 14:21:57 Ivan: There are numerous things that I can set in my browser: font size, etc. If the model is that I set this in the CSS, maybe we want to put this in a larger context 14:22:13 ...Maybe this is not just about extended descriptions? 14:22:20 Janina: Yes, but one step at a time 14:22:47 Rich: After ARIA 1.1, I'll be working on p18n as well 14:23:05 ...I can't see an OS-wide system for revealing extended descriptions 14:23:46 ...Once we resolve link-types, we need to do another pass at API mappings with all vendors 14:24:10 ...How does this get pulled into EPUB? 14:24:20 Tzviya: It is a reference 14:26:39 Tzviya: We are scheduled to publish another draft of DPUB-ARIA in March. This affects testing and APIs 14:26:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Notes 14:28:10 Shane: HTML A11y TF will discuss notes today, checking to see if this group has any changes 14:29:24 q+ 14:29:43 ...is there still interest in this community in creating something for notes? 14:30:00 q- 14:30:06 tzviya: dpub-aria has role="footnote | footnotes | noteref" 14:30:56 markus: there is also the possibility of link-type = "noteref" 14:31:21 Janina: We are pulling 5.1 together as a following up to 5.0 14:31:23 q? 14:32:40 tzviya: once you're talking about a11y issues in html, please define whether there is a max char count for alt text and what it is 14:34:12 q? 14:34:27 rich: what does EPUB 3.1 say about describedat? 14:34:55 https://w3c.github.io/alt-techniques/ 14:35:12 markus: we took it out of the draft. There is a placeholder for whatever ARIA comes up with to replace it 14:35:53 tzviya: https://w3c.github.io/alt-techniques/#alt-restrict-no-difference 14:36:16 lol - I meant https://w3c.github.io/alt-techniques/#alt-restrict-overflow 14:36:52 rrsagent, make logs public 14:37:12 bye, zakim 14:37:36 rrsagent, make minutes 14:37:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/04-dpub-aria-minutes.html tzviya 14:38:20 rrsagent, bye 14:38:20 I see no action items