19:31:04 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 19:31:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/27-sdw-irc 19:31:06 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:31:06 Zakim has joined #sdw 19:31:08 Zakim, this will be SDW 19:31:08 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 19:31:09 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 19:31:09 Date: 27 January 2016 19:31:20 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:33:20 regrets+ Lars, Payam, Alejandro, JonBlower, Rachel 19:33:23 chair: Ed 19:33:29 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160127 19:46:55 kerry has joined #sdw 19:47:16 eparsons has joined #sdw 19:49:42 jtandy has joined #sdw 19:50:29 eparsons has left #sdw 19:50:32 eparsons has joined #sdw 19:50:46 trackbot, start meeting 19:50:48 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:50:50 Zakim, this will be SDW 19:50:50 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 19:50:51 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 19:50:51 Date: 27 January 2016 19:51:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:51:16 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160127 19:51:31 regrets+ Alejandro 19:51:44 present+ eparsons 19:51:46 present+ Kerry 19:51:54 chair: eparsons 19:52:07 Morning Kerry !! 19:52:20 Evening jtandy ! 19:52:28 regrets+ Payam, Jon, Lars 19:53:01 present+ jtandy 19:53:46 robin has joined #sdw 19:53:56 present+ robin 19:55:59 lewismc has joined #sdw 19:56:17 Hi Folks, it's Lewis here. Can someone provide me with the password for Webex? 19:56:55 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 19:56:58 both i have msg'd to you 19:57:19 phila has changed the topic to: pwd is v4qtEh56 19:57:46 aharth has joined #sdw 19:57:58 Linda has joined #sdw 19:58:35 present+ aharth 19:58:41 SimonCox has joined #sdw 19:59:03 ScottSimmons has joined #sdw 19:59:17 present+ SimonCox 19:59:18 present+ ScottSimmons 19:59:52 frans has joined #sdw 20:00:05 Present+ Linda 20:00:18 ClausStadler has joined #sdw 20:00:37 only wenex audi issues ;-( 20:01:16 ClemensPortele has joined #sdw 20:01:24 KJanowicz has joined #sdw 20:01:33 present+ ClausStadler 20:01:41 present+ frans 20:02:02 present+ ahaller2 20:02:12 present+ ClemensPortele 20:02:45 I can do it 20:03:02 joshli has joined #sdw 20:03:47 scribe : KJanowicz 20:03:59 Thanks KJanowicz (I know it can be challenging to scribe) 20:04:02 Topic : Approve last week's minutes 20:04:10 http://www.w3.org/2016/01/20-sdw-minutes 20:04:11 +1 20:04:13 +1 20:04:14 +1 20:04:16 +1 20:04:17 +1 20:04:18 +1 20:04:24 Resolved : Approve last week's minutes 20:04:29 +1 20:04:30 +1 20:04:33 Topic : Patent Call 20:04:33 +0 wasn't there 20:04:39 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 20:04:43 +1 20:04:53 Topic : F2F meeting agenda 20:05:05 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Agenda_F2F3 20:05:23 I put two comments on the wiki 20:05:44 -> https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Attending_F2F3 Attendee list for Amersfoort 20:05:59 -> https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Agenda_F2F3 Agenda for Amersfoort 20:06:02 Ed: first item of agenda today is looking at our F2F in the NL. much of the focus will be on BP and we have a fair amount of detail and understanding about this but how much do we have on SSN and how many SSN related people will we have there? 20:06:26 MattPerry has joined #sdw 20:07:37 q+ 20:07:44 present+ MattPerry 20:08:17 ack next 20:09:00 Frans discussing comments made about the agenda wrt use cases. 20:09:01 Kerry: need enough time to discuss the coverage topic. 20:09:55 Kerry: not sure how deep we can get into the Time deliverable 20:11:13 >> And you ClausStadler - do you know if you're going to come yet? - Unfortunately not yet, will sort it out until beginning of next week - will update the wiki then as well. 20:12:11 q+ 20:12:26 ack next 20:12:48 Ed: entire afternoon on first day for BP and maybe Tuesday in the morning. not clear how many people we have for Coverage and Time. 20:13:10 q+ 20:13:29 Kerry: SSN folks will mostly join by telcon so we need to keep this in the afternoon. 20:13:29 ack next 20:14:08 q+ 20:14:10 q+ 20:14:26 ack next 20:14:33 phila: End of February we will invest more time for the Coverage deliverable. It will be a very small topic at the F2F. 20:14:59 kerry: can we move the Coverage topic to the afternoon of the second day? 20:15:11 ack next 20:15:58 Topic : BP Issue - RDF bias, what is it and how do we deal with it... 20:16:45 Ed: do we accept the fact that we are biased towards RDF? 20:17:54 see ISSUE 225 at https://github.com/w3c/sdw/issues/225 20:18:00 Linda: Useful topic to address. We established as a group that we want to promote Linked Data so yes maybe we are RDF biased but it should not be our only solution in the BP. We should also point to other solutions. 20:18:10 +1 20:18:16 Is there an alternative to 'linked data'? 20:18:17 q+ 20:18:17 Do we have any other "accessible" means of defining semantics and representing it? 20:18:20 q+ 20:18:26 q+ 20:18:29 ack frans 20:18:58 q+ frans 20:19:04 ack c 20:19:36 ClemensPortele: it really sounds like you have to use RDF and the entire Semantic Web layer cake to follow BP. do we want that? 20:19:57 ClemensPortele: we need to be more open. 20:19:58 note that JSON-LD is designed to allow web developers to do great things with information without needing to use _any_ RDF machinery 20:20:08 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 20:20:54 q? 20:20:58 ack next 20:21:21 KJanowicz: I agree with the general sentiment but we couldn't try to solve all the problems at once 20:21:25 present+ AndreaPerego 20:21:34 see manu sporny's comments on JSON-LD and RDF here: http://manu.sporny.org/2014/json-ld-origins-2/ ... "Decision 3: Kick RDF in the Nuts" 20:21:44 q+ 20:21:48 ... We can't do SSN without the Sem Web Layer Cake for example 20:21:57 ack next 20:22:02 ... I can see the point, but our BPs are targeted towards that 20:22:41 Linked Data without RDF? 20:22:47 +1 20:22:49 quoting manu sporny again "I personally wanted JSON-LD to be compatible with RDF, but that’s about it." 20:23:03 +1 to giving little or no wiggle room on using URIs as identifiers 20:23:04 +1 to frans: use HTTP URIs would be a good first step 20:23:19 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #sdw 20:23:20 ack next 20:23:54 q+ 20:23:57 +1 to talk about conneg and HAL 20:24:19 If we don't use explicit semantics, e.g. with pdf, then the best practices will need to incorporate (and define) implicit semantics in recommended syntax. 20:24:23 jtandy: Use a Linked Data approach is what we want so, e.g., using HTTP but this does not mean that we need to focus merely on RDF. 20:24:40 http://manu.sporny.org/2014/json-ld-origins-2/ 20:25:10 +1 to HTTP URIs & conneg 20:25:26 ^pdf^rdf ! 20:25:32 KJanowicz: so what is this telling us about our own W3C standards? 20:25:36 ack next 20:25:36 If "linked data approach" means using HTTP (incl. conneg) and URIs I am ok with that 20:25:59 Ed: we do not always need the full 5 Linked Data stars 20:26:24 I like RDF, but it can be overwhelming and we do not want to overwhelm our audience without just cause 20:26:32 If we are working with data on the Web, then it needs to be clear that URI's are resolvable (i.e. also URL's). 20:26:34 First we should go for 'webby data". LD is the next step. 20:26:38 AndreaPerego: plain Uris is already a clear improvement. so lets really start at the beginning. 20:27:11 present+ BartvanLeeuwen 20:27:25 RDF should certainly have a place in best practices about semantics 20:27:52 Ed: explain that there is a range of individual BP with increasing value as you move along. 20:28:50 It would be useful, perhaps, to come up with best practices that represent different degrees of formalism. 20:29:55 q? 20:30:12 q+ to talk about conneg and HAL 20:30:15 q+ to remind people to type "present+ " after this topic is finished 20:30:23 ack next 20:30:24 phila, you wanted to talk about conneg and HAL 20:30:28 present+ joshli 20:30:36 https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/#APIHttpVerbs 20:31:07 https://www.w3.org/TR/sdw-bp/#globally-unique-ids 20:31:56 phila: HTTP URIs is a wonderful first BP but this does not yet imply RDF. Content negotiation is greatly underused. You can get RDF, JSON, KML,... 20:32:20 q? 20:32:23 ack next 20:32:24 q+ 20:32:25 kerry, you wanted to remind people to type "present+ " after this topic is finished 20:32:28 q+ 20:32:33 ack next 20:32:54 [paraphrasing my thoughts ... in each theme introduce people to increasing technological complexity; starting simple (e.g. KML or GML accessed via HTTP Get) and working toward 5* Linked Data ... avoid the perception that you have to start with RDF] 20:33:25 KJanowicz: Just to agree with what has been said. We're in a bit of a spot with our old WWW standards. There's a long tail. We need to talk about the linkage 20:33:36 ... How would you talk about the inferences? SSN? 20:34:02 ... We can say at the beginning of hte doc that HTTP is basic and you can work your way to more complex things. 20:34:26 present+ phila 20:34:54 ack next 20:35:06 +1 to KJanowicz ... describe in the introduction that you begin with a simple approach of HTTP URIs and HTTP Get ... and then move onto describing how links [should] work etc. 20:35:18 There is not necessarily conflict between "well-known" semantics, a link to a narrative, and a set of triples that define formal semantics, but it is most useful to have all of those available. 20:36:13 ClemensPortele: agree with KJanowicz. We need to provide more structure. All these ontologies will require the Semantic Web layer cake and so forth. That said, we should also look at other examples that aim more at Web developers. 20:36:14 +1 to ClemensPortele ... describe tools like Swagger that help web developers use the data 20:38:03 present+ Kerry 20:38:08 present+ frans 20:38:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:38:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/27-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:38:37 Topic : Outstanding Actions review 20:38:48 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/open 20:39:34 zakim, who is here? 20:39:34 Present: eparsons, Kerry, jtandy, robin, aharth, SimonCox, ScottSimmons, Linda, ClausStadler, frans, ahaller2, ClemensPortele, MattPerry, AndreaPerego, BartvanLeeuwen, joshli, 20:39:38 ... phila 20:39:38 On IRC I see BartvanLeeuwen, AndreaPerego, MattPerry, joshli, KJanowicz, ClemensPortele, ClausStadler, frans, ScottSimmons, SimonCox, Linda, aharth, ahaller2, lewismc, robin, 20:39:38 ... eparsons, jtandy, kerry, Zakim, RRSAgent, phila, trackbot 20:39:48 'Overtaken by events' is a commonly used phrase when closing actions no one can remember 20:40:06 q+ 20:40:25 Link to glossary on wiki? 20:40:26 jtandy: ACTION-25 we still all need to have a look on the glossary and continue working on this. Action remains open. 20:40:53 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Glossary_of_terms 20:42:12 q? 20:42:23 AndreaPerego: ACTION-48: It is covered in BP. Will do one more check and then it can be closed. 20:42:50 close action-48 20:42:50 Closed action-48. 20:43:04 eparsons: ACTION-57: in fact we received no comments from the ogc channels. We can close 57. 20:43:17 action-57? 20:43:18 action-57 -- Ed Parsons to Monitor ogc channels for feedback on the ucr draft once released as an ogc document -- due 2015-08-31 -- OPEN 20:43:18 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/57 20:43:31 action-58 20:43:31 action-58 -- Kerry Taylor to Keep in contact with wot re actuation -- due 2015-07-15 -- OPEN 20:43:31 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/58 20:43:52 close action-57 20:43:52 Closed action-57. 20:43:58 action-60 20:43:58 action-60 -- Kerry Taylor to Follow up with svg -- due 2015-08-12 -- OPEN 20:43:58 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/60 20:44:01 kerry: action-58 is still ongoing. 20:44:32 close action-60 20:44:32 Closed action-60. 20:44:40 kerry: action-60 --> we need to keep going, lets close this one. 20:44:46 action-74 20:44:46 action-74 -- Andrea Perego to Ensure we are not missing entirely important user requirements -- due 2015-09-16 -- OPEN 20:44:46 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/74 20:45:28 close action-74 20:45:28 Closed action-74. 20:45:28 Andrea Perego: action-74 can be closed now. 20:45:46 action-81 20:45:46 action-81 -- Kerry Taylor to Map use cases to bp themes -- due 2015-10-07 -- OPEN 20:45:46 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/81 20:46:26 close action-81 20:46:26 Closed action-81. 20:46:32 kerry: action-81 we finished a lot of that and can probably consider it done. 20:46:35 close action-84 20:46:35 Closed action-84. 20:46:50 Hemispherism from Mr Tandy there 20:47:03 action-85 20:47:03 action-85 -- Bart van Leeuwen to Write up a bp around properties in wfs to link a feature to its linked data version -- due 2015-11-03 -- OPEN 20:47:03 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/85 20:47:56 BartvanLeeuwen: action-85 will try to finish this for F2F 20:47:57 action-86 20:47:57 action-86 -- Jeremy Tandy to Check the bp for versioning given in dwbp -- due 2015-11-03 -- OPEN 20:47:57 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/86 20:48:34 close action-86 20:48:35 Closed action-86. 20:48:46 action-87 20:48:46 action-87 -- Ed Parsons to Arrange meeting with dwbp editors to discuss citations in early december -- due 2015-11-03 -- OPEN 20:48:46 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/87 20:48:50 I'm looking at how I might set up a DCAT WG that would handle versioning in particular 20:50:26 is this 'citations' or 'cross-references' or 'alignment'? 20:50:48 To me versioning seems to be a dcterms issue primarily 20:50:58 Or 'factoring of concerns'? 20:52:18 [next DWBP F2F meeting is one month after SDW F2F3] 20:52:31 action-89 20:52:31 action-89 -- Jeremy Tandy to Write how this datacube/gazeteer/foreign key works -- due 2015-11-03 -- OPEN 20:52:31 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/89 20:52:35 can we do the call just next week's meeting? that would be better i think 20:53:05 close action-89 20:53:05 Closed action-89. 20:53:21 jtandy: action-89 we need to do more work on this but we do not need to keep this action open. 20:54:31 action-92 20:54:31 action-92 -- Alejandro Llaves to add link to data sample in use case "Publication of air quality data aggregations" -- due 2015-11-09 -- OPEN 20:54:31 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/92 20:55:43 action-94 20:55:43 action-94 -- Bart van Leeuwen to Write about make the links within the dataset discoverable -- due 2015-11-18 -- OPEN 20:55:43 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/94 20:55:54 [DWBP folks want to go to CR straight after their F2F, so time is short ... need to engage with DWBP editors in the week following SDW F2F] 20:56:55 action-94 has to be reasigned. 20:56:57 A new action to reassign action 94? 20:57:13 q+ 20:57:20 ack next 20:57:22 Ed: any other business? 20:57:54 Are dialin details for Amersfoort available yet? 20:58:37 Please put them in agenda asap 20:59:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:59:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/27-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:59:17 thanks all 20:59:17 Thank you very much, see you next time. Best. 20:59:20 bye bye 20:59:22 bye 20:59:22 bye - thanks 20:59:23 bye 20:59:29 Thanks! Bye 20:59:33 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:59:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/27-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:59:35 good day and thanks 20:59:36 bye 20:59:47 thanks all 21:00:08 bye bye 21:00:08 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 21:00:10 joshli has left #sdw 21:00:27 eparsons has left #sdw 21:01:19 Thanks bye!! 21:08:40 phila_ has joined #sdw