17:59:19 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 17:59:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/22-dpub-irc 17:59:45 clapierre has joined #DPUB 18:00:30 rrsagent, make logs public 18:00:41 scribe: clapierre 18:00:48 chair: clapierre 18:00:53 Present+ Deborah_Kaplan 18:00:58 title: Accessibility DPUB Task Force Weekly Meeting 18:01:07 Present+ Charles_LaPierre 18:02:48 Topic: Accessibility Note: http://w3c.github.io/dpub-accessibility/ 18:03:04 Regrets: George Kerscher 18:03:57 present+ Tzviya 18:04:08 present+ Mia 18:07:02  Action Items. George to provided Link to Logical Reading Order  http://www.idpf.org/accessibility/guidelines/content/semantics/order.php 18:07:06 This is done. 18:07:22 1 B) Tzviya added section accessibility of multiple documents in a package: https://github.com/w3c/dpub-accessibility/commit/3e1cddfceffc080283df26f14bbe5cfd8184af09 18:07:26 This is Done 18:07:34 1 C) Charles discussed Assessment with Markku Hakkinen from ETS 18:07:41 this is done and added to the Note 18:07:59 1 D) add to the Future work section about the baseline and difficulty. 18:08:03 Not yet done. 18:08:24 Mia: I have done my work on pagination and sent it to Kathy. 18:08:33 …, waiting for her feedback. 18:09:07 Deborah: I am still doing some wordsmitting and need to link to our work on WCAG gap analysis we did 18:09:58 …, we need an ACTION item for linking to the WCAG Gap analysis. 18:10:52 charles: I will be presenting this Note to the IDPF meeting in Baltimore next month. 18:11:16 Deborah: Add to the Agenda: How should we organize the priorities in this Note. 18:11:56 Topic: 2. Review the Note and see what is left. you can find at http://w3c.github.io/dpub-accessibility/ 18:13:30 Charles: gave overview of the current status of the Note. 18:14:11 Deborah: we are just about all done. We are at the point where only if people bring up new items. We should have a use case for everything in section #2 (things we would like) I think we shouldn't delay on things. 18:15:08 …, We may be at the point where if people think we are missing anything we can just get them to add whatever might be missing. Unless anything is left on our plate we are pretty much done. 18:16:00 Tzviya: keep in mind we don't need to make it W3C spec since this is just a Note and should be comprehensive don't worry about MUSTS and SHOULDS. 18:18:02 Charles: Mia will converse with Kathy and get Charles the data to add to the note. 18:18:11 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/media-a11y-reqs/ 18:18:30 Charles: should we try to model this? 18:20:08 Tzviya: we can use this as a reference but we don't have to. 18:21:07 Deborah: we are modeling our Note from the Mobile Accessibility Note. 18:21:18 Charles: does it make sense to show Ivan? 18:21:33 Deborah: once we have pagination and the gap analysis we can show Ivan. 18:22:23 …, I think the basic structure of what we have is fine. once we have both the missing pieces then we can show Ivan. 18:22:42 Tzviya: we need to make sure we are communicating things clearly and what is our message. 18:23:26 Deborah: I will add an audience section. Our audience for this text is People in responsible for W3C guidelines and specifications especially a11y ones. 18:23:42 …, agree? 18:23:47 All: Yes 18:25:10 charles: for WCAG gap analysis can we just link to a google spreadsheet? 18:25:28 Deborah: do we have to do a translation to a wiki or doc? 18:25:49 Tzviya: we will need to ask Ivan. 18:27:04 Charles: I will send Ivan the question with links to our google docs to see what he thinks. 18:29:18 Tzviya: ATAG has disbanded, so we can't really say in our note that ATAG should make modifications that we need in DPUB. 18:29:37 Deborah: Is UAG still alive? 18:30:43 Tzviya: IndiUi the work there is shifting to other Way groups, but is dormant since there are other priorities,. 18:31:27 Mia: we do call out ATAG. 18:32:26 Deborah: we need to hear from Shawn and Michael Cooper…. 18:32:38 Tzviya: UAG is alive. 18:33:10 …, UAG wrote a note in Dec. 18:33:11 https://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG20/ 18:35:16 Topic: Prioritization of the Note items. 18:36:03 Deborah: I have a proposal and will send it shortly. List this by priority and good functional way to do it. we may want to organize it by which group should work on it. but in light of what is going on maybe not. 18:37:26 clapierre1 has joined #DPUB 18:37:27 … My proposal would be to navigate among multiple documents. Add discussion to it. 18:38:50 …, The next two important is skip-ability / escapability. This is a big Screen Reader problem. After that I could be any order. Page #'s would be next, then phonetic spelling. DropCap would be last. 18:39:29 Tzviya: we may want to get broader feedback on the order from entire dpub. 18:40:26 Deborah: Does anyone have any strong feelings of priority? 18:40:53 Charles: Send out the priority and we can discuss this. 18:41:29 Tzviya: We can add this as a topic to DPUB meeting for Feb 1. 18:42:15 Charles: will reach out after the meeting to Ivan to ask him to review the document and ask the google doc question. 18:42:58 Deborah: if you are comfortable we can add pagination work you did in now and we may tweak it with Kathys feedback. 18:43:15 Mia: I can send that text to Charles. 18:44:02 Tzviya: Ivan may do this over the weekend. 18:45:33 Deborah: I have my priority work changes and will check that in shortly 18:46:03 Tzviya: we can put a place holder in for the WCAG gap analysis work. 18:46:25 Deborah: I will do that before I submit that today 18:47:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:47:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/22-dpub-minutes.html clapierre1 19:09:15 dauwhe has joined #dpub 19:50:46 TeamColtra has joined #dpub 20:04:05 clapierre1 has left #dpub 20:53:11 Zakim has left #dpub