ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it.

Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it.

Clemens Portele
Due on:
November 18, 2015
Created on:
November 11, 2015
Related emails:
  1. [Minutes] 2016-03-30 (from on 2016-03-30)
  2. [Minutes] 2015-12-19 (from on 2015-12-10)
  3. SDW meeting this week (from on 2015-12-08)
  4. [minutes] 2015-11-25 (from on 2015-12-02)
  5. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-26)
  6. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  7. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  8. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  9. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  10. RE: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  11. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  12. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  13. RE: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  14. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  15. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  16. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  17. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  18. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  19. RE: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  20. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  21. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  22. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  23. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  24. Re: ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  25. ACTION-98: Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it (from on 2015-11-25)
  26. Re: [SDWWG] SDW Next Meeting (from on 2015-11-18)
  27. Re: [SDWWG] SDW Next Meeting (from on 2015-11-18)
  28. Re: [SDWWG] SDW Next Meeting (from on 2015-11-18)
  29. [Minutes] 2015-11-11 (from on 2015-11-11)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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