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From Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
FoI-P | FeatureOfInterest | equivalent to sosa:FeatureOfInterest | DONE | |
FoI-P | Property | equivalent to ssn:Property | DONE | |
FoI-P | hasProperty | equivalent to ssn:hasProperty | DONE | https://github.com/w3c/sdw/pull/679 - https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Link_between_FeatureOfInterest_and_xxxProperty |
FoI-P | isPropertyOf | equivalent to ssn:isPropertyOf | DONE | https://github.com/w3c/sdw/pull/679 - https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Link_between_FeatureOfInterest_and_xxxProperty |
FoI-P | - | sosa:ObservableProperty | DONE | |
FoI-P | - | sosa:ActuatableProperty | DONE | |
Sample | - | sosa:Sample | DONE | |
Sample | - | sosa:hasSample | DONE | |
Sample | - | sosa:isSampleOf | DONE | |
Platform | Platform | equivalent to sosa:Platform | DONE | |
Platform | attachedSystem | equivalent to sosa:hosts | DONE | |
Platform | onPlatform | equivalent to sosa:isHostedBy | DONE | |
Procedures | Process | equivalent to sosa:Procedure | DONE | |
Procedures | Sensing | deprecated, subclass of sosa:Procedure | DONE | |
Procedures | hasInput | equivalent to ssn:hasInput | DONE | |
Procedures | Input | equivalent to ssn:Input | DONE | |
Procedures | hasOutput | equivalent to ssn:hasOutput | DONE | |
Procedures | Output | equivalent to ssn:Output | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutors | implements | equivalent to ssn:implements | DONE | sosa.ttl uses term implements but does not define the term |
ProcedureExecutors | implementedBy | equivalent to ssn:implementedBy | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutors-Sensor | Sensor | equivalent to sosa:Sensor | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutors-Sensor | observes | equivalent to sosa:observes | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutors-Sensor | - | sosa:isObservedBy | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutors-Actuator | - | sosa:Actuator | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | ? | OPEN | Parallel to sosa:observes for actuators ? -->use ssn:forProperty |
ProcedureExecutions | - | ? | OPEN | Parallel to sosa:isObservedBy for actuators ? |
ProcedureExecutors-Sampler | - | sosa:Sampler | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | sensingMethodUsed | equivalent to sosa:usedProcedure | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | featureOfInterest | equivalent to sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | Observation | equivalent to sosa:Observation | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | madeObservation | equivalent to sosa:madeObservation | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | observedBy | equivalent to sosa:madeBySensor | DONE | not parallel with madeObservation, and actuationMadeBy. |
ProcedureExecutions | observedProperty | equivalent to sosa:observedProperty | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:Actuation | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:madeActuation | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:actuationMadeBy | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:actsOnProperty | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:isActedOnBy | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:Sampling | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:madeSampling | DONE | |
ProcedureExecutions | - | sosa:madeBySampler | DONE | |
Stimulus | Stimulus | equivalent to ssn:Stimulus | DONE | |
Stimulus | SensorInput | equivalent to ssn:Stimulus | DONE | |
Stimulus | - | ssn:wasOriginatedBy | DONE | Observation to Stimulus |
Stimulus | detects | equivalent to ssn:detects | DONE | Sensor to Stimulus |
Stimulus | isProxyFor | equivalent to ssn:isProxyFor | DONE | Stimulus to Property |
Result | ObservationValue | subclass of sosa:Result | DONE | |
Result | SensorOutput | subclass of sosa:Result | DONE | |
Result | hasValue | equivalent to sosa:hasResult | DONE | |
Result | isProducedBy | equivalent to sosa:isResultOf | DONE | |
Result | - | sosa:hasSimpleResult | DONE | |
Result | - | sosa:hasResultingSample | DONE | |
Result | - | sosa:isSamplingResultOf | DONE | |
Result | observationResult | equivalent to sosa:hasResult | DONE | |
Result | observationResultTime | rdfs:seeAlso sosa:resultTime | DONE | |
Result | observationSamplingTime | equivalent to sosa:phenomenonTime | DONE | |
Result | qualityOfObservation | equivalent to ssn:qualityOfObservation | DONE | |
Time | startTime | deprecated | DONE | |
Time | endTime | deprecated | DONE | |
System | System | equivalent to ssn:System | DONE | |
System | hasSubSystem | equivalent to ssn:hasSubSystem | DONE | |
System | Device | deprecated, subclassOf sosa:Platform, and of ssn:System | DONE | |
System | SensingDevice | deprecated, old SensingDevice is already entailed to be a subclass of sosa:Sensor, ssn:System and sosa:Platform | DONE | |
Deployment | DeploymentRelatedProcess | deprecated, not used | DONE | |
Deployment | deploymentProcessPart | deprecated, not used | DONE | |
Deployment | Deployment | equivalent to ssn:Deployment | DONE | |
Deployment | deployedOnPlatform | equivalent to ssn:deployedOnPlatform | DONE | |
Deployment | deployedSystem | equivalent to ssn:deployedSystem | DONE | |
Deployment | hasDeployment | equivalent to ssn:hasDeployment | DONE | |
Deployment | inDeployment | equivalent to ssn:inDeployment | DONE | |
forProperty ofFeature inCondition | forProperty | equivalent to ssn:forProperty | DONE | |
forProperty ofFeature inCondition | ofFeature | deprecated, not used | DONE | |
forProperty ofFeature inCondition | inCondition | equivalent to ssn:inCondition | DONE | |
forProperty ofFeature inCondition | Condition | equivalent to ssn:Condition | DONE | |
MeasuringCapability | hasMeasurementCapability | subproperty of ssn:hasSystemCapability | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | MeasurementCapability | subclass of ssn:SystemCapability | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | hasMeasurementProperty | subproperty of ssn:hasSystemProperty | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | MeasurementProperty | subclass of ssn:SystemProperty | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | MeasurementRange | equivalent to ssn:MeasurementRange | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | - | ssn:ActuationRange | DONE | new: The range of quality values that can be the result of an actuation under the defined conditions with the defined system properties. If no conditions are specified or the conditions do not specify a range for the actuated qualities, the actuation range is to be taken as the condition for the actuatable qualities. |
MeasuringCapability | Accuracy | subclass of ssn:Accuracy | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | DetectionLimit | subclass of ssn:DetectionLimit | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | Drift | subclass of ssn:Drift | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | Frequency | subclass of ssn:Frequency | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | Latency | subclass of ssn:Latency | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | Precision | equivalent class of ssn:Precision | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | Resolution | subclass of ssn:Resolution | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | - | ssn:Repeatability | DONE | new: The closeness of agreement between replicate actuations for an unchanged or similar command: i.e., a measure of an actuator's ability to consistently reproduce an actuation. |
MeasuringCapability | ResponseTime | subclass of ssn:ResponseTime | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | Selectivity | subclass of ssn:Selectivity | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
MeasuringCapability | Sensitivity | equivalent to ssn:Sensitivity | DONE | See https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Measurement_and_Operating_properties_for_actuators |
OperatingRange | hasOperatingRange | equivalent to ssn:hasOperatingRange | DONE | See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2017Mar/0233.html |
OperatingRange | OperatingRange | equivalent to ssn:OperatingRange | DONE | See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2017Mar/0233.html |
OperatingRange | hasOperatingProperty | equivalent to ssn:hasOperatingProperty | DONE | See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2017Mar/0233.html |
OperatingRange | OperatingProperty | equivalent to ssn:OperatingProperty | DONE | |
OperatingRange | MaintenanceSchedule | equivalent to ssn:MaintenanceSchedule | DONE | |
OperatingRange | OperatingPowerRange | equivalent to ssn:OperatingPowerRange | DONE | |
SurvivalRange | hasSurvivalRange | equivalent to ssn:hasSurvivalRange | DONE | See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2017Mar/0233.html |
SurvivalRange | SurvivalRange | equivalent to ssn:SurvivalRange | DONE | |
SurvivalRange | hasSurvivalProperty | equivalent to ssn:hasSurvivalProperty | DONE | See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2017Mar/0233.html |
SurvivalRange | SurvivalProperty | equivalent to ssn:SurvivalProperty | DONE | |
SurvivalRange | SystemLifetime | equivalent to ssn:SystemLifetime | DONE | |
SurvivalRange | BatteryLifetime | equivalent to ssn:BatteryLifetime | DONE | |
? | SensorDataSheet | deprecated, not used | DONE |