17:08:10 RRSAgent has joined #audio 17:08:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/14-audio-irc 17:08:21 present+ padenot 17:09:37 I'll scribe 17:09:44 scribenick BillHofmann 17:10:01 scribenick: BillHofmann 17:10:45 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/686 17:11:49 padenot: marked as ready for edit 17:11:56 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/687 17:12:01 joe: ...687 seems to already be in progress 17:12:11 padenot: I have something for this 17:12:36 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/688 17:13:34 rtoy_g: display issue with MathJax and Chrome - requires W3C to update 17:14:07 joe: important enough? 17:14:20 BillHofmann: can we just assign to someone in W3C? 17:14:28 cwilso: will follow up 17:14:32 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/689 17:15:40 rtoy_g: lots of corner cases here... will create specific corner case issues and we can discuss each. 17:16:27 joe: 344 is merged - will close 17:16:32 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/344 17:16:42 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/580 17:17:25 joe: agree with the disposition, will comment in-bug 17:18:10 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/690 17:20:47 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/691 17:21:08 rtoy_g: have num channels, can't get length until end, but would be good to have earlier 17:21:19 rtoy_g: have a pull 17:21:41 joe_: there are a number of failures of introspection. Paul: are you OK with adding this? 17:21:44 it's kind of voiping here sorry 17:21:51 padenot: OK 17:22:18 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/692 17:23:24 rtoy_g: note distinction between MediaCapture spec and our spec (float vs enum) 17:24:09 BillHofmann: goal was to not overconstrain UAs - 17:24:31 rtoy_g: so many devices - not really practical 17:25:00 padenot: a number doesn't really make sense, because what's good for some devices is bad for otheres 17:25:34 joe_: these are actually hinting *different* things - one is a buffering hit (webaudio) the other about device selection 17:25:41 padenot: well, it controls both, actually 17:26:16 joe_: device selection is an open item in WebAudio... 17:26:59 padenot: if you have a big buffer in the webaudio API, does it make sense to have a low latency device? 17:27:21 jdsmith: isn't latency in MediaCapture a negotiated constraint? 17:29:51 joe_: opening a MediaCapture spec issue is fine, and pointing at our choice. Don't believe it's a requirement. Reconciling the two specs is a post-V1 effort 17:30:29 BillHofmann: proposal is close this issue and open a MediaCapture issue. 17:32:50 jdsmith: their approach is consistent with how they deal with attributes. 17:33:22 ACTION: padenot to open issue against MediaCapture re 692 17:33:26 Created ACTION-123 - Open issue against mediacapture re 692 [on Paul Adenot - due 2016-01-21]. 17:34:25 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/693 17:34:46 hongchan: this is a disparity between browsers - behavior is not clearly defined. 17:35:34 hongchan: e.g. Chrome updates on every rendering quantum 17:35:44 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/318 17:35:45 joe_: there was an issue (318) that specified this value 17:36:37 jdsmith has joined #audio 17:37:30 joe_: decision was that callers need to do their own calculation 17:38:24 joe_: no-one recalls the decision, alas 17:39:24 joe_: leave this open, will comment 318 that this still needs resolution 17:41:14 padenot: still need some features in Worklet so we can base AudioWorker off it, are really blocked 17:41:26 padenot: propose we contact author and ask him to resume his work on it. 17:41:38 padenot: OR we could write our own bits 17:42:37 joe_: is it possible that we/you could take this on, really? 17:44:38 padenot: definitely key infrastructure 17:44:58 ACTION: padenot to email author cc list and see what happens 17:44:58 Created ACTION-124 - Email author cc list and see what happens [on Paul Adenot - due 2016-01-21]. 17:45:28 joe_: next item is progress on PRs 17:46:03 joe_: has been reasonable progress offline - does anyone have questions worth surfacing here? 17:46:25 wfm 17:46:28 joe_: propose 2 weeks from now for call 17:46:34 works for me 17:46:42 wfm 17:46:56 fine with me as well 17:47:20 bye ! 17:47:24 Aloha! 17:47:42 rrsagent, make minutes 17:47:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/14-audio-minutes.html joe_ 17:47:44 BillHofmann: thanks for the quick solution for the phone bill :-) 17:47:57 Yes thank you Bill for saving the day! 17:48:32 rrsagent, make log public 19:34:12 Zakim has left #audio