15:29:57 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:29:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/06-annotation-irc 15:29:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:30:01 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:30:02 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:30:02 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:30:03 Date: 06 January 2016 15:30:33 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/CABevsUHxoqTcZ_8PTDCJbM7-w_qDbr7xckUaYx4jt8V=tSBg4Q@mail.gmail.com 15:31:11 Regrets: Tim, Chris 15:41:39 azaroth has joined #annotation 15:42:34 azaroth has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2016Jan/0002.html 15:42:44 trackbot, start meeting 15:42:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:42:48 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:42:48 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:42:49 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:42:49 Date: 06 January 2016 15:42:57 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:43:05 Chair: Rob_Sanderson, Frederick_Hirsch 15:43:17 Regrets+ Tim_Cole, Chris_Birk 15:51:23 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:57:28 shepazu has joined #annotation 15:58:36 present+ shepazu 15:58:37 fjh has joined #annotation 15:58:57 Jacob has joined #annotation 15:59:41 Present+ Ivan 16:01:49 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:01:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/06-annotation-minutes.html fjh 16:02:39 Regrets- Tim, Chris 16:02:46 Present+ Jacob_Jett 16:07:20 takeshi has joined #annotation 16:08:20 ivan: nothing new with CSV, shutting down after completing work, will be community group 16:08:48 rob: social web almost going to CR with activity streams, talking about testing, may to to CR end of month, or next 16:09:11 ivan: of course exiting CR is different from entering, depending on implementations 16:09:15 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 16:09:23 Present+ davis_salisbury 16:09:51 rob: issue is not implementations in general but coverage of all features, should not impact Annotation as we also have implementations of what we need 16:10:05 fjh: depends on whether things are appropriately marked as at-risk 16:10:39 Apologies from me, just had to wrap up something at work before calling in. 16:11:59 ScribeNick: fjh 16:12:06 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of previous call are approved 16:12:06 http://www.w3.org/2015/12/16-annotation-minutes.html 16:12:12 Topic: Minutes Approval 16:12:25 RESOLUTION: Minutes of previous call are approved http://www.w3.org/2015/12/16-annotation-minutes.html 16:12:36 Topic: Planning for 2016 16:12:49 from agenda - Overall timeline before end of charter 16:12:50 * What is "success" for the WG? 16:12:52 * Steps needed to get to CR for model, protocol, findtext 16:12:53 * What to do for other chartered work? 16:12:54 * Face to face meeting in Europe 16:12:55 * Who can contribute what? 16:12:56 - Especially client implementations and testing? 16:13:25 i/nothing new/Topic: Status of related working group activities 16:13:33 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:13:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/06-annotation-minutes.html fjh 16:14:09 rob: current thinking is that we need another F2F, in Europe 16:14:50 rob: need focus and volunteers for client implementations that implement spec - currently I have server implementations 16:15:07 ... need at least 2 implementations 16:15:38 ... ivan can you please remind us of formal steps to enter and leave CR 16:15:48 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 16:16:04 ivan: with today's process, CR means technical work is done and that all outstanding issues have been addressed 16:16:17 ... now LC and CR are merged so only one formal step 16:16:53 ... need to specify exit criteria as well for exiting CR 16:17:01 ... once exiting can ask for PR 16:18:04 ... timing requires minimum 4 weeks for AC to vote to go to REC from PR, could possibly get extension for that 16:19:33 ... not much experience with merged LC-CR, useful to do informal LC to make sure have feedback 16:19:52 ... implementations have to prove that spec can be implemented, is consistent, etc - task during CR 16:20:36 ... need also to declare which features are at-risk when going into CR, not sure what social web is doing 16:21:26 ... if there are flaws then can issue a second CR 16:21:36 ... minimum time for CR is 4-6 weeks 16:21:52 ... most groups have it be longer 16:23:25 PaoloCiccarese has joined #annotation 16:23:26 rob: charter ends in Oct, TPAC is in Sept, so we need to enter CR in beginning of July 16:23:37 ivan: need transition call which requires scheduling 16:24:07 ... could add a week for example 16:24:29 rob: such timelines apply to all deliverables 16:24:57 ... if we can get model done early then could focus on findtext and protocol 16:25:00 ivan: need to discuss 16:26:01 Topic: F2F meeting 16:27:07 ivan: have looked into possible meeting in Berlin, iAnnotate may take place in Berlin, March, early April 16:27:12 ... don't know the details 16:27:52 rob: will follow up 16:27:59 q+ 16:28:06 scribenick: azaroth 16:28:26 ack 16:28:29 ack fjh 16:28:36 fjh: Easter Monday is 28th of March, good to keep in mind 16:29:00 Ivan: so 25-28 doesn't work, and AC meeting week of the 21st 16:29:11 Rob: Beginning of April looks better 16:29:20 Ivan: Bad period for me, hopefully earlier in March 16:29:38 Rob: Earlier in March is bad for me unfortunately 16:29:55 Ivan: If it doesn't work, we'll find another place 16:30:21 Doug: Have gotten Dan to move the conference and then not having a meeting would not be great 16:30:33 Ivan: Agreed, need to look at the dates. Would be good to fix them soon 16:30:55 ... There's a planning meeting for I Annotate tomorrow 16:31:18 ... For Hypothes.is and the Berlin folks. So we should know by next week 16:32:14 ScribeNick: fjh 16:32:19 Topic: Plans for Deliverables 16:32:21 q+ 16:32:37 rob: serialization and model is solid deliverable 16:32:52 rob: should also be able to progress FindText and protocol 16:33:07 ... others could be treated as note 16:33:10 s/note/notes/ 16:33:18 ack shepazu 16:33:23 ... progress on them could feed into new charter and continued work 16:34:01 doug: getting to CR is not good enough, need to make sure of impleme tations 16:34:15 s/impleme tations/implementations/ 16:34:38 q+ 16:34:50 ack fjh 16:34:57 scribenick: azaroth 16:35:04 fjh: CR period is going to be longer than required 16:35:14 ... could be much longer, so need to be realistic about the timeline 16:35:18 +1 to Frederick 16:35:32 ... maybe the model will go through easily. Less convinced about findtext. 16:35:42 ... Same applies to protocol 16:35:56 Doug: I'd argue that the model has the same problems 16:36:16 q+ 16:36:28 ... As far as I understand the goal is to get significant deployment among widely used implementations. Nice but not required to have browsers 16:36:34 fjh: we can expect longer CR than minimum to enable implementations etc, so I think we will run out of charter time 16:36:38 ... WIthout that it doesn't matter how quickly we get to CR 16:36:46 fjh: need to be realistic what we communicate 16:36:53 s/what/about what/ 16:36:54 scribenick: fjh 16:37:19 doug: need to get commercial implementations, going beyond open source, may go into next year 16:37:58 uskudarli has joined #annotation 16:38:08 doug: need to include others like hypothes.is in conversation re timeline 16:38:10 +1 16:38:21 rob: doug can you help with this 16:38:48 doug: yes, will continue what i am doing, need contact for digo 16:38:49 ... need up to date list of implementations 16:38:51 q+ 16:38:53 q+ 16:38:53 shepazu: https://docs.google.com/a/hypothes.is/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am32b0H2bOCCdFgwRDh6UVIxVzI4ajdadEJVTEZkX0E#gid=0 16:39:12 ack ivan 16:39:19 doug: need to be able to make case to director that we have right implementers 16:40:10 Is Hypothes.is committed to implement the specs at this point? 16:40:27 ivan: number of publishers and IDPF want to update to using WebAnnotation, so those can add to implementations 16:40:31 q+ to note 3+ CH implementations 16:40:36 ack davis_salisbury 16:40:41 ... agree with concern of protocol and findText 16:41:12 davis_salisbury: starting to work on prototype at Wiley, will keep you informed 16:41:38 ack fjh 16:41:38 ... based on peer review 16:41:45 scribenick: azaroth 16:41:52 fjh: Do you have any idea of timing? 16:42:02 davis_salisbury: I think we'll have something to see by spring 16:42:18 ... we have people collaborating with us on the development but based around a much larger project around journal workflow 16:42:25 ... a piece of it, so might get tricky 16:42:33 ... annotation is deemed to be a very important part of the workflow 16:43:08 fjh: Went through the Hypothes.is spreadsheet and there's lots that are dead or gone. Some are still relevant. Need to make a list of people who are active 16:43:14 q? 16:43:16 ack azaroth 16:43:16 azaroth, you wanted to note 3+ CH implementations 16:44:05 rob: many implementations in culteral heritage domain, looking to move Web Annotation, model reflects many of their requirements 16:44:17 s/culteral/cultural/ 16:44:25 doug: can you please list those 16:44:27 rob: yes 16:45:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:45:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/06-annotation-minutes.html ivan 16:46:13 trackbot, end telcon 16:46:13 Zakim, list attendees 16:46:13 As of this point the attendees have been Ivan, Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sandersion, Rob_Sanderson, Tim_Cole, Benjamin_Young, Jacob_Jett, shepazu, davis_salisbury, Paolo_Ciccarese 16:46:21 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:46:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/06-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 16:46:22 RRSAgent, bye 16:46:22 I see no action items