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Implicit Implementations entailed by Axioms

From Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
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This page lists the axioms provided in SOSA and SSN that will guide the RDFS/OWL reasoners to infer the implicit class or property assertions without having to explicitly generate the corresponding RDF triples. The means it there is an implementation evidence of a class or a property is given, the implementation evidence of inferred classes or properties are provided via entailment regimes given by the RDFS/OWL reasoners supported.

SubClassOf, SubPropertyOf and InverseOf Axioms

The SubClassOf, SubPropertyOf and InverseOf axioms are simplest form that can be easily inferred by RDFS/RDFS++. Following are the Classes and properties can be inferred from such axioms.

Entailed Classes Classes to be instantiated Note
sosa:FeatureOfInterest sosa:Sample
ssn:Property sosa:ActuableProperty or sosa:ObservableProperty
ssn:Result sosa:Sample
ssn:System sosa:Actuator or sosa:Sampler or sosa:Sensor

Entailed Properties Properties to be asserted Note
ssn:forProperty sosa:observes subPropertyOf
sosa:actsonProperty sosa:isActedOnBy inverseOf
ssn:inDeployment ssn:deployedOnPlatform inverseOf
ssn:hasDeployment ssn:deployedSystem inverseOf
sosa:observes sosa:isObservedBy inverseOf
ssn:hasFeatureofInterest sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf inverseOf
ssn:hasProperty ssn:isPropertyOf inverseOf
sosa:hasResult sosa:isResultOf inverseOf
sosa:hasSample sosa:isSampleOf inverseOf
sosa:hosts sosa:isHostedBy inverseOf
ssn:implements ssn:isImplementedBy inverseOf
sosa:madeActuation sosa:madeByActuator inverseOf
sosa:madeSampling sosa:madeBySampler inverseOf
sosa:madeObservation sosa:madeBySensor inverseOf

More Complicated axiom sets

In some other cases, a class or property can be inferred from a set of axioms. For instance, following property can be inferred by property chains

Entailed Properties Properties to be asserted Note
sosa:hosts owl:propertyChainAxiom ( ssn:inDeployment ssn:deployedSystem )
sosa:usedProcedure owl:propertyChainAxiom ( sosa:madeBySensor ssn:implements )


 owl:propertyChainAxiom ( sosa:madeByActuator ssn:implements ) 


 owl:propertyChainAxiom ( sosa:madeBySampler ssn:implements ) ||

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