16:56:56 RRSAgent has joined #audio 16:56:56 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/28-audio-irc 16:56:58 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:56:58 Zakim has joined #audio 16:57:00 Zakim, this will be 28346 16:57:00 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 16:57:01 Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference 16:57:01 Date: 28 January 2016 16:57:32 Agenda+ Discuss PR 677 16:57:42 Agenda+ Review of new issues 16:57:50 Agenda+ Update on Houdini worklet timelines and impact on Audio Worker. 16:57:53 Is anyone on the WebEx? I cannot join 16:57:58 Agenda+ Next F2F 16:58:03 I have asked Bill if he can help 16:58:07 Agenda+ Date of next meeting 16:58:11 joe - trying now 16:58:14 ahhhh 16:58:52 joe - I get a page telling me the meeting is cancelled or ended 16:58:54 Bill is out of the country and I got an autoanswer 16:59:00 This is crazy. 16:59:23 What url are you using Joe? 16:59:41 https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mdd4a87761b7e4da123d9213197cad084 17:01:06 If anyone has access to a telcon number we can use, that would help tremendously 17:01:13 BillHofmann has joined #audio 17:01:20 present+ BillHofmann 17:01:28 hrm still not fixed 17:01:29 hongchan has joined #audio 17:01:32 Bill, can we use the telcon solution you gave us last week/ 17:01:32 present+ mdjp 17:01:33 rtoyg_m has joined #audio 17:01:36 does the webex client work? 17:01:37 present+ joe 17:01:39 no 17:01:41 oh. 17:01:51 present+ rtoyg_m 17:02:00 ChrisL has joined #audio 17:02:04 ummm. Yes, you can. Please don't email to the public list this time, though.... Jas... 17:02:10 present+ hongchan 17:02:16 I will not -- I am sorry about that 17:02:20 np 17:03:00 ChrisL, let's follow up next week to figure out how we can get WebEx back up, it died the previous meeting also 17:03:27 oh 17:03:42 ummm. lets see. 17:03:44 Please join my meeting by computer or smartphone: https://my.webjoin.com/dolby/?passcode=70339799 If this is your first time joining, you may be prompted to download the BT MeetMe with Dolby Voice plugin. Use your stereo headset for the best sound quality. Or join by phone with these dial-in numbers and passcode Participant passcode: 70339799 then # International direct: +1 857 350.1927 US Toll free: 1 866 777.5715 More dial-in numbers f[CUT] 17:03:53 OK hope we can excise this from the minutes 17:03:53 died at the start of the meeting or part way through? 17:04:03 web client is plugin based. ah yes. :) 17:04:13 Thank you Bill 17:04:20 s/70339799// 17:05:40 music! 17:05:44 Hurry up chariperson! 17:05:50 chairperson 17:05:58 so catchy 17:06:00 We are waiting for a chairperson to join the call I guess 17:06:05 Although I didn't break WebEx I failed to follow up after the last breakage -- my apologies to everyone. 17:08:12 agenda? 17:09:03 present +cwilso 17:09:06 present+ padenot 17:09:24 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/677 17:09:25 jdsmith has joined #audio 17:09:27 zakim, take up agendum 1 17:09:27 agendum 1. "Discuss PR 677" taken up [from mdjp] 17:10:23 scribenick: BillHofmann 17:10:32 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/12 17:10:39 joe: issue about describing performance time and latency 17:11:09 joe: when will a signal be heard, but a new use case has popped up - when will will the next render occur? 17:12:10 joe: this is an issue of "scope creep". Issue 12 adds a new attribute "outputPerformanceTime", time the next scheduled block of audio would be heard 17:13:03 *just muted our mic - does it help?* 17:13:05 joe: PR adds two attributes: currentPerformanceTime and latency - how long after render to reach the useragent output 17:13:14 yes, thanks! 17:13:20 yes, sounds less like someone being hit with a bat :) 17:14:04 q+ 17:14:19 joe: since blocks aren't necessarily rendered continuously and evenly, one or two of these is insufficient. probably need all 3 17:14:56 ack cwilso 17:15:52 cwilso: you're right - the currentTime is non-uniform, for a bunch of purposes (most interactive ones), you need to know real *now* 17:16:03 kawai has joined #audio 17:16:07 cwilso: you don't really have latency, you have average latency 17:16:46 cwilso: need "what is really now" in AudioContext time, can calculate latency if you need to 17:16:57 joe: nice to have 17:17:27 cwilso: somewhere, we need to know what time it is now in AudioContext time and in performance time. 17:17:54 cwilso: latency is helpful on destination node, but not really useful for calculations 17:18:10 joe: basically for user experience time (aka Noteflight) 17:18:21 s/aka/e.g./ 17:20:52 cwilso: what we have as currentTime is the least useful thing we could have. The current PR adds a timestamp on currentTime, adds latency. 17:21:26 hongchan has joined #audio 17:21:26 cwilso: seems like it'd be better to add the currentTime in AudioContext time that proceeds monotonically 17:21:32 joe: like "outputTime" 17:23:14 mdjp: would be good to clearly explain these time values, regardless with what we end up with 17:23:31 all: yes. agree - we haven't expressed this really clearly. 17:23:36 +1 to clear explanation with several good examples 17:24:24 BillHofmann: do we have a sense of what the right answer is 17:24:38 "currentTime in AudioContext time that proceeds monotonically" - I agree with what Chris said. 17:24:53 I think this should be 'currentPeroformanceTime'. 17:24:54 joe: we know we need more things, but unclear which exactly we *need*. outputTime is clearly needed, what is unclear is whether we need currentPerformanceTime, etc. 17:25:49 mdjp: since no-one has come forward with a currentPerformanceTime, should we split into v1 and v2 features? 17:26:12 joe: will try to capture a clear proposal in Issue 12, conversation keeps drifting... 17:26:31 rtoyg_m_ has joined #audio 17:27:02 hongchan: currently, currentTime proceeds in "batches", there should be a way to have a property that updates monotonically (evenly) 17:27:20 cwilso: to be clear, this isn't an attribute, it's a method call 17:27:36 cwilso: you don't want to be updating the attr constantly if not needed 17:27:45 joe: how is this different from outputTime 17:28:28 joe: if you schedule something to be played at time T, outputTime when you hear that, it'll be at time T 17:28:55 when the sound *leaves* the speakers, presumably 17:29:11 rtoy_g: when it leaves the computer... 17:30:10 (we all agree bluetooth sucks) 17:30:13 BillHofmann: Bluetooth, for instance, has high latency 17:30:29 high and variable 17:30:39 joe: in some cases, you know for sure that the system has a nominally fixed (near constant) latency 17:31:00 you can know the output latency on all platforms 17:31:09 joe: perhaps it's when the UA calls "play" to the audio subsystem 17:31:47 cwilso: there's no way today to carefully sync audio, midi, and the screen - particularly, audio 17:32:21 kawai has joined #audio 17:32:59 padenot: we know the time it hits the speakers, it works just fine, even with BT 17:33:39 joe: will attempt to write this issue up and add to Issue 12 17:34:10 joe: is the PR author affiliated with a WG member? 17:34:39 cwilso: he doesn't work for google, but could be a chromium contributor. 17:34:57 joe: will write up the issue, won't try to solve who does the PR. 17:34:58 "I think it is better to split this issue to three seperated issues: 17:34:59 1) latency issue 17:34:59 2) time drift issue (currentTime and currentSystemTime) 17:34:59 3) granularity issue. " 17:35:14 Olivier Thereaux,, 11 Sep 2013 17:36:18 BillHofmann: should we have a graph/explain each of these? 17:36:22 rtoyg_m has joined #audio 17:36:29 zakim, take up agendum 2 17:36:31 joe: yes. The IRCAM commenter has been doing that, it's helpful. 17:36:32 agendum 2. "Review of new issues" taken up [from mdjp] 17:36:48 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Amilestone 17:37:16 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/708 17:37:48 hongchan: already specified, not sure what else can be done here... 17:39:24 mdjp: does anyone agree this is a valid issue? 17:39:38 rtoy_g: agree with Hongchan 17:39:57 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/707 17:40:10 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/707 17:40:40 rtoy_g: elaborates thinking on issue... 17:41:11 mdjp: move to "ready for editing" for v1 17:41:39 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/705 17:42:11 rtoy_g: this has come up just this week - we've never discussed... 17:42:42 BillHofmann: see the value, but is this a "must have" or "handy" 17:43:14 ChrisL: lots of people are doing this by hand, we think, probably useful 17:43:26 joe: this is a job for "Super Audio Worker" 17:43:59 all: discussion on what the criteria should be for new "everyone uses them" nodes 17:44:51 mdjp: could go either way on this 17:45:41 BillHofmann: raises issue on lots of different variants being discussed 17:46:09 joe: people aren't beating us up on noise nodes, they're beating us up on AudioWorker 17:46:43 mdjp: anyone object to v.next? 17:47:24 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/703 17:47:45 rtoy_g: these all follow on from joe's constructor PR 17:48:22 rtoy_g: all of these related issues are adding the parameters to the constructors 17:48:34 BillHofmann: do they line up to the factory method arguments? 17:49:07 rtoy_g: pretty much. most are pretty obvious, ones called out here are not so obvious. 17:49:53 billhofmann: so these are "best practice" questions? 17:50:12 billhofmann: and who can share a best practices position? 17:50:46 mdjp: shall we set a task for the next call on commenting on them to propose solution? 17:51:13 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/695 17:51:17 mdjp: assume these are v1, we'll comment over the next 2 weeks 17:53:13 rtoy_g: notes that default == 360, which if we do modulo, forces no output, should remove that and let >360 angles produce result as documented 17:53:56 rtoy_g: should be 0 <= angle <= 360, outside values are undefined 17:55:48 mdjp: happy with that proposal. 17:56:23 mdjp: any other pressing issues? 17:56:39 rtoy_g: can we get reviewers on the open PRs? 17:56:48 padenot: will look at them 17:56:59 zakim, take up agendum 3 17:56:59 agendum 3. "Update on Houdini worklet timelines and impact on Audio Worker." taken up [from mdjp] 17:57:05 mdjp: homework: review PRs and Roy's issues 17:57:24 Ray, not Roy. 17:57:36 s/Roy/Ray/ 17:57:43 (sorry) 17:58:00 People make that mistake all the time. I have no idea why. :-) 17:58:03 mdjp: any update on the issue? 17:58:18 padenot: yes, some action having sent the email 17:58:30 joe: he was inviting us to submit PRs 17:58:42 padenot: yes, I will review the text and note what we should address 17:59:03 zakim, take up agendum 4 17:59:03 agendum 4. "Next F2F" taken up [from mdjp] 17:59:36 mdjp: question is whether we should do a plenary session at WAC#2 18:00:02 zakim, take up agendum 5 18:00:02 agendum 5. "Date of next meeting" taken up [from mdjp] 18:00:06 mdjp: sent out google poll for F2F, really only date was the Thurs/Fri before; will send out email confirming 18:00:16 mdjp: next meeting 2 weeks. 18:00:42 rrsagent, make logs public 18:00:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:00:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/28-audio-minutes.html BillHofmann 18:00:59 zakim, bye 18:00:59 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been BillHofmann, mdjp, joe, rtoyg_m, hongchan, padenot 18:00:59 Zakim has left #audio 18:01:09 rrsagent, bye 18:01:09 I see no action items 21:02:42 RRSAgent has joined #audio 21:02:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/28-audio-irc 21:04:32 rrsagent, find smartphone 21:04:32 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'smartphone' 21:04:50 rrsagent, smartphone? 21:04:50 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'smartphone'