18:58:11 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:58:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/21-shapes-irc 18:58:13 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:58:13 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:58:15 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:58:15 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 18:58:16 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:58:16 Date: 21 January 2016 18:58:31 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2016.01.21 18:58:36 chair: Arnaud 18:58:47 regrets: hsolbrig 18:58:50 present+ 18:59:50 hknublau has joined #shapes 19:00:51 present+ kcoyle, simonstey, ericP 19:02:05 pfps has joined #shapes 19:02:09 Dimitris has joined #shapes 19:02:10 present+ 19:02:42 aryman has joined #shapes 19:02:50 present+ aryman 19:03:16 Labra has joined #shapes 19:04:58 present+ 19:05:59 kcoyle has joined #shapes 19:06:13 present+ kcoyle 19:07:26 present+ labra 19:08:07 present+ 19:08:12 present+ 19:08:21 scribenick: TallTed topic: Admin 19:08:24 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 14 January Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/01/14-shapes-minutes.html 19:08:34 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 14 January Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2016/01/14-shapes-minutes.html 19:08:38 Looked OK by me 19:09:24 topic: UCR draft 19:10:30 Arnaud: are we ready? 19:10:46 kcoyle & simonstey: think so... 19:11:06 PROPOSED: publish the latest UCR Editor's draft http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-ucr/ 19:11:21 I think that UCR is OK to go (I only did a quick glance, but I don't see any issues). 19:11:36 +1 19:11:38 +1 19:11:39 +1 19:11:43 +1 19:11:43 +1 19:11:43 +1 19:11:43 +1 19:12:03 +1 19:12:16 +1 19:12:30 RESOLVED: Publish the latest UCR Editor's draft http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-ucr/ 19:14:23 Arnaud: let's talk about Karen's questions, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2016Jan/0093.html 19:15:40 kcoyle: I did a review of UCR vs current spec, and flagged the things I couldn't clearly match 19:16:06 Arnaud: seems best to stay with email for this for now; please everyone take a look! 19:20:00 topic: ISSUE-22: recursion, https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/22 19:20:10 I believe that the document reflects the recent resolution on recursion. 19:20:21 However, I do not think that ACTION-29 has been completed. 19:22:01 hknublau_ has joined #shapes 19:22:18 aryman: spec disallowed recursion. more recently we've been exploring some ways to allow it in certain circumstances, but spec'ese of this has not yet been done 19:23:09 hknublau has joined #shapes 19:23:50 [ discussion echoing aryman ... ACTION-29 remains open ] 19:24:43 topic: ISSUE-23: ShapeClass, https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/23 19:25:19 s/ACTION-29 remains/ACTION-29 and ISSUE-22 remain/ 19:26:24 aryman: in the course of updating for issue-23, I discovered another issue... 19:27:16 ... determination of Class/subClass looks to data graph in some places and shape graph in others 19:27:41 q+ 19:28:04 ... this needs some additional clarity if not consistency 19:29:52 ... computing shapes graph is up to application calling validator, so it seems pulling such Class triples from data graph should be easily done there, if needed 19:29:55 ack pfps 19:30:25 ... SHACL validator probably shouldn't be made to do this 19:31:10 q+ 19:32:06 pfps: class-based reasoning is very complicated, and has to be explicitly covered if it's to be part of SHACL processor implementation 19:32:18 q+ to say that the SPARQL approach is to work over ground facts, which may be a "virtual" product of inference 19:34:27 aryman: right, so calling application should pull all { $x a rdfs:class } and { $a rdfs:subClassOf $b } triples into shape graph 19:34:30 pfps: not enough 19:34:54 ack hknublau 19:35:30 hknublau: I think that `scopeClass` and `shapeClass inference` are different; shouldn't be thrown together 19:35:45 ... person creating shapes will often be different than person using those shapes 19:35:53 s/rdfs:class/rdfs:Class/ 19:37:03 ... so explicit class declarations must be left to the shape creator 19:37:15 ack ericP 19:37:15 ericP, you wanted to say that the SPARQL approach is to work over ground facts, which may be a "virtual" product of inference 19:37:28 ... pulling 50,000 class definitions (in one real ontology) across is not viable 19:38:26 q+ 19:39:37 ack aryman 19:40:14 aryman: pfps's objections apply to what existed before as much as revision 19:40:41 ... question is currently which graph is used to determine whether something is an rdfs:Class or not 19:41:03 pfps: I thought the only thing that mattered was class membership in the data graph 19:41:16 ... that now seems not to be so 19:42:11 ... the current thread says that much I would consider to be outside the data graph comes into play 19:42:44 q+ 19:42:57 ... current issue is the requirement to determine whether a shape is also a class. 19:44:09 aryman: issues arise because we chose to describe our shapes using RDF, making it possible to do shape-class reasoning over the shape graph 19:44:31 ack hknublau 19:44:32 ... we can simply state that *all* class-based reasoning must be based entirely on the data graph 19:45:53 hknublau: anyone creating a shape definition can just import any relevant ontology, to inherit such class defs 19:46:36 pfps: there might not be an ontology graph to import. such is not required by any other spec. relying on it is thus problematic. 19:47:23 q+ 19:47:35 hknublau: a person writing shape definition knows which classes they're talking about, so can import, create, or whatever as needed 19:47:46 ack aryman 19:49:05 q+ 19:49:24 aryman: the inconsistency I thought I was seeing is minor, and can be easily addressed without changing spec substantially 19:49:42 ack pfps 19:50:34 pfps: as far as I can tell, SHACL doc is inconsistent. in different places, it says to look at different evidence to make what appears to be the same determination. 19:51:39 ... the existing inferable inconsistency is better than making it an explicit inconsistency. 19:52:13 the spec needs to be changed so that it has a clear specification of how to handle the various class-related questions 19:52:31 q+ 19:52:39 ack pfps 19:52:40 fyi we are taking about http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#scopeClass 19:54:35 q+ 19:55:14 ack aryman 19:55:17 I will change that to say "If a resource X is both a shape and a class ..." 19:56:40 changing behaviour is not word smithing! 19:56:41 [ pfps and aryman discuss possible rewording to resolve concern ] 19:57:11 "If a resource X in the shapes graph is both a shape and a class ..." 19:57:40 topic: ISSUE-115: ClosedShape, http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/115 19:58:15 q+ 19:58:31 ack aryman 19:58:56 Arnaud: reconsideration of resolution may be appropriate, looking at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2016Jan/0060.html 19:59:02 q+ 19:59:09 ack pfps 19:59:34 aryman: resolution seems OK, might mean we need a couple new things to address these concerns 19:59:44 if shapes can have severity then use that severity for closed violations 20:00:56 hknublau: I believe there are real use cases where closedness will be applicable to part but not all of a given shape, or within context of a filter 20:01:21 ex:MyShape sh:constraint sh:Closed . 20:01:30 ex:MyShape sh:closed true 20:02:32 ex:MyShape sh:constraint [ sh:closed true ] 20:03:07 q+ 20:03:31 ... previous setup allowed for many user-friendly shortcuts, which resolution disallows 20:03:47 ack aryman 20:04:20 ignore property thingy 20:04:29 aryman: this nuance about rdf:type -- under what circumstances can we ignore rdf:type? 20:04:57 ex:MyShape sh:constraint sh:ClosedIgnoringRDFTYpe . 20:05:49 hknublau: it's not an existing special case, but it could be, and I believe would be valuable 20:07:25 q+ 20:07:51 TallTed: I'm inclined to the reconsideration 20:07:54 ack pfps 20:08:22 Arnaud: if it were just me, I feel inclined to to bow to hknublau's arguments 20:09:49 pfps: doesn't feel like a good solution to me. closure can't be determined locally. 20:09:49 ... have to look at all constraints associated with ... the shape the constraint is attached to. 20:09:49 ... and what happens if this is beneath an `and` constraint. 20:09:50 ... this doesn't act entirely like a constraint, so we shouldn't treat it like one 20:10:25 q+ 20:10:32 if we have severity at the shape level, then all shape constraints can inherit the shape severity (unless they override it) 20:10:34 ack aryman 20:10:38 ... all that said, it won't cause decline and fall of Roman Empire to be so treated 20:12:08 aryman: it might be the case that the author wants to know about extra properties, but they won't break everything 20:15:43 sh:closed sh:Hopefully 20:16:03 sh:closed sh:mostly 20:19:03 PROPOSED: Change Rersolution of ISSUE-115 to have sh:closed on sh:constraint instead of sh:Shape 20:20:28 PROPOSED: Change Rersolution of ISSUE-115 to have sh:closed on sh:NodeConstraint instead of sh:Shape, and define sh:Closed as syntactic sugar 20:20:45 PROPOSED: Change Resolution of ISSUE-115 to have sh:closed on sh:NodeConstraint instead of sh:Shape, and define sh:Closed as syntactic sugar 20:20:53 +1 20:20:54 +1 20:20:56 +1 20:21:01 +0 20:21:11 0 20:21:13 0 20:21:14 +0 but I believe Holger 20:21:16 -0 20:21:19 0 20:21:43 RESOLVED: Change Resolution of ISSUE-115 to have sh:closed on sh:NodeConstraint instead of sh:Shape, and define sh:Closed as syntactic sugar 20:23:08 q+ 20:23:22 With those two changes I think that the draft can go out. 20:23:35 q+ 20:23:38 ack hknublau 20:24:16 I will update the text for ISSUE-23 today 20:24:36 I will handle sh:closed today 20:24:47 topic: SHACL draft 20:24:52 ack kcoyle 20:25:30 [ previous PWD incorrect mailing list has been fixed ] 20:26:15 [ let's try to publicize better this time, try to drum up more public review and response ] 20:27:21 Sending something to the appropriate W3C mailing lists would be good. 20:27:40 I'm happy with publishing "as is" (i.e. with the changes mentioned). 20:27:57 +1 publish after today's changes are applied 20:28:06 +1 to publish 20:28:19 +1 20:28:23 PROPOSED: Pending edits regarding issue-23 and issue-115, publish the updated SHACL draft 20:28:30 +1 20:28:37 +1 20:29:10 +1 20:29:11 +1 20:29:14 +1 20:29:18 +1 20:29:19 +1 20:29:22 +1 20:29:26 +1 20:29:38 RESOLVED: Pending edits regarding issue-23 and issue-115, publish the updated SHACL draft 20:30:01 test cases for next week? 20:30:51 trackbot, end meeting 20:30:51 Zakim, list attendees 20:30:51 As of this point the attendees have been Arnaud, kcoyle, simonstey, ericP, pfps, aryman, hknublau, labra, Dimitris, TallTed 20:30:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:30:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/21-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 20:31:00 RRSAgent, bye 20:31:00 I see no action items